December – Cutting, 2022

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12-02-22- What About The Trees?
12-03-22- The Seasonal Lights From Our Family To You – Our Gift of Joy.
12-03-22- The Gods are messing with us again. This is a video on YouTube Link, YOU may wish to watch because THEY told us the GODS still exist in the 1960’s.
12-04-22- This Recording Is a preview conversation of the truth Our Divine Creator wants YOU to be aware of before YOU enter the 5th Dimension. This is not about our families ego, but the reality of what is happening to us all. Your past life memories will help you understand the truth of who you really are and the game you were force to play.
12-04-22- That’s how the game works where the Gods are concerned kids.
12-05-22- Family conversation on the day breakers
12-05-22- Bree speaks about Feymoria. Mixed conversation with the family
12-05-22- Aya speaks on the dimensional family connection with Airadeel and the 4d family.
12-06-22- Christmas Trees and the Ancient Roman druid deception. Celebrating cutting down the trees on Terra while having no clue about this ritual.
12-06-22- Red Castle-Green Castle come together for Christmas.
12-06-22- Reginald Opens The Conversation Today.
12-06-22- Light The Beacons- Love The Creator
12-07-22- Noahide Law in Indonesia has begun. Russia is also going to begin this as will America once the Satanists are all exposed. The moral laws will begin again on Terra.
12-08-22- A gentle reminder again in video.
12-09-22- Its all part of your heritage
12-09-22- Aya on energy. . . It’s all about energy. . . All of it.
12-09-22- Melz is back an she bought her husband, Emperor Frederick the 7th with her. A NEW accord that involves the Anunnaki has been agreed upon, mainly because very little of the Jupiter Accords have actually been released on Terra. Beings are tired of waiting and the excuses coming from the councils like Earth Alliance, so they got together with their own agreement, on what needs to happen on Terra NOW! The Anunnaki Emperor is demanding Nesara-Gesara be given out to the Terrans now. They also want access to their family members without all the excuses on why Terrans have not been freed yet. *** Sorry the low tire warning went off in the truck, just as Melz got into it – we think it may have been spiritually enhanced because the tires were fine.
12-10-22- There is something else inside this cloud formation happening in Portugal.
12-10-22- Faction Conversation through Social Media – continual historical lies.
12-11-22- Declaration of sovereignty and your HUMAN rights.
12-11-22- The Anunnaki BS stories continue on social media between different alien factions, who are actually fighting over your soul.
12-12-22- Aya on the role Terrans will play in the future.
12-12-22- Melzie came to see me, with the current political updates on Terra. The decision has been made to do a full harvest. Terrans live on the edge of what is known as “The Known Map.” – beings are trying to divide our planet up, hence Red Sky-Red Castle or Green Castle and Green Sky.
12-13-22- Shooting The Breeze With Vlad. We turned on the recorder just shooting the breeze and this is the end result.

12-13-22- FACT: The Anunnaki transcripts on this planet are grossly incorrect. Sitchin was a REPTILIAN who lied about everything concerning the Anunnaki. Gee, big surprise… Aya also says 70% of what Sitchin wrote was fabricated because that’s what the Naga-Reptilians are doing with the new mouthpieces. A WARNING: Speaking freely about Enki does not come without a price, especially if you are speaking untruths about him – Stop now while you can because 80% of what you have learned about the Anunnaki throughout history on Terra is not true.

Anunnaki facts versus historical Terran fiction.

  1. An Anunnaki child is considered untouchable and innocent for the first 200 years of their lives not 71 years.
  2. Enki IS NOT bald contrary to the latest images circulating the internet. Anunnaki males pride themselves on their hair and beards as it’s regarded as a mark of distinction, so the males decorate their beards with gemstones and gold thread. Just as females adorn themselves, so do the males.

When Enki came to visit with me, he had multiple long dark hair and red braids, his beard was encrusted with gold ribbon-beads woven into it. He wore a powerful headdress with energy coming out of it everywhere and he was decked out in head to toe gold. I noticed he had a bright blue gem on his armor and he was incredibly powerful to behold. He then spoke a long list of titles out as his voice thundered and echoed. He had strong, handsome chiseled facial features and his skin had a suntanned look to it.

Enki came to visit me with Yvanna (Ya-Ya) who now resides on Feymoria with Tiamat or Tia as we call her now. So YES, these ancient Gods still exist…because they were originally created as immortals. Some of them also come from the Anunnaki house of Esper too. THEY are GODS and guess what? They know some of YOU too. We are related to them through DNA like…hybrids, ancient family infusions, spirit-soul connections…so they have always been here, in one form or the other.

Aya has lived multiple lives on Terra learning more about the beings each time he came back. He earned titles for the lives he lived on this planet, and he became known as an authority on human culture, Aya even has a Model T-Ford in his collection of Terran memorabilia.

I recently asked Enki if he was conversing with another Terran female and his answer was “I have no knowledge of this being you speak of. I am here to fulfil my obligation, as you are already aware.” I asked him when he would show himself to the Terrans and his reply. . . When I am supposed to . . . This is the being Enki I know. – The Children of Ainur (those who walk in unison with the Divine Creator) are nothing like the Anunnaki fables you have read about on Terra. Wesdoo.

12-13-22- The Children of Ainur are real…they are the Anunnaki – The Ancient Gods who have returned.
“In the Music of the Ainur, Yavanna sang of branches of great trees that would receive the rain of Manwë and Ulmo, and some trees sang to Ilúvatar.”

The music Yvanna sang ‘Ainur’ is the same word. Could this be because the Anunnaki are actually The Gods? These stories are NOT MYTH and Ya-Ya is now a guardian on Feymoria and the new Queen of the Valkyries (a humanoid-angelic-female army).

Music of the Ainur, also known as the Great Music or the Great Song) is the initial chapter of The Silmarillion, edited and published by Christopher Tolkien after his father‘s death. As part of the Tolkien Middle-earth cycle, Ainulindalë plays the role of its cosmogony, or creation story. Many of the themes and storylines revealed in the later histories (in The Lord of the Rings, for example) find their first expression in Ainulindalë.

12-14-22- Currency In The Universe and how it works
12-14-22- The dense fog spreading around the USA
12-15-22- Hanging Out With George. Former Super Soldier talks about his life in Ohio back in the 1930’s before advancing onto Feymoria.
12-15-22- Divine Joke telling an other interesting conversations.
12-16-22- The big announcement are digital hero game cards ? HUH?
The Gov -Akashic Records, Space Cops, The Judges, Other dimensional entities…It’s All Truthful
So much truth in this movie. . .
12-16-22- 99.99% is truthful. The Reptilians are coming back an will blame the Anunnaki.
12-16-22– The Inversion of Human and Spiritual Feminine Energy
12-16-22– About The Oceanics
12-17-22- Airadeel comes from a powerful Non Terrestrial family. You got to pick a side now, because The Creator is demanding the Terrans follow his laws, so Anunnaki Emperor’s family may be involved in the final clean upon Terra.
12-18-22- How we believe this may very well play out
12-18-22- What Skipped on Terra recently? Our family felt something shift.

12-19-22- You can listen to this video that came from Cory Goode’s disposition. This just proves what we have said before about the Non-Terrestrial community…its all about the sharks and the feeding frenzy over money. This is why people don’t believe others when they have real experiences.

I believe he did have non-terrestrial experiences but because he is bought and paid for, he can only ever say so much. The beings in the dark fleet are all owned, cloned, chipped and have implants.

12-19-22- Talking with my sister Ophelia
12-20-22- About the disposition and the money hungry alien community
12-20-22- Everyday Is A Weird Trip on Terra
12-21-22- What If Christmas really does happen this year?
12-21-22- Mankind Versus Humanity
12-22-22- The Karma is changing on Terra.

12-22-22- The Anunnaki Emperor Frederick the 7th, is really close to making a decision about this planet. He is fed up with delays and misleading conversations thrown at him…so he is now demanding to have his family on Terra released into his custody, or he is going to begin blowing up Terran Outposts (Yes there are quite a few Terran outposts in this Galaxy and not just Mars).

The 5-6 dimensional Anunnaki will not harm anyone (they will take the Terrans off these outposts in a state of suspended sleep, and deliver them back to Terra). This is because of the constant delay crap, the Terrans have pulled on this planet, they will no longer be permitted to remain on these outposts without Frederick’s approval.) So you see we are getting down to the nitty gritty now. The Anunnaki Emperor Fredrick runs this Galaxy, so none of the Terrans ships and equipment will remain on these outposts…he is going to liquidate them all. . . and he warns the Reptilian’s do not stand a chance over his battle armada. By the way…. now you know where all your tax dollars went…you helped build Terran Outposts you never knew existed.

I should tell you there may be some darker Anunnaki who will defend the Terran post in Antarctica because they don’t want anything to change and want to keep you all as slaves. My sister Melzie has tried to reason with her kin but their arrogance….so I don’t know what they will do… maybe work with the Reptilians? Either way the Reptilians in this quadrant of the Galaxy will be up against some of the most advanced and powerful Anunnaki in the Universe. The war on Terra may begin soon enough, especially when the Anunnaki are blowing up Terran Outposts and equipment worth billions of dollars…. Stay Strong Wesdoo.
PS: I’ve been told by my family the Terran leaders know everything I say to all of you but because YOU must also know the truth, THEY are allowing some of my writings to get through, so they can say…BUT YOU WERE WARNED, didn’t Airadeel warn you this might happen? After all, the Luciferian leaders on your planet must tell you the truth of everything really happening from time to time via mouth, music or movies…its how they remove negative karma off themselves. Aren’t they wonderful beings?

I am exactly who I am and most Terrans know some historical information about me, the name has been written onto tablet, and in myth, even though the historical name mentioned on the family tree, is not correct. This is why some of the most ancient beings in the Universe converse with me…they know me and have for a long time. I am here this time as a Watcher, bell ringer of celestial warnings and educator about the Divine Creator an the real workings of the Universe…beLIEve this or not…THEY know who I am and they also know my memories are real.

ONCE you remember who you are, the beings on this planet have no right to hold you and keep you captive anymore…they must free you. Its part of the game they play on all the Terrans and why Frederick is now demanding to have his family member back where they belong…

The birth of the Sun God is not too far away now, so love our Creator harder than ever before. Wesdoo.

12-23-22- The last couple of days have been very interesting. This image is the end result.

12-24-22: As we have said before, there are groups of beings who will no longer wait on Earth Alliance Council to stop this movie.
From Robin Poe: I found this interesting video supposedly from a Pleiadean: Galactic Alliance to White Hats: “Take Down the Fake Media Now or Face A Galactic Tribunal as Well!” It explains why some intel is proposing 2026 as the end of the conflict – because by 2026, it will happen naturally, and the White Hats can just sit back and wait. However, they will face the Galactic Alliance Court for dereliction.

12-24-22- All That Created Weather
12-24-22- The Flower Analogy
12-24-22- So The Pleiadeans Are Calling The Earth Alliance Grey Hats Now. REALLY?
12-24-22- A Cheery Message On This Day.
12-25-22- In Service To Others
12-26-22- Stephens Xmas Rant
12-27-22- NONE of them in the Government are human. They are YOUR ENEMIES. Any being who would slave out and betray their own species is not worth listening to because it will be for the traitors and the only thing these demons want… is your soul. Gen Michael Flynn is playing the role of Rosa….but it’s still a demon and he’s supposed to be one of the good guys too. THEY ARE ALL SHAPESHIFTING MONSTERS.
Mitch McConnell is a DEMON.
12-27-22- This was recently seen under a different energy during the lie that is Zelensky. The full video is up on Telegram. Do you believe us now because these are some of the beings our family have encountered over the years too. THEY LIVE.
12-27-22- Our own species slaved us out for a few comforts.
12-27-22- FYI
This came from ECETI Official Channel on Telegram. James and Corey were having a conversation about the corruption in the Spiritual – UFO Community. From what I have seen its run with Reptilians watching over everything in the background.

Even Stephen Greer looks more like a Reptilian these days than he ever did before. Have you noticed how big and bulky he is now because 10 years ago, he didn’t look anything like that. Now he has a big facial brow line, huge body, I’ve seen his eyes flash slits and his head and skull looks bigger too…so in my opinion, he is a Reptilian.
12-27-22- A Chusi and Grand-Mama Conversation
12-28-22- Isn’t this “female” supposed to be related to the Kennedy’s too? How can that be possible when they are ALL inversions in that family? Has to be Lab Grown…right? That makes them Man-Kind and not Human because males can’t become pregnant period. Can you see how these beings prey on your ignorance of Biometric Data on the human body and their Luciferian religious practices?

STUDY your enemies, KNOW their moves, UNDERSTAND their thinking and become like a snake in knowing, but walk like a lion in their presence (13th Luciferian Law). THESE beings have been studying you and your ancestors for a very long time, so they know everything about you…it’s time you learned about them and how they operate, so you can protect yourself from them.
12-28-22- Let me know at [email protected] if you understand the dimensional aspect of this image. This image represents part of the workings of this planet – things we have been teaching you about recently.

This image includes the dimensions, the role of the Gods upon Terra and The Divine Creator. If Terra is a school and I am here as one of your teachers, then I ask you to look with your dimensional eyes and thinking, to see this image properly. Train your mind in the dimensional understanding of who you really are. Let me know. I will talk about it in a mp3 later. Wesdoo Airadeel.
12-28-22 – War of the Worlds Scene with Tom Cruise. I will have an mp3 later on this because I saw something unexplainable last night in the sky and it reminded us of the invaders in this movie.
12-28-22- Seen at 12:27am over the back mountains near to my home.
12-28-22– Not sure What I saw at 12:27am today. ‘In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.’- Acts 2:17 – New International Version
12-29-22- The new message from Commander Thor. . . I’m asking Melzie about this.
12-29-22- The Firmament.
12-29-22- So what you have a dark past – It’s who you are now that counts anyway.
12-29-22- Time Is Limited
12-30-22- Negative Energy Grocery Store Attacks
12-30-22- Connecting With Each Other – Ideas
12-31-22- The information Christian 21 gives out on Gateways tells me this person could be military because of the precision of their information. Also look at the haircut, its very military and we also know, the Military invert their sex too. Listen to the Video here:

Listen to the Kaye Griggs recordings for more information about the military. Something feels wrong here and I always trust that feeling.

All we have seen so far spreading the misinformation, are the RED CASTLE spiritual-UFO mouthpieces. Now it seems like the GREEN CASTLE crew are about to move in into the scene because this side have no choice but to deliver the goods to the Creator’s Children. BUT in order to do this properly, you need a front man… a man of the common people, a man with kids and someone who has struggled all his life because he was different. The storyline has to be believable…so do you see where we are going with newcomer Christian 21?

I remember Marduk saying to me back in February 2022 “We are going to have them so confused and stupid they wont know whether they are coming or going and I’m going to have the pleasure of knowing, you are watching it burning all down before your eyes Airadeel.” The Gods are playing games with humanity right now.
12-31-22- Spirit Airwaves Introduction on Blog Talk Radio
12-31-22- About Music …One of the Universal Laws of Energy With Aya
12-31-22- Bolsanaro seems very friendly with Klaus Schwab from the WEF anyway and now he is going to Florida? Hmm who runs Florida…DeSantis?
12-31-22- The population on Terra is NOT 8 billion. The population is collapsing.

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