March 2023 CRF

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03-01-23- Everything Is Scripted-Matrix
03-01-23- The Male-Female Argument
3-01-23- There Will Be Seven Kingdoms With Aya
03-01-23- A Dimensional Image Of Trains Was Placed Upon My Back – We Now Know It Was A Warning For Terra
03-02-23- Another crazy itchy back and this time the skin feels really sore.
03-04-23- Connecting With Beings – The Understanding That Comes
03-04-23- Mankind-Aspects You Will Come To Observe Over Time
03-04-23- Trans Female Standards REAL FEMALES are expected to follow
03-04-23- Thanks Henry for the images from your truck.
03-05-23- About Those Codes
03-05-23- Lucy Visits Us Today
03-06-23- Vrils and World Leadership have been occurring since 1871 with Inverted Females parading as Male Leaders…they bred females and they were originally birthed from the original 5 Vril Females. MAN -KIND (Kind of like a man) has ruled over Terra ever since.
Sometimes when we are receiving messages and someone interrupts that communication, it causes issues. Today Victoria got a bit snippy with some of the neutrals for doing this to her as the conversation related to something really important to the 5 breeding Vril females…we are a family…occasionally we show our human side too.
Trumps Grandmother…this was also around the era the 5 Vril Females were emerging. Would that last name be in reference to the Anti-Christ?
03-06-23- THEY planned to change us a long time ago.
03-06-23- The Vril Society came from 5 breeding females, who birthed world leaders.
03-06-23- You Tell Us… Is this the same being or a clone? Traute was one of the original 5 Vril females selected from Europe. – Gosia from Cosmic Agency says on her YouTube Channel she is originally from Poland.
03-06-23- Another image appeared on my back today. Watch the movie Moonfall
03-07-23- The New Back Image. While The Human Eye May not be able to see these images, Victoria feels like she has 1000 pinhead stabs on her back at this time. Her back is sore and itchy-this morning there was Fog and Clouds on her back on 03-08-23. We are waiting for part 2 to develop. This may take up to another 12 hours. It reminds us of an old negative that takes time to develop. We will post again when this image finally emerges.
03-08-23- The Moon Conversation
03-08-23- The NPCs Are Now Emerging On Terra
03-08-23- Crystalline Technology versus the negative tech on Terra. Norman talks about how these differences affect dimensional beings.

03-10-23- People who cast spells before your eyes by flashing the Illuminati hand signals, know exactly what they are doing. When they speak about GOD to you, they are not speaking about The Divine Creator – they are talking about their little G – Lucifer-Satan or whatever other name these 3 beings choose to go by.

Learn these symbols because just about every mouthpiece giving you the latest news, tarot card readers, Alliance info, Q info, Trump train nonsense, my source updates, non-terrestrial front men-women, THEY ALL make these symbols. It’s everywhere. See Below.

03-10-23- The new image on my back is still formulating. Its been a painful process in the last couple of days but so far what we have on my back, is a dark brown box with a lid on it. There is a clasp on the box that changed from a green stone into a black sun. This sun does NOT look like the Vril black sun but rather like a sun burst in black. The images in the background around the box have not developed properly yet so its still an ongoing process. In the meantime the skin on my back continues to itch and feels very sore and prickly.

03-10-23 – A dark brown box with a lid on it. There is a clasp on the box that changes from a green stone into a black sun. This sun does NOT look like the Vril black sun but rather like a sun burst in black. We see this as a fake sunburst that will come from the box but will not represent the Creator. The Green Clasp represents Green Castle trying to hold the box shut -slowing everything down. They are the black sunburst -the fake sunburst.
03-11-23 The image is also up on Telegram if you want to see a larger view. The latest image on my back represents the Balance. Its time to let go of all the religious lies and beLIEfs you were ever taught because in the end, the decision belongs to THE DIVINE CREATOR. HE-SHE DEEMS WHAT IS RIGHTEOUS and not the babbling untruths that come from the mouths of soul sucking demons.

This image represents the following:
1. Those who serve The Divine Creator-Represented by The Sun
2. Non-terrestrials who will be implementing Universal Law back on Terra-
This group represents the Space Vessels
3. The Darker Faction Chosen by the Divine Creator-They are the Moon
03-11-23- About Nazism
03-11-23- We Got It
03-11-23- Approaching The Subject Carefully. Asking The Right Questions
03-12-23- TIA came this morning to help us decipher the new back image and she describes it in an MP3 we will upload soon. I spent half the night sitting up as my back burned and itched. It’s been a painful week but if this is how our Divine Creator wants humanity warned, then so be it.

This new image also gave me shivers. 12 years ago I saw a massive build-up of Sand-colored military vehicles in a desert. There was a powerful dark entity standing over a mountain directing the war energy. The Cross on my back looked almost Celtic in appearance very old like in the days of the Crusades. Does this image represent the new Holy War?

We have been saying not to take your eyes off the Middle East, for a long time now. Let’s see what our Creator will allow. You can see the warning here 12 years ago on Vimeo. It was removed off YouTube and you will see why…
03-12-23- The latest image of the skeleton and cross
03-13-23- I personally believe Christian 21 is either a Reptilian or a Vril Hybrid. As he moved forward into the camera on McCallister TV video, his eyes were yellow in color with a stripe in them. He has long boney fingers and 2 sets of teeth. I have seen this multiple times in other beings too. Here is the video link:
03-13-23- Show me them TEETH pa. Like we have been saying, it’s double speak coming out of the mouths of demons. That’s not an Iris in the eye either, it’s a slit because HU-MANs have Irises.

Our family sees these creatures everywhere now and they know we can see them too. This is one of the reasons why we live quietly in the mountains, the energy here is powerful and these beings have a hard time staying in this area. After 30 minutes of flying around in Raven bodies, the dimensional beings can’t handle the energy from the Sacred Mountain of the East, so they leave. BEGIN LOOKING AT THIS MATRIX WITH YOUR DIMENSIONAL THIRD EYE AND SEE THE REAL TRUTH … WESDOO.

03-14-23-The True Non-Binary Status is our Divine Creator not the Inversions
03-14-23- The Practice of Fathers’ Mysticism Versus Luciferism
3-15-23- The Hotel Burning in Pakistan
03-15-23- Different Levels of Cloud Formations
03-16-23- Interview With The Vampyre
03-17-23- MP3 Coming on this today.
03-17-23- Where Has Melzie Been?
03-17-23- The Council of UR
03-18-23- If the uprising occurs on Tuesday the 21st, be prepared for anything. I bet they will say this is the Fake Trump…the mirror of 2 Trumps. Mirrors reflect both light and dark do they not.
03-19-23- Just wait until people learn the REAL TRUTH as to why this is all happening and Vaccines have played a major role in this TRANS movement for the last 150 years. People refuse to believe the chemical concoction inside the Vaccines which includes HEK 293 hu-man fetal cells, was all designed to turn your soul dark, weaken your DNA and control your mind.
03-19-23- The Truth can only be spoken in baby form, even to those who profess to be awake. Once THEY know the truth behind Vaccines Man-Kind will lose their minds.
03-19-23- Being alone in a sea of Man-Kind who will not understand until the flash opens their minds. MANKIND THINK THEY ARE AWAKE, they are NOT.
03-20-23- Its called Cognitive Dissonance.
03-20-23- This is very interesting.
03-20-23- Morpheus Returns For The First Time In 3 Years – while the Trump Train is coming off the Tracks.
03-20-23- Walls of Nothing
03-20-23 – Social Media Wars
03-21-23- Edna wore a crescent moon on her dress and 8 pointed stars on the glasses. Trump was born under a blood moon and wearing pink represents (adrenochrome or listen to me-you can trust me). They are ALL trannies and they were talking to THEIR Coming Race in this interview…not Humanity. This video can be seen here:

03-21-23- Dame Edna And Trump
03-21-23- Walking The Cities
03-21-23- He Is Now In Chains
03-22-23- Dragons-Humanoids
03-22-23- The Guru Mouthpieces
03-23-23- The Latest About The Sun According to Valiant Thor
03-24-23- The Family goes quiet for a few days when this happens. My body heats up when my back itches and burns until the image is completed. Sleep is something I can do but the itch can be hard to take sometimes.
03-24-23- This morning’s updates – another mixed bag of opinions
03-25-23 – They are already here.
03-25-23- Feebis Returns with all the Lies Terrans are told
03-25-23- Slits in the eyes
03-26-23- President Jackson and Epstein look alike
03-26-23- Waco Texas Trump Rally
03-26-23 – About our Friend Gabe – Terrans know him as Gabriel.
03-27-23- Stay Frosty. PREPARE. Get some Iodine into your body now.
03-27-23 – The soreness is setting in as the Egg hasn’t hatched yet. It’s still developing.
03-27-23- This whole thing is on Telegram for a better look.
03-27-23- HER REPTILIAN NAME IS LIMBARSHA and her ego is so big, I could see her wanting a picture painted with the Man-Kind body she now inhabits. The golden light around trump at the Waco rally was so Terrans would continue to believe she was a beautiful Pleiadian…from the Christ line.
03-27-23- The Jesus Gangster Energy -The false light most Terrans cannot break free of
03-28-23- Responses to questions from our listeners. We hope this helps in your decision-making to build a stronger relationship with The Divine Creator.
03-29-23- Transgender Wars Coming Soon
03-29-23- Vlads-Old-Romania
03-29-23- Inverted-Words-Back-Upon-You
03-31-23- Tarot with Janine is a MTF in my opinion. Broad male skull, extended throat, wide male smile, male features with wider set eyes. Neck comes up directly from under the chin, where as females have a curve which gives them a smaller, shorter neck. This must be an older photo above and before all the hormones kicked in because Janine looks surprisingly younger and much more girly looking these days. WE see YOU.

The Divine Creator (or whatever God it is, you serve…didn’t you say that in one of your videos once Janine?) has asked me to now explain some of this illusion that I see in others. I am to speak the truth and I am sure that will make some people quite upset from this point on. However if we are wrong in our biological review of anyone’s bones structure-anatomy, please enlighten us and we will publicly apologise. In this case however, the Trans-Investigation team also reviewed this photo above and they came to the same conclusion, MTF.
03-31-23- A Soul Contract in its easiest form to understand.
03-31-23- It will be both real and not. THEY ARE FIGHTING OVER THE PORTALS when the 6th dimensional Anunnaki will come through. My sister is married to the Emperor Frederick the 7th who is the rightful comptroller over Terra and not the schmucks you have been led to believe have “The Bloodline” on this matrix.
03-31-23- The tornadoes currently rampaging across the US are part of the Calegic Force that we have been warning about for 5 years. Can you see them showing you their faces in the tunnel cloud. So far its been 38 tornadoes today. Do you believe us now? Video Conversation with Berbalus:
03-31-23- More faces with one of the above images being of a Divine Goddess looking over the storm.
04-01-23- Berbalus from the Calegic Force talking about the Harvest.
04-01-23- Our First Encounter with the Calegic Force and Umbra the Mantid
The conversation with Marduk telling the Terrans the plans of the darker ones. Wake Up.
04-01-23- I have placed 5 different recordings on Telegram today from beings who have come forward to explain the Harvest cycle on Terra. Chenarka came to inform the Terrans – he is one of the rare Reptilians and Watcher, who serves The Divine Creator.

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