December 2021 MP3’s

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12-01-21 The Ancient Females Speak Yavanna -The Norns-The Crone is Not Happy.
12-01-21 Father-is-coming-down. Sam stopped by this morning to inform us.
12-01-21 The Windfathers like the music we played.
12-02-21: From The Windfathers to you today. Walk the middle path… Walk The Way… The Female Goddesses have returned and now they will protect their sister Gaia and the Crones anger will teach the Terrans how. . . be strong and Love Our Divine Creator more than ever before. Final Exams are here. Wesdoo.
12-02-21: Many things I am seeing at this time. As Yavanna combines her energy with The Norns, I see 3 females in dark cloaks with skeletal faces. Before them are streaks of light that represent each Terran timeline that exists upon Terra. They are at this time looking for those who despite their promises to Father, have not fulfilled their obligations. The Terrans are still suffering and Father has let these Ancient Females loose at this time. The Feminine Energy has been awakened with the force of the the Gods on behalf of Father.

Stay Strong and pay attention to your intuition but above all Love Father Hard because these females are enraged at the beings on Terra who will not respect Father, who hurt Terran children, those beings who pretend to be female but were born male and those dimensional entities who torment Fathers children. . .Wesdoo.
12-02-21: Alliance plans-Rod of God-Aya and Soul Mates-Chattel and DNA-Father is Everything now. The Norns Travelling The Timeline.
Like we said, One of Father’s Divine Cities is already here and it’s slowly phasing into existence as it is now bound to Terra.
12-02-21 The Divine City Above Us
12-02-21- Nesara Is Happening-At A Slow Pace
12-03-21 Spiritual Changes Happening To Us and Many Others Now With Mike
12-04-21- Another Great Deception Coming Soon. Lots of info from the Family too.
12-05-21-There are no Gods-Goddesses and No Divine Master
12-05-21-Aya Speaks About Technology-Gods-Goddesses
12-06-21 As We Watch The Videos-We See Who They Are More
12-06-21-My Girl Lizzie
12-07-21- Great video which shows you the steps from the Bible (Inverted Cabal Playbook) and Marduk’s return. Its all making sense now. MP3 coming on this subject.
12-07-21 We Are Figuring It Out Concerning The Role Marduk Will Play.
12-08-21 Little Glitches In The Matrix Are occurring more frequently now.
12-08-21-Why was there so much military activity yesterday on East Coast at this time? Maryland, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Pittsburg, Harrisburg, up to New Jersey.
12-09-21- And then there was Limbarsha
12-09-21: You Will Begin To Manifest What Is In Your DNA
12-09-21: I Want To Know Now Who I Am…But It Doesn’t Work Like That
Found inside your DNA. The Flower of life…gee imagine that. Father’s connection to your body is right there inside of you.
12-10-21- The Naked Truth With Aya.
12-10-21- No We Are NOT Racist But There Are Reasons Why The Terrans Are Being Manipulated Into Believing Why Whites Are.
12-11-21 Father spoke with me this morning and he made a decision about Terra.
Happening right now on Terra
12-12-21- Picking Up Poo Song-While Sitting On The Can By The Family
They pick the oddest times to pop in too.
12-14-21- I was communicating with a being called Tray-vel today.
Aya has now told non-terrestrials, Eternity will no longer do business with anyone who is going against the Federation of Worlds blockade on Trade negotiations with corrupt Terrans. Terrans are being sold off in the Universe as these beings harvest us. The only way to get others attention to our plight here on Terra, is to stop doing business with ALL of them.

Huge Wikileak dump…take a look while you still can

12-16-21: 10th Year Anniversary of the ASC Trade PUBLICATION for $9.97 a special only for Cutting Room Floor People First! Take a look at all the Goodies You Will Receive Too. Source:
12-16-21 Zombie Fears
12-17-21-The Saturday Meeting-The Succubi Luring People In-Med Beds-Other Updates
12-18-21- Stephen Speaks-Bathroom-Implants.mp3
12-19-21- Click on the link: I can see Father has demanded they move NOW and not in another 5 years. Everything we have been talking about for years was channeled in this video by someone from the Terran Council named Oona.
12-19-21 Two Worlds-Final Decisions-Terra-The Future.
12-20-21 Authority Will Be Given To Provinces-Not States or Countries Anymore
12-20-21 Why People Like Shawn James Will Survive. Website:
12-20-21: The MARK placed on my Left Thigh was a Hexagon with 6 tails from it. The Hexagon is Father’s and it was the Cabal who made it dark. All dark magic on Terra is now being undone.
The Hexagon is one of our Divine Fathers signature patterns and it was the dark ones who stole it and inverted it on Terra. This was the mark left on my left thigh.
This is the avatar image of our Divine Creator that I speak with all the time. Father looks like an elderly 18th Century man with white hair in a white suit with a beautiful pin placed at the neck of his shirt. He walks with a cane and has the brightest blue eyes. This is the being I speak with and its also the being many of the Family know in the 4th dimension too.
12-22-21: Here is the FREE pdf download location for the ASC Trade Publication for December, 2021 Edition 27 – 94th Edition Total

12-22-21: Our Anchor Podcast uploaded today on the December 2021 ASC Trade Publication- You can hear it here:

Date of Patent 1985…now imagine how many Androids and Humanoid Bots there are on this planet since 1985 because there is only 28% of the population left who can say they belong to the human genome.
12-23-21-My-Sister-Is-A-Spider. Is That Just-A-Myth? What is Myth Anyway?
12-24-21 Post on Telegram
12-24-21 They Plan Everything-One Life To The Next.
12-24-21 Guided Meditation With Stephen
12-25-21: The lie continues on Christmas Day.
We have an Anchor Channel where we occasionally upload recordings. This is Stephen’s Meditation.
We Put Stephens Meditation on Video. Funny enough it works.
12-26-21-Solar Winds-Why Its So Windy
I asked Aya if this image was close to how he looks and he said YES I can see many similarities.
12-27-21 Getting A Grip On Dimensions
12-28-21 What you will become…
12-28-21 What You Will Become in Flesh and Spirit
12-29-2021: 10 years ago we put this video together because Jacqueline Alcot ( Elcotis) was the name I used to write children’s stories about Fairies. I am going to put a recording together about this video because I’ve had some recent memories related to the Fae and I now remember Lady Stardust who I wrote about 10 years ago. Mike is also going through massive memory downloads too…its been an interesting few days in this household.
The Anunnaki Sky Command Symbol.
12-29-21- Now They Tell You Of Their Lineage
12-29-21- Its Been A Rough Few Days. Feelings Predictions, New Memories, Atlantean Memories. The Energy is Pulsing and pushing forth change.
12-29-21-Hello From Our Friend RaEL-It’s Coming Sooner Than You Know
12-30-21: This is NOT HARRP it’s powerful beings walking in the clouds. It’s the Anunnaki and they can walk in the clouds through the use of technology. They are preparing to come down here and are already in motion. Video in the above shot, is on Telegram and you will see a DROP POD fall out of the sky down with 4 jets suddenly chasing the pod. Telegram Channel:
12-30-21: The Anunnaki will look something like this in their Armor.
This is the 3rd Video I have seen that shows someone being attacked from their cell phone. This mans eyes were on fire. During a demonstration against the Israeli government. One of the protesters started screaming, spewing smoke from his eyes, mouth, nose and ears. His brain burned from the inside out. Surprised protesters try to put out the fire, which came from inside the zombie man’s head, with a jacket and a bottle of water. It looks like a sack that encloses with a drawstring. There is another video circulating in which two men smoke from their heads. Both men are known to have been jabbed. It seems that something inside their head was short-circuited, perhaps caused by microwaves or 5G electromagnetic radiation. What is known is that people who have received the death are subject to internal damage caused by the interaction of electromagnetic waves and heavy metals, graphene, etc. You can see this video on the Telegram Channel. Telegram:

12-31-21: Still want to use your cellphone? If you have been vaccinated stay away from your phone because just like the trees that burned from the inside out after there was a DEW in Paradise CA, the same thing can happen to your brain with Graphene Oxide.

5G testing on phones is going on right now. I have seen 2 men’s heads explode, a woman at the nail salon who had a seizure after she looked at her phone and the man above who had flames coming out of his eyes and ears. EVERYONE had a cell phone, so it’s happening. Watch the Movie CELL its free on YouTube for now.

12-31-21- Colorado Planned Fires-5G and Your Cell- Anunnaki Are Here-Enki is sick of the nonsense on Terra

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