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05-01-22- Its Final Grade Time Will You Be A+ or D-

05-01-22- Looks like someone is cranking up The Sun Rays. Image came off a Sun watchers Twitter Page. If you zoom into the full sun, you will see faces all through it.
Mike and I were looking at a sea of faces coming from the Sun. Source:
05-02-22- Female Faces On The Sun
05-03-22-The Divine Court Has Arrived On Terra
05-03-22 – We are very sorry about today. We were outside most of the day and were not aware there was a problem with the Website. Thank you to those who followed up with us. All Fixed.
05-04-22- My friend Mortimus defending Faemoria. The wisdom that comes from a Dragon is mind blowing, especially one who is in service to our Creator. Faemoria is an actual planet in the Universe and it now belongs to the Fae. The Fae also ride dragons and both species serve The Creator in Light. It’s all real folks but that’s up to you to believe it or not.
05-04-22-Judaism versus Christian- Religious Wars- Constructs and Memory
05-06-22- And-The-Movie-Goes-On
05-07-22-About Ravens Spiritually-Why Is The Raven Being Represented Now? -Part-1
05-07-22- Number-6-Right In-The-Middle- This is a very important recording – Part-2
05-07-22- Terra you now have our Creators Attention. Notice how the lower dimensional beings have pretty much been fried out with divine light? They now have Our Divine Creator’s FULL ATTENTION.
05-07-22 Just look at what I saw when I mirrored today’s Schumann back to back. Its our Divine Creator.
05-08-22- Once you truly understand who the man behind the curtain in the Wizard of Oz was…then you will come to see how diabolical the movie was to children. The MK Ultra programming in the movie took them away from our Great Creator.

The Creator was portrayed as the man behind the curtain. The 18th Century Avatar I have explained is the one I see all the time. The Creator was portrayed as eccentric and bumbling but very friendly. It was done to make a mockery of him. You will also notice in the image of the Wizard…everyone is pointing at him…to blame him for everything that happened on Terra with Dorothy.

The green (female color which represented Gaia-humanity) was the curtain-the veil, pulled across your eyes. The destruction of Terra was underway as they lured you in with magic rituals performed in the movie. Dancing little people and sing-a-longs for generations to come.

The green fire demon projected in the movie as the angry face to protect the city of Oz, was projected as bigger, stronger, fierce and bigger than the Creator.
05-08-22- The beings who created these movies gave humanity glimpses of our Creator because they must also tell you the truth. However they also degraded the perception of our Creator, so you would stop believing and see him-her as something insignificant.
I have seen one of Our Divine Creators avatar images as an 18th century impeccably dressed elderly gentleman with white hair and a white beard. Sometimes he is in a white suit – or gray, with a walking cane and a huge shining stone on the top, a tie pin, with incredibly blue eyes. What do the images above show you…pretty much what I just described.
05-08-22- The latest Schumann – THEY want us to maintain Level 6 in 3D
05-10-22- Lump- Vaccines- Johnson & Johnson and the nasty BS Continues. Will the first arrest that shocks the world be Lump?
05-11-22- About The Sun Part 1
05-11-22- About The Sun Part 2
Part 2 of the Sun recording
05-12-22- The Sun and Breaking Free- The Higher Self and Creator Connection
Hope You Enjoy this… 05-13-22
05-14-22- The Video On Time We Did
This is the video about time travel and dimensions.
05-14-22- So you think we don’t have spaceships?
This Schumann Image was taken from 05-14-22.
05-15-22- If Humanity Doesn’t Come Together Soon…
05-16-22- This Mountain is Sacred to Native Americans (Navajo). This is where we live.
05-16-22-They Went And Found-The-Best-Of-The-Best
05-17-22- Looks like a giant Mantid face to me with other dimensional beings attached.
The Calegic Force with Umbra one of their leaders. Interview of 2019
05-17-22- Beings-That-Exist-In-Consciousness
05-17-22- Quantum-System-Thoughts
05-18-22- We don’t do readings but rather soul images because a reading is a snapshot in time and a soul image relates to a past life. Someone from your higher self of learning.
05-18-22- Can you see the face?
05-19-22- Monkey Pox now and Loose Monkeys from a biolab in PA – Jan 2022
05-19-22– Schumann Mirrored Image
05-19-22 Schumann
05-19-22- The Divine Feminine Coming Through In The Schumann
05-20-22- Wages doesn’t know where that dark energy came from toward the Sun. We have been showing you images of both the forces of darker energies and light fighting on the Sun. Why the Sun? Because there are some amazing Star children about to break free and when the children break free, they will have head to Terra. We are seeing these dimensional-spiritual aspects, coming forward now in sun images but again you have to beLIEve these aspects are actually happening. We have been saying for years the Gods and Goddesses were returning but do you understand that includes many of you too?
Wages is confused because this energy he saw cannot be explained away… while on the other side of this coin, our world dimensionally is about the change. The Sun connection to-YOU-connecting with Your Higher Self-and therefore connecting back to The Creator, is ultimately the only energy that really matters at this time and the least complicated too.
05-21-22 The Goddess Themis showed up at midnight
05-21-22- The Sun and Schumann Images
05-21-22- Are We Slowly Being Herded Again Into Another Trap?
05-22-22 Divine Feminine Number 13
05-22-22 I can see The Schumann Story going on.
05-22-22- The Being Who Talked To Me All Those Years Ago About Being One of The 13. I now believe it was John who is the head Divine Judge in The Creator’s Court.
05-22-22- The discovery of DNA in 1953 by Watson and Crick may have been a rediscovery of Atlantean science, and we may be treading in their footsteps of Atlantean scientists who mastered this science more than ten thousand years ago.
05-22-22- About the Schumann and how a story of Justice is beginning to unfold. The female energy took control of this planet yesterday. 05-22-22 = 13. The divine feminine.
05-23-22- A Rather Unpleasant Star Traveler Visited Yesterday. I only have 5 minutes of that conversation as he-she left rather abruptly.
05-23-22- The stories from Park Rangers just confirm what we have been saying about the Dogmen who live in the forests. We have 4 dogmen who live in the Sangre De Cristo mountain range where we live. As we have previously mentioned, The Creator gives these beings tasks, so they too may have the opportunity of redemption. The 4 dogmen here in the Valley were assigned to this area in order to clean up the Valley and rid it of all Satanic lairs and those connected to these cults. This is Gaia’s planet who is feminine and our Creator has decided to restore Terra back to a time when our world was wild, which included some of the creatures we call myth.
05-22-22- Ancient Being Waverly came to ask me about some of the universal happenings going on right now. There are some things I cannot fully explain at this time but if you listen to this recording, you will come to see I am who I claim to be. Waverly is one of the Guardians from the beginning of the Universe and its growth.
05-26-22- The Ride Home – The Discussion About Continued Terran Games.
05-27-22- Space Arks-Peru Earthquake-The Valley-Part of The End Cycle
05-27-22- The Tree of Life is right here in the Valley. Can you see the Tree but the poor thing has hardly any green left on its branches and roots. The circle pattern near the Sand Dunes is where one of the Arks are.

You can see the tree trunk and Ark on a close up in the next image. This area we live in is part of the sacred lands and now I know why…this tree is one of the last of the dimensional Trees alive and the recent fire of 3 years ago, was done on purpose to burn the roots. This tree is here right here in the Valley. Fathers mountain is also situated, at the base of the tree roots.
05-27-22- Here is the Ark right here at the Sand Dunes in Colorado. It’s a saucer buried right up against the mountains.
05-28-22– San Luis Valley Map
05-28-22- Comprehending what is about to happen.
05-28-22- Vlad saying thanks to everyone
05-29-22- The Truth About The Gods and Goddesses

05-30-22- In the last 24 hours on Terra The Schumann has been telling a story of divinity arriving.
05-29-22 to 05-30-22
05-29-22– This is the image I mirrored and it looks like a huge being with boots on.
05-30-22- About These Arks With Input From Aya
05-30-22- Tree Of Life – San Luis Valley

Ancient Spirituality, Extraterrestrial Life, Cover Ups, Current Events