June, 2023

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06-01-23- Renaming Authentic- Aussie Crystalline City -Getting It All Together
06-01-23- The Birth of Venus by Botticelli. Victoria was 3 years old when she noticed this.
06-01-23- The Good Energy Harvesting
06-01-23- Above are the teachings I have learned from The Windfathers – The Spirals of life and connection to the Creator versus the Religious teachings I was shown as a child.
06-03-23- I have the entire post in a much larger format up on Telegram if you need to see the original from 2009. This map, inscriptions or whatever you think these images may be, are very similar to Orion. The difference is I believe the map I drew shows how the energy flows to and from the other matrixes. The dark sun is there, so is the all seeing eye, and the pyramids. The swirls of energy show how THEY keep the operations going from Orion and look at how there are outside stars also a part of their dark world on this map.
06-02-23- The Green Scrubbie Argument
06-04-23- The deception and programmed lies continue well into 2023
06-05-23- The Long Bonus Conversation- This conversation happened randomly as we were not aware of the recorder being on at this time. However, this is our life and these are conversations we have every single day. Hope you enjoy them – The male spirits love watching Reed Timmer lately with tornado chasing. I have cut the personal stuff out and so we just kept in the fun conversations.
06-06-23- Uncovering real history in resets or through spoken stories. Also, we have been researching blogsites by people whose families have lived in the same location for generations, local historians, and alternative historical sites for information too.
06-08-23- The Yellow Sky Vision – Pollution Levels – Reptilian Taysel tells us what is going on 4 years ago. Being called a Vault Leech.
06-08-23- These videos apply to what is happening TODAY – NOW on Terra.
06-11-23- Fracturing of the Soul and why sometimes another personality may come forward from you or others around you.
06-12-23- The Sacred Tree
06-13-23- The 7 Bowls Part 1
06-13-23- The 7 bowls part 2
06-13-23- The Truck Conversation about this amazing cloud that formed above the mountain.
06-13-23- You can see some more cloud viewing here: https://www.bitchute.com/video/2I7bsiyzarbt/
06-15-2023 Biblical Quotes to live by.
06-18-23: Spencer was 33 when he suddenly passed away. The Spencer I knew was always full of life and happiness and fresh out of college at 24, writing about his passion – aquaponics, in the ASC Magazine. He was one of the few young men we knew, who really wanted to be a farmer, and Spencer was a good one too. Source: http://ascmagazine.blogspot.com/2015/08/aquaponic-abundance-with-asc-magazine.htm
06-15-23- Are The Canadian Fires Real and was that really smoke covering New York?
06-19-23- Romans 8: 8-10 – We are talking about how these verses if read properly according to the Transliteration of this text, what these meanings say to us. I grew up JW so I was taught how to research the bible at a young age with all of their study aides.

8; Those who are in the realm of the flesh cannot please God. 9 Part 1: You, however, are not in the realm of the flesh but are in the realm of the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God lives in you.
Part 2: And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, they do not belong to Christ.
10 But if Christ is in you, then even though your body is subject to death because of sin, the Spirit gives life because of righteousness.
06-20-23- The song is by a group called Narsilion. Narsilion means “Of the Sun and the Moon” Narsilion is the “Song of the Sun and Moon”, telling of their creation:
After the Two Trees of Valinor were poisoned, Manwë commanded Yavanna and Nienna to attempt to heal the Trees. Yavanna sang and Nienna wept, but to little avail until at last Telperion bore one silver flower and Laurelin a single golden fruit. These Yavanna took and gave to Aulë. Manwë hallowed them and Aulë and his people made vessels to hold them and preserve their radiance. Varda then took the vessels and gave them the power to traverse the lower regions of Ilmen. https://tolkiengateway.net/wiki/Narsilion
06-20-23- What We Know About The Nukes and where they originally came from. Also in this recording, There Is No Unforgivable Sin No Matter what you have been told. The Divine Creator can forgive ALL SINS.
06-20-23- The video is on Telegram and its about a smart little boy schooling an older man who is trying to make an argument for having the Government, while the young boy gives him some home truths about what the Government really is. . .
06-21-23- About ZZ Officer Oggledorf in WW2 and the German Prisoner of War Camp In Trinidad, Colorado. We did this recording at 1.30 am because the coyotes woke us up with their yipping in the woods near our home.
06-22-23- Schumann Chat. We cut this recording short because Victoria connected with the powerful feminine energy she perceived as Gaia. She said it looked like a tree root from way down inside This Matrix reached up and touched Victoria. Gaia looked through her eyes for a moment, Victoria’s eyes filled with tears, then she felt anger. Gaia said… I remember this place when it was beautiful, then she disconnected.
06-23-23- Experiences in each reality and more on the shifting plates across this matrix.
06-24-23- Staying Alert – Connecting to Our Creator – The Imploding Mini Submarine
06-25-23- What Happened To Us?
06-26-23- Melzie In The Truck
06-25-23- Information on Ryan as a new Channel – Part1
06-26-23- Ryans Interview – Part2
06-28-23- The Changes That Are Happening To Ryan As A New Channel
06-28-23- Upheavals Happening On Terra and Aya Came With A Message
06-29-23- Ryans Viewing-Experiences- Interview 2
06-29-23- Chusi’s Life Experiences and Her College Updates
06-29-23- Tia Came To Visit Us This Morning We Discuss The Updates, Along With Stephen’s opinion.
06-30-23- The D Key on Victoria’s Computer
06-30-23- Trip Chairs and how they operate per Ryan
06-30-23- The Windchime Experience and Our Sacred Tree
06-30-23- The Talking Heads are now scrambling as Terrans leave their channels because they realize that more lies are being told.

Ancient Spirituality, Extraterrestrial Life, Cover Ups, Current Events