March _2021

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March 2021

“A special word to Karshdee:

Ode to Karshdee: “This month is yours, great queen. How I miss you. We know you are still queen, and again you rise like the phoenix. Welcome sister to your divine rule with father looking on. Eternity beckons. We have great need of you on the frontier. Hail!” – IMMICHAEL (Channeled by Mike)

This Month’s Podcasts:

About Those Earthquakes-Bunkers in NZ

This video proves what we have been saying about the ancient beings who once lived on Earth. A race of dwarves lived in Tennessee and their bones and burial site in the mountains proves they were here once.
Aya Talks About Upcoming Changes – How the Anunnaki Will be Blamed for Everything

Matilda Talks about Relationships with Spirits and Vaccines
What’s Going On Underneath The Earth & Multiple Messages Going Out To The People
Zoey Says Hello
Signs-Happening-Harvest-Plasma-The Galactic Federation
Why do Christians just blindly follow the deception from those trained to deceive them?

Aya Talks About the Divine Courts
In-Depth Conversation About The Judges- Divine Judgement and Awards- Humanity Into The Future
Once You See This Planet For What It Is
Matilda Opens The Discussion Today
A Family Discussion About What We Understand is Happening on Planet Earth Today
Gatheon Talks About The Dark Angel Corp. They Are Here On Earth Now
New Revelations About Washington DC and their Dark Magic. 03-16-21 Please find more information about the Dark Sun Cities at this link: and the GAB GROUP LINK:
Washington DC is laid out in the shape of an Owl. The Capitol Building was built where the Throat 3rd Chakra would be. The 3rd Chakra is a very important one to those who practice the dark arts because it allows these beings to control others in thought. They can also use their personal power for self gratification purposes in order to fool the public. Isn’t this exactly what they have been doing?
Communication-Spiritual Experiences- Father’s Avatar 03-17-21
Another Father – Daughter Conversation With Papa Gatheon 03-18-21
Sometimes We Just Sit Around and Chat With Stephen, Vlad and Others 03-18-21
Space Corps-Liberation Fleet 03-19-21
About All Those Earthquakes-03-20-21
Galactic Federation Recognizes The Fae As A Species 03-22-21
How the Reptilian Mind Inflicts Pain on Humanity 03-23-21
What Happened To Our Cat Zoey? 03-27-21
Firstly the Spelling is wrong…Aya’s name isn’t Shem-esh it’s Arn-esh. Aya is a faithful son of the Creator of All because not all Anunnaki are bad, as Earth teachings claim. Aya is also a King in his quadrant of space and has been for over 100,000 years. Aya has also lived multiple lives as a Human on Earth and why he holds the title Mortal. He mostly lived among the tribal people because that’s where he felt more at home and confirmed to me, many tribal teachings came from Star People like him. Aya is one of humanities champions for freedom against the Reptilians and notice how he is also called the SHINING ONE- Prince of Justice.
TAT (Elder Oceanic) looks almost identical to this being in the video. The Oceanics are real and this being reminds us of the first time TAT showed herself to Victoria. She had flashing lights all around her and had shapeshifted into this amazingly beautiful Jellyfish.

Ancient Spirituality, Extraterrestrial Life, Cover Ups, Current Events