May-2023 MP3 Recordings

This is the Anunnaki House Airadeel comes from, as do her sisters Melody and Ophelia.

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05-01-23- Aya Speaks About The Texas Storms
05-01-23- Let’s Discuss The Digital System everyone is freaking out about.
05-01-23- How Contracts Work with Divinities – Most Terrans will have a hard time accepting the way the Multiverse actually operates.
05-02-23- The Best Energy Time of the day to communicate with the Divine Creator
05-04-23- The latest back image.
05-05-23- So spraying the sky is helping us?
05-05-23- Sometimes we just chill out for a few days.
05-06-23- And 100 years later, we are back to another changeover…
05-06-23- The Cat is out of the bag now with Tia.
05-07-23- Ever notice how some actors look like beings in the past like William Shakespeare and Paul Giamatti? Its not random because they are either the same being or they were cloned. William Shakespeare was the first Masonic Freemason and a good friend of King James (KJV bible), so I lean toward the fact, Shakespeare is and always has been a Reptilian. Therefore I believe William has reappeared from time to time in the limelight on Terra.

During the late 15th century (Approx. 1561) when a reset occurred on this Matrix, beings like William just went back down into the catacombs to wait it out. THEY then reappeared in the early 16th century to start all their crap up again… and this time it was to help King James get the black book of soul sucking published in 1611. It has been written on other blogs I have seen, that Shakespeare actually wrote some of the book of Psalms which makes sense to me because he was also a stage writer in his time.

This repeated pattern is pretty much how the Reptilians operate on Terra and how they have always hid in among the Terrans. This is also why I believe William is still around today as an actor in 2023.

“Hell is empty and all the devils are here.” – William Shakespeare “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women are merely players; They have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts.” – William Shakespeare

TERRA IS FULL OF GAMES AND YOU HAVE TO LEARN HOW TO PLAY THE GAME WHILE YOU ARE HERE because the demons dressed in human skins, certainly learned how deceive Terrans into playing their games…which will end up costing your soul.

05-07-23- We must have hit another nerve today on Telegram with the whole Shakespeare exposure thing because I am no longer allowed to edit my own posts again. . . so much for free platforms. How many of you out there go through this nonsense of constantly being banned nearly every time you post something? Or have your website hacked along with your laptop?

We’ve noticed these banning’s tend to be increased, when we talk about Terran historical lies versus the dimensional facts. Ever since we talked about the Anunnaki Game of Minette and the Reptilian Education across Terra, we have noticed an increase in bans. Seems to us we must be over the target, otherwise why are they so afraid of you knowing about a Game… UNLESS the stakes were very high at this time…like the matrix of Terra perhaps?

We are Watchers in this family, so THEY-THEM know we cannot stop speaking to all the Terrans. Watchers – watch and they report back on what they observe. Watchers also warn others of what they see happening too. Watchers bear marks and sigils on their foreheads – marks representing their house-species and who they serve – in our family we bear the mark of the Blue Flame Energy. We serve The Divine Creator not snakes.

Blue Flame energy is seen as a symbol of protection and provides a shield against negative energy. It’s also the 1st Divine Flame in our Creators array of amazing colors – the blue flame also represents wisdom, harmony and truth. The Blue Flame can help with clearing negative energies. If you haven’t noticed already, we actually place the blue flame in all of the artwork, in order to protect the beauty, innocence and peaceful clarity, against negative energies.

No matter what you hear at this time, know this Our Creator WILL have the last say. It is not up to the snakes or what they beLIEve they have won at this time. Our Creator asked us to speak the truth, so that’s what we are doing. Wesdoo.

05-08-23- Our family will be taking a break for a few days. We are running on fumes at the moment as we have been under siege for the last few days. We smudged the home this morning and this has seem to calm it all down for now but we are exhausted. We have pissed THEM off big time because of the truth we tell you about these beings and dimensions. We are not afraid of these beings but they are dimensional and at this time, our souls are still wrapped in flesh.

These beings are really good at trying to wear you down and THEY are really mad at our family because we exposed how they jump through time and are currently playing the Anunnaki game of Minette for the control of Terra. So we have been under siege for the last 72 hours since those TRUTH posts.

If just a couple of people had to spend a night in our house where there is heavy spiritual activity happening, most people couldn’t handle things like. . . shadows giggling on the ceiling, knocking on the door-walls, truck alarm going off at 2am, growling sounds and nasty entities calling you all kinds of disgusting names. This is how these beings roll. Hang onto The Creator. Wesdoo.

05-09-23- We have made a recording about these overlay marks on Mike which we will add today—after this we will take a break for a few days. This is the kind of crap we go through all the time and can be hard BUT when you love our Divine Creator, this is what THEY-THEM do to fight with you all the time.
05-09-23- We are doing nostalgic artwork for the Trade Publication which we are also going to make FREE for everyone very soon. You need to grow food ASAP. We have been teaching sustainability and eating good healthy foods for over 12 years now. This scripture is for the Christians who listen to us and believe us to be speaking to demons. Matthew 7:16 says “By their deeds, you will know them. Does a man gather grapes from thorns or figs from briars?”

We teach people how to survive, how to grow food, how to raise healthy animals and crops, how to take care of the land and how to produce fish and veggies together through aquaponics. DOES THIS SOUND LIKE THE WORKS OF DEMONS TO YOU? 😉

05-09-23- Aire’on is Airadeel’s Guardian Angel who is now back from another assignment and guarding the Kelley’s. Aire’on is an Archangel, as is Gatheon who was recently promoted to Archangel status – and Airadeel’s genetic Father. Gatheon is not pleased about these dimensional attacks upon our family either and so we asked for our Angelic Family to watch over us.

Our Divine Creator is now watching this family VERY closely now. . . so thank you to everyone who sent us your love and energy recently. We really appreciate your kindness. Wesdoo.

05-08-23- King Charles
05-09-23- About Being Messed With
05-09-23- About Pakistan -Imran Khan – The Middle East

05-13-23- Today is the day of my Terran Birth. I was born on this 13th day (The Original Number of the Divine Feminine) under the sign of Enlil (Anunnaki) the Bull. Don’t be surprised by this arrangement because one of Aya’s Genetic Fathers is (Leopold The Lion) and both of Aya’s parents are half Lyran-Anunnaki.

Our Anunnaki family are celebrating my birthday today on Feymoria. Feymoria is a 5-6 dimensional matrix – a sister matrix to Terra, which is on the outskirts of this galaxy of the known multiverse. On Feymoria They serve the Divine Creator of the Multiverse, I know it sounds like a Fairytale right? The Fey are a species of humanoids, so yes 100% True.

In Anunnaki culture the planning of any child’s birth such as the day of arrival, is very important because you also represent the house (Bull) you are connected with. As we have mentioned before Family Lineage is VERY IMPORTANT to the Anunnaki. The 13th was the day chosen for me to re-enter this Matrix under the house of the Bull.

Whatever nonsense you are hearing about Enlil from the mouth pieces, it’s a totally gross misrepresentation again because in order to play the Terran – Anunnaki Minette Game, there must always be a bad guy on the other end.

Think about the movie Dune and all those Houses represented with the Emperor. This is a accurate representation of Matrixes throughout the multiverse and how they operate. The game of Minette always requires political moves, so of course a Lower House vying for a seat at the table on Terra, will lie their asses off to the Terrans, in order to move forward their piece on the game board. This is how the game is played Terra and YOU are the stakes. That is my truthful bit of knowledge I share with you on this day. Anunnaki share something of themselves on this day, so I thought I would share the truth of what’s really going on with this Terran Matrix.


05-18-23- About Heilung-The Band
05-18-23- The Gods Return
05-18-23- The Best Act of Rebellion
05-18-23- Same Sex Relationships In The Eyes Of The Divine
05-18-23- This is a PDF Format Publication. FREE SIGN UP HERE:

Some of you signed up so quickly you beat my broadcast. You should have received an email with a link to download the magazine and you will next month automatically.

In the meantime here is a direct link to the mag:

Thanks for your support 😀


05-23-23- The Soul-The Mind and who you are now.
05-23-23- Its time to get serious about who and what you want to see happen on the future of this matrix. We do not know how much of this our Creator will allow to continue before something changes. I can say the 2 beings walking this matrix now are here to cleanse.
05-25-23- Its Always In The Fracking Ship

Oops. The site When The Ancient’s Speak was briefly down. Our domain expired and I just plain forgot to renew. Apologies for any brief service interruption . . .

05-26-23- Weird-Experiences
05-30-23- Staying Strong While Under Spiritual Attacks
05-30-23- From 1561 To 1565 The Cartography Maps Were Very Different

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