January 2022

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01-02-22- Betty White was the Queen B of Hollywood. Many thought the passing of the Queen of England would signal the crash of the economy but there was another Queen that many did not consider and she passed away 2 days ago.

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01-03-22: This is the video from the Conversation with Rael
01-04-22 Tia knows Mike from another lifetime and she came to speak with him.
01-05-22 Something Flew Over Our House Last Night and It wasn’t a plane or Helicopter.
01-06-22 –The Last Couple of Days Around Our House
01-06-22: The Royal Pumpkin Patch and The Darker Side of Self
01-07-22-Emerging Markets On Terra With Aya
01-08-22- What To Believe On Terra. Follow Father.
01-09-22- Bits Of Information Being Are Being Released Daily.
01-10-22- Aya Assists Airadeel With Information and Updates on the Crypto Markets
01-10-22-Federation of Worlds-Galactic Federation of Planets-Do We Need Them?
01-10-22– So What Happens To The Reptilians Now? Won’t They Be Punished For Their Crimes?
01-12-22- Stephen Calls The House And Leaves This Voicemail On Our Answering System
01-12-22- A Warning From Father. He does not appreciate what others are doing to gain their own popularity at this time and especially those who are listening to our messages and pretending they got their unique information from Spirit Guides and Aliens. You may be able to fool the public for awhile, but Father is watching those doing deceitful and misleading things. Our words have been spiritually charged and therefore those who misuse them for their own desires, will have explain this behavior to the Judges when the time comes. . .
01-14-22- So called Patriots and their nonsense. Don’t forget Jesus Loves You!
01-15-22: We will talk about this in a MP3 sometime today.
Science will never tell you the truth. There are still parts of the Oceans, the Terrans know nothing about. I have been told the Movie The Abyss was based in truth and there are non-terrestrial bases in the Oceans, Terrans know very little about.
11-15-22-Tonga-Mariana Trench-Current Updates and Alien Invasion Discussions.
01-15-22- We Are Those Who Have Come To Observe The Passing Of This Time
01-16-22- Dreams We Are Having
01-18-22- Everything we have been teaching you…This Lady is also teaching in this video. Religion is actually Anti-Kryst- but fortunately The realignment mission is happening now . THIS IS A MUST LISTEN VIDEO, E’Asha Ashayana speaks about the 12 DNA strands and 12 levels of consciousness. Always remember… the 13th strand was hidden from all of then darker ones because it was YOUR direct link to our Divine Father. Link: https://www.bitchute.com/video/SezVOCsI7ZQU/

This lady also speaks on how some of the Anunnaki broke away from the darker ones who wanted to mutate Terran DNA. She explains in detail how the DNA was watered down on purpose – how the Anunnaki who have lived on Terra in human form since the time of Atlantis, were tortured, abused, their DNA and their memories sold off to other beings. This went on for many lives – and all because those Anunnaki refused to be a part of the DNA mutations and the reason being, our Divine Father NEVER sanctioned these experiments.

The person who recently contacted our family and wanted us to work with them, knew all about Airadeel’s DNA, her Anunnaki family bloodline, they also knew she was a genetic scientist and who she is dimensionally connected with. The being who spoke to us, called Airadeel a pureblood from the original bloodlines. SO THEY KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU…Never Make Any Mistake About That.
E’Asha Ashayana: https://www.arhayas.com/ You can hear more of her videos and teachings here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCS4gUd7CUXZ2Rh6qO3R6Gaw
01-18-22- Your Perception May Change
01-19-22- Acturians Can Have An Attitude Too.
01-19-22- Conversation Continued From The Acturians
01-19-22- Chattel Joins In The Conversation – Explains How Greys Are Clones
01-20-22- Eternals…There was a lot of truth in this movie and we will do a MP3 on this later today. Father called me his Sprite after this movie concluded. If you have ever heard some of our recordings, you may remember one of the Beings calling me The Fey Commander Queen.” I was the Genetic Scientist in Atlantis who helped to cure the Fae of a disease that was deliberately placed into their DNA. (hmm does that sound familiar?) The Fae call me “Alcotis” which meant Mother to them. . . hence where Faery Mother came from.
01-20-22- About The Movie Eternals and its meaning. There were 12 Seeders and they were also protectors to keep the Draco’s under control. When the seeders left, that is when the Draco’s destroyed the 5 cities of Atlantis.
01-20-22 This image is very much like the being our family knows as AYA.
01-21-22- Do you remember Karshdee saying it was in the time of Djoser her husband the Pharaoh, was when the darkness began? Karshdee was killed off by the male priests (one day I will put that story into a MP3) because of 3 different reasons. One she angered her husband, Two the Female Priestesses were far more powerful than the males at this time. Three the darker ones needed to change over from a female priesthood to a male dominated society and at the end of Djoser reign, was when this all happened. Karshdee says that was about 36,000 years ago and not 5000 as our history says.

The Galactic Federation was involved in this too and why I don’t entirely trust them. Even in the time of Kemet (Egypt) they were involved in some form. It seems they were infiltrated by beings who wanted to enslave humanity a long time ago, so how many heads of State and leaders from other planets were all involved in keeping the secrets that have happened upon Terra? The dark ones won that war and why many of the Guardians on Terra left…they were forced off. Now that Fathers Divine city has arrived, a lot of these beings will also have to answer for what they have done because our Creator is really angered over this mess.

I am also going to reread the Emerald Tablets of Thoth because according to E’Asha Ashayana he was the original being who inverted Gaia’s female energy essence on Terra. Is it any wonder we have so many problems now. You can hear her video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xyHRYL9i2KQ
01-21-22- Stargates-Portals-Atlantis-E’Asha Ashayana Teachings-Confusion.mp3
01-23-22- My Bloodline Comes From God and Jesus-Oh Boy
01-25-22: This is NOT Kabbalah if the ratios are corrected…it becomes divine energy and wisdom. Kabbalah to Kyrst Energy (Now you can see where the dark ones got the name Christ from. This was done to co-op all the Terrans spiritual knowledge.)
01-26-22- When the UFO-Spiritual Community eats their own and fractures the entire belief system because of their own Egos.
01-27-22-The Stupidity of The Vaccinated
01-28-22- What’s Going On In Pennsylvania?
01-29-22- Its Alien Tech and its time the beings on Terra began to see these devices with their eyes, instead of believing in the lies of our leaders, scientists and astronomers because those beings are all corrupt.
01-29-22- Video on the conversation with the Laythians
01-31-22- The Energy Deception Being Done In Jesus Name on Terra
As of January 28th 2022….80% of Colorado is vaccinated now. They did a great job didn’t they?
01-31-22- The Real Zombies are beginning to show up. 3 police officers follow this thing around as it searches for something. This video shot was taken in Brazil which has been undergoing massive flooding, and it’s being done to clean up some of these fleshly issues. The first mass of die offs from the Covid Vaccines came from Brazil. There was over 50,000 deaths and the relatives never got their family member body back. I believe this woman is one of those victims. Video link on Telegram.
01-31-22- DNA is mutating-Android reproduction-Zombies walking in Brazil now
I see the Revelation Playbook is in full swing now? …Watch This Video and watch the Red Star?….Revelation 8:10-12: “10 And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters; 11 And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter. 12 And the fourth angel sounded, and the third part of the sun was smitten, and the third part of the moon, and the third part of the stars; so as the third part of them was darkened, and the day shone not for a third part of it, and the night likewise.”
This movie is about remembering a past life and the love this man shared with someone in the late 1800’s. Somewhere in time was released in the 1980’s.
The CIA always knew what we were capable of, so this document goes into Astral Projection, Gateways and Intuitive Abilities. Happy Reading. https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210016-5.pdf?fbclid=IwAR0fPydf0aP0BXviCwSyyCP0q8WdDTMqS4g6T9kAILYVKv0PmuK1S6eXTWE

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