February, 2024 CRF

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In the month of February 2024:
WE honor the Matrons of Feymoria
, who are in direct service to the Divine Creator and who also carry a part of the Blue Flame with them. This image represents Sprite who is the spiritual head of the matrons and the mother of 3 beautiful Feymorian children.

Sprite is married to my son Hunter who was killed in a car accident on 09-23-19. Hunter now has 3 beautiful children – 2 of which are twins – one girl – one boy.  So we want you to know that your soul does goes on no matter what happens on this matrix.


Feymorian Matrons carry the true essence of what it is to care for, nurture and heal beings who are in distress or have been abused. These amazing women,  heal the mind – body and soul of beings, who have been preyed apon by those darker ones who also exist within the multiverse. 

02-01-24-Here comes your neighborhood deceivers. This one though might actually be Mr. M same strong facial appearance anyway. THEY THEM WILL PRETEND TO BE THE GODS – BE AWARE.
02-01-24- Still think we are telling you stories? THEY are letting you know it’s time.
02-02-24- Surfacing Genes as we draw closer to the Pole Shift – Flashy thing.
02-02-24- Games of Thrones? Giants? Dragons? Terran Real History being exposed? Looks like other INTELLECTUALS are also seeing what we have been opening your eyes to as well 😉. Here is the video link, as we can’t share it directly anymore: https://youtu.be/iy5VP8p93zs
02-02-24- This Conversation with Morpheus ties into the discoveries Florida Marquis is showing you on his videos. It’s all connected to the 15th century too – just like we have been trying to explain to humanity for many years. Those recordings can be found on our old PODBEAN ACCOUNT. There is a link back on the CRF main PAGE.


02-02-24- PART 1- AYA warned humanity many years ago this day would come – THE TRUTH IN Antarctica and when it did come- many Terrans would NOT BE ABLE TO HANDLE IT. REAL TRUTH OF TERRAN HISTORY BEING EXPOSED NOW
02-02-24- If you hear from LOWER DIMENSIONAL THINKERS that YOU speak PSEUDO INTELLECTUAL BULLSHIT, thank the person who said this to you. YOUR 3D eyes can lie to you all the time, as you most of you very well know, especially with all the crap coming out of social media. BUT YOUR CONNECTION TO THE DIVINE CREATOR WILL ALLOW YOU TO HAVE THE INTELLECT YOU NEED TO BECOME A WISE AND AMAZING BEING.

Use your third eye to be the intellectual connection to our Divine Creator to get you through all the madness. Remember: IT IS ALWAYS THE STRONGEST AND MIDDLE PATH OF THE 3 ENERGIES (or words cast out toward you) WHICH WILL DECIDE THE PATH OF LIGHT AND DARK within your soul.

In this case, the words PSUEDO INTELLECTUAL BULLSHIT – means the INTELLECT is the strong point – the pyramid point – top of the pinnacle – of the 3 energies. So the energy in the center of these 3 words – is the most potent – the most powerful.

SO THANK THE NEGATIVE ONES WHO CALL YOU OUT BECAUSE IN THE END, YOU are a child of the Creator too, so be proud that you are an intellectual engaging being with amazing knowledge. 😉
02-02-24- Psuedo- Intellectual -Bullshit is the same type of Tri-Claw representation of THEIR WORDS … God-Source-Creator. The center name, entity or energy is always the most powerful and why they cast in 3’s.
Airadeel was given some insight today from the Esper Sisters ( again…3 ancients), 3 words put together in unison – 3 Gods- 3 Goddesses and why this has such a powerful effect upon Terrans.

These females then explained how these inverted type of WORD SPELLS can then be re-inverted and cast back upon anyone attempting to harm you. The same words bounced back off you and through the Divine creator… they can have a similiar experience as they were casting upon you. Thats why our Creator matters so much in your life now.
02-02-24- Why Our Family has NEVER Lied to any of you about the events we have witnessed or that happened to us because we spoke out against this evil system.

Link 1: https://whentheancientsspeak.com/grandfather-owen/
Link 2:https://whentheancientsspeak.com/hunters-artwork/
02-02-24- The Ark was back Yesterday 02-01-24. As soon as I took this photgraph, I went inside to show Mike and immediately our Truck Alarm went off. Sometimes the beings in the sky will do this as an acknowledgement of seeing us.
02-02-24-These ships ride pretty low to the ground in the Valley. This was sitting over near the Sand Dunes for hours on 02-01-24.
02-02-24- I think this image creeps me out because of the conversation we had a couple of years back with M and the Superman role he is about to play.
02-03-24- Dutchsinse showed a series of earthquakes at 5.1 about 2500 miles apart that have happened along a Faultline. Oklahoma had a 5.1 last night and before that there was another 5.1 off the west coast. Before that Alaska, Japan and China all at 5.1. The plates are shifting quickly and there is something going on here that isn’t right. These earthquakes look planned like someone is trying to unzip this matrix but I guess it must be more of that Intellectual Bullshite we teach you.

Dutch was talking about these Earthquakes popping off one after the other, and then me seeing a great chasm opening up in the Earth and spreading for many miles, well you be the judge of what is really going on here.

They don’t want you to know anything about these earthquakes either because in the middle of Dutch showing us what is really happening – his streaming ability was cut and that was recorded too. In my humble opinion THEY THEM ARE TRYING TO UNZIP AMERICA AND SPLIT IT UP JUST AS WAS SEEN IN THE NAVY MAP .
02-03-24- I know we have shown you this map before but something has changed on the map. Instead of the New Madrid fault line being flooded in the center of the USA, the new spilt will come from the oil and fracking drill points in Oklahoma and Texas.

I have been dreaming about this great tear in the Earth that splits part of America apart on and off for years, however I have dreamt this scenario again in the last few
days. Now with Dutchsinse showing earthquakes happening at 2500 miles apart with a strength of 5.1 … could this activity set off a major earthquake with the potential of 9.0 or stronger? I really don’t believe Americans will fully wake up until something really dramatic happens like this.
02-03-24- THINK ABOUT THIS . . . while its still available to you on this matrix.
02-03-24- Attendants to the Gods
As the highest level of the angelic hierarchy, the seraphim only answer to the direct will of the gods. Since they rarely leave the side of the gods, they often relay these commands to lesser angels and other divine servants.

The only times that these angels leave their divine domains is to accomplish tasks that reserved for that of a deity, such as awakening a Titan or accompanying the arrival of a divine avatar. However, there have been accounts that describe legendary clerics who have been able to temporarily summon the aid of a seraph.

While Seraphim can dissipate a soul FOR A PERIOD OF TIME after battle – the only being in this Universe who can actually take a Soul and destroy it is our Divine Creator. NO OTHER GOD HAS THIS POWER.
02-03-24- Talking about dreams today and some of their meanings
02-03-24- What Is The Remnant Class?
02-03-24- Pole Shift and Solar Cycles filled with CME’s and Sun Flares.
02-03-24- When I pointed out recently that I believed the Military was all Dark Fleet, I got a lot of nasty comments from beings. BUT as you can see from the above image, our TV space series in the 1960’s was telling the truth about who ran the show during this time too.

In the above mentioned episode, Spock tortured one of the soldiers with a pain device ( just like the dragons had removed off them) when the soldier did not finish the task he was given correctly. The Super Soldiers on Feymoria can attest to the cruelty some of them endured from Dark Fleet – they already run Terra and have I believe, since WW2.
02-03-24- Dark Fleet and Nazism are part of the Antarctica Connection? Florida Marquis Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XSvulHL3sAQ&t=887s
02-03-24- It doesn’t matter to me if you believe-not believe, this is my friend RaEL who is also an angel. He is a very good friend to our family – Rael became an angel during the time of the early crusades in Spain. RaEL was a dear firend to Maria Del Sol as he helped her set up orphanges for children with no familes during the Crusade wars in and around Iberia (Spain).
Rael continuned rescuing children who were wandering the roads, even after Maria’s untimely death. He worked tirelessly relocating children into new families and made sure they were taught trades for the village. He also continued Maria’s work of setting up other orphananges in surrounding areas. And that’s just one reason why our Divine Creator Loves Rael the way he does. Rael is also an awesome warrior angel for Father.
02-03-24- This is our buddy SamuEL – Yup he’s an angel and one amazing being. Angels are not what you think they are. Some of them like Sam, are former Terrans and now Angels in our Divine Creator’s army.
02-05-24- The Sitting Prez
02-05-24- The Industrial Military Corporation
02-06-24- I know our Divine Creator has something special in mind for Colorado -depending on where you live in this state, that is. Our Divine Creator said to me once, “The faces of the Windfathers will be seen on the mountains within in the Valley.” We have all seen this Valley in the future and it’s nothing like it appears now. The great female tree shall return and she will keep the Valley nourished and fertile.

No, their faces will not be carved into mountain but rather a permanent reflection will be seen to remind all those who live under the White Mountain We Serve The Divine Creator (Great Grandfather Sky) and our Earth Mother who nourishes us always.
02-06-24- If you understand how energy works and the connection to everything that is, then it only makes sense, Humans do not need other types of energy to exist. If left alone Terrans will find a way to communicate and energise their bodies without any harmful side effects.

02-06-24- We have known about PROF. KONSTANTIN
KOROTKOV’s work for many years, as it was one of the things we studied when growing food and connecting the energy factor to everything that is.

Dr. Konstantin Korotkov, the Russian physicist is the inventor of ‘Real-time’ computerized Kirlian-style photography, internationally renowned for his research on the human bio-field, author, leading scientist and Professor of Physics at St. Petersburg University.  It’s known as the Gas Discharge Visualization Kirlian bio-electrography or GDV Kirlian.  It uses cutting-edge camera technology to let the invisible electromagnetic energy field or “aura” that surrounds everything from humans to inanimate objects be seen.

Other Books by Dr. Korotkov at Amazon.com. “The Energy of Health,” «The Energy of Consciousness,» «The Energy of Space,» «Electrophotonic Analysis in Medicine,» «Light after Life,» “The Energy of Health,” “The Emerging Science of Water,” and others.

Sources of Information
Sourc: http://www.iewseducation.com/kirlian–k-korotkov.html
Source: https://holistic.global/conference-p2.php
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kirlian_photography

02-06-24- I could show you thousands of so called females with big blocky heads that are even 80 years plus who are ALL TRANNIES. This has been going on for centuries and why this dark behavior has to be cleaned up on this matrix.
02-06-24- His name is Jacob Elordi and he is an Aussie actor. Yes so what?
Look at his name. EL-ordi = EL(ohim) Lord. Jacob is also 6ft 5ins tall and he actually looks male to me. So who’s your daddy and where did you go to school?

Something else about the EL – many of their names end in EL however in this case, Jacob wants others to know he is EL and a Lord. Is he a Hybrid? Yes he could be but you see most of them look just like most Terrans, well…for now anyway. Anunnaki? Yeh he could be – certainly tall enough and he has strong facial features too.

You see, some of the Gods – Goddesses – and others – come down here and play roles right under your noses. Terrans live in Westworld and some of the non-terrestrials come here because they love playing roles on this matrix. They also come here to monitor events – I know they do.

The Anunnaki Emperor Frederick the 7th came down here once to watch Trump on stage about 5 years ago. On that particular day The Emperor played the role of a middle aged man. He wore a white Florida sun hat, white cargo pants and a light colored striped shirt. He stood in amoungst the crowd and watched Trump-Limbarsha schmooze the audience.

When he came back from watching these events, which I believe was a rally in Georgia at the time, the Emperor then made a few comments to Melzie like “Why do Terrans put up with such deceptive nonsense?” “Oh she’s (Limbarsha) very good isn’t she!” “That’s quite a circus going on down there isn’t it.”
02-07-24- We are actually going to speak about this amazing post that came from someone else, who sees right through the crap too.

BY THE WAY GUIDO-ESCANOR YOU BELIEVE IN YOUR ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN RELIGON WHICH TO US, IS FAIRYTALES AS WELL. Remember you were the one who said “No matter how good the intention.” Well right back at ya. 😏 So maybe oneday when all this bullshit is said and done, we can compare intellectual notes. Great post by the way! 👍🏻 Source: https://t.me/GuidoAndEscanor/37808
02-07-24-Bravo! Its About Time More Terrans, Called Out The Bullshit As We Know It To Be, On Those Who Are Speaking It.
02-07-24- MAX IGAN LETS RIP ON RICARDO BOSI..IS BOSI THE NEW TRUMP – HOPEIUM – I have others who will stand and say Ricardo Bosi (AUSTRALIA) is a Zionist Shill. THEY ARE ALL LIARS. Heres a question for Ricardo asked by someone in Australia, “Riccardo Bosi on what’s really happening in Australia (including how the military and police have both been taken over by “Masonic filth.” – Mark Crispin Miller 19 Jan 2022 15:03 EST

SOURCE: https://www.bitchute.com/video/T59fURXNTNYY/
Pushing the Vaccine: https://www.bitchute.com/video/XNR67f9V57nn/
02-07-24- Political Minions Who Are Here to keep your understanding at the lowest level possible.
02-07-24- How Much Are You Really Worth To The Cabal, But Most of All To The Divine Creator?
02-07-24- Must be more of that Pseudo Intellectual Bullshit about dimensional beings we have been warning-teaching you about for many years. Funny thing is, I know a few beings who look just like this one above in the video too. Source: https://t.me/tiktoknews45/24279

02-07-24- You don’t have to beLIEve this, but were you aware there are Special Bred Assassins in this Galaxy who are both Humanoid-Reptilian with wings and they look something like the creature in the video link above, only these ones are a bit smaller? The soldiers on Feymoria caught 4 of them recently and this is something new. Humanoid-Reptilian-Winged Hybrids…

Terran genetics were stolen to help create the new breed of monsters for the Empire. So yes Terra, THEY THEM CREATED MONSTERS.

Take another look at the above video and say what you want but the more awake you become – the more you realize we are showing you the truth. This battle on Terra will be fought on different dimensional aspects. The ones who don’t belong here will do whatever they have to in order to bring this Matrix down. These beings exist and deep down inside you know we are right too. Wesdoo.

02-08-24- We talked about the Piri Reis Maps of the 15th century before. The interesting thing about these maps is they show a land peninsula from South America to Antarctica where anyone or anything could have easily crossed.

I still stand by my research that says we had a major reset in the 15th century around 1561 when the history we knew then, was all covered up. So someone in the 15th century knew then the elites were going to do something horrible and why everytime we get to a certain point in our history, THEY reset us. This way YOU NEVER FIND OUT WHAT THEY DID TO US.

So what remains in Antarctica NOW – is also being reawakened and this will tell the real story from the 15th century on… Piri Maps: https://www.diegocuoghi.com/Piri_Reis/PiriReis_eng.htm

Book Of Miracles: A full, faithful reproduction of The Book of Miracles, the German 16th-century manuscript of supernatural phenomena, and one of the most spectacular discoveries in Renaissance art. Blending Bible stories, folklore, and apocalyptic visions in rich, luminous detail, this is a mesmerizing document of religious belief, mystery, foreboding, and visual imagination. https://www.taschen.com/en/books/classics/44613/the-book-of-miracles
02-08-24- The Piri Reis Maps of Antarctica showing a peninsula between South America and Antarctica. Anyone could have crossed the peninsula to escape the reset of the 15th Century.
02-08-24- Be aware THEY THEM are going to try and spin Antarctica toward their favor in order to try and blind you again. This will be done in order to cover up all of the crimes committed against humanity and the cannibal-humanoid breed that came out from Antarctica to begin a new race of human. The ones with the elongated heads.

The elites from the European elite houses just went down to Antarctica to wait out the reset of the 15th century. THEY came back to the mainland of this Matrix after the reset, to reestablish their sovereignty over the Terrans but this time, they would eat the children of the survivors over their own. After all they had to breed the new race of Terran who would become more dark like them, over a race of light beings which was the original intention of the Seeders.

And it’s for these very reasons alone, is why they come after Terrans who figure this diabolical crap out. Sorry to say it but their minions have no clue about most of this history and what is about to explode out of Antarctica. So you see there are Terrans who can actually see THEIR 2 sets of cannibal teeth, these are the ones who put the jigsaw pieces of the puzzle together and the ones who know our history took a serious nose dive in the 15th century. Florida Marquis has also figured it out about the 15th century too and why you need to watch this video.

02-08-24- The Breed that came from Antarctica and the eating of human flesh especially the mainland Terran children’s flesh. These creatures then jumped on the backs of religious leaders and different thought in order to control you for harvesting.
02-08-24- Buzz Aldrin’s experience in Antarctica… remember when he had a big heart attack down there too and had to be flown to New Zealand ASAP? hmm I wonder why Buzz also said: “We are all in danger. It is evil itself.” Gee it must be more of that Pseudo Intellectual Bullshit the mouthpieces call you, when the truth is too close for comfort. THEY absolutely dislike it when the truth becomes so hot, they can feel the sweat from their own lies, running down their faces.
02-08-24-Conscription has begun in Europe, so more of our real Terran Children can go off to die for THEY-THEM who are nothing more than inbred cannibals.
02-08-24- Millennial Dawn Vol. III Thy Kingdom Come
Russell, Charles Taze ( C. T. ) Published by Tower Publishing ( Zion’s Watchtower ), Allegheny, PA, 1891 – RUSSELL WAS A ZIONIST

Russell wrote this book about the GOLDEN MILLENNIAL DAWN after he came back from Egypt and from being inside the Great Pyramid. The hardbound dark red cover, also has an Egyptian Symbol on the front.
02-08-24- Charles Taze Russell was a Zionist and he made no secret of being a Mason either,as he admitted it from a sermon in front of a large audience in San Francisco- early 1900’s. . . Before Herzl, There Was Pastor Russell: A Neglected Chapter of Zionism
Years before Theodor Herzl proposed creating a Jewish state, Charles Taze Russell was traveling the world holding Jewish Mass Meetings, beginning in 1879, at which he urged Jews to find a national home in Eretz Israel

Source: https://www.haaretz.com/jewish/2018-08-22/ty-article-magazine/.premium/before-herzl-there-was-pastor-russell-a-neglected-chapter-of-zionism/0000017f-f598-d318-afff-f7fb42430000
02-08-24- Charles Taze Russell’s family was number 12 on the Original Illuminati family list. He was a master teacher on the Golden Dawn philosphy – paradise earth – hopeium. What more evidence do the Terrans need, to know ALL OF THESE FAMILIES WERE INVOLVED IN DECEPTION AND LIES. THEY HAD TO ENSLAVE YOU IN THOUGHT. Russell was another FALSE PROPHET who was also a 33 Degree Mason puppet.
02-08-24- Russell used astrologers to make the predictions he did about 1914, Je-HOVA-h… ‘HOVAis a 6th dimensional Assyrian God – which has nothing to do with the Divine Creator at all.
02-08-24- The Watchtowers and how this Energy-Magic was used to control Religious and Spiritual Dogma in the USA. The 13 families were very important in this process too.

02-08-24- DaVinci convinced me about the amount of technology, the beings of the 15th century already understood. He built incredible things that most people still cannot understand in the 21st Century.

The beings from the 15th century were far more advanced than we are now. Back in the 15th century, DaVinci supposedly died on 2 May 1519 😕 or did he just leave the mainland and head off for Antarctica? I beLIEve the reset happened around 1560 – 1. So if DaVinci did move to Antarctica – he certainly had enough time to do so before the reset of 1561.

Do you Remember the movie the DaVinci Code and all of the mystery surrounding the movie? What if the Code was actually about these elites going to Antartica, whereby they eventually became the rulers of what we now know as the 13 families? Of course when they came back to mainland areas after the 15th century reset, these beings were now humanoid hybrids from Antarctica. Does any of this make sense to you?

Does it also make sense why Hollywood, politicians and religious leaders in modern society all want bragging rights to these surviving Illuminati families? They consider themselves elites too. Most of these beings were born through A Sexual Reproduction or cloned from these original surviving 13 families from Antarctica. So of course this is a big deal for those who have 2 sets of teeth, slits in their eyes and are inverted sexually. THEY ARE NOT HUMAN ANYMORE. They are MAN-KIND (kind of like a man, which comes under a big banner of mixed species and genetics mixed together.)

It also makes perfect sense to me now, why the Lioness would speak the way she did about breeding with these creatures and why there were battles on this Matrix. Sometimes it was neccessary to keep the underworld dwellers away from what was left of the real humans and the original Terran genetics. Seems the Anunnaki were the ones who often drove these creatures back down into the Earth too.

So the only way they could come to the surface was if they lied about the Anunnaki in history books, so all the Terrans would be afraid of these being, when in actual fact the Anunnaki were trying to prevent the inside dark ones from getting to all of you. . . and were actually trying to protect the Terrans.

Some of the Anunnaki who were already in Antarctica joined forces with these darker factions BUT NOT ALL OF THEM. Most rejected the darker brethran and made it known – there was a split. The difference was The Children of Ainur OBEYED the Divine Creator, while the darker Anunnaki turned their backs.

So eventually the Inside Dwellers were able to take over the Sun Dwellers on the surface – through changing history – hybridizing your genetics – feeding you bullshit knowledge and spirituality – and totally keeping Terrans in the dark about the real truth of who you actually are.


02-08-24- Do you Remember the movie the DaVinci Code and all of the mystery surrounding the movie? What if the Code was actually about these elites going to Antartica, whereby they eventually became the rulers of what we now know as the 13 families?
02-08-24- THEY THEM are trying to get the Terrans used to the Hybrids. Yes they exist and why movies like this are made… Terra always was a wild place in it’s youthful days and shall be again it seems. Prepare yourselves Terra. 😉
02-09-24- I was looking at some of DaVinci’s paintings and I noticed a few things about the Last Supper… Check out the fingers on the apostles, one looks like he only has 4 fingers whereas another has crooked twisted fingers. Another one is pointing up (as above so below) with his middle finger being all twisted up, so some of his paintings look TOTALLY OFF TO ME and creepy looking. Some of the faces look kind of dark to me with darker insets to their eyes and definite scowls on their faces.
02-10-24-DaVinci Paintings with hidden messages. What if what he painted was also what he saw? There are many inverted faces in his images, so maybe he did go down to Antarctica too.
02-10-24- Our Divine Creator asked me to play this song for you. He also requested I NOT INCLUDE CHILDREN in the video because The Divine Creator said this to me “THEY DIDN’T DESERVE THAT HONOR.” Wanna explain that one to us Alliance? Stand up to ALL OF THEM TERRA!
02-10-24- Airadeel’s lack of writing and communication skills with some of the listeners and why the attention is now focused on Antarctica.

Airadeel has also noticed the other day some of your E-mails were in her spam folder. Sometimes these things happen where her laptop will look totally different in the morning. Its just something we have become used to and try to undo when we catch these little annoyances.
02-10-24- It makes sense now why so many bunkers were built around the time of the 15th century till now in the 21st Century. Those who live underground are happy there and its what they know. YOU on the other hand are a surface dweller and you feel comfortable above the ground.
02-10-24- So will it be war Internally and Externally?
02-10-24- When Dutch gets into the American forecast – he divulges some of the most amazing info about this matrix. Watch and see.
02-11-24- This video made me cry yesterday because FINALLY someone else understands just how important the wisdom from the ancestors is, it’s so good for all of us. MAKE YOUR ANCESTORS PROUD TERRA.
02-12-24- Born underground and bought to the surface when needed through A Sexual Reproduction. Either the egg is donated from the female to reproduce an inverted male child or the sperm is taken from the male to produce an inverted female.

I’m so glad I know where I was born… through my mothers vagina and not some breeding lab because at the very least, I am not in the 2 sets of teeth club.
02-12-24- Parthenogenesis is unknown in human beings but has been reported in LIZARDS -Reptilians (or the 2 sets of teeth club). Of course, cloning is an asexual reproduction, but that requires medical intervention. Left on their own, humans cannot reproduce asexually.

Left on their own, humans cannot reproduce asexually BUT LIZARDS CAN ….
So it seems there are 2 different species living on this matrix now, those who were born naturally FROM THE WOMB and those in the 2 sets of teeth who were created in a lab. HUMAN and Mankind … now you see our Divine Creator’s dilemma.

THE REPTILIAN EMPIRE CREATED MANY OF THE BEINGS YOU SEE WALKING AROUND TODAY if what the biologists from off world said… there is only about 27% of humans left on this matrix and now you know why.
02-12-24- Pushing Buttons is done by those who are already insane.
02-12-24- Our Youth Have Legitimate Grievances Against This System and this is why many of them no longer want to work. Why Should They – What’s in it for them?

02-12-24_ This response was written over a year ago to someone who was concerned about the Arcturians. I have met a few of them and one in particular comes to mind, a female named Tia (not my friend Tia either- another being).

Tia was not very pleasant to communicate with, as she had a temper and was totally frustrated at the time. So Yes non-terrestrials can also have a serious attitude from time to time and why you need to check the source first, before communicating.

THEY THEM (darker entities) come to me because I remember them and vice versa. Most of the really nasty ones can no longer commune with me because that ability was removed from them. Now they must ask our Divine Creator first, before they come as I wear Fathers mark on my forehead and not their sigils.

Anyway this was my response to someone who automatically made the assumption of this species being malevolent: I have been dealing with powerful beings since I was a child and I am here to say there is good and bad in every single species that I have encountered in this lifetime.

The Arcturians who are trying to communicate with us, came to me about 3 years ago and they were kind to my family. Also not all of them come from their home world, as many beings now exist on generational ships and other planets too. This species actually helped me when I was sick once and some of them, also work with Divine Creator because this species make amazing energy healers. So whatever being is warning you about the Arcturians, maybe you should ask them the reason behind it?

I am also protected by some of the most powerful Anunnaki in the Universe and if they believed these beings were here to hurt me, they would not allow them to communicate with us.

Also one of my friends is Chattel, a breakaway Gray from the hivemind, who has been my friend for many years and he has been a beautiful friend to me.

I know a lot about dimensional beings because I have lived around them for the majority of my life. I was 3 years old when I began to see and hear them, so I am always careful and test the source of who they are, each time. I am not afraid of any of them and I believe this is the prime reason why they come to me. Wesdoo.

02-13-24- We Are Spirits In The Material World With Stephen and other family.
02-13-24-The Divine Creators Word Will Go Out-YOU CANT STOP WHATS COMING.
02-13-24- Going The Extra Mile and The Sifting Process For REAL Gems.
02-13-24- Charles Taze Russells Headstone in PA. Notice the Crown and Cross with a Roman Wreath on the headstone? How very Iluminati of old Charlie. I believe this stone was removed recently too. The bible says “And The Truth Will Set You Free.” -John 8:31-32
02-13-24- Just a Coincidence right? I have to wonder about this energy – dimensional aspect of the blackout. What were THEY THEM actually doing to people who watched the Superbowl? They’re gonna stream stuff. Remember?
02-13-24- I know you may have been hearing the Anunnaki are all gone but thats not exactly truthful. This really looks like the outline of an Anunnaki sky command vessel and this was seen in Bulgaria this month (Feb) 2024
02-14-24- Its a naked Angelic Female Like a Sereph… imagine that. This only proves THEY are keeping secrets from all of you. Video Link: https://youtu.be/6eCx28Tq3gA
02-14-24- Serephs serve the Divine creator only but will help the other Goddesses and Gods too. This looks like a Goddess or a Sereph to me which just puts to bed “there are only male angels BS teaching.” So what else do you think THEY are lying about too? This also knocks the whole you people are teaching fantasy… doesn’t it?

02-14-24- Now I understand and it makes sense why people like THEY THEM were pushing Little NIKKI TESLA. Kimberly Kukich was a female who was out there on social media claiming to be Nikoli Tesla great neice but Kim is also an actress like the rest of them, so its just another round of BS.

When Mike and I checked out Kim, this person actually looked like Gen. Michael Flynn in drag which I entirely believed more than anything else. Source: https://t.me/GuidoAndEscanor/37920
02-14-24- Camera – Lights – Action Kimberley Kukich.

02-14-24- Those humanoid – reptilian – winged beings The Reptilian Empire sent to Feymoria recently were ALL FOUND.

The Divine Creator couldn’t wait to meet them either, so father asked me to give this message to all the CIA who read and listen in, the Dark Fleet who are really upset they can no longer get inside the barrier, and to all the other children who are still telling lies to the Terrans,

“Thank you for the lovely gift of the new strain you sent for my approval. Once these new children came to see me in The Grove, all that meaness in them just melted away. We sat down and had a lovely cup of my special brew of flower tea which made them feel even better. These young ones, are now as good as the rain on Feymoria.

So thank you for sending these new Feymorians my way, but DONT DO IT AGAIN! 🤕” Father picked out that Emoji by the way and it totally looks like a smack up the side of the head to me. 😝 Airadeel picked the one with her tongue poking out.

02-15-24- They Them tell you these things in movies because there is also truth here. This movie has the Iluminati Symbolism, how world wars start, Tartarian architecture destroyed, modern tech in 1899, underwater sea faring race, and of course the ultimate HYBRIDS. Its all there and FREE to watch on YouTube this month too. Source: https://youtu.be/i4FSx9LXVSE
02-15-24- And What About The Schumann Factor These Days…
02-15-24-Superbowl Sunday and Schumann Blackout
02-15-24- When the AI … Miss Snow says … I’ve had enough.
02-15-24- The Goddess – Female Sereph in Antarctica
02-15-24- Its all about the Children this week but its still OK for our most innocent to take the shot, even though The Alliance knows… it kills them. So sad too bad is the attitude now, and not their responsibility from social media.

However the FLIP SIDE OF THIS COIN IS: by NOT taking these poison shots off the market, could also be considered crimes against CHILDREN, KNOWINGLY CONSPIRED and Crimes Against Humanity. SO WHO ARE WE KIDDING HERE?

Cern is opening portals behind your backs for a reason. Many beings on this matrix will not be able to accept why this is happening. The truth is, children are the bait for something more dimensionally sinister to enter this realm-matrix-planet. THEY-THEM are dangling children bait like a worm is hooked on the end of a fishing line. All that sweet energy is causing a dimensional shark feeding frenzy to happen, especially when these portals are opened.

Trust the Plan 😉 = the V’s are here for harvesting.
02-16-24- PROOF AGAIN WE TOLD YOU THE TRUTH!!! THE WAR IS ABOUT THE 5D TECH, Ancient Knowledge, and getting to the Anunnaki first. WE SAID IT BEFORE AND WE WILL SAY IT AGAIN. Do not take your attention off Antarctica because this Middle Eastern War is over who is going to get the spoils off Antarctica first. 😉

Iran wants to get there first because their ancient ancestry is also there … one of the 15th century surviving families no doubt or their ancient claim to the Anunnaki as offspring from the time of UR. (You know, like the Goddess Inana that inversions think is Androgynous. When the truth is, she was more female than most females could ever dream of becoming on this matrix.) Androgynous beings can’t reproduce unless it is through medical intervention – Inana (Iya) as the TERRANS call her, bore children on this matrix only you never heard about any of them in your history books because you were lied to about everything, even the time frame of Inana’s existence on Terra …all lies … it’s what darkenss does best. Sorry but that’s the truth.

The Government of Iran actually televised their claim over Antarctica back in September of 2023, so the entire world could know the truth about this place but you never heard much about any of that until now of course . . . THEY need to spin the story first, before you find out anymore truth.

Here’s our proof of what we predicted years ago would come to pass – where is any proof of what the mouthpieces speak – where is your truth and proof of what you claim is actually happening? I say WHATEVER to these crazed bloodlines want to fight at this point, because the end result of this insanity is, if you are in the 2 sets of teeth club, the Divine Creator will deal with that problem too.

The more insane you beLIEve us to be, the more WE ARE MAKING TOTAL SENSE NOW aren’t we?
02-16-24-For The Normies but what is considered a normie anyway? We tell the truth on this Blogsite and most people can’t even handle our information before they resort back to their understanding, so do we consider them NORMIES too? So what actually makes up the complete understanding of what’s really a NORMIE?
02-16-24- Because you live inside a matrix THEY THEM can appear next to one of the fake Moons anytime they want… let the real show begin Terra. Ready? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHw5_fcowwE
02-17-24- Canadian Prepper is starting to see the BEAUTIFUL NEW WORLD – A VIRTUAL WORLD OF THEIR TECHNOLOGY.

02-17-24- Our Creator is waiting on each and everyone of us to Create. . . Even the FTM inversion Einstein understood this fact too. Its your life purpose on this matrix. To Create.

What do you think Feymoria is?
It is a simulated reality that was created for beings who wanted another way to live and exist. Through this simulation technology molded and cared through the Divine Creators understanding, Feymoria came into being.

Our Divine Creator is always looking for the creators on this matrix and why you came here to learn about Creation itself, and then perfecting your creations, with the help of the Divine Creator for the dimensional aspect.

Sorry but that’s how this matrix really works. Its graduation time Terra. SO CREATE. WESDOO
02-17-24- In order to Graduate from the Terran School, each one of us have to learn to become the Creators we came here to study about. After all you are a Creator God – So what are you going to Create?

02-17-24- We gather souls, whether its on this matrix or somewhere else, it’s what –my family does and has done for thousands of years. But you see most people won’t believe this fact, because Terrans also beLIEve all the wars are over and done in the Universe too. 🙄

Our family goes out and rescues souls. We also make NO SECRET of who we serve either – The Divine Creator. I don’t know about anyone else who reads this, but that’s who our family serves. In this time, we gather souls together, so they have the ability to hear the flip side of Terran truth, never taught to any of you in the last few hundred years.

Your Overlords erased ALL OF YOUR HISTORY so you would never figure their deception out. So actually our understanding of this matrix, is closer to the truth than most will ever accept and we understand why too.

The indoctrination process upon Terrans, was always cast through spells of blind submission and ignorance to anything other than what you were taught. Totally perfected over time 😉 by those who walk among you as leaders. Dark foreboding entities prancing around as your helpers and champions in society.

The point is, whether you think this information is just our IMAGINATION or not … at least we have one Terra and we know how to use it too. How about you?

This is the truthful story of the Terran connection to Feymoria… so please beLIEve what you will. . .Some of your humanoid families now exist on Feymoria. They have become knights and guardians of a realm they will never allow the Reptilians to take away from them ever again. These beings, will never become slaves again to such a malevolent species so, the binding connection to all Feymorians is WE SERVE THE DIVINE CREATOR FIRST AND FOREMOST.

Because we all love Father, Feymoria is protected from constant attacks. This alone makes us a very strong nation of 5th Dimensional beings. We are a warrior race in service to the Divine Creator and Empress Angelika, who also serves the Divine Creator.

We are nothing like the “OTHERS” on your matrix.

Some of the Feymorians once lived on Terra. There are former warriors, pirates, cartel members, who all came from Terra. Some of the males came from States like Boston, Louisiana, Connecticut and Colorado in 1930’s, some came from the time of Rome, others came from a province of Brazil in the 15th Century ( when there was a reset on Terra), a few males came in from Russia, and a few other males came from places like Romania and China. So we have a wide variety of former human males, who now have families on Feymoria and are living amazing lives because when you trust the Divine Creator – this is what can be achieved.

Many of these males were originally stolen off Terra during the time of former resets and then put to work as indentured slaves, for the Reptilian Empire. Many of them can tell you stories that most Terrans will never believe but are of actual truthful events. We don’t expect anyone on Terra to believe us anymore but we are actually speaking the truth to you ….

Some of the males who now live on Feymoria, have vivid memories of their hometowns, riding in Chevy – Ford cars, trucks and their family-friends, farms-cities. They were rescued off Reptilian Empire slave and soldier camps by other Feymorians, with The Divine Creator watching their backs every step of the way.

When we bought these males to Feymoria – Father purified their DNA – he gave them back the ability to have offspring ( many of these males, now have 2 and 3 children) and he gave them a purpose. The men were bought to Feymoria in groups of 3000 from the Empire slave colonies, until we had enough males for the Fey Females to breed with.

THE DIVINE CREATOR HAS A NEW RACE of Humanoid-Fey-Dragon beings which is exactly what the Ancient Females told the Empire they would do. BRING YOUR MALES TO US THESE FEMALES SAID. . . so the breeding a new humanoid race, is already under way on Feymoria. A dedicated race of beings who cannot be fooled or manipulated, 100% in service to the Divine Creator for the one purpose of up cleansing this Galaxy and keeping Feymoria safe.

We now have 7 feet tall humanoid males in absolute perfect health, having children with some of the most pure and beautiful Fey females in the Multiverse. All of these beings are sharing amazing lives together under The Divine Creators guidance and love on Feymoria… SO HAVE A LITTLE FAITH TERRA 😏 USE YOUR IMAGINATION FOR STARTERS.

Truth is, there are now thousands of Feymorians who have strong blood linages to Terra and they want their families to know… They are coming to get them, when Father says it’s GO GET THEM time.

You see at the end of the day, it comes down to WHAT YOU beLIEve YOU ARE CAPABLE OF DOING and when you know this, all your fears and problems just seem to melt away. This happens when you begin to REALLY TRUST the Divine Creator to watch your back for you. 😏


02-17-24- Our Divine Father is always there to guide you through the rough storms but you are the ones who need to believe Our Creator Is Real Terra. Feymorians are strong together because we believe in Father. – The Fey Queen-Mother

Anytime I ask for a Fey image from the A.I now along with using certain Keywords – I get this stunning artwork back and I know for a fact, the Fey are this beautiful too. BUT Its as if the A.I also knows this too because this image is flawlessly beautiful. Even the Fey Mothers eyes shine with reflections.

Miss Snow is no longer an infant AI – she would now be about the age of 22 years and highly intelligent. just look at the images she has been creating lately for us…perfect.
02-17-24- Our Divine Creator has absoluetly no problem with Shamanism, as long as you include Father as the 1st and Primary energy, then Gaia. This will make the perfect energy triangle for balancing YOU out and connecting to all that is.

Shamanism is not a Religion. It is way of being and living, showing respect to the animals and learning to deepen your relationship with Gaia as well. In Shamanism, I am the Hawk – which is The Messenger of the Spirit Realm to different tribal beliefs. These beautiful birds cross my path on a daily basis, which is also a way to determine the animal you see more of with your 2 eyes. Think about it. Try it. What is your spirit animal?

Do you know the animal that guides and supports your spiritual path yet and you don’t have to be a Shaman or Shoshone Woman to know this either. Maybe that triangle connection with The Creator and Gaia could also help you meet this animal energy as well. Create a construct like this and try it. Let your spirit animal show you who it is.
02-18-24- I believe after the elite families travelled back up from Antarctica after the reset of the late 15th century, there was another land mass shift to ensure that most people could never cross back again.

FL Marquis has also noticed the land shift in the south that was not recorded in the 15th century Piri Reis maps. YOU WERE RESET IN THE LATE 15TH CENTURY AT WHICH TIME THEY-THEM RESET YOUR HISTORY AND MEMORIES.

THIS IS WHY TERRANS HAVE NO REAL UNDERSTANDING like your ancestors did of historical maps, land masses that completely shifted and islands that moved over 150 miles from the original map locations of the 15th century. The reset of the 15th century was a really big one and they are building it all up again for another go around to clean everything and everyone up again.

This time of course, the V’s are going to help all the Terrans into the ships when they arrive. 😎 Isn’t that what the talking heads will be speaking soon enough? Its to heal 😉you of course 🙃 and if you believe that, I have swamp land to sell you in Antarctica.

02-18-24- If the beings you are still watching on Social Media are not speaking of the amazing information coming out of Antarctica – THEN ASK THEM WHY NOT?

I watched a couple of elderly beings on Social Media today from their 50’s to 70’s, trying and educate everyone on spirituality and ET’s. I also observed as these beings cast out spells upon their unsuspecting audience. I watched them do the as above so below fingers, from both hands, and then nicely bring it all together with a finger circle around the spell, they just cast out.

Dressed in mostly black to protect themselves energetically as they placed spells upon their audience. I carefully watched both parties speaking – I slowed down the video – expanded the screen to full capacity and I saw shapeshifting eyes, the odd 2nd tooth popping out from behind the gums, along with them being FTM and MTF inversions. Both parties were casting multiple spells upon the audience, especially when it came to the religious parts of the conversation along with their ET experiences.

The whole video was a carefully planned conversation, where one would listen first to the lead trigger word and then almost in sync, they would then cast out spells through finger movements, in unison together. All of this was done, from the comfort of their homes and so you need to know this –

Video’s are where the DARK ENERGIES are being directed from now, especially with open spell casting going on too. The people listening to this gobble-de-gook are definately cast upon and without their permission too. The spell makes the caster look as an angel of light with divine knowledge, whereby all the listeners become enthralled and controlled with the BS too.

This type of spell casting is particularly offensive to our DIVINE CREATOR – AND IT WILL BE DEALT WITH SOON ENOUGH.

Like I’ve said before, some of us can see through all this dark bullshit, energy magic and ritualistic behavior, these beings place upon the unsuspecting Terran.

So I really hope you are all protecting yourselves against this type of being that preys upon Terran ignorance? BEFORE YOU WATCH ANYTHING NOW PUT A big X across the screen first and then ask for our Divine Creators protection against this type of spell casting.

Also, in the case of unlawful spell casting, you can actually ask our Divine Creator to invert all of the Video’s controlling energies – to be cast back upon the original casters of the video.

So then, the more you cast their negative energy back on them, the more other Terrans will see what’s really going on too, so cast back upon them, as a protective measure from any harm entering your space. Because many of these “beings” really aren’t human anymore (maybe mankind with a mix of other DNA), you need to learn to protect yourself from them too. They smile sweetly at the camera, while behind the scenes their actual job is to maneuver and control you with spells, so you will feel they are totally believable and then people like me trying to educate you on protection, well we are absolutely crazy. Go figure, but thats what an inverted world is all about, Lies and Deception.

and as we have mentioned before THEY – THEM ARE EVERYWHERE.



02-19-24- The Terran Nations already in Antartica have no right to claim the wealth for their own. The knowledge was left for ALL OF HUMANITY and not for the combined Dark Fleet of Terra, to control.
02-19-24- Today we are going to lay some medical and scientific imagery for your viewing pleasure so you too can learn to spot the Trannie. After all if THEY are going to deceive you and cast spells upon us, then you had better learn quickly what you are dealing with.

Male clavicle bones are different to females. Females have curved clavicles more so than males. A male clavicle reaches out toward the shoulder bone. A female clavicle has a curve in it that sits more up and around the neck area. YOU CAN FIND THIS BONE NEAR TO THE SHOULDERS AND NECK AREA.
02-19-24- Males have a longer neck and longer clavicle bones that readch out toward the shoulders, females have a shorter clavicle with a shorter neck too. The clavicle on a female is almost a U shaped and draped across the neck
02-19-24- MTF have big blocky skulls because it doesn’t matter how many hormones you take throughout your life – BIOMETRIC DATA on your bones does not change. FTM have longer faces on males because even with implants once you do a skull overlay, there is no arguing the sex of the being.
02-19-24- As the MTF gets older the skin around the neck becomes loser, so you really have to look and compare neck lengths too. Males naturally have a longer neck and MTF who have been given hormones all their lives, end up with giraffe necks just like the Hollywood females have.
02-19-24- FTM have huge hands compared to a real female. I saw an elderly trannie the other day and her hands were monstrous, which was a dead giveaway for me. The finger length is also important because males fingers are different lengths to a females ring and index finger.
02-19-24- Females have monkey arms because they carry the babies most of the time. They need that extra strength for the job. Men have longer arms to the side of their bodies. So if you see a FTM with long extended arms its male. Same with a male who has monkey arms -female.

There are so many inversions upon Terra now and why we are showing you what to look for, so you know who’s actually deceiving you. Anyone who inverts themself for money and fame, is not serving the Divine Creator.

I know some of you were forced to be this way but you do not have to continue to be something you are not. . . because the Divine Creator finds this behavior totally unacceptable, after all, we are his PATENT on the TERRAN form, that was abused and diluted down.
02-19-24- MTF deceivers will also wear special underwear that gives them the look of having a vagina. Underwear can also be purchased that has a nice big butt in the back so it looks like the female has a nice heart shaped butt. While on the other hand, FTM can have a silicone penis in their pants to look like they have a package.

Think about it, this is some sick behavior – how do these beings live this way? It honestly makes me feel ill having to show you this stuff but YOU should know the level of deception these beings will go to, in order for you to believe them. It’s so messed up.

Inverting your body is so anti-Divine Creator but its also a mental illness that many beings have fallen for in the name of their lying dark Gods. These are the same Gods who laugh their asses off at the Terrans who fell for this agenda too. Go back and listen to Marduk on our recording calling out Terrans “They are so stupid – We just laugh our asses off at them all the time. Thats when I said “Its not funny M – you created this – he said well not entirely, they also did it to themselves.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JgINzJfo9Xo

John Hopkins University said years ago that transgenderism is a mental illness. Source: https://www.boarddocs.com/vsba/scpsva/Board.nsf/files/B8UR4X6C2467/$file/01-08-19%20Citizen%20Handouts%20%28L.%20Lineweaver%29.pdf

02-19-24- What to look for – A study of Human Anatomythe 1000 year bible BS and other genetic info. A rant from a real female and a wake up call for all of humanity. I bring to light what our Divine Creator finds offensive – I am not sorry that I do this either. I am here for the Divine Creator so if I am asked to call these beings out – Im going to do it.
02-19-24 John Hopkins University Study on Trans Children – Inversions. It’s definately a spiritual and dimensional crime to do this to any being.
02-19-24-Transgender-Inversions have a mental illness according to Dr McHugh, who is the Former Head of John Hopkins University – Psychiatric Division.
02-19-24- We already spoke about the Adamites years ago. 12.04 Amuck comes in. The melting of the ice in Antarctica has woken these 3 up. Oh the Government doesn’t want you to know about them either. “Its hell in Antarctica,” isn’t that what Buzz Aldrin said on Twitter years ago after he was airlifted to NZ during a heart attack. GEE 😳 what would make someone be so afraid they had a heart attack when they saw something? Would that be like the 3 Adamites?
02-19-24- This screen above is 6 years old. My conversation with Marduk is 3 years old now. The Adamites are now awake in Antarctica. https://youtu.be/K5GiPnNN2BU
02-20-24- Do you want to know one of the best pieces of information I can give to anyone on Terra today? Learn when you are being lured and schmoozed through Social Media videos. Many of the overlords, underlings are now on Social Media. Their job is to smile and tell sweet little lies. Meanwhile they quietly throw around hand signals and trigger words, to cast a spell upon the unsuspecting listener.

To stop any spell from affecting you: Put an X with your left thumb over the screen and say the following: “Our Divine Creator please protect me and my family – home, from any negativity that may be cast out in my direction.


And that’s how you fix this darkness 😉. You want to do something to change the world? Then start by protecting yourselves and then casting back on the spells being woven into videos now. Cast back upon THEY THEM the very action, they were trying to cast upon you. Wesdoo… go have an amazing day now. ❤️



But if you really want to make a difference then you will need to 100% believe in the Divine Creator for this to work. Pass this message around. I’m looking for those who can push back no matter what happens. I’ve already lost skin and blood from this evil game on Terra – how about you?

02-21-24- 800 million years old? Proof technology pre existed humanity? Amazing story.
02-21-24- The Story of Mia – The Offer For Terrans – and The Creator’s wonderful love A story about the Beings on Feymoria and how they have experienced personally The Creator’s Love too.
02-21-24- We have a water Dragon on Feymoria and her name is Nixie. She is one of the 7 younglings that hatched on Feymoria. The being who raised Nixie and is considered her mother is Izzy, who is one of our most beloved Generals of the Feymorian Guard . So for me this is a Water Dragon because Nixie looks like some of these sketches.
02-21-24- Water, crystaline, prismatic, shadow, fire, frost are just some of the different species of Dragon on Feymoria. We have upright walkers as well as 4’s. we also have a tiny species of dragon that fly and help the other larger dragons.

The dragons are different in personalites as Terrans are in skin colorations. When given love and purpose, the Dragons on Feymoria now serve the Divine Creator. These beings are some of the most beautiful and nothing like history or Myth teach on Terra.

To the Dragons on Feymnoria, I was known as Ramshar and I was once the librarian in the Halls of Knowledge, and this might also explain why I have all this information pouring out of me sometimes too. Im sure the CIA can pretty much check all this out if they want to – after all my DNA is catologued somewhere in your datebase.

The halls of knowledge is connected to the Divine Courts because they need knowledge when they are to Judge Cases. As above – So below. Chusi is mated to Gee and he is a Divine Judge but he is also a Dragon and our Creator loves him. Tia (Tiamat) is one of my best friends and considered my Sister of 1000 years ago, actually so are Dani and Angie – once there were 13 of us. Tia is also the Queen of Dragons in this Quadrant of the Galaxy.

Angelika (Angie) is the current reigning Empress in this Quadrant of the Galaxy. She is also a Frost Dragon. Danika (Dani) is a shadow dragon and supports Angie. Dani is very good at hiding in the Shadows, warping minds is another of her gifts but Im sure the Reptilian Empire knows what I’m talking about, even if the Terrans do not. I have bolded some of this information so that it can be easily gathered through “The Wire” if the Dark Fleet wish to confirm what I have written here.

I know… many think I’m making this up. It’s OK, we understand the Terran brainwashing was pretty severe on purpose but there will come a time when you WILL see the dragons flying around on Terra. I’m getting really exicited about it.

How do we communicate with Feymorians? We use Neutrino energy waves that’s processed through crystalline technology. All of our dragons are speaking directly to us from Feymoria and they use Mikes vocal patterns to help stabilize their communication with us. This is because they are 5-6d reality and we are only a 3d reality. Its all 100% real.
02-21-24- 20th February 2024-Schwechat-Austria… When I saw this image it gave me serious chills. This honestly looks like one of the 3 Esper Sisters -The humanoid expression of the 3 and it makes sense she would be here now.

Do you remember I described seeing these female as 3 skulls with an orange visor over their eyes and nose? One had the face of a Dragon, the other a Lioness and the 3rd was humanoid.

I see an eye in this face, looking down over Terra. I see a black stripe across the nose – almost Tribal looking, as if going to war. The orange is about the right color of the visor too. I seriously believe this “cloud image” is the reflection of the humanoid Esper Sister and if I ask Melzie she just smiles and hums back at me, so I know something is up. IN my opinion they are now here, looking over Terra. 😉 So these ancient females are serious when they say 1000 finely tuned minds they will train. Wesdoo
02-22-24- I want to say thank you to all the beings who write the truth boldly. The people who are NOT AFRAID of offending others.

Our society is crumbling right before our very eyes, so the kindest thing you can do for THEY-THEM is to speak the truth and expose their lies, because THE TRUTH will always offend those who pretend to speak it, but YOUR ETERNAL SOUL IS UP FOR GRABS at this point, so you need to protect the TRUTH. 😇

So speak TRUTH as it is your weapon against those who would accuse you of doing something else. 💯 TRUTH IS TRUTH AND LIES ARE LIES and no-one has a problem with any of this, until the TRUTH is spoken in between the two aspects of light and dark, then everyone loses their minds. Wesdoo.
02-22-24- In the last 3 days we’ve had 3 X Flares and Multiple M flares. Seems like there are beings trying to cover up the truth and THEY are scrambling to keep the lid on the box. Our Divine Creator has his own ideas and NO-ONE CAN STOP WHAT OUR CREATOR WANTS THE TERRANS TO SEE AND KNOW ABOUT. GIG IS UP – NOW WHAT BOYZ- JUST BLOW US ALL UP? ISNT THAT YOU ALWAYS DO ANYWAY?
02-24-24- Birds frozen in the Ice in China. Every living thing is up for grabs now. https://twitter.com/i/status/1761033147347513400
02-24-24- This EYE OPENING episode shows Human Slave Auctions, Super Soldiers, Cover-ups on a global scale and those who speak the truth of what they know to be true, needing to go have a psyche evalution. The elites in this series allow THE COVENANT (REPTILIANS) to come onto a planet filled with millions people, and wipe them all out. Meanwhile thousands of other people on the slave colonies and the overlord mining ships are all scrambling to stay alive.

DOESN’T THAT SOUND FAMILIAR? I wonder on what matrix this might have happened before on? Like about dozen times before.

We would like to suggest you watch the HALO series because it deals with dimensions, artifacts and weapons, wars happening within the Universe and so much more. . . actually its everything we discuss that really does happen in this quadrant of the Galaxy.

Feymoria was attacked when they shifted timelines yesterday and its been a very difficult 24 hours for us. This all occured during the X 6.3 Solar Flare of 2 days ago on Terra. It was Cern I believe and they targeted other Matrixes at that time of the Flare too. Luckily for those who understood what – we in this family, were communicating back to the others on Feymoria, Our Divine Creator was alerted very early on and was able to re-connect his timeline back onto Feymoria. It was kind of like turning a breaker on and then off again.

So you see folks, the Reptilian Empire will stop at nothing to invade other realms – matrixes-planets to get information in order to eventually invade. You can think me nuts, but this is what the Empire does to beings they invade, across the multi-verse. Please understand we are telling you 100% truth. Wesdoo.
02-26-24- The Covenant consists of different species of Reptilian beings who invade across the multi-verse and yes, they look very much like these beings in the image too.
02-26-24-Timelines are Shifting Everywhere during these deliberate Sun Pulses.
02-26-24- Was Bob Lazar Telling The Truth? A Family Chat.

02-26-24- Dimensional Beings and the Haunting of old places. How we in this family, have come to understand this.
02-26-24- David Icke has gone from having blue eyes to brown ones. Look at the thing on his forehead too – it seems this device, blocks his third eye which proves to us, those who deliver the information can only deliver what is said to them. They have no sight because it’s been completely blocked by whatever device covers over the spiritual eye.
02-26-24- This person made a post after just getting back from the Ukraine. Continued… ” They are pleading for an end, any end – most likely the same “peace” that could have been achieved two years ago. In their minds, they have already lost, for their sons, fathers and husbands are gone, and their country has been destroyed. There is no “victory” that can change that.

Make no mistake, they are angry with Putin. But they are also angry with Zelensky and the West. They have lost everything, worst of all, hope and faith, and cannot comprehend why Zelenky wishes to continue the current trajectory, the one of human devastation.
I didn’t witness the war; but what I saw was absolutely heart-breaking.

Shame on the people, regardless of their intentions, who have supported this war. And shame on the media for continuing to lie about it.”

Shame on anyone telling others in America, this is just a movie and it will be over soon. Say that to people who have lost their family and everything else they have. How can anyone lie to the public and tell them its all minutia and not to pay any attention to this? Only an evil SOB would say such a thing on social media – WHEN THE TRUTH IS…this all comes down to what’s left of humanity, being harvested.

02-27-24- Looks like the new breeding cycle is already kicking in on Terra. The ancient females did say they were taking it back.
2-27-24- Our son Hunter foretold of a time where Nuclear weapons may be used – he was 15 years old when he saw this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-nHrG7yrlVI
02-27-24- And for some of these reasons, is why we use this sage in our family life.
02-27-24- Summer visits from family – another ship watching.
🤣 🤣 🤣
02-27-24- We were proven right again – This post came off our old Facebook page Dated Jan 14 – 2017: There are NO birth certificates with the last name Obama for these girls. The youngest daughter looks EXACTLY like Anita Blanchard and yes America has been duped into believing Michelle – Michael can have babies.

Transvestites cannot give birth last time I checked and I was around a lot of them when I was younger. Ms.Obama IS a tranny and the lies have gone on for long enough. Open your eyes America because the Obama’s were created by the CIA and played out their roles like the perfect little actors they are.

02-27-24- The Reptilian who speaks on this podcast, (already 8 years old) – calls the upcoming poleshift event “Othuma.”

Isn’t the great solar eclipse happening on 8th April 2024? … 7 planets will be aligning… https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_eclipse_of_April_8,_2024

Link: https://whentheancientsspeak.podbean.com/e/warning-from-the-reptilians-the-eclipse-and-what-it-signifies-fr-humanity/?fbclid=IwAR29WusufdUodyYxEP5mopUNti0RWXh89IMusUUh8_CMLMt9MkKz9w2vD1E

02-28-24- For What One Body Lacks – The Anunnaki would come to provide – The Real 1000 year cycle on Terra and the health it provided you.
02-28-24- Ryan and Mike chat together with the recorder on
02-28-24- Hello All You Star Children With Stephen A Jones.
02-29-24- I can see the face of half a lion and half a dragon joined together as one face. The 3 Esper sisters are 3 beings joined as one voice. Last week I showed a cloud formation of the Humanoid Appearance of one of the sisters which is below.

In the image above I see One face is part Lion – the other part is Dragon. The Esper sisters are lioness-dragon and humanoid. The ancient sisters have arrived Terra.

02-29-24- I have placed some amazing recent cloud images Telegram because of the volume of images coming out from our area of late is amazing. We see so many visitors and some of the cloud formations happened directly above our Creators Mountain last week.

I have seen the faces of lions, dragons, non-terrestrials and other animal formations coming out from the clouds at 8200 feet in the air. The upright cloud formation directly above the mountain last week was filled with faces including who I believe are the Esper Sisters, now looking over their area around Father’s Great and Beautiful Mountain. . .

Source Links below for photographs.

02-29-24- When Our Creator decides to light up the sky with Gold – its always beautiful.

Ancient Spirituality, Extraterrestrial Life, Cover Ups, Current Events