August, 2022

Aviance in the cream and pink dress while Ariel is in Green. 

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08-02-22- All The Military Movement happening
08-04-22- Monkey Pox
08-04-22- Protection Suggestions
08-04-22- Where’s Nesara-Gesara Stephen? Huh?
08-05-22- The Matrix We Really Live In
08-06-22- Unsuspecting Hero’s and Leaders
08-07-22- The-UFO-Community
08-07-22- To those who lurk without our permission.
08-08-22- Bond Holders are waiting to be paid out.
08-09-22- The Galactic Wars

08-11-22- Like we’ve said before Black Hats – Gray Hats – White Hats are ALL cut from the same Luciferian cloth…There has always been 2 colors on a chessboard like the Masonic Floor tiles you may see in photo’s, videos and movies. Black and White Players…correct? This is why we teach walking the middle way because you come to understand the play from both the light and the dark. The wisdom from the ancients who have walked both paths at some point in their eternal lives.

These words are written by someone going by the name Teejae. “The more you read the works of Alice Bailey (founder of Lucis Trust, formerly Lucifer Publishing Company), the more you can see everything she said 80 years ago being played out today. The PURPOSEFUL exposure of “the evil elites” also known as the Cabal, the Freemasons, deep state, etc… She simply called them the Black Lodge, or the Black Hats (Black Magicians). She was a Luciferian, a member of the White Lodge, or the White Hats, which are White Magicians. This is your Luciferians, New Agers, Wiccans, pagans, etc.

The Plan (the same one Q tells people to Trust), is to bring the horrible evils of the Black Lodge finally out into public view (lifting the veil/a great awakening), and for there to be an uprising of the populous against it, preparing the masses for initiation into the occult mysteries, and raising up White Hats to teach them New Age occultism, and to have the masses side with the White Magicians in order to overthrow the Elites/Freemasons/Black Lodge.

From Darkness to Light is their motto. Sound familiar, ring any bells?

This is not a Great Awakening, it’s a Great Initiation, into the occult, to prepare the masses for the arrival of the “Christ” as she calls him, meaning the ANTICHRIST, and the Ascended Masters as she called them, otherwise known as the Fallen Angels (the former old great ones of Atlantis, the world before the flood, now often referred to as ALIENS). She wrote it all out in 1946 and it’s happening NOW. We’re watching it unfold in real time.”

08-10-22- The Deliberate Persecution of Lump
08-10-22- About That Unreal Car Crash in LA. ALL STAGED in my opinion.
08-11-22- Dark To Light
08-11-22- You see Religion is all made up…a big fat lie so darker entities can feed off their favorite groups of beings. Religion has different flavors according to the Terran beLIEf system. For example: Catholics might taste like spaghetti and meatballs to darker beings, whereas the Baptists may taste like Southern Fried Chicken. I mean why not because even Vampires have preferences on blood Types. . . just ask Vlad.
We are these beings dinner and they happily feed off our energy… just wait until the Terrans find out the truth about the saviors in religious factions… Remember how you felt as a kid when someone told you the truth about Santa Claus? Yeh it will be something like that.
08-12-22- They Really Are Up There Waiting
08-14-22- Its A Huge Reputation Game
08-14-22- Feebis Speaks Today
08-15-22- The Lizzies Will Be Back
08-16-22- The video from our conversation with Feebis.
08-18-22- Shock Culture Surprises
08-19-22- And When The DNA Explodes- Acturian Visitors at 2am Peeking At Us.

08-21-22- So someone left me a message on one of my video’s as to why there would be Anunnaki on these planes I was showing your earlier. First and foremost Terra is a Matrix and when certain beings come down and play within this Matrix under a contract, they must play within the rules of this game.

Therefore my sister Melody cannot physically come to this planet without disrupting some of the matrix herself, so she sent envoys to sort out some of these delays on Terra and to also let other entities know they were on watch from other dimensional beings.

At this point in Terra’s game it really doesn’t matter how many books you have read on Terran History or written about other non-Terrestrial beings, because if you do not accept there is a Divine Creator in this Universe, you will not be able to fully grasp how this game works and think me completely crazy.

As I have mentioned previously, the GODS play GAMES and they enjoy it too. So it really doesn’t matter to me if you believe that or not but logic says if Terrans play any game, they must enter the game by the rules? Do they not? Therefore playing the game also means these beings will fly planes if they need to and make plans or rally their game troops on the board game. I have refused to play their game because I don’t think they play fair nor do I agree with the way they move beings around on their board games.

There is a lot at stake here now like honor and reputation for the Gods, but the most Terrans ever hear about, is the hearts and flowers version of ascension. In fact there is also the side with powerful ancient beings who also have a huge part in this game too. So whether you agree with me or not, Terra is being divided up by these Gods and their contracts with the Divine Courts and The Creator – hence the Green Castle, Red Castle-Sky scenario. The Gods are playing their game too and dividing up the spoils and some of this the Divine Creator will allow to happen because Contracts have to be filled too. I know some of you will not believe this or even think it’s real but I have no reason not to speak the truth at this point either. M even admits I am an ancient sister and he told the others to let me go.

Mr. M is under contract with the Creator to play the role of Superman…the Savior… but he will also deceive many and take their souls as per his conversation with me. I would encourage you to listen to his words very carefully because he tells you all exactly what his plans are when I recorded him in Feb 2022. I recently spoke with M again about 6 weeks ago and I got the impression from him, that when he is finished fulfilling his contract here on Terra…he wants to move on and so he is making plans elsewhere in the Universe.

M did say one thing to me…there are darker powers within this Universe that always remain hidden. They are the ones who control many of those on this planet too and they do not like losing. Then he said “Let it be known to the divine powers, I have come to warn and have fulfilled my end here today.” Did you ever see the game Warhammer and some of those creatures the human hybrid beings have to fight? Those are the ones, who also exist and this game exists to show you these insights about the Universe too… Its all based on dimensional layers.

I trust Tiamat much more than M, who has now taken her place on Feymoria with the other Dragon Kin. One day soon I will tell you the real story about Tiamat and Marduk and not the bedtime story that was placed into the history here on Terra. Tiamat still lives….but the beings on Feymoria know her as Tia. In the end people will believe whatever makes them feel most comfortable because the Truth as I have come to know it, is more mind bending than most will ever fully accept. Wesdoo.

08-21-22- The Simulation-The Matrix
08-22-22- The Era That Changed Everything

08-23-22- Watch the video below at the 23:45 – 23:58 – 24.02 minute mark. Elena Dannan all of a sudden has a distinct deep line across the forehead. When you slow the video down to .25 or .5 you can see she’s wearing a wig and its a silicone -rubber mask across the forehead, which is creating an indentation in the forehead area.

Also the skin on the forehead and around eyes do not match either as the skin around the eyes is almost grey looking. There is also a really creepy look that appears on it’s face during this time too. Whatever this being is, one thing for sure its not all human. At 23:30 and 23:43 she makes the triple 6 fingers on 3 separate occasions too. So before you watch this thing casting spells…X out the device with your thumb and watch only a few minutes of its performance. Mute the sound too. This being really gives me the creeps but I watch them, so I can teach you what I see and how to spot these creatures luring the Terrans in.

“A mysterious, black, granite sarcophagus discovered in Alexandria, Egypt, dating to a time after Alexander the Great conquered the area in 332 B.C., has been opened.”

Only the darkest of beings were placed inside these sarcophagus an this particular one was opened in 2018. Placing a being inside was done to cleanse negative energy an some were kept there for some time. The movie the Mummy explains some of this process, especially when they opened up Imhotep’s sarcophagus. Usually it was non-terrestrial beings who were placed inside these devices too. BUT when these sarcophagus are opened without any protections, the negative energy-being’s essence is also released.

I have a really sick feeling in my gut when that sarcophagus was opened up, it took over someone’s body (Elena?) or a clone that replaced the original being. Is this also about the time Elena Dannan went to live in Ireland away from anyone who may suspect them? She came back from Egypt around this time too and she also didn’t have a YouTube Account until 4 years ago. Below is what she looked like in 2018… and it looks to me, something happened to her. She no longer has that fresh appearance but instead I see someone negative inside, staring back at us now.

This is not the same being we are looking at now. Either there is something dark looming around her or she has been cloned. Look at the nose its different too. Elena also wears a lot of dark liner around her eyes now…like an ancient Egyptian would wear.
This is what people are watching now. Can you see the difference? Send me an E-Mail if you can see this transformation too. I like to hear how you are all advancing…sometimes I don’t respond immediately, but I will get back to you.
08-24-22- Will The Movie Turn Into The Last Supper Where The Savior Comes Forward?
08-24-22-Constructs and Protection. I will be making a video out of this conversation.
08-25-22- I would encourage everyone to watch this. I cried when I saw this.
08-25-22- Spiritual Gender Inversions In The Public Eye. . . and while this conversation was going on this morning, one of our non-terrestrial friends began communicating through Victoria’s laptop and tapping elsewhere in the living room. This is an interesting morning conversation.
08-26-22- Matilda Joins Us Today In Conversation. We always enjoy speaking with her.
08-26-22- Crystalline City isn’t it amazing.
08-26-22 Thank you Lisa!
08-28-22- Our Conversation about creating Constructs.
08-29-22- Anubis Showing Up In The Schumann Again Today. Aya speaks about him.
08-31-22- The New Game Involves Alex Jones, Trump and DeSantis
FYI – heads up

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