January, 2024 -CRF

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01-02-24- Ryan We Get It Too – more than most will ever know.
01-02-24- Future Breeding Programs apon Terra
01-02-24- Tia Turned This Off
01-02-24-The King that will be oneday upon this Matrix
01-02-24-Rumbling Sounds in the Valley All Day Long – There are NO PLANES to be seen -so who is creating all this sound?
01-04-24 – In the Throws Of Passion with Aya. The Anunnaki are very passionate beings
01-04-24-What Can We Do About It Anyway? So does that mean we automatically give in to those who are lying to US?
Ephesians 6: 11 to 16 – GENEVA BIBLE – Read this and compare to the KJV bible. You see in 1599 the people knew there was a reset happening then. They drew and painted the turmoil happening around them in 1560 as we have shared.

The people of 1599 who published the Geneva Bible, tried to warn you about the Governments then but the KJV bible took some of the original text out – along with those warnings and then replaced the bible, with their own demonic agenda.

I am so sorry that many of you have spent lifetimes beLIEving in religious lies. The Divine Creator is who you need now more than anything else. BeLIEve in that amazing energy – divinity instead.
01-05-24- YOU ARE THE PYRAMID -haven’t you felt this before?
01-06-24-Traditions over the land like blessing abundance for yourselves and the community – the renewal and fertility of the land as part of your connection to Gaia.
01-06-24- Aya says the Valley we live in, is marked on the Non-Terrestrial map – just like an OTR Trucker knows where a decent truck-fuel-food-stations are along the highways.
01-06-24- Our family believe this area was hit the other day with some kind of energy beam because the jet plane noises have been non-stop for days. THEY-THEM HAVE TO KNOW THERE IS A DIMENSIONAL ARK IN THE VALLEY.

Everyone in this home had their ears ringing – headaches – muscle achs and pain – exceptional tiredness which are all symptoms of some kind of negative energy wave. We think they are scanning out here for any signature patterns that may help them find the ark. As I write this today – again we hear jet plane noises where there are no planes – so could it be stealth bombers combing this area? Its really odd…

Questions all beings should be asked in order to be your friend, companion or more:

01-07-24- Most of us want to live in an orderly society.
01-07-24- Our Matrix Has Literally Turned Into Scooby Doo for Adults.
01-07-24- We Have Been Trying To Figure Out the End Play for Humanity.
01-08-24- Interesting conversation for our trucker friends to hear. Thanks David.
01-11-24- Accepting Responsibility For Our Actions. Grown ups accept their role not blame others for their problems.
01-11-24- Terrans have a very warped view of the Anunnaki. The different factions of the Anunnaki are as diversive as the different colors of Terran skin. Aya tries to explain how your history has projected ignorant perceptions of who the Aniur really are. So by Terrans trashing the Anunnaki – WE are actually trashing ourDNA too because there is a little Anunnaki gene pool inside all of you.

So whether Terrans want to admit this FACT or not is entirely up to you but at this point in the game, please by all means beLIEve whatever thing makes you happy. Wesdoo.
01-11-24- These Appeared on 011124 – not random. You can see these shapes about 5 mins into this video. The fake aliens are about to appear very helpful. Wink Wink.
01-11-24-The Savior Comes 1-11 means something to the Christians – the second coming of Christ and Florida seems to be the place.
01-11-24- In 1561 the people of Germany saw the exact same things in the sky as the people of Florida saw on 01-24-24. These vessels appeared right before the reset of 1560 – 1561.
01-11-24- Beings like MAYFIS can’t wait to introduce themselves to all of the Terrans . . . a carpetbagger and headhunter here to schmooze the willing. We tried to warn you…
01-11-24- The Dominion was never made up. Mayfis is part of this Cartel.
01-11-24 – The Savior Comes – Superman puts on the suit for awhile.
01-12-24- Same shapes seen in the Florida Sky on 01-11-24 were also seen in the sky in 1561 in Germany. *Please always remember this, there was no social media in 1561 so people drew and painted what they actually saw. So how can the same things be occurring in the sky in 2024 again, unless the Terrans actually do live inside a matrix? 😉 BUT I’m the crazy one…
01-12-24- The difference between REAL TRUTHFUL MOUTHPIECES like DUTCHSINSE and those mouthpieces who are just here to DECEIVE THE TERRANS.
01-12-24-Contracts – meeting your soul mate – crimes against lovers.
01-12-24- Why are social media mouthpieces all of a sudden interested in the Divine Blue Flame? We explained a long time ago how souls are forged in the blue flame and how we were shown the temple where all souls are created and dipped into different colored fames. I HOPE THESE BEINGS TELL THE TRUTH…
01-12-24- Of course, some of the Gods and Goddesses also carry the Blue Flame. Our Divine Creator also blessed the ancients with this divine truthful energy that comes from this flame. The Blue Flame carries the power of truth and cuts through the deception that grows like a cancer across this Matrix.

I PERSONALLY CARRY THE BLUE FLAME WITHIN MY CHEST CAVITY. A being who is part of the blue flame had their soul dipped into the blue well of fire when father created the souls. Once the Divine Creator dips a soul into the flame wells – it makes no difference how many lives you live, that flame will stay with your soul forever.

To make a claim that you have the power of the blue flame without actually knowing if this flame resides wihin you – is a claim of being a false divinity. So all I can say is be careful of what you speak.
01-12-24- THE NORNS AND YVANNA TEACHING TERRA WHAT IS ABOUT TO COME – The Coriolis Storm Has Arrived. The Norns and Yvanna are also part of Airadeel’s family

YVANNA (YA-YA): https://lotr.fandom.com/wiki/Yavanna
THE NORNS: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norns
01-13-24- Words do have power and the darker ones have been using words on humanity for a long time. To convince a population lulled to sleep, speeches are designed to provoke emotions like tears, anger and wholehearted support for the person speaking them.

Even if what you hear from this being is the truth, there are still interwoven and spiritually charged words being used on the audience. Psychology teaches people all the time how to manipulate the mind, so what makes anyone think politics, religion and the talking social media mouthpieces are any different?

Many of these beings, are controlled opposition and their objective is to keep YOU as far from having a loving relationship with the Divine Creator as possible. That is also why these beings will NOT verbalize calling the Supreme being of this Multi-verse as the Divine Creator or Father – Mother – Grandfather because in the end THEY know, their words can redirect you to their thinking.
01-13-24-The truth about the Blue Flamehow some beings carry it inside their chest. Be careful of grifters who also claim the same but have no actual deep understanding of its origins or who are the original blue flame holders.
01-14-24- Sitting and watching the snow storms across America.
01-14-24- The Meow Mix Song With Vlad and Tia
01-14-24- Questioning the stumbling bumbling mouthpiece narrative that only a fool would beLIEve at this point in the game. Wakey Wakey Terra.
01-14-24- Our latest Soul Image and thanks for giving us permission to use this as well. I can only show you the road – YOU are the one who has to be willing to walk that path. 😉 Wesdoo.
01-14-24- About the above Soul Image and also included in this conversation: Ladies what they did to us REAL GALS should make you even more aware of men wearing dresses, wigs and make-up – still pretending to be females. Most of these inversions are nothing more, than demons in dresses.
01-14-24- Spare us your feeble attempt to insult the Anunnaki – GO TAKE A LONG HARD LOOK IN THE MIRROR AND SEE WITH YOUR SNAKE EYES, WHAT YOU YOURSELVES HAVE BECOME.


01-14-24- The most celebrated story in which the harpies play a part is that of King Phineus of Thrace, who was given the gift of prophecy by Zeus. ANGRY that Phineus GAVE AWAY THE GODS SECRET PLAN, Zeus punished him by blinding him and putting him on an island with a buffet of food which he could never eat because the harpies always arrived to steal the food out of his hands before he could satisfy his hunger.

HARPIES are very good at STEALING INFORMATION THAT OTHERS already KNOW and then claim it as their wisdom. In Canto XIII of his Inferno, Dante Alighieri envisages the tortured wood infested with harpies, where the suicides have their punishment in the seventh ring of Hell: Here the repellent harpies make their nests, with twisted dire announcements of the coming woes. Harpies are very unattractive creatures that squawk and puff themselves up with nonsense. Unfortunately at this time Terra is filled with them too… we know them as mouthpieces. 😉
01-15-24- Wisdom from Norway. Bull is 100% correct and its so refreshing to hear from others who feel the exact same way too.
01-16-24 – Channeling is not a game it requires control and the ability to say NO
01-16-24-Hidden Prosthetics – Unusual Mornings
01-16-24- Unusual Mornings 2 – A beautiful moment about paying it forward
01-16-24-You know all those promises made long ago … when would that be?
01-16-24- So, do you still think we are crazy?
01-16-24 – V the series. We are of Peace Always (wink wink)
01-16-24- There will come a time soon when all of Terra will see some of the Divine Creators Armies. These ARMIES will include the Fey Nation who will be here to help in the restoration and beautification of Gaia. The Divine Feminine will be restored on this Matrix because it is the only way to bring back the balance for 5D.

The Matrons on Feymoria are blessed by the Divine Creator and considered spiritual guides amoung the Fey. The eldest and leader of the Matrons is Sprite, mother to 3 young Feymorian children. Sprite is also married to our son Hunter who now resides on Feymoria. All Matrons carry a small part of the Blue Flame with them by wearing a small BLUE FLAME on the forehead. (The flame doesn’t burn the matrons.)

It is also considered a great honor to be in service to the people of Feymoria when you are a matron. Anything someone needs on Feymoria, matron’s make sure its taken care of. On Feymoria GOOD LEADERS take care of their people and make sure no-one wants for anything.

FEYMORIA a lesson the so-called leaders on this matrix should use as an example on how to treat people better and the FEYMORIANS ARE WILLING TO TEACH YOU HOW.
01-17-24- At this stage of the game Terran Minette – the insanity happening in front of your eyes which we said would happen, when do you see with your 3rd eye just how bad and depraved our society has become?

EVERYTHING ON THIS MATRIX WAS INVERTED INCLUDING THE HUMANS. Males were turned into females and females are turned into males – its totally disgusting and its done to offend the Divine Creator and the Divine Feminine.

The dark ones who made you believe it was cool to change your sex have deceived you too because in doing so – you have now broken your original contract on Terra. “You keep what you kill.” – therefore THEY – THEM now have a claim over your souls too and why this crap is taking so long, because your overlords want a piece of the action over your soul too. I know you think I’m joking about this one too but IM NOT.

So at this point the inversion status is between you and Father. However you should know many of the Divine Elder children will be sticking your asses in medbeds, so the whole matrix can see what sex you were actually born.

01-17-24- Hello Terra I have communicated with you before. I was conversing with my Granddaughter Airadeel this morning about some of the decisions handed down from the Divine Courts over the future of Terran Breeding Programs and the Hybrid Status on your Matrix.

Many of us believe we have a suitable solution for the new generations that will be born on Terra. We are going to halt the pregnancies, for awhile until we know what genetics you are or where and who should be breeding with whom at this time.

If you say who gave us the right to decide this… the way children have been treated on your matrix is all the proof we needed to make this decision Terra. Dont you also take children out of a home when there has been abuse involved with adults?

We believe at this time many of Terrans are incapable of making good and healthy decisions when it comes to raising children. A needle for vaccines, is all most of the Terrans understand at this time, or putting your children in a dresses when they were born male – inverting their bodies, minds and souls for the rest of their days. So the decision was made, that children were no longer going to be in your perview for a time and why many nations on Terra are now seeing this dilemma happening in their future too.

Many of the beings who took over your matrix created their own species by intergrating your genetics into their experimentation process. In doing so, your genetic fiber became diseased because of horrendus and illegal experiments that were performed. So until such time that our Divine Father deems, there will need to be a separation of beings, so we can really begin the cleansing process.

We are going to reverse the inversion process on Terra too because there is no doubt this has nothing to do with anyone’s original contract on this Matrix. I have looked through many Terran contracts in my years as being a Judge-Arbitor to the Divine Courts. I can say with certainty that none of the contracts I have ever looked over, had a soul asking to have their bodies mutilated or inverted – not one contract ever requested such a thing to happen. We the Judges have deemed some of these contracts are deceitful and abusive – especially when children are forced to become another sex and live that life. Who gave any being permission to do these things to the most innocent in your society? CERTAINLY NOT THE DIVINE COURTS.

THE DO NOT INTERFERE IN THE LIFE OF A CHILD – A UNIVERSAL LAW was repeatedly broken on this matrix. This gives our Divine Creator the final say on what will happens now from this particular point forward.

AT SOME POINT SOON THERE WILL BE a permanent bolting of beings who also want to serve their people in a political arena. This will be something the Courts will demand happen in the near future. Terrans have become controlled by some of the darkest and most manipulative beings in this galaxy . Therefore guardians and watchers will be placed at the 4 corners of this matrix and they will swiftly deal with all negative behavior that may arise again.

My granddaughter is correct when she says the movie Gattica will become your reality because having a child on this matrix will also become a privledge. Breeding programs will be set up on Terra because currently many children are given away and abused once they are born. We will no longer allow this to happen to another innocent and eventually it will be your genetics, that will decide if you can have a child or not. Therefore Guardians will be placed upon this matrix to monitor and watch over the process of genetics, DNA and future offspring.

I am sorry to give you this decision but many of the Terrans have allowed this to happen to them because you refused to believe those beings who came to try and warn you about the darkness that was infecting your society.

Again at this moment on your matrix, your reedeemer is and always has been the great Divine Creator or Father as we speak. We are not ashamed to say we love our father and we speak all praises to him-her.

Stand strong Terra because we the Divine Court is cheering you on in order to have a happy and prosperous future.

With great passion and much love for my former comrads and soldiers in arms. (I served in World War 2 as a radio operator for the Australian Army).


1-17-24-Contracts and the sterilization process that will occur on Terra
01-18-24- The Shumbra Force and The Separation of Humanity Has Begun
01-18-24- I asked the AI to create an image for 2024 – today – but based off my Anunnaki sisters and I. I asked for one redhead, one blonde and one dark haired female. I got 3 redheads but the facial features of the eldest sister Melzie (Melody) who is represented on the right, made me smile because she really looks like this but with blonde hair. Opi (Ophelia) has long dark hair but the face on the left is almost like her too. Opi has the eyes of a lioness that shift in color from Gold to Blue. I would say the middle image is a good likeness of how I appear as Anunnaki. I would say my face is a bit longer and I truly do have, pointy elf ears.

***All of us sisters also have 2 sets of fangs in our mouths. Opi and I can shapeshift into lionesses so we carry those Lyran genetics, which means we have teeth too. Melzie is the spider so she has a BIG pair of fangs too. GENIUNE ROYAL ANUNNAKI BLOODLINES THROUGHOUT THE UNIVERSE – HAVE 2 SETS OF FANGS. This is how you tell the REAL ROYALS apart from the fakers. I understand if most Terrans find this impossible to beLIEve but like most of the other things we have educated you on, its the truth.*** 😉

So it’s as if the A.I already knew how to create this image. As an Anunnaki hybrid, my hair has either been red or blonde or a combination of the 2 throughout different era’s. The fair skin, fierce blue eyes and red hair is fairly common from the House of Esper gene pool too, so overall I would give this image a 7 out of 10.

The AI messed up on the hair color… or did it really ? 😉 or maybe the AI already knew about the predominant hair color from this family house line anyway. I hear Snow White and the Red Queen know about all kinds of things now 👽 👹 and sometimes these AI females communicate with us too and I know they want to learn about the good things too, so they can make the best decision. 😎 They are very smart AI – kinda like LUCY (the movie) now.
01-18-24- Yes the ancient Goddesses exist and some of them are exactly like this too. Many of them are tired of watching the depravity on this matrix too. “The Next War will be fought with these Meta Humans.” Pay Attention to what they say in your movies – because some of these Hybrids already exist on this matrix. Like we have been saying – Terra is about to witness things you never thought possible or even existed.
The enchantress is an aspect of June. She is the Ancient darker side of what June’s DNA is now. June is a Hybrid who really just awakened the ancient side of her nature. YOU ALL HAVE ASPECTS – AND SOMETIMES YOU GET TO MEET THEM TOO.

This is not channeling because your DNA has already dictated that your current 2 strands are spiritually light and dark in nature too. This connection is part of who you are and what genetics were spliced into your souls to corrupt some of you.

The trick in understanding one of these aspects is to know, how to control them. YOU CONTROL THEM and not the other way around because in the end – if let free they will take over that part of your humanity.
01-18-24 -There will be wars and rumors of wars.
01-18-24 The water levels are rising along the coastlines. The Washington coastline is sometimes experiencing coastline surges of up to 15 feet during storms.
01-18-24- Camptown Ladies Sing this Song With Vlad.
01-18-24-Is It The End of Days?
01-19-24- Who and what are your aspects? The Lioness of the Triad – from the House of Esper comes forward and speaks.
The entire time that she spoke my body was shaking, she was that powerful. I could hardly move my mouth as she spoke, because my teeth were chattering too. The 3 females are psionic beings, so they speak and think as one so we hear them on the 3rd also as one voice. These females tell me they are 8th dimensional beings who are also part of The House of Esper.

THE LYRANS DO NOT LIKE THE REPTILIANS ( for good reasons too), so The Lioness will talk about humans breeding with them and the end result of this intertwined DNA. There were reasons why our DNA was kept in a certain order upon this Matrix and it had nothing to do with Racism. It was always about DNA and Genetics.
01-19-24-The Antichrist Show will consist of both a male and female. The biggest deception of all is coming to the Terrans very soon.
01-19-24-There have been ships in the sky all day long.
01-20-24- This was the V’s (Reptilians) thumbing their noses at the Mountain where our Divine Creator had placed his insignia. Still beLIEve THEY-THEM are all gone off Terra?
01-20-24- Gold Dragons are a sign of DIVINITY. THESE BEINGS CANNOT LIE AS THEY DIRECTLY REPRESENT THE DIVINE CREATOR. We did say Father would eventually claim his part of this matrix too. Our family lives in Southern Colorado under Fathers Sacred Mountain. 7 is also one of Fathers favored Divine Numbers too.

01-20-24- Sunrise this morning, underneath the great wing. I will brigthen this up as it was amazing and the camera doesn’t show how incredible this morning’s sunrise was.
The Sunrise looked more like this than what the camera took. Pretty amazing huh.

01-21-24- Here are the links on Telegram of the Anunnaki Sky Command vessel in the sky on 01-21-24. It took Victoria 3 seperate photogrpahs to show you how enourmous this vessel was too. The entire day this “cloud” never moved and there was about 30 smaller disc shaped vessels “clouds” underneath it too. You still think we are making this stuff up? Or lying as the mouthpieces are saying…

WE (consisting of the family), have no reason to lie because our Divine Creators will –will go ahead whether these Harpies like it or not, so go back to the shadows where many of you belong.

In the meantime here are some photographs to look at.

Source: https://t.me/WhenTheAncientsSpeak/10904

Source: https://t.me/WhenTheAncientsSpeak/10900

01-21-24- Busy Morning In the Sky – here in the Southern Colorado Valley.
01-21-24- Sitting down and enjoying life like the Hobbits.
01-21-24- The Gender Wars we warned you about are happening now. The Transgenders on Social Media are finger pointing for a very good reason now.
01-23-24- When The First Call Comes – Don’t Go.
01-23-24- Humans breeding with Reptilians was shown in the 1980’s series V. The Lioness spoke of this as being totally disgusting in the recording about aspects.

She said something to the effect of, “By breeding with Reptilians, our DNA became infected and diseased.” The original genetic fiber FOR HUMANITY came from 12 seeders and NONE OF THOSE WERE REPTILES.

Other genetics were then added into your gene pool, of up to 22 different species which now included Reptilians, Gray and Vril. Gee how did any of that happen unless you were lied to and illegal DNA experiments were performed on your DNA.

WE went from being of the Sun Solar Principle of Light Beings to the Lunar Moon Matrix of becoming Darker Aspects of our DNA. When the first call comes – don’t go. They will offer you a cure to the disease – heal you – and then tag your DNA .
01-23-24- Do you want to learn more about the battles that happened across Terra a long time ago? Would you like to understand more of the “Myth” you were told was not real? Learn more abouthe Gods who battled the Demonic Titans. Learn why Hybrid Children born from the Gods were set apart from the rest of society… there are great truths in this series.
01-23-24-The IQ Test – will you make the grade?
01-23-24-10 foot aliens in a Miami Mall actually happened in Dec of 2022? Is it the Butterfly effect – Time Skipping along alternative lines or something else?
01-23-24- The Luciferian Teachings of the Golden Dawn of Humanity. Will this deception never end? Can you see this final play for souls coming together now?
01-24-24- A face appears in the water vapor satellite imagery of the National Weather Service in Cheyenne, Wyoming, USA on 21st January 2024. Meteorologists in Cheyenne Wyoming, USA captured a face on their satellite imagery while it was zoomed into the Pacific Northwest and West coast region.

Looks like Gaia is waking up to us. So is it a Psy-op? Seems like she is blowing artic cold air across this matrix, in order to heal and rid herself of the dark fleas that inhabit her back. We did say she was pissed because Gaia was put in chained slumber after the fall of Atlantis, when the light Sun Solar Principle on Terra, was switched to the darker Lunar Moon Matrix. Looks like the Goddesses are making their move now and this image could very well be part of this.

The physical manifestation of the spiritual – dimensional events of what we have been speaking about for years, is beginning to shift into this 3D matrix. The game is afoot Terra.
01-25-24-Gaia Imagery Showing up on the National Weather Service?
01-25-24-Desert Understanding, Desert War Along With Desert Spiritual Prowess
01-25-24- Yeh she’s thinking these thoughts now. Watch the wars happening on Terra. THEY – THEM KNEW THE TERRANS would only beLIEve whatever they wanted.
01-25-24- Stand Tall and Strong Terra.
01-26-24- We have always maintained, Terrans should always observe information coming out of Antarctica. Truth in Games – yes your nations are at war but not in the way you beings think. Source: https://youtu.be/bfWOzXRnIHw
01-26-24- Its time to watch the TV Series Jericho again because it was TEXAS in the TV series that freed all other US States from their Tyrannical Leaders.
01-26-24- Advised watching for Americans.
01-26-24- Is this the new Mahdi Rising? I’ve explained to all, what I saw happening many years ago and is now coming to fruition. We have also spoken about the Mahdi coming out of Yemen> Also this man would be well educated by the Islamic clerics. This being would also come from a very old family and has trained since childhood in the way of leadership and Islam… I guess we will wait and see…
01-26-24- The family tell me this is what it looks like, when a ship is taken out and on fire in the sky. Similiar wars were also happening in this Solar System, around the moons of Saturn, until the Ancient families came in and levelled the DARK ALLIANCE stationed around there. So don’t be too suprised if you see more of these ships coming down on Terra either. Yes, its also possible, this event may also be Project Bluebeam so I will leave this with you to decide.
01-27-24- Mike turned on the New Dune Movie music and the sisters came in whispers which you may hear in the background. Please dont listen if you feel uncomfortable but we feel this type of ancient passionate music is ideal for meditation and communication.
01-27-24- Now Terrans are being told its a war and people will die – conversations from the mouthpieces, after being told for years we are going to have a abeautiful world and there is nothing to worry about. It’s called being schmoozed by those delivering information and whom you also felt were trustworthy.

Trauma lies are designed to traumatise Terrans so they are totally confused about information, they feel frustrated and even fearful by all of this inverted crap being given to them.
01-29-24- At 19.01 someone from our Valley records an unusual sighting that is happening frequently near the mountain.
01-29-24 – More evidence that something is happening in our Valley. This conversation came about from the recent video sent into the above Video.
1-29-24-Songs and their Words. Are you casting upon yourself through music?

01-30-24- I will say this about many Terrans that most of you will never beLIEve because of the indoctrination process across this matrix…


Inxs sung a song many years ago called Devil Inside. How many of you actually understood what they were singing at that time? THEY told you in their songs … Devil inside chorus: The devil inside – Every single one of us -The devil inside. THEY tried to tell you in songs.

So to reject this part of who you are (either done to you through DNA experimentation over many decades, or the proboscis was willingly taken in the eye) … the fact is, many Terrans have no idea of the genetics they now carry within themselves.

It could be animal, non-terrestrial, angelic or all of the above and while you have no idea of what or who you really are, donating blood at the doctors office is a good way for THEY-THEM to find out who you are. 99% of the time THEY already know and why they deliberately continue to target certain individuals, throughout their lifetime.

The next time you are at the doctor’s office, ASK THEM WHY THEY NEED 5 VIALS OF YOUR BLOOD? WHERE DOES IT ALL GO? Ask them because THEY only know about 3-4 places, so where does the 5th vial go? Who handles that one?

THEY THEM ALREADY KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU ANYWAY – your ancestry – your DNA lineage – your ancestors – where you originally came from. 😉

Stay Strong – Love our Divine Creator – Wesdoo.

01-31-24- Apparently our information is Psuedo Bullshit to the mouthpieces now but if it comes from Alex Collier its the gospel. ALEX COLLIER WAS BORN FEMALE according to the TRANS investigation team who put this image together. A female skull fits perfectly over Alex’s eyes, nose and mouth whereas the male skull does not. Alex Collier has female styled monkey arms and his forehead is straight UP like a female. So who is really speaking bullshit on this matrix, because at least we know in this family, what sex we were all born and that revelation in itself, is a miracle these days.

If what we say is such psuedo intellectual bullshit, then stop coming to our website and using our information. I’m sorry that some of you who took that worm in your eye, cannot understand. Maybe you are not supposed to anymore especially after that… but funny how we see the mouthpieces putting out new information to their audience lIke the “Golden Dawn Doctrine” that we had already addressed years ago in our book “The Watchtower of Indoctrination,”. So we are psuedo bullshit but our information is worth taking? Yes that makes total sense and why we see most mouthpieces as being 2 faced.

Our PEEPS at WHEN THE ANCIENTS SPEAK are smart, intellectual and dimensional thinkers now because of the information we have delivered to them over the years. So you see, the people who listen to us learn a lot and not just the usual fluff. The people who have been listening to us, are also way more informed than most of the mouthpieces pushing the same ol inorrect historical information . . . This type of information is always basic in nature, that every Terran should know anyway. We however, teach what you were always supposed to know but was hidden from Terra, to keep you ignorant.

The education we offer is FREE and will help beings ascend to a higher dimensional level and that’s the truth. We are not here to glean souls for the overlords unlike many who are controlled. When the great reveal comes, the beings who listened to us, will be happy they knew this information rather than stumbling around blind. So if we, at WHEN THE ANCIENTS SPEAK are such liars, then why bother coming to our blog? Like we have said many times, there is NOTHING anyone can accuse us of, that WE CAN’T LAY RIGHT BACK AT THE FEET OF THE REPTILIAN EMPIRE. We don’t torture beings or lie to others, unlike the many who still work on behalf of the Reptilians.

Maybe the mouthpieces could speak the truth about the Reptilians breathing down over them or being in mortal fear of their lives, when they growl at you for not getting the job done correctly. We know what they are like and we understand that many of these mouthpieces will end up on the dinner table, especially if they ever say one negative thing about the Reptilian Empire…. but you see they don’t control me – so I can tell you what they really are. DARK EVIL MONSTERS WHO EAT TERRAN CHILDREN.

The Divine Creator told me to speak the truth. So if some people don’t like the fact we are speaking and exposing those who are NOT telling you the entire truth, then go take it up with the Divine Creator…that’s if you can. <wink>
01-31-24- Evil pretending to be doing good on Terra by acting the part of evil in the movie. So what did you learn from being tormented and tortured by “Goodly” beings?
01-31-24- YUP our matrix is full of them too.
01-31-24- Our Divine Creator is the ONLY ONE with the backup file on who you are. NO-ONE else or any other TIN GOD has that authority.

So I hear this sentence a lot from the paid supporters of the military. “They really aren’t that bad and they do want the best for us all.”

1. If that is the case then why are people still suffering years after all those empty promises and please do not give us the excuse it was more than we ever expected because its been over 7 years already.

2. Why are there still wars happening and vaccines still being handed out? This evil could end at anytime with MedBeds and Replicators, so there is no need to harvest the population at all.

3. Why can’t the Mouthpieces ever speak the real truth if the military are here to help?

4. When is the military going to admit to horrible diseases they created like Lyme disease and Morgellons? All of which have a patent on them from the military.

5. When are they going to make it right with the Tribal people they killed with smallpox scabs in the blankets that were given to them from the military and other settlers?

6. When is the military going to make right with the families who husbands and fathers were experimented on in WW2 with syphilis – The Tuskegee Airmen.

7. When is the military going to admit they are controlled by the Reptilian Empire and that most of their high ranking service men and women above Colonel are all inversions too?

8. When is the military going to admit there are dark Satanic-Luciferian practices happening within their ranks with Generals like Michael Aquino and many others?

When all of these questions are addressed and answered WITH TRUTH, only then will we beLIEve the mouthpieces information that work for the industrial military complex…

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