February 2023 CRF

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02-01-23- This is the back end of a ship, I believe its called Nibiru. As the sun comes up everyday, the rays are caught into the center of the open lens which looks like a U.

This is why we have said to get the first 10 mins and last 10 mins of the Sun and talk with our Creator. These beings are controlling what you see and feel from the sun and mostly blocking the downloads from our Divine Creator. Most Terrans have no clue SUNS belong to our Creator and no-one else – all SUN worship was inverted on this matrix, so YOU would stop talking to our Creator. THESE beings are stealing the pure energy and harvesting it for their own wicked devices against humanity. SUNS are how we communicate with our Father and how other beings prevent aging. . . We are doing a MP3 on this subject.
02-01-23- About-the-Nibiru-Sun
02-02-23- Do any of the beings you listen to have a proven record of doing works for many years? Or did they just show up in the last 48 months on the radar. We are NOT tooting our own horn here but rather showing you, Mike and I have been walking the walk for a longtime, whether it was spiritual, growing food, education or vaccines, we have been trying to expose the agenda for a long time. Here is one of our publications you can download for FREE: https://www.slideshare.net/MichaelKelley1/survival-food-growing-guide
02-02-23- Putting Good Works Into Action
02-03-23- The Spheres are beginning to appear but the Grey Hats are still going to lie to all of the Terrans about this. These come from the Federation of Light, The Alliance and other factions who are watching carefully. THEY must carry out our Divine Creators Commands or else. THEY DON’T WANT THE TERRANS TO KNOW THE OR ELSE PART EITHER, SO THEY LIE TO US…CHINESE SPY BALLOONS…SERIOUSLY…JUST FLYING OVER MILITARY BASES IN THE USA AND NO-ONE CAN STOP THEM? 😀

02-03-23- Another fun shopping experience and what we know about the so called Chinese Spy Balloons seen in the sky. They are Spheres and they are watching us.
02-03-23- Harvesting Stem Cells from live babies to keep the dark ones alive.

02-03-23- The Story Of How Vlad Became A Vampire.
02-03-23- For all the ladies, we will be our harshest critic and why its important to love the natural look of you. Psychologically this helps us overcome negative feelings about ourselves too. The raw natural you…its very healing.

I don’t wear make-up anymore even though I spent many years in the beauty industry once. Some of the nasty toxins in cosmetics can damage our reproductive systems over time, like Parabens, added into many personal products on the market.

Real women, don’t need Make-UP to decide who they really are. Real Women don’t need the 6 inch false eyelashes and plastic looking skin to decide if they are female or not because real women are just naturally beautiful the way they are. The Divine Feminine is returning. Wesdoo 🥰 https://www.byrdie.com/real-women-no-makeup
02-04-23- The lithium battery inversion and other interesting conversations.
02-05-23- About That Spy Balloon
02-05-23- The Wendy’s Bag Thing – Sing Song With Vlad
02-06-23- A series of Earthquakes in Europe and the Middle East.
02-06-23- The Turkey Earthquake. Weeks ago we had mentioned Aragon had plans to take over the Middle East and wanted Turkey to become Constantinople again. I guess someone else noticed that too and put an end to those plans with a series of Earthquakes. Aragon will be so busy trying to fix Turkey now, so he’s been officially taken out of the game. He will be the king of rubble and nothing else as Turkey will now go back to being a 3rd World after all this devastation and harvesting going on.
02-08-23- The Mind Control Is Happening On A Massive Scale Now
02-08-23- Red Castle – Red Sky Brazil – Everything Changes Now.
02-09-23- The spotlight is now on Terra and billions of eyes in this Galaxy are now questioning what has happened here by The Reptilians.
02-10-23- Melzie says over there are over 82,500 ships on their way to Terra along with 100,000 other ships supporting the Anunnaki Royal Family. These world leaders are gonna get their clocks cleaned.
02-10-23- Nurturing The Soul – The Black Book of Soul Sucking and the Spells Cast Upon it – Vlad just came back from Romania with the latest News on The Old Vampiric Families.

02-11-23- Release The Families Now
02-11-23- The Children of the Corn
02-12-23- We are doing an MP3 on this…Remember when Mayfis came to visit us, he said he was going GREEN CASTLE this time? Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n0cRKYLHTzE&t=6s
02-12-23- Green Castle Won – The Comet Told Us So – Superbowl Sunday In Phoenix
02-12-23– What Are The Odds?
02-13-23- A Long Ass Conversation – Red Castle Won The Superbowl Last night – Just Another Day Here At The House – Along With A Visit From Tia and Chusi
02-15-23- Amazon Terms of Service with a Zombie clause written into it.
02-15-23- Idols of Religious worship and their buildings – Lightening is striking them down in front of all to see. Our Creator has had enough and he is letting us know.
02-15-23- They are doing this right out in the open now…literally under the noses of humanity and virtually no-one knows anything about this. Source: https://www.inciner8.com/blog/hazardous-waste/marburg-virus-ebolas-deadly-relative
02-17-23- Yup sorry, not all the Pleiadeans were good beings. Remember the balance is in everything, so let go of the emotional attachments to the lies being told to the Terrans. Our Creator expects you to fight for your souls and not rely on someone else to come and save you. I believe this guy is a Reptilian however he is also telling you a lot of truth while exposing all the charlatans at the same time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijP2MXq8QX4
02-17-23- All those long family house names written down in the bible
02-17-23- Ancient Angels and Little God Seeders
02-18-23- The Reptilian View And Anthony Their Contact. Above Video Conversation
02-18-23- Ever Seen The Series Alice In Borderland ?
02-18-23- How Gaming Can Connect Us To The Creator In A Unique Way
02-19-23- Its free to watch this month and I recommend that you do. Hybrid children.
02-19-23- The Mists Will Revisit Terra Again
02-20-23- Knowing – Its free to watch on YouTube this month. You might want to watch.
02-22-23- Boy Did They Change To Suit The Narrative
02-22-23- The Guillotine Song Do You Think People Are Fed Up Yet?
02-22-23- Ramshars’ First Conversation
02-23-23– Use Your Imagination and Your Third Eye to Connect. Our Divine Creator Is Listening.
02-24-23- The dichotomy of spiritual education and these connections to the dark fleet
02-24-23- Driving With Miss Victoria – More of those random fact conversations that happen all the time, in the truck.
02-25-23- Racism and Terran Souls-Terrans are forcibly being turned into another species against our knowledge or understanding.
02-26-23- Robo Callers at 8am on a Sunday Morning.
02-26-23- We Finally Know How To Use The MP3.
02-27-23- Cooking With Our Spirit Family
02-27-23- Is Gaia Diseased? Has It Gone Too Far?

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