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04-01-23- The Transgender Wars Coming Soon
04-01-23- The Ship Above Our Home With Norman – Advanced Feymorian Children
04-01-23- Replicators As We Know Them -What They Can Do For The Terrans

A loving reminder today from one of the most amazing beings – my soul sister…Karshdee.
04-03-23- Storm chasing Events
04-03-23- Part2- Storms, Inversions and Satanist
04-03-23- Listening To Explanations First Before Accusations
04-04-23- This is my REAL biological Father. Gatheon is an angel in our Divine Creator’s Army. It makes no difference to us whether you believe this or not but we are here to say there are hybrids on both sides of the fence living on Terra at this time.
04-05-23- Tat tells me she loves the Quote from Hades (Clash of The Titans) in the movie when he corrected the mortal Queen for her arrogance. Fukushima  is still rotting in the water and leaking its poison. We have been trying to let people know for years how unhappy The 8th dimensional Oceanics feel about the treatment of their family and broken Covenants.
04-05-23- Terrans need to connect with the Divine Creator NOW because this movie is a preview of the ancient Gods and Goddesses who are cleaning up Terra. THEY EXIST and they know some Terrans directly through their family bloodline, which is why this family knows these beings,

Notice how man-kind gets easily pulled into Hades because they have no resistance to him? Notice how arrogant the Queen is before Hades teaches her a lesson? The fact is when you stop believing this actually exists, you become easy prey to these beings. It will be the ignorance whereby Terrans will pay the ultimate price. Listen to the words Hades speaks in this clip because THE NORNS have said the same thing. Choose your method of destruction Terra for you have insulted our Great Father.

Aya is a Little G for the light but the problem on Terra is, most of you have no idea how powerful these beings actually are because your overlords never wanted YOU to learn the real truth. . , Soon all of Terra will come to see these beings on this matrix like my sister Melzie and her husband Anunnaki Emperor Frederick the 7th. Terra these 2 beings are the rightful ruling bloodline in this quadrant of the Galaxy, who are also in service to the Divine Creator. However do not mistake their kindness for weakness because the children of Anur, will also carry out the wishes of our Divine Creator who has decided a major clean-up on aisle 10 is needed.
04-05-23- Wake Up Terra World Governments are leading you into destruction. The Anti-Christ is already here. Trust Only In the Divine Creator.
04-04-23- They Always Complain
04-04-23- Those Who Run Matrix
04-05-23- Whatever you gotta do
04-05-23- Sam came today, it was so great to hear from one of our favorite angels.
04-05-23- The Maasai people are being hunted off their traditional lands to make way for a trophy hunting park for big $$$$ clients.
04-07-23- The Mahdi And The New Mr. Tate
04-07-23- Terran Name- Past Lives- It’s Not Who I Am-Karshdee And The Rosetta Stone
04-09-23- DNA and Tech
04-09-23- Weather Modification Proof
04-09-23- How They Fooled Everyone

04-09-23- I have been holding onto this letter for a couple of weeks waiting for my Grandfather Owen to finish. For now he is very busy working as an Arbiter with the Divine Courts and it may be weeks before he can finish this letter to Terra, so here is part 1 of his conversation with everyone.

HELLO I am helping Airadeel write this to the beings of Terra today. Your calendar tells us it is 02-18-2023. I am an arbiter in one of the Divine Cities and it matters not if you believe I am actually communicating with you or not but rather you understand my purpose. In my most recent life I lived upon the matrix you refer to as Terra-Earth.

You will forgive me but when you are no longer connected to the flesh, your thinking vastly changes and you realize the folly of some of your past lives – actions and feelings. However I have not forgotten my granddaughter or her children and I am aware she has spoken of me a few times since my passing from Terra.

While there is some information I may converse with you about, there are other things am not permitted to pass on at this time. What I can say, there truly is a magnificent divine being we all call father because that’s who he is. Our Creator and he loves all of us.

Our gracious amazing Father took a wretch like me and gave me a chance to shine. I have spent some time in the 4th dimension at Homeland since my passing, among other places learning how the spiritual-dimensional aspect works and its vastly different than anything Terrans were actually taught.

Our Father asked me to become an arbiter in the divine court hearings over Terra because a newly released soul would have all their memories in tact. I knew all about the Freemasons and I know my granddaughter has mentioned this to you before. I knew about the Buddhists as I was a practicing Yoga Master who studied with some of them. I knew about the Christians and the Christ energy, so through it all I became a very knowledgeable person. I also knew all about the spiritual brain washing you have all undergone.

As a former Terran knowing all these things, father felt I could no longer be manipulated and have since called out many beings lies currently undergoing trials through the Divine Courts. It is a long process much like the courts on Terra only this time there are many Terran voices in this chorus who are calling out their tormentors. I am sorry that many of you are waiting on a change but the truth is, we are all waiting on you to make a decision about who you serve.

Years ago one of the family said to me “Darkness may do good that it does not intend sometimes.” What you are witnessing now is some of this in action, as Grey Hats join forces with White Hats to help clean up the mess they helped to create long ago. When a child makes a mess of their room, does not the parent ask that child to go in and clean it up? Well that is what we the courts require from those who have lied and deceived the Terrans.

A Message To Man-Kind not Hu-man-ity:
Your original DNA was hijacked and turned into something else throughout the centuries. There were originally 12 strands (even though the mouthpieces will say its more) and one hidden 13th strain. It was your direct connection to our Divine Creator. Much was done to the Terrans to take that connection away from them through indoctrination, experimentations on their DNA, and the Corruption of their unique and beautiful souls.

It was done by using stolen Divine Licenses originally given out to certain scientists-biologists and other higher dimensional beings. These beings came to Terra on thousand year contracts to teach and educate beings throughout the Universe. Terra was a school and place of incredible beauty once a 5D matrix and one of the the Fathers Jewel Planets. It was a perfect Biodome and many beings from other matrixes came here to join one of the 5 Atlantean ships that came here to teach. Many of you that came here were enslaved and had your memories stolen and its been a circle ever since.

04-11-23– Do you think it’s a coincidence that our meme ends up on the above telegram channel, especially when there is no such thing as a coincidence? And especially since this person is a MTF deceiving others and we have also discussed The Raven before? The sisterhood let me know they are aware of and fixing this issue through the meme. I know the Norns are in the process of removing fate lines all over Terra, so we actually feel sorry for Trans people who are claiming something else at this point.
04-11-23- Yes You Can Share Our Info Because ALL Beings Need To Hear Some Of It
04-11-23- Is It Your Perception Of Reality Versus What The Divine Creator Wants?
04-12-23- Double Speak Illusions Are Happening – Some Entities Have 220 IQs How About You? Could You Outsmart Them? It is Easy When You Know How.
04-12-23- Sometimes Steven’s Passion Comes Out Because He’s Trying To Wake You Up
04-12-23- WE took this book off the market because the person who was supposed to help us publish this and promote it, took all the monies and we never saw one dime. However there is a PDF of the words on our Website somewhere I will hunt it down and link it.
04-13-23- Our energy-magic is imbued with the Love of Our Divine Creator. You shall not pass Naga’s, so go back to the holes you tried to slither out of. Every lie that comes from your fork tongues will now invert back upon you and touch the throat chakra -you will continue to choke and cough because the Creator expects you to TELL THE TRUTH. We did say there was a consequence to listening to the words from the REAL DIVINE – POWERS BEYOND WHAT MOST WILL BE ABLE TO COMPREHEND.
04-13-23– 3 in One – When the 12 shall become one to become 13. They are speaking of your DNA Strands with the 13th being from The Divine Creator. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LwFK-uI5KJg&t=2s
04-13-23- This is the image I was asked to create. It is the promise from our Creator a net would be placed over Terra to catch the souls. What happens from that point on, depends very much on your level of understanding and the relationship you have with the Divine Creator.
04-13-23- Dark A.I and the Future of Terra
04-13-23- From the 1900’s to 2023 how Terra changed.
04-13-23- You Just Never Know
04-14-23- The Old Lady Spirit in the Restaurant
04-15-23- Terra Blue Sky versus Pink Sky in This Matrix
04-15-23- What was found inside the Step Pyramid enabled the structure to levitate. The structure was also used as a portal for travel throughout Terra, body healing work, communication to all beings and other types of energy work. We have supplied images of the Step Pyramid layout and it looks similar to the layout of our computer tech now.

Karshdee says the strange disk found inside this Pyramid helped with balance and rotation of the pyramid. Karshdee has also stated that ancient Kemet was one of the 5 Atlantean cities that came here to Terra. The teachers and historians who came here to teach, were also trapped and some were used as innocent political pawns in the takeover of Terra. It was all done through corrupted inverted energies, so dark AI could take a foothold on this matrix and one day take over Terra. Sounding familiar now? Want to learn more? We have added other info on Telegram for you to see on this subject too. Source: https://t.me/WhenTheAncientsSpeak
04-16-23- Two Days ago a white Rabbit with blood all over it appeared on my back. My back has been itchy for days and finally the image appeared. The rabbit was looking over its shoulder in mortal fear of its life. It was running away… from what?

Even though we never actually saw who or what the rabbit was fleeing from, I can only think two things – either it was from the Terrans or it was from The Divine Creator. I tend to think the rabbit is running from our Creator 😉 because it seems many Terrans, still don’t want to believe what has happened to children.
04-17-23- What Choice Will YOU Make?
04-18-23- You are being told 60% are human… that’s not exactly truthful.
04-18-23- The NEW Politics for 2024 is just another schmooze on the people.
04-17-23- We See The Ark Today Above The Creators Mountain
04-17-23- Will You Listen One Final Time? Light a candle and make a stand.
04-18-23- This is not an image I wanted to share.
04-18-23- This is a construct that dimensional beings created. Its on Telegram if you want a larger version to examine.
04-19-23- For all the Q lovers… connecting humanity to the Dark AI Queen.
04-20-23– Our Family the Oceanics are ready.
04-20-23- About Dolphins and Octopi.
04-20-23– Marjorie (Mark) Taylor Greene
04-19-23- Dark AI already here
04-19-23- Sewn Matrixes In The Multiverse
04-20-23- SpaceX OOPSIE bang up
04-21-23- Canadian Prepper is right, no matter what the majority thinks.
04-21-23- Invest In The Bank of Our Divine Creator
04-20-23- Transgenders telling other Trans people they are mentally ill. Source: https://principia-scientific.com/johns-hopkins-chief-psychiatrist-transgender-is-mental-disorder/
04-22-23- Melzie has now been crowned the official Empress of this quadrant of the Galaxy. Its game on Terra because she’s pissed with the leaders on Terra and is also the Empress of this Matrix too! To those who read our website intently “This is what you wanted – This is what you get. The Creator is done! Here comes Melzie.”
04-23-23- This is who came to visit us yesterday. We recorded what she had to say too.
04-23-23- And Then Demeter Popped In For A Chat
04-23-23- This is very much how Demeter looks as I saw her. The Divine Creator has restored her beauty, grace and love. She is also very excited about the restoration of Terra. Polite farming, agriculture, natural energy growing (electro-culture) and all beings enjoying the harvest of their work. She believes in community, prosperity and fertility for all beings on Terra.

This is what Demeter will now bring to Terra and she will also interact with The Oceanics to restore the waters. They will also set up protections to defend Terra against polluters and those who would harvest and destroy Gaia.
The Divine Feminine is here.
04-23-23- the number 4.44 am was important for this family to know. This came in response to Airadeel asking about Demeter and why she came looking like an old demonic witch as the family saw.

However, Airadeel saw something different. She saw a beautiful Goddess dressed in Greek style attire, with braided golden thread and gems in her hair, long golden curls directly smiling at her. Airadeel saw Demeter the way our Divine Creator has now restored her back, full of beauty and grace.

Demeter will be one of the Goddesses helping to restore Terra. Farming, Agriculture and the return of Fertility for all beings – is very important to Demeter. Many of the factories blowing up were being done to rid this matrix of poison. Demeter had a lot to do with this operation because she demands Gaia be cleansed and purified or else. She is one of the Olympians…so she can do that. We recorded her visit.
04-23-23- The New Trump Downloads on Telegram. It was curiosity that killed the cat.
04-23-23- These are the images that have appeared on my back so far. I know another is forming now because my back is very sore and itchy again.
04-24-23- Mike and I created an MP3 from some of the letters we have received lately and especially some of your feelings about Demeter. Casting a judgement upon what someone perceives as good or bad from THEIR UNDERSTANDING, especially at this time when our Creator has the ONLY RIGHT to make a judgement…maybe that’s as far as you may be able to go – I don’t know.

The Tribal people speak to dimensional beings of light and dark all the time and our family walks a very similar spiritual path, so of course we speak to both sides of the fence and have been totally honest with everyone about it too. We are not Christian. We are not Muslim. We are not Buddhists. We walk with the Divine Creator, I know its hard to believe because we teach you teachings from all aspects. Imagine that, you are actually learning something you never understood before. So we fully understand when someone gets their back up and remarks in a negative way. We get it, what we say goes against your Reptilian programming but if you can’t handle what we say now, maybe your are not supposed to go any further… you tell us?

Finally: I am NOT nor have I ever been involved with the being some of you refer to as Lucifer. The name is a title only and there are 3 of these beings who switch off-on to play this role throughout different stages of development on this matrix. I have spoken to all 3 of these beings and I have even recorded one of those Conversations. We call him Mr. M. but you dont have to beLIEve us. M has played multiple roles on this matrix and he is still around now. Wesdoo.
04-24-2023- This information is just coming to us left and right.
04-25-23- A Mirror is placed strategically to another doorway. A portal to whomever is controlling the entity channeling this information. Source: https://www.bitchute.com/video/NkdGZEbFmw1k/
04-25-23- We had some really good conversations set up for you to hear too. Especially the one of the God Mercury and Rx Corporations. I believe that’s why the recordings were destroyed this morning. Sometimes these beings DO NOT LIKE IT WHEN WE TELL YOU THE TRUTH.
04-25-23- They Tried To Stop Us Recording This Information
04-25-23- Dan Winter (non-Terrestrial community) trying to educate Terra on weapons the Anunnaki have in their possession, while making the triple 6 fingers. These beings are the hypocrites selling out humanity and also why most people believe our family is the exact same way. Our family is in service to the Divine Creator – WE DO NOT SERVE SERPENTS unlike most Terrans who do (unaware) every day of their lives.
04-25-23- If you weren’t aware before, this is a universal game known throughout the Multiverse as Minette. Emperor’s throughout our amazing matrixes, play this game. Believe me, the stakes are high … Games … Terra your overlords want to play this game with all of you through politics. Like it or not the Children of Ainur’ (Annunaki) are some of the firstborn in the Multiverse. They are your Little G’s. They are the Immortals.
Most of the history about them was written by REPTILIANS who poisoned your mind, spirit, heart, brain, soul into believing these beings are your enemy. Yet our Divine Creator loves them as his-her children too. Can the Terrans not see this?
04-27-23- You Don’t Need A Go-Between To Connect To The Divine Creator.
04-28-23- The Healing of Smeagle – Our Pets Have Souls Too

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