July MP3 – 2022

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07-02-22- The 5th Is Coming Soon
07-06-22- Cern Portals – The Arks – DNA
07-07-22- Cern, London Financial, England’s PM leaving.
07-07-22- One is on the Red Castle – Red Skies versus Green Castle – Green Skies of late.
07-08-22- The Story I have been watching unfold since July 5th in the Schumann.
The Schumann Story I see
07-07-22 Schumann looks like a little Gremlin or Cat
07-08-22- The Lump Emperor And The Gold Coin.
07-09-22- The Flash-Next Gen-The Fae
07-10-22- As We Looked Into The Night Sky. We were sitting outside before the sun went down last night and watched some amazing things happening in the sky before our eyes. Terra is already halfway into the 5th. I could clearly see the outline of another planet coming through, along with a great crystalline city and sphinx all showing up in the clouds. Strange things are happening in the SLV Valley.
07-11-22- The Current Resident Aliens on Terra. How much longer will they delay?
07-12-22- Our conversation from night time stargazing.
07-13-22- The Digital Age.
07-14-22- Under Our Favorite Tree – Our thoughts and observations
07-15-22- Spirit Packs and Dimensions
07-15-22- The New Dune Movie…We finally watched it.
07-15-22- The YouTube Deceivers are not what they seem but are actually something else most of the time. THEY will tell you the truth but they will also give you a deceptive viewpoint from their Non-Terrestrial faction.

07-18-22- Hang-In There
07-19-22- What To Look For In The Talking Heads
07-19-22- Thank you Lisa for bringing Beverly to my attention. She sounds like Mike and I. Mike also has a degree in psychology so this lady makes a lot of sense to us.
07-20-22- Zombie Ukrainian Soldiers
07-21-22- Human Worlds-Spirit-Worlds-Dimensional Worlds
07-22-22- Watch Your Emotions With The Schumann Madness
07-22-22- This is the one Mike an I are healing our DNA with at night but the above one is just as beneficial. 10 hours or 8 hours….either way it makes you feel better.
07-22-22- Schumann Craziness is affecting us emotionally, physically and mentally. Your DNA is opening from 2 strands to 12. Your 13th hidden strand is your connection to Our Divine Creator and its this connection negative energies are trying to destroy.
07-23-22- They tried to reset us in the last 3 days and move us back to their timeline.

The divine feminine will return to take her place in this world. Soon . . .  

07-23-22- We Are All Animals My Lady – Legend the movie with Lilly and the Unicorn
07-24-22- Do you remember Us speaking about Victoria waking up with a sharp pain in her left ankle area a couple of weeks ago? This is a photograph where she felt that pain. A close up of the area seems to show a small long darker colored object inside the puncture.
I believe the implant that was put into my ankle a few weeks back, looks like the object in the Top-Left of this image. I can feel something inside the puncture area. “Many ‘experiencers’ have reported discovering foreign objects or implants lodged beneath their skin in various parts of their body, following contact.” https://www.jp-robinson.com/single-post/Alien-Implants-Proof-of-Physical-Contact
07-24-22- A Winged ship above our Creators mountain today. From the back end there are 2 distinct wings that folded back like a bird of prey. This ship rested just above the peak of Mount Lindsey next to the White Shell mountain (Sis Naajinį́). See image below…
07-24-22- The wings on the ship go back like this bird of Prey. Can You see them?
07-26-22- If you never hear another video listen to this being who channels words from “Father”. When I heard it I began to cry because this is the being I know…the one I speak with. He speaks about the “Game” we must all play to learn. It is amazing and confirms to me I know this being I call Father, Grandfather, The Divine Creator: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Dax5IlIxt4
07-27-22- The Last Few Days
07-27-22- Winged Ship sketch above the Sacred Mountain of the East
Photograph of the ship taken 07-24-22
07-28-22- The Sleuth We Must All Become
07-30-22- Spirit Families and Our Personal Interactions.
07-31-22- About Nancy Pelosi With Stephen A Jones

Ancient Spirituality, Extraterrestrial Life, Cover Ups, Current Events