About The Anunnaki

Not All Anunnaki Want To See The Demise Of Our Species

Written by Victoria (Airadeel)

** I have always said if you want to learn the truth about something, listen to the words someone speaks and then decide if it makes sense to you. Does the information have real value, is it easy to understand or is it just more of the same propaganda with a small twist? If your heart is filled with righteousness and a desire to learn, the words will give you good information and will teach you to trust your inner self more. 

NOT ALL ANUNNAKI ARE EVIL no matter what the False Prophets will say. The fact is none of these people actually speak directly to the Anunnaki as I do. The entities these False Prophets claim to listen to actually dislike the Anunnaki and so darkened beings, use gullible people who still believe in all the ancient rhetoric to continue the lie. For just as there are bad Anunnaki, there are also bad humans. Unfortunately human beings are well known for their deception too, so in this critical time False Prophets claiming to speak to The Creator of All are a dime a dozen. Learn to trust your instincts more, that’s why you were gifted a 3rd eye, so use it more for discernment. 

Most people get the bad part concerning the Anunnaki but what about the good side of these highly intelligent beings? You might be surprised to learn there are some Anunnaki who want to see our species evolve into the 5th Dimension. Are you surprised to hear that? Read on because I am about to explain. 

Yes it’s true our history books are filled with evils of the Anunnaki and the Elohim, most of which is simply not true. About 30% to 40% of what humanity knows about these beings is the truth and the rest has been inverted.

The Anunnaki is now led by a Council of 7 Females and this happened over 200,000 years ago. These females take into consideration other planets under their rule and most Anunnaki abide by their decisions. The darkened ones who broke away from their brothers and sisters, didn’t want to be under female rulership or follow the Council’s decisions. They also did not keep their covenant with The Creator of All. 

Darker Anunnaki still believe in male rulership on this planet and why they want total control of humanity through religion and politics. The dark Anunnaki are the ones we constantly hear about on Earth but there are others who have always kept their word to The Creator of All. These Anunnaki along with other species like the Lyrans, are part of the Guardians of Light. Those beings serve The Creator of All and they carry out his orders. 

When the female Anunnaki took over rulership, trade improved and the way children were raised on other planets was one of their major concerns. The Anunnaki Council forbids the harming of any child’s growing experience, sexual molestation, or eating and drinking of children’s blood.  Now you see why the darkened Annunaki do not want their brethren to come to Earth and fix these problems. The Reptilians use our children as a food source along with some of the human hybrids.  The destruction of any child’s innocence was expressly forbidden and it was the Reptilians who broke their Covenant with The Creator of All. They were permitted to live on Earth under certain conditions only and as you can see from the state of our world, they broke their promise. 

Most of the inverted information you have read was placed into our history by the Reptilians and darkened Anunnaki, which also includes the Bible and The Windfathers call it the black book of souls. This book along with others were purposely created to confuse your mind and to turn you against anything that represented harmony and peace.

The Creator of All As I Know Him To Be… I personally call him Great Father or Great Grandfather. 

The Creator of All is not what most humans perceive him to be from the bible and this confusion was also done on purpose so when you heard the truth, your mind would automatically dismiss what someone else told you. Our human existence isn’t actually what most people perceive it to be either but most will never believe the actual truth because it will be too hard for them to fathom. However for those of you who see and think differently, the Universe is opening up to you. 

Now you might be asking why the darkened Anunnaki would tell lies about their own species? Have you ever the saying…Truth is stranger than fiction? The darkened ones went against the Anunnaki who voted to live another way by choosing the Council of 7 females.  So in order to have all humans hate the Anunnaki, the darkened ones needed a lie to cover their bases. Female Anunnaki make better leaders than the males because they carry the energy of Creation. 

Prime examples of changes the darkened ones made…ancient Egyptian symbols inverted to make people afraid to believe in anything other than what some archaeologist said it was. The truth is the transliteration of words, symbols and meanings have changed over centuries, so how can anyone believe what we were led to believe is the actual truth? 

  • The eye of Horus: was originally a symbol of prosperity and peace and now it’s seen as a symbol of the Illuminati and evil.
  • The symbol of the pyramid: was a symbol that represented healing, worship to The Creator Of all and energy. Now it belongs to the evil ladder one climbs in the Illuminati and Satanic Cults.
  • The swastika: was a symbol people placed over the door of their homes to welcome their guests. It represented goodwill and now its seen as the evil symbol of the Nazi’s. Most people now look at the Swastika and are immediately horrified.   
  • The symbol which represents infinity: was a symbol all ancient cultures used to represent their oneness within the Universe. Now it’s looked upon as something that represents evil science and cultist behavior.
  • The CIRCLE: is one of the Creator of All’s symbols – Michelangelo drew a perfect circle, in front of the Pope of the Roman Empire once. This was around the time he was being commanded to paint the ceiling in the Sistine chapel. The pope asked about Angelo’s idea of God, so he drew a circle.

ALL of these above mentioned symbols should mean what to you? Each one of them became evil inversions of the truth as the lie became the truth instead. The darkened ones manipulated your mind, so humanity would be afraid to use these symbols. Originally  many of these symbols were connected to The Great Creator of All and that’s something most people are not aware of. 

Notice how ancient sculptures of the Anunnaki show them holding a circle? Only members of the royal family were given this symbol and it represented their connection to Creator of All and their divine right to rule the Universe. What most humans will have a hard time understanding, the Annunaki were given the right to create by the Creator of All. They were some of his first born children and were also given the right to create different species. Part of their promise to the Creator, was they had to take care of the species they created and because they neglected humanity, the time of holding those responsible has come. The Creator of All is now demanding the Anunnaki keep their promise and take care of Earth and the children they created here. It is the darker Annunaki who are still trying to keep humanity as their slaves but many of their brethren do not agree with this decision anymore.

About All That Energy

Pyramid Energy connects to the heavens above us, which allows the Creator to bless the lands around the Pyramids. Why do you think there are so many different pyramids seen all over the Earth? They were not originally built for Serpent worship which is just another inversion of truth, however the serpent was once seen as a symbol of wisdom but has now become a representation of fear.

Please remember human beings also have 3 eyes. We use 2 eyes to see in this 3rd dimension and 1 to see into others. When your 3 eyes are working together in unison, this energy forms a perfect pyramid of spiritual power. That’s what the dark ones fear the most…humanity using their eyes properly and removing them from this planet. 

The pyramids were built so the lands could remain fertile, human and alien species could be cured of illnesses. The energy from the pyramid was also used for communications, lighting and warmth and not to house dead bodies. 

The truth is, if it wasn’t for the Annunaki, humans would have no agriculture, architecture, math, astronomy and other technological tools we use every day in our lives. Saying that all Anunnaki are evil, only shows how ignorant and biased our species has become with all the false doctrine on this planet. 

Leonardo da Vinci once said “Blinding ignorance does mislead us. O! Wretched mortals, open your eyes!”

The 3 Different Annunaki Factions Throughout The Universe Today

There are now 3 different factions of Anunnaki and most people are not even aware of this fact.  Times change and so have many Anunnaki over the many centuries. The 3 factions of Anunnaki that exist are The Guardians of Light, The Trader King and Queens and the Darkened Ones. Each faction represents what they think about the Universe in its current state and their relationship with other beings. Our friend Aya is an Annunaki King who is part of the The Guardians of Light but he also trades and oversees his quadrant of space too. His daughter Elizabeth is one of the females who sits on the Annunaki Council of 7 and she is a beautiful representation of light and goodness. 

  • The Guardians of Light: believe that humanity should no longer be enslaved but rather be allowed to enter into the 5th dimension and join with the Galactic Council. This will apply to humans who have come to a certain understanding and knowledge within the Universe. In the 5th dimension, there will be no more Bible, Koran, Religion, Politics, War, Historical lies and of course False Prophets. When control is taken away, it doesn’t matter what species you are because all beings will work together for the betterment of their planet. If a human cannot agree with these rules, they will not be allowed to enter until they can let go off all the indoctrination and false reality we currently live in.
  • The Traders (Kings and Queens): believe in commerce and trade within the Universe. They mostly take a neutral stance on the events happening on  Earth. Their main concern is their quadrant of space and making sure it continues to have good trade relations with other species. These Anunnaki say they love the Creator of All and many times they remain silent about events they know broke the Covenant on Earth.

Many of the Traders also believe what happened nearly a billion years ago with the Royal Family doesn’t apply to their way of living anymore. They turn a blind eye to certain events which has also become unacceptable in the eyes of The Great Creator of All. 

So you see things have changed within the Annunaki and the last 200,000 years have been very different for them. Most Annunaki are part of the Galactic Council and therefore abide by rules set up, such as peaceful communication and trade throughout the Universe. 

  • The Darken Ones: their argument is because the Anunnaki were given divine rulership over other beings throughout the Universe, they should be allowed to continue to manipulate the human gene pool and keep us as slaves. They want to continue rulership on this planet in the same manner they always have. Marduk has made it very clear he wants Earth and the Vatican Throne. He wants to be the ultimate King of this planet.  The darkened one’s control many things like the Reptilians. They have changed timelines and historical records to cover up many truths about Earth and it was done to keep humanity as slaves to feed off. 

These beings do not want humanity to know how amazing a species we are. Humans contain the Divine Spark within just as the Anunnaki do and they fear of the day, we join our power together and use our energy against them. 

Someone once said to me:

How can all loving creator allow this horror to continue on Earth?

  1. First of all, it’s pure arrogance to assume we as humans know the Creators heart and wishes. It is ignorance to also assume we are the only species in a vast Universe filled with planets and dimensions, that we can’t even count how many there are.
  2. Put yourself in the shoes of the Creator, would you throw your son or daughters out into the street just because they did something that upset you? Instead a loving caring parent would give their child the opportunity to redeem themselves and change their ways. That’s exactly how the Creator of All thinks about his dark children too. 

I asked once about the death and destruction on earth. We talked about dark beings and their purpose throughout the Universe. Believe it or not dark beings actually help in the creation of new planets throughout the darker regions of space. 

The Creator answered my question with one of his own about his dark children. He said “Should I wipe out all my rebellious children for the sake of one species or should I try and redeem them first?” Airadeel, there is no light without the dark and to destroy these beings would literally undo the very fabric of time. You would cease to exist. So you see folks, everything is connected throughout the Universe even if you don’t agree with it.

The Creator is a GOD OF LOVE and that means he loves his darker children too. Free Will is the method by which The Creator operates on. All he ever asked from us was that we trust in his decisions and not that of our own understanding.

If you were The Creator Of All who made species of light and darkness, would you kill your own children just because you didn’t agree with their behavior? Seriously would you because the Creator sees them ALL as redeemable too. It is by the will of The Creator alone who makes that decision and not humanity.

In actual fact it’s been human beings who constantly fight with each other over false love, thoughts governments and beliefs. We have allowed our arrogance to blind us from the truth of who we are too. Humans have shown themselves to be easily controlled and given a misguided belief of superiority among other species. What humanity was taught were lies to keep us at the lowest vibrational energy possible.

Our friend Aya has been trying to warn humanity about the plan the Reptilians have for this planet and his interviews are very eye opening and truthful. Hear our podcasts from Arneesh (Anunnaki King) below: 

The Sun is Dying

Coming Attractions For Earth

The Soul Catcher

Is The Earth Flat?

Zero Point Energy & The Rapture

Protect Your DNA And Cloning

Interview with Aya Part 2

Interview With Aya Part 1


A message from the Anunnaki – MANKIND IN AMNESIA 

(Flying Saucer Review Magazine © November-December 1958)

Son of the Sun By Alexander Blade

“We are already here, among you. Some of us have always been here, with you, yet apart from, watching, and occasionally guiding you whenever the opportunity arose. Now, however, our numbers have been increased in preparation for a further step in the development of your planet: a step of which you are not yet aware… We have been confused with the gods of many world-religions, although we are not gods, but your fellow creatures, as you will learn directly before many more years have passed. You will find records of our presence in the mysterious symbols of ancient Egypt, where we made ourselves known in order to accomplish certain ends. Our principal symbol appears in the religious art of your present civilization and occupies a position of importance upon the great seal of your country. (The United States of America) It has been preserved in certain secret societies founded originally to keep alive the knowledge of our existence and our intentions toward mankind.”

“We have left you certain landmarks, placed carefully in different parts of the globe, but most prominently in Egypt where we established our headquarters upon the occasion of our last overt, or, as you would say, public appearance. At that time the foundations of your present civilization were ‘laid in the earth’ and the most ancient of your known landmarks established by means that would appear as miraculous to you now as they did to the pre-Egyptians, so many thousands of years ago. Since that time the whole art of building, in stone, has become symbolic, to many of you, of the work in hand—the building of the human race towards its perfection.”

“Your ancestors knew us in those days as preceptors and as friends. Now, through your own efforts, you have almost reached, in your majority, a new step on the long ladder of your liberation. You have been constantly aided by our watchful ‘inspiration’, and hindered only by the difficulties natural to your processes of physical and moral development…”

“You have lately achieved the means of destroying yourselves. Do not be hasty in your self-congratulation. Yours is not the first civilization to have achieved—and used—such means. Yours will not be the first civilization to be offered the means of preventing that destruction and proceeding, in the full glory of its accumulated knowledge, to establish an era of enlightenment upon the earth.”

“However, if you do accept the means offered you, and if you establish such a ‘millennium’ upon the basis of your present accomplishments, yours will be the first civilization to do so.

In a sense they succeeded, but in another sense their failure equaled their success. Human acceptance is, to a very large extent, measurable by human experience. Succeeding generations, who never knew our actual presence, translated the teachings of their elders in the terms of their own experience. For instance, a cross-sectional drawing, much simplified and stylized by many copyings, of one of our traveling machines became the ‘Eye of Horus”, and then other eyes of other gods. Finally, the ancient symbol that was once an accurate representation of an important mechanical device has been given surprising connotations by the modern priesthood of psychology.”

“The important fact is, however, that we are here, among you, and that you, as a world-race, will know it before very much longer! The time is almost ripe but, as with all ripening things, the process may not be hurried artificially without danger of damaging the fruit. There is a right time for every action, and the right time for our revelation of ourselves to your era is approaching.”

“Some of you have seen our ‘advanced guard’ already. You have met us often in the streets of your cities, and you have not noticed us. But when we flash through your skies in the ancient traditional vehicles you are amazed, and those of you who open your mouths and tell of what you have seen are accounted dupes and fools. Actually you are prophets, seers in the true sense of the word. You in Kansas and Oklahoma, you in Oregon and in California, and Idaho, you know what you have seen: do not be dismayed by meteorologists. Their business is the weather. One of you says, ‘I saw a torpedo-shaped object’. Others report, ‘disc-like objects’, some of you say ‘spherical objects’, or ‘platter-like objects’. You are all reporting correctly and accurately what you saw, and in most cases you are describing the same sort of vehicle.”

“… Now that the art of manufacturing plastic materials has reached a certain perfection among you, perhaps you can imagine a material, almost transparent to the rays of ordinary visible light, yet strong enough to endure the stresses of extremely rapid flight. Look again at the great nebulae, and think of the construction of your own galaxy, and behold the universal examples of what we have found to be the perfect shape for an object which is to travel through what you still fondly refer to as ‘empty’ space.”

In the center of the discus, gyroscopically controlled within a central sphere of the same transparent material, our control rooms revolve freely, accommodating themselves and us to flat or edgewise flight. Both methods are suited to your atmosphere, and when we convert abruptly from one to the other, as we are sometimes obliged to do, and you are watching, our machines seem suddenly to appear—or to disappear. At our possible speeds your eyes, untrained and unprepared for the maneuver, do make mistakes—but not the mistakes your scientists so often accuse them of making.”

“We pass over your hilltops in horizontal flight. You see and report a torpedo-shaped object. We pass over, in formation, flying vertically ‘edge-on’… Or we go over at night, jet-slits glowing, and you see an orange disc. In any event you see us, and in any event we do not care. if we chose to remain invisible, we could do so, easily, and, in fact, we have done so almost without exception for hundreds of years. But you must become accustomed to our shapes in your skies, for one day they will be familiar, friendly, and reassuring sights.”

“This time, it is to be hoped that the memory of them, passed on to your children and their children, will be clear and precise. That you will not cause them to forget, as your ancestors forgot, the meaning of the diagrams and the instructions we will leave with you. If you do fail, as other civilizations have failed, we will see your descendants wearing wiring-diagrams for simple machines as amulets, expecting the diagrams to do what their forefathers were taught the completed article would accomplish.

Then their children, forgetting even that much—or little—would preserve the amulet as a general protective device—or as an intellectual curiosity—or perhaps as a religious symbol. Such is the cycle of forgetfulness!”

– The Anunnaki

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