April, 2022

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04-02-22 – A Chat With Stephen A Jones
04-03-22- A supposed holy book which is owned by a baby eating, blood drinking Reptilian queen, is all you need to know about the deception called the Bible.
04-03-22- Terrans seem to think our Divine Creator was coming because Holy Books like the Bible said so. In fact, our Divine Father-Mother came back because he heard the cries from Gaia, as she begged and pleaded for help. The movie the Dark Crystal was about the Capture of Gaia and how the Reptilians and other Dark Ones encapsulated her essence into a crystal. She was forced to do their bidding as they used her to create destructive weather patterns and turmoil. Gaia is a living sentient ancient Goddess who allowed some of her essence to be placed upon Terra but once she was captured, that’s when our Terran Civilizations fell apart. Now Gaia is awakening and she is pissed…some of this worldwide flooding is because she is directing it at certain places across the planet. Watch some of our former videos for confirmation on this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=inJmlZFlYio&t=652s and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8Wuc1MUXTU&t=10s
04-03-22 Updates from Aya
Perhaps the most important questions you should ask anyone you want to associate with . . .
04-04-22- The delays and excuses continue as Terrans suffer from mismanagement, lies, corruption and BS from leaders who were supposed to deliver.
04-05-22 Updates With Aya – They are still deceiving the Terrans
04-07-22- Aya-Reptilian Rem In Service To The Divine Creator- Antarctica-Updates
04-08-22- Seen in the sky a couple of Days ago Now see the next image of what this really is.
04-08-22 – Its a Lyran Cat God who is pouring out energy upon Terra and it looks like he is surfing on some kind of device as he goes.
04-09-22- We are going to explain the blackout in the Schumann in the recording below.
04-09-22- About-The-Blackout-In-The Schumann
04-12-22-Snake Venom-Jabs-Edgar & The Savior- continuing Spiritual Battles
04-13-22- Its False Flag Season. Here we go.
The Above Conversation In Video Form.

04-14-22- The Savior has arrived? While millions may still be expecting a likeness of Jesus to show up as well. Remember what Mr. M said…I have to go play the Superman role per his agreement with our Creator. Putin may very well be him. A message from the President of Russia Vladimir Putin to all the nations of the world:

Dear citizens of our wonderful planet Earth! I, the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, decided to address all of you directly, bypassing diplomats, your rulers and journalists. In Russia, there is such a thing as “the time of surrender”, where you cannot lie, deceive and play. That’s why I’m going to be honest so everyone can check the truth of my words. Russia is a great and rich country. The main value is more than 150 peoples who live on a territory where justice is above all. We don’t need new territories.

We have plenty of energy and all other resources. Since the time of the Great Tartarian Civilization and the Great Mogul, the peoples of northern European have evolved not because of looting in the crusade wars and colonization of America, Africa, India, drug addiction in China, but thanks to their hard work and peacekeeping. Those who know Russian understand that “Russian” is an adjective for all the peoples of our country. Russian Slovenians, Russian Tatars, Russian Jews, Russian Evenka’s and so on are Russians in the soul, although their culture, language, lifestyle may differ.

We salute this diversity of unity. Once again, the Russian people of Russia are forced to sacrifice their lives, protecting the world from Nazism and fascism. We exchanged 50 of our prisoners of war for 50 Ukrainian soldiers. Ukrainian soldiers received medical assistance in our hospitals, ate three large meals a day and returned home. We received Russian soldiers with their fingers cut off and reproductive organs. Not even the Nazis did this during the last war. We will present these evidence in a future court. Shame on anyone who supports these scoundrels now. Your rulers in the United States, Europe, Japan, Australia and other countries have stood on the side of these sub-humans, who have put civilians, pregnant women and children in front of them, intentionally harming prisoners of war.

It’s hard for me to imagine a healthy, healthy person supporting these monsters. And your Biden’s, Scholars, Macron and other dark-fashioned Democrats not only protect criminals, but also actively arm them, supply them with money, which is not enough to keep prices in your countries low. Prices are rising, the world is collapsing, but not because the Russians are cleansing Europe of Nazis evil spirits, but because you don’t watch and actually support a new wave of Nazism. This time we are not going to Berlin. We will stand on our historical borders, and all the Nazis evil spirits, to whom your rulers wide open, will arrange a new “crystal” life, as the Nazis did, adding reproductive organs circumcised.

I appeal to all who want to live and work in peace, to raise children and to be friends with the nations of the world. Help Russia fight the new cancer – Ukrainian Nazism. Not Ukraine where peaceful and valuable people live, but Nazism, fed by hawks from the USA and NATO for your taxes. If your rulers support Nazism, chase them out three doors, take power into your own hands. Ukrainian Nazis protect themselves from bullets of civilians, their rulers, under the pretext of terrible Russia, also decided to transfer the burden of high prices and upcoming troubles to the population.

Both in Ukraine and in you, Nazis live well behind the backs of ordinary citizens, and ordinary people should suffer – these are identical crimes in both Ukraine and the West. If we unite, then in another week there will be no Nazis in Ukraine, normal life will return to Europe, the USA and other countries, and together we will judge Ukrainian Nazis and all the rulers who support Nazism in the new tribunal. Our goal is the right one. We will defeat the Nazism. I would like to share this win with everyone together as soon as possible. Our goal is the right one.

04-14-22- The Beautiful Things Coming
04-15-22- Yes… there are some very dark dragons in the Universe who have little respect for life, except for their own kin. BUT there are some Dragons whom our Divine Creator have turned to serve him in light. This is also one of the ways Dark Lords can be redeemed, is to swear allegiance to The Creator and become Dragons in service to make up for their dark deeds. These beings are known as the Blue Flame Dragons and their job is to go into the darker regions of space and help their Kin turn back toward the light. So who better than a wise and loving dragon in service to our Creator, to take on this great responsibility? This image is a representation of my good friend Mortimus and he is a Blue Flame Dragon who serves our Divine Creator. Did you ever watch that movie Dragonheart?… well Moritmus is very much the same way.
04-15-22- Aya The Annunaki and Bets Placed Upon The Terrans
04-15-22- The Aya Conversation-Part 2 – 4th Dimensional Beings Healing
04-16-22- Non-Terrestrials-Conversation with Aya On Upcoming Changes By the way the Harry I was referring to in this MP3 was Harry Laughlin. A complete scumbag: https://blog.lifedynamics.com/margaret-sanger-official-influenced-nazis/
04-17-22- The Moon Moving By Itself While Dark Pyramids Show Up Underneath
04-17-22- A video from Part 2 of our Conversation with Aya.
04-19-22- This is a graphic image of what Ryan and I saw in the sky around 9pm in the Southern Colorado Mountains. The moon had rays of lights coming out of it. There were 3 moons which we have said exist anyway. One of the black pyramids was larger than the other, with the tips almost touching the moon. Pink Floyds Dark side of the Moon Album Cover comes to mind here.
04-18-22- The-Dark-Days-We-All-Go-Through
04-19-22- About-Aya And His Ship Eternity-Adventures-How It All Works
04-22-22- This video came from a conversation about Aya a few days back.
04-23-22- This is exactly what Ryan and I witnessed last Saturday evening, the only difference was the moon moved from one dark pyramid silhouette to the other.
04-23-22- Is Jan Michael Vincent Now Melania? But it is strange that he disappeared as she emerged. Sometimes on Terra it becomes that crazy.
04-24-22- So Where Are The Children That Were Rescued From DUMBS?
04-26-22– BY the way…the TITANS do exist and some of them have come back to Terra in this time of renewal.
04-26-22- The Glaveshaft was a Great Watery Beast Controlled by the Reptilians at the time and Perseus was a hybrid humanoid like myself born to an Anunnaki Little G God.
04-26-22- I am ALCOTIS and I created this cover in 2012. My memories of Atlantis have only come back to me in the last 3 years. I am one of the 13 Genetic Rod Holders, the center piece in the circle of 12. I was born on the 13th day in the Month of May.

See this information for more on Atlantis and the Blue Flame Codes:






“The main original Lyran-Elohim humanoid races were committed to the Law of One and Service to Others krystic ideology. The Lyran-Elohim were supervising the Sirians to host the seeding of 12 Strand DNA genetics on the 5D planet Tara. These groups involved in this seeding and DNA rehabilitation are called the Lyran-Sirian High Councils.”

04-27-22- Is It Really Just A Myth?
04-28-22- Last night we recorded different conversations with non-terrestrial and spirits on an EVP recorder that Ryan has. It was a question and Answer conversation You might find very interesting, especially the part about the children from the bunkers.
04-30-22- And now you know why we were sent to live here 11 years ago. Been saying all along it’s Fathers mountain because it is. This is the valley where the tribes survived before when previous resets happened. The Hopi also spoke about the 4 corners and where the children of the rainbow would rise. It will happen in this Valley under Father’s protection.
04-29-22- Visitors Coming Up From Ocean Floor Soon
04-30-22- Fuck Around And Find Out.

Ancient Spirituality, Extraterrestrial Life, Cover Ups, Current Events