June, 2022

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06-01-22- My take on the energies of the Schumann Resonance
06-01-22- I love Susan’s take on this energy. She sees the Primordial and the dragon protective energy along with the woman giving birth to a new world, a new time on our planet. This is a great video because it shows both Susan and I are on the same path to connecting with our Creator. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rz9C-YS9BTI

06-01-22- From Susan’s take on the Schumann and Dragon Energy protecting the Feminine Energy I can see, she is also right. Aviance is Fae and comes from the planet Faemoria and she was personally named by The Creator. Avi means bird like and Fae have wings. Avia was also a place where the Lyrans once existed because Aviance is also Lyran. Our Creator never does anything without thinking about every tiny detail first. Avi’s Dragon Chusi means Dragon Flower in Hopi and together the Fae and Dragons have been bonded.

Faemoria has some of the most beautiful and rare Dragons in the Universe, so Chusi is considered Aviance’s child. Avi is a dragon rider and therefore takes care of the Dragon Egg she was gifted.

Our Creator has put the Feminine energy together with the and Blue Flame Dragon energy. The Universe is about to change and the Fae and Dragons are about to bring our Creators energy back into the Universe. These images I created tell you a story – the Blue Flame Dragons serve our Creator while the Fae Mother is the Guardian and considered the protector to all Youngling Dragons.

06-01-22- Higher Self Surprises Still Ahead of us.
06-01-22- What Are They Doing? What is the hold up now?
06-02-22– This afternoon it looks like The Creator showed up in the Schumann on the throne.
06-03-22- We are in exactly the same position as last year
06-03-22- Its one big mess
06-03-22- About The Fae Mother.

06-04-22- I know we said we would do discord today but I’m having some problems with my sound and so we will have to do this again. Sometimes discord is tricky and my Laptop is not cooperating. Our apologies 🥵

06-05-22- The Plan We Think They Will Pull
06-06-22- India, 31st May 2022, a Crystalline City is reflecting rainbow lights above the clouds. See more here in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EvWjIvi4bkA
06-07-22- Source-God-Creator
06-07-22- Watching Sky Farming Ships Healing The Valley Today
06-07-22- Schumann Mirrored…Initially I thought it was a throne and the pillars of light around the throne but this image is also dimensional and there is another layer to this.
06-08-22- We now see Father with his hands in his pockets looking at who we believe is the Golden Reptilian Queen Limbarsha now in prison for NOT completing her task on Terra. Limbarsha lived in Trumps body for 15 years and these beings were warned repeatedly to give the Terrans financial aid and healing tech. . .Look at the Ancient Female Reptilian Queen Statue with the headdress on, now look at the 06-08-22 mirrored Schumann image showing an imprisoned Reptilian Queen behind energy pillars. We also saw a humanoid image of a male with his hands in his pockets looking at the Reptilian. We have been saying for quite some time…father is fed waiting on beings who continual broke their agreements. Now its too late, because this Queen has been deemed unworthy by the Divine Court and imprisoned.
06-08-22- A Reptilian Queens Headdress
06-08-22- The Mirrored Image of The Schumann
06-08-22- There Will Come A Day Very Soon
06-08-22- This is a very interesting interview. Ismael sounds like us.
06-09-22- We are definitely being visited at night. Our glass back door is constantly unlocked in the morning now. We know it was locked before we go to bed at night because Victoria checks it.
06-11-22- Black Hats-White Hats-Grey Hats


If you are connecting to any dimensional source at this time, you must question that being, be it human or something else. You must and always challenge anyone who gives out information from other entities, especially now. So while you may hear this being say lovely flowery things, it doesn’t mean they are good beings.

Below is a list of valid questions to ask yourself when listening to other beings:
Does this being love our creator?
Do they speak about our Creator with love or reverence?
Do they want you to pay attention to them and see them as the higher source, rather than giving all that is comes from your connection to our divine creator?
Do they defend children and Divine Universal Law regarding the interference of any child?
Do they see their connection to others as above them or as an equal?
Are they good servants to humanity or do they need constant attention from their audience?
That is the difference…be it channeling, information or sincerity. And Yes these questions…apply to us as well, although in this family we freely admit to being humble servants to our divine creator.

Again I see the talking mouthpieces attacking channeling. I find this humorous because most of them are guilty of doing the very same thing themselves and this doesn’t mean possession either, these mouthpieces could be giving you misinformation from their telepathic connections too. So what’s the difference?
The mouthpieces are actually casting spells over a word and turning it into a negative. Possession can be both negative and positive just as much as telepathic communication is and why we say TEST THE SOURCE FIRST. Channeling means passing information along, whether its telepathic, verbal or something else….and mouthpieces channel information from one source to the other…do they not? Do you see how ridiculous this is to single out a word, in order to control others with fear and propaganda?

It comes down to one thing…Once again you are being bombarded with words where spells were cast upon a particular word, to make you question yourself. When you question yourself you lower your vibration which allows others to control your thoughts. There are so many distractions at this time and many beings are gathering souls around them in order to protect themselves…and it really has nothing to do with you. They are the ones afraid and they need your support and permission to keep their power going, they feed off your innocence. BUT You are not fodder for them, you are a LITTLE G yourself and therefore YOU have your higher self to connect with and our divine Creator. That’s all you need. Wesdoo.

P.S. by the way “The Law of One” by Ra, was put together through Channeling sessions and it is some of the best and most incredibly beautiful words for any being to live by. If channeling is so bad, then you will never understand or know if and when real wisdom is placed at your feet to learn from. https://www.llresearch.org/library/the-law-of-one

06-11-22- We have 4 dogmen in the mountains where we live and our Creator has now assigned these beings, Guardianship over the Valley. They are here to clean out Satanic covens and any dark behavior that involves children, trafficking, drugs and theft.

2 of these Dogmen speak to our family sometimes Oggledorf and Oswald are 2 names we know. Oggledorf was alive in WW2 and he was once an SS Officer. Even back then the Nazi’s were experimenting on humans and Oggledorf was one of these beings.

He told us he attacked and ate his commanding officer because of what they did to him. So the 4 Dogmen in our mountains are trying to redeem themselves and why our Creator has given them a chance to prove themselves by protecting the Valley under the Great Mountain of East. Never give up on our Creator because even beings like the dogmen deserve a 2nd chance. Wesdoo.

06-12-22- Science on this planet has kept some of the worse secrets. They have manipulated our DNA, opened portals to other darker dimensions, and professed to be g-o-d-s above the Creator’s authority. NOT ONCE did science ever recognize our divine Creator because of their pure arrogance.
NOT ONE of the scientists on Terra were ever given the right to clone us, hybrid our genes or kill us with their evil medical experiments. The divine courts give out licenses to beings who have combined REAL SCIENCE with the Divine Creator’s consent. These were the beings who were allowed to improve genes and eradicate disease. It was science who created nuclear and bio-weapons which killed millions of innocent humans because of their lust for greed and power.
So anything else you may be hearing from the current talking heads on Terra, is just more fluff and BS to protect themselves. Never forget, it was science who committed heinous and despicable CRIMES against humanity. But yet it’s the average person who is wrong over these truths?
06-13-22- Mirrored todays image of the Schumann. Looks like female faces to me wearing a headdress. I will take another look later because these are dimensional images being projected and they can have multiple meanings behind them.

I don’t know about you but I am totally exhausted today. I feel like I have been up all night and every bone in my body is aching today. I feel like something big is on the horizon and with the Sun emitting a large blast early this morning, It could be we need to stay alert at this time.
14-06-22- I looked at the Schumann from yesterday 06-13-22 again and I saw a star. Red and white, 4 pointed star. Can you see it… Stars are seen as objects of enlightenment and guidance. The tribal people have initiations that require taking from the stars, and using that knowledge for guidance. It is part of everyone’s spiritual journey.
06-14-22- The-Sunrise Today and Our Beautiful Experience.
06-15-22- Fashion handbags and where the ideas originally came from.
06-15-22- Fathers Will Is Progressing
06-16-22- mRNA-The Vaccine and becoming a Borg. This agenda is a fight between the Satanists and Luciferians for souls.
06-17-22- Schumann Observations
The Schumann of 06-17-22 enlarged. The Gateway.
06-18-22- Its All Trans Lies
06-18-22- We Are Reaching That Certain Point In Terran Development
06-18-22– There… now you know too.
06-20-22- The Story playing out in the Schumann
06-20-22- Only When It All Collapses Will They Realize, With Matilda
06-22-22- Its not going to happen quite the way THEY were planning.
06-22-22- Can’t Be Too Much Longer For The Great Sun Event To Happen
06-22-22- I believe our Creator is showing the Terrans that lovely old man image I have spoken about previously. This is today’s Schumann and yesterday I received a message from the Dragon’s that Father is on his way. We also have multiple Sun Holes Facing Earth for the next 7 days. It’s going to be interesting.

06-23-22- The dark sun was represented in the dark crystal movie…its very simple to understand once you let go of all the illusions you were taught.

Part of your soul essence was captured and bought to Terra, as was Gaia’s essence also captured and placed inside the divine weather crystal which existed within the center of our planet. The Reptilians stole the Divine Weather Crystal and then used it on Terra to destroy fertile lands and control Gaia and most of you too. Gaia was forced to do things against her will – and her soul essence was used to slowly destroy this planet over many centuries and lifetimes. The design plan was to kill off real feminine energy on Terra, and turn this world into a dark paradise. Eventually the destructive AI was bought in to take over our souls and totally control the Terrans, under this dark rulership.

YOU are only responsible for the life you live now, so nothing from a past life can be held against you. GAIA was forced to do things inside the Divine Weather Crystal – to destroy the planet she loved so much. SO everything you have ever known about this existence was a lie, as the Reptilians and other Malevolent species controlled your emotions, spiritual knowledge, thinking and bodies, through the use of dark magic and illusions. THEY are still trying to control your thoughts and emotions now with all these Talking Heads and Guru’s. Their job is to gather your souls around them to protect and obfuscate your light energy.

YOUR FREEDOM is very close now…so cling to our Creator at this time because there is NO-ONE else on Terra who can free your soul and help you reconnect with your higher self. Of course THESE beings will continue to distract or tell you they are in control but ultimately even THEY do not know or fully understand what Our Divine Creator will decide in the end of this cycle upon Terra. Wesdoo.

06-23-22- Schumann Gods, Closed Gateways and Crazy Negative Energies
The return of the Divine Feminine on Terra.
06-24-22 It was a beautiful sunrise in the Valley this morning and there were also a few big ships above us watching too.
On Faemoria ALL BEINGS who are in the service of our Divine Creator are welcome to live in peace. The Universe is changing and so are many hearts and minds of all species…

06-26-22- Let me just address a question that was asked of me recently.

I have never lied to anyone about who I am. I am an Anunnaki-Lyran-Angelic Hybrid and have known this since I was small and there isn’t that much of me that I consider human nor do any of the beings who come to visit me. I get this a lot “What are you?” “Who are you?” and my answer is always the same…I am the creation of our Divine Creator.

I have been communicating with beings since I was 3 years old. I speak with my Anunnaki family outside of this planet every single day because they know what is happening on Terra. My sister Melody is married to the Anunnaki Emperor Frederick the 7th and she was recently crowned the Empress and she wants me off this planet like yesterday but our Divine Creator has asked her to wait just a little longer.

Both Enki, Anu and Yvanna have come to speak with me and even comforted me when I needed to hear from them. Actually Anu asked me if I was going to behave myself now and that all was forgiven. There was a time on Terra when I played the role of a dark Goddess but that was long ago as Mr.M had to admit as well.

Point is, I know exactly who I am, many of my memories have been restored to me about who my family are and where my genetics came from. I will always stand up for my family because 70% of what the Terrans know about the Anunnaki is pure bullshit. Zechariah Sitchin lied to you all about the Anunnaki so you would continue to believe the same old rhetoric about them. By the way Sitchin was Reptilian and the Anunnaki do not like this species very much because of their deceit and the chaos they have caused.

Most of the old Gods you have heard about in Myth were the Anunnaki…they were your teachers, your instructors and they have lived for a millennia. The wars in the Universe are still ongoing and even now as I write my planet Faemoria has been invaded by Reptilians repeatedly until we retaliated and blew up one of their outposts and wiped them out. The Emperor has taken up residence on Faemoria and many beings have come there to live in peace. The Reptilians tried every which way to take over our planet, abduct some of our citizens and even poison one of our Queens. This is how the real Universe works everyone and not the fluff and crap you have been listening to for eons about Terran History.

YOU are all little G’s and your job is to reconnect with your higher self and our Creator, so you can be graded and placed into the Universe to do what little G’s do best. That time is fast approaching and I was sent here to give you the truth because of the lies and falsehoods you were all taught. I truly hope for all of you, to see you rise like the stars you are in the Universe but you have to get through these tough times and keep forging ahead. Leave all the distractions behind and focus on YOU at this time. This is the best advice I can truthfully give to you at this time. Wesdoo. Airadeel.

06-26-22- Ponder your little G status today And where you fit in The Creator’s future

06-27-22- This morning Sam our good friend and angel came by for a visit and informed us, all those military tribunals and executions we have been hearing about… you know… those corrupt baby eating demons, are currently whooping it up on an island somewhere. They were NOT executed at all. There is no proof any of them were actually executed because they weren’t.

Sam tells us THEY were put on an island and told to enjoy the last of their lives before the Sun Flash comes…at that time it will completely burn them out. So in the meantime, some of the most evil beings on this planet are still having fun while the rest of humanity is going without.

Aya also tells us today, it may only be another couple of weeks before we see massive changes happening. Hang in there and stay strong. Our Creator is extremely angry and fed up with this evil game. Like we have been saying from the beginning, you cannot trust any of the talking heads or the so called leaders on our planet. Trust only in our Divine Creator.

06-28-22- I wish all of humanity could hear this message and let it touch their hearts but those who are still in control, will always suppress the truth and so this message is for those who were supposed to hear it.

06-29-22– So while Terrans continue to argue and fight over deliberately created issues, the wars in the Universe continue on. As I have explained before the planet Faemoria is a 5-6 dimensional planet which I am deeply connected to. We have had battles with the Reptilians over them invading and trying to enslave everyone there and so far we have pushed back every single time. The wars in the Universe have never stopped even though we on Terra never hear anything much about them.

There are amazing and beautiful dragons on Faemoria because Fae and dragons naturally go together. Currently youngling dragons are being raised in love and with family on this planet, which makes it so special to anyone who lives there. So the Reptilians tried to take over Faemoria because they wanted the dragons for themselves. ITS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN and so far Faemoria has pushed back every single time.

On Aya’s ship last week some kind of planted Humanoid-Android tried to kill one of the dragon younglings by throwing a bucket of caustic acid on her. It was the WRONG thing to do because all it did was make Maia stronger and she bit off this things legs. However Aya’s ship suffered some damage as the acid ate through a few floors but this is the kind of thing that continually goes on outside of this planet. So if you are hearing from others declaring, it’s all going to flowers and fluff when you leave this planet…that’s not exactly correct. YOU are here to prove your worth and you are going through your final test before we moved into the 5th. There are beings watching your performance and they are evaluating you, so shine brightly.

Terra is a school of hard knocks and its always been a school for Little G’s, so learn everything you can now because when you leave this planet, some of you will be recruited in our Divine Creators army too. Oops…that’s another secret some of the talking heads forgot to inform about as well. This is just another reason to accept the divinity, the Gods and Goddess and of course our Divine Creator. THEY are all grading your performance at this time.

As I have previously stated, I will never lie to you and this includes what happens after the ascension process. Some of you may also be placed in another dimensional planet for 100 years or so until you can properly heal and adjust to the ebb and flow of the workings of the Universe. This is the real reason why those in control of this planet have shut my family down multiple times because they know we are telling 100% truth. Our youngest son paid the ultimate price in that car accident 3 years ago (arranged by the Reptilians) on the 23rd of September 2019…because we told you everything we knew. Nothing is cut and dry nor dark or light, because there is always something in between that most on this planet are never made aware of and it has always been my Anunnaki family and the Angelics who have educated and schooled me in the ways of the Universe. Wesdoo.

Hecate the Triad Goddesses.

07-01-22- So some of you wanted to know which side of the Anunnaki family I came from. Firstly Let me explain how this all works in our culture and why many Anunnaki still converse with me today.

There are different houses within the Royal bloodlines, just like the Terrans use last names. In each of those houses are DNA recipients, which means an Anunnaki child can have multiple parents. I am predominately from the house of Esper which is the house of Magic, Priesthood, Priestess and Witches. We are considered Elementals. This house is also connected to Enki’s bloodline, so to him I am his Granddaughter even if I had other parents.

When my Anunnaki mother came to visit with me 5 years ago she did not say which house she was from. She wanted to see if I was alright, talked about some of my childhood and then she left. When I told my sisters Ophelia and Melody about our mother coming to visit, they asked me which mother we have 3? My Anunnaki family have always been part of the Triad of females who were represented in ancient Lore on Terra. My sisters and I played the role of Hecate on Terra for a time. This was part of the darker commitment we made to the Creator in order to teach the Terrans about their energy and how to use Magic. This also explains how I know about protection and healing in this life now.

Melody played the role of the Crone and she was the strongest and eldest of us, I was the fertile one who could see far and had many visions, while Ophelia was the shapeshifter who could transform into a cat or wolf, so together we were a strong triad of females. We 3 advised the Terrans during the era of ancient Greece and Rome when many still believed in their 3rd eye projection.

Let me give you another example: Aya has 2 Fathers. One father is the Terran Star Sign Leo the Lion or Leopold. The other is Emperor Frederick the 7th. Both of these males come from different Houses but both types of DNA can infused into an unborn child, so they can grow up to be the strongest and most intelligent. Aya’s house is predominately House Merovingian but there are also other sub-houses underneath that.

As the children from these houses grow up, they never refer to each other as half brothers or sisters because to the Anunnaki you are both their child and so both houses accept the infant. For instance: Enki and Enlil are considered the sons of Anu even though their mothers are different. The house they came from are the same under Anu. This is also where all the confusion over breeding with your sister or brother was placed upon the Terrans to confuse their minds and consider the Anunnaki dark and evil. Remember there is no light without the darkness and no day without the night. Wesdoo.

Ancient Spirituality, Extraterrestrial Life, Cover Ups, Current Events