November 2022 Content

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November 1st 2022 –  More games are coming. Stay strong.
11-02-22- The Great Conjunction
11-03-22- The Mahdi Vision
11-04-22- Ancient-Rome-Hollywood-LA
11-04-22- My Sister-Melzie
11-04-22- Trans-investigation-sensing an feeling the creator
11-05-22- Time Machine Technology
11-06-22- Meet One of Our Knights On Feymoria -Rex – he has an amazing story to tell. BeLIEve it or not.
Melzie Conversation
11-08-22- Imran Khan revision chat.
11-08-22- Is there going to be a war?
11-11-22-Upates on Current Terran Events along with Feymoria
11-12-22- What Are You?
11-13-22- Covert Wars On Terra an the Calegic Force visited us again. This was our 2nd Warning of the Cleansing but now its coming from them on behalf of Father.
11-13-22- Berbalus Conversation- The Calegic Force
11-14-22- Cutting Room Floor
11-15-22- We said 5 years ago this day was coming and now its arrived.
11-15-22- Love Is In The Air with Stephen, Chusi, Victoria, Baconator. Song Source:
11-16-22- The Fey Lyran Hybrid Children being born on Feymoria have such beautiful features. They have huge eyes usually blue or gold, flawless features and are highly intelligent. 😇
11-17-22- Aya came and had an amazing conversation with everyone today. We want you to know we are NOT boasting about anything we know or who we associate with. Mike and I are very private people who have lived very different lives from most Terrans. Instead we are sharing our love -family connections, education and the very private life we lead with dimensional beings-non-terrestrials.
11-18-22– Our broken law system gives the President, Pardon Powers on anyone they choose, do you know what that means?
11-18-22- This is an amazing discussion as it involves Souls, Magical Energy Books, Judges and The Creators Wisdom. Part 2 coming of this conversation, will include 10 minutes of Karshdee speaking about the Pyramids and the energy leyline’s where they rest. She doesn’t talk much so when she does, it’s always good information to listen to.
11-18-22- This is PART 2 of todays conversation with Karshdee
11-19-22 Our Understanding of Q along with other interesting facts.
11-19-22 Norman Opens The Conversation – One of those Truck blabs where anything goes.
11-20-22- What Side Are You On? Who Are We?
11-20-22- How The Non Terrestrials Are Doing This…
11-21-22- Just Throw The Switch Already
11-23-22- About Space and Planets and How it Works With Souls Like You
11-23-22– Download tool to help you listen to music at the right tones.
11-23-22- You were taught Evolution from science, however Terrans were created to adapt to their environments. Evolution was just another lie & Charles Darwin was Illuminati and paid handsomely to spout these lies to the Terrans.
In The Movie WATERWORLD one man adapted to his world and developed gills because this is what Terrans do best … We Adapt-Improvise & Overcome.
11-24-22- A Thanksgiving Chat With All Kinds of Information
11-25-22- The Orion Lines- Reptilians
11-26-22- The name Azerbaijan Tongue Ties Us – Why?
11-27-22- The debacle of incorrect name calling- Titles – A record of lies
11-27-22- Cloning-humanoid-androids

11-27-22- In this image the dark wormy cloud turns into what Ryan and I saw. It looked like a Phoenix rising up into the heavens. The neck is starting to move upward in this image as the wings begin to open up. The phoenix opened its mouth an those ridge lines you see at the edges of the cloud, turn into something like feathers. See more below.
In this image The Phoenix has now folded its head and wings back down and around the setting Sun. We were stunned as this cloud first appeared like a great worm moving in the sky, then it turned into a bird. This all happened within 2 minutes of the sun setting.
11-28-22- Mike and Victoria don’t always agree on the same things happening on Terra. Mike is more about understanding the psychology behind the games and Victoria is about the spiritual – prophetic side of things. Occasionally they become passionate about truths they feel are important for others to come to an understanding as well.
11-28-22- We put an MP3 Together about the NEW Q drops of 11-27-22. What I read between the lines, the MP3 will explain what this actually means. The image below helps you to understand this line of messaging and why its worded the way it is.
What we are really looking at here.
11-28-22- Q drops of 11-27-22 and what they really mean from our understanding.
11-29-22- TRUST THE PLAN
11-29-22- Its a French histoire memory. Your past lives can be amazing beings.
11-29-22- Marguerite de la Sablière 1636 – 1693.
In her treatment of religious knowledge, she focuses on the spiritual conditions necessary for a proper grasp of the attributes of our Creator. Madame de la Sablière has long occupied a modest niche in literary, religious, and scientific history. French literature textbooks cite her as the hostess of a prominent literary salon and as the patron of La Fontaine.
12-01-22- THEY CREATED THIS but they are going to put the blame somewhere else, just like the Covid deaths.

Ancient Spirituality, Extraterrestrial Life, Cover Ups, Current Events