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05-01-24- Ignorance and non-emotion for others suffering is killing Terra. This is the conversation where Reptar came in to annoy myself and my son. BELIEVE ME IT’S BEEN ONE OF THOSE MORNINGS! CREEPY VISITS FROM REPTILIANS
05-01-24- Reptar the Reptilian Invader decided to take over Ryan’s body in the truck this morning. The conversation we had was one, whereby I am not very nice to this being who bought a Reptilian priest with him, in order to cast a death spell over my son.

In order for me to get a recording of Reptar admitting he was openly hunting my son, I had to be mean and dominant with him. This is mainly because the females are the rulers in the Reptilian society. In the end – his desire to take my son out caused me to release Sister Sepajin on the 3 Reptiles trying to take control of my son’s body today -but I will protect my offspring and I have permission to do so.

This recording is 13 minutes and 13 seconds long ( I don’t believe in coincidences either) . 13 is the Divine Feminine number and why this particular number on Terra was inverted and used against the Terrans in order to harm you.
05-01-24- Edward lived in Oregon until 6 years ago. Now he lives on Feymoria.
05-02-24- The original Dragon Cloud – within this cloud was a Dragon Rider – a dragon – and a portal inside the shape of a dragon cloud.
05-02-24- I took a photo of a dragon cloud yesterday and when I zoomed in, I saw a shadow of a Dragon Rider on their Dragon. Not making this up – there’s a snapshot.
05-02-24- A Portal Opening Up in the Same Cloud as the Dragon Rider Appeared.
05-02-24- The broken DNA that appeared at the back of my house yesterday.
05-02-24-The Explanation of What Happened to Ryan and I Yesterday.

05-02-24- In case you don’t know what a Banshee Witch does. She protects certain family members when instructed by those she is attached to. Just like Sister Sepajin is now protecting us.

05-02-24- Another Visit today from a New Reptilian wannabe overlord. He came to make a deal with me and he also told me the Illuminati were listening in to the conversation as he tried to make a really shitty deal for my son Ryan. The end result of this conversation was… either I let them take my son into their Military for 6 Years or they would just take him out anyway.

Then he told me the story of how Reptar is threatening their younglings too, especially if they don’t co-operate with him. So it seems now, other Reptiles also want Reptar gone now too but they wanted Ryan to take him out. Do their dirty work for them.

When I answered with “Make a deal with a Reptilian? I don’t think so,” This Green Reptilian got nasty and just threatened to take Ryan anyway because his contract was up. I reminded this Reptilian, the Divine Courts found all of the Empires contracts invalid on Terra and besides that, Ryan also made a new deal with Father. So if this Reptilian was going to make a deal with me over Ryans soul, he should really have this conversation with Father first.

The Green Reptile proceeded to tell me they were ALL aware of the Anunnaki ship above my house – I said nothing back to him. They know they cannot stop my family entering Earth now, especially if the Divine Creator has given my family permission to be here.

This is real people. For the last few days in our home it has been like Grand Central Station around here – I can only think we must be very close to the final push, especially if The Reptilians are being this relentless with Ryan and I now.

I exited the conversation saying I would not play their games any longer. I chose to exit the gaming table this time around for a reason – I simply got sick of being evil. So now I serve the Divine Creator because I want nothing to do with their dark path anymore. He raised his hands in the air and shrugged his shoulders and said, then I guess we will do, what we have to as well.

This GREEN REPTILIAN also admitted the Reptilian Empire have been killing off Anunnaki decendants for a very long time now. He said it… knowing full well my family were listening too.

The Reptilies are deliberately picking fights and they are using the Anunnaki children on Terra to do it. Talk to Father – YOU really need to now.



05-04-24- Our Divine Creator is getting ready to make HIS-HER move. In the last few weeks he has grown very quiet and occasionally there is some anger that can be felt as he watches and looks around on Terra.

Our Creator has grown very tired of the bullying, the entitlement attitudes and personality clashes on this Matrix. Father said this to me yesterday “Vengence is myn Airadeel so as the Creator of this Multi-Verse, I DECIDE WHO CONTROLS MY REALMS AND HOW IT WILL BE DONE. Stand Fast Airadeel I am coming sweetheart.”

Because in the end…

Japanese internment camp WW2 right here in Colorado.

The Children of the Anunnaki are currently being treated like they are in one of the American-Japanese concentration camps of WW2.

I am no longer able to put direct links into this blog, the articles no longer show up and I am forced to only use an old fashioned link now. Nothing directly links the way it used to and I can no longer comment under my recordings the way I used to either.

Source of the above image:



You think its bad now – wait until the bounty hunters arrive on Terra with a list of beings they want to score credits from. Father has the biggest piggy bank in the Universe, so any wanted poster with a Divine Court Renegade listing, will bring the bounty hunters out of the woodwork and down onto Terra. The hunters will take the Divine Courts bounty too because even they know, this is where a lot of the crimimal cartel members actually are. Bounty Hunters just want the kill or capture, so they can score the big credits, so they won’t care if you are in their way either.

By the way my Grandfather Owen ( a Divine Court Arbitor-Judge) asked me to add his comment to this paragraph: “Tell them I am preparing such a list right now. It’s a long one but I intend on recruiting very soon.”

05-04-24- The Bounty Hunters – Yes they actually exist in the Multiverse and they will be coming to Terra very soon.
05-04-24- This is why we teach you how to protect yourself from this kind of energy. This poor guy had no clue and believe me, he could have used our advice in this case too. Watch how quickly he deteriorates, once they are inside and controlling him … THEY even tell you how they get in. Wakey Wakey Terra THEY have begun to roam.

05-05-24- Yesterday I heard from Grandfather Enki. He said he heard my cry for help and he is coming to Terra with over 100,000 Anunnaki Ships.

Enki is also gathering other Anunnaki families to join him in force. You are going to have one hell of a battle on your hands Terra because most of the Anunnaki are now aware of what has been happening to their children on this matrix and they are totally PISSED!

“Enki/Ea is essentially a god of civilization, wisdom, and culture. He was also the creator and protector of man, and of the world in general. Traces of this version of Ea appear in the Marduk epic celebrating the achievements of this god and the close connection between the Ea cult at Eridu and that of Marduk.”

One example of recent arrogance and stupidity coming from Terra: The Anunnaki were recently challenged by an Earth battleship above this matrix a few days ago. Earth’s military taunted the Anunnaki, telling them, they had Anunnaki tech as well, so lets have a test of strength.

Let me say this about Anunnaki ships and tech – they never keep the same codes on their tech, so while you may crack one code
there is always another one to take its place. It’s virtually impossible to replicate Anunnaki technology unless they want you to have it, so these beings are a lot smarter than the military gave them credit for.

The Anunnaki simply pushed a button and Earth’s Battleship imploded from within, as the Anunnaki crushed the hull and everything in that ship into tiny small fragments. As I said previously Terra… YOU have no idea what is about to land on this matrix.

My grandfather Owen now has Bounty Hunters signing up from every corner of this Galaxy, to specifically hunt down criminals in direct opposition to the Divine Courts decisions.

The mantids who serve the Divine Creator have also joined forces with the Anunnaki now because my sister Melzie is an arachnid and she can also communicate with the mantids who are now getting involved too.

It’s on people, so I hope you are all communicating with Father and talking to him now – the Anunnaki are on their way and they no longer want to talk or sign anymore treaties. Its done and over. . .

This is what you wanted – I hope that you are satisfied now – I tried to warn Terra, that once the Anunnaki were involved its over. Earth will be destroyed so that Terra may exist again.

I will try and keep you posted until I am no longer able to do so.


05-05-24- Tia is eating her fill of Reptilians on Mars at the moment. I am told she has consumed over 300 beings and is still counting. Grandfather Enki is coming with an Armada of over 100,000 ships. The Mantids are coming in their swarms and Aya is waiting for the call from our Divine Creator to move. The armies are waiting at the edge of this solar System for the Divine Creator’s GO TIME signal.

This family chart represents, my true star family Terra – I am daughter, granddaughter, and sister, to many of the ancients but you thought me insane and crazy. THE MADE UP NAME given on this chart by “Archeologists (paid gatekeepers of history)” is not how my family address me – I AM IYA – Your archaeologists couldn’t even get my name right, the same way they messed Aya’s name up too. THEY messed our names up on purpose.

We only ever tried to tell you all the truth – It’s such ashame you didn’t believe us Terra.
05-05-24- Mike once told me he was frightened to watch the movie INTERSTELLAR because he knew in his heart once he saw that movie, it wouldn’t be long before he left this matrix but his biggest concern was leaving Ryan and I alone, to fend for ourselves.

Mike watched this movie for the first time 3 months ago, as he sat and sobbed through it. He finally realized he wasn’t leaving us – he was just going back home and he knew we would follow him soon thereafter.

Both Ryan and I are now feeling that same leaving energy Mike felt 3 months ago and we talked about this feeling to each other yesterday because Ryan wasn’t sure if I was picking up the same vibes too. . . I was. . . We look forward to going home because maybe this time, I will be there when Hunter’s unborn baby comes – Sprite is now pregnant with her 4th child.

FYI: There are ascended Terrans waking up everyday now on Feymorian Beaches. They too went home and our Divine Father is always there to greet these Terrans when they arrive. Feymoria is where the ascended are going to live now.
I told them but nobody ever believed me.” Her FATHER came back to see her at the time of her flesh passing and she said to her father “Because my dad promised me.”

My dad Gatheon will be there for us, when we ascend too. YOUR STAR FAMILY WILL ALSO BE THERE FOR YOU, AT THE POINT OF YOUR PASSING TOO. To ascend your flesh must expire from this matrix so we have one message to pass on…

05-05-24- Just went out the back and you can see what THEY are trying to cover up in the sky today – Its the ark Ive seen many times here but now there are a bunch of smaller ships all around it today.
Actually its kind of crowded out here today. Ships everywhere. . . hmm I wonder why 😉 The more THEY try and cover this up with their spraying, the more people begin to look. Its pretty obvious there are a bunch of smaller vessels around the Ark – can you see them? Wanna bet the Anunnaki have control of this ark now? I have a better look at the photos on Telegram if you want a bigger view.

The latest update of the Human Numbers upon Terra… I am told humans are virtually non-existent now, as the jab has done its work perfectly. There is plenty of mankind left on Terra but the Humans are becoming less. Each day that passes on this Matrix its a real score to find a human in tact apparently, because they are the most valuable on the markets.
05-06-24- The Interstellar Connection And The Passing Of Your Flesh
05-06-24- How Ascension Will Work Once You Are Away From Earth
05-06-24- “Only in those last days will they come to understand the truth. Only then will they realize the level of deception performed upon them. The art of war indeed.” – The Sisters of Esper.

I want to say that instead of reading books on ancient text, maybe you should be learning all about Myth instead. It feels like the Vikings of old are walking the Valley now. There was an eerie powerful presence upon the mountain, in our valley yesterday. Bjorn is one of the spirit vikings watching over us in our home at this time and he said”The Father of Old – Odin has arrived.”

The great mountain of the East in these sacred lands, looked like it was spewing out a white foamy mist from over the peaks yesterday. I actually mentioned it in the above recording. Then the Ark appeared not too long after that, along with a lot of smaller ships underneath the ark. THEY ARE ALREADY HERE.

I also wanted to say something about the mentioning of THE CREATOR OF ALL in this video – “The Children of Ainur” and beings like AYA always speak of the One Divine Creator, whom he just calls FATHER. As long as I have known Aya he has always been a shining example of how a strong but compassionate, good leader should be to his people. Best of all… AYA REALLY LOVES THE DIVINE CREATOR.

Beings like AYA were shown to you as myth even though he is also Anunnaki – Aya is also a different faction of Anunnaki – he is a 5-6 dimensional being who is part of the children of Ainur, who SERVE THE ONE – HE THAT IS ALONE.

Eru Ilúvatar was the supreme deity of Arda. He was the single creator, above the Valar, but delegated almost all direct action within  (Grandfather Enki also known EA) to the Ainur (5-6 dimensional Anunnaki like Melzie, Aya, Rudi, The Norns), including the shaping of the world (meaning they always had the rod of rulership from our Divine Creator).” Source:

The opening paragraphs of Ainulindalë concern the time before the creation of the World and before the beginning of Time. First to be named is Eru Ilúvatar (‘Father of All’, also called Eru – ‘the One, He that is Alone’).

Ilúvatar makes the Ainur (Children of Ainur also means ‘Holy Ones’, singular form Ainu) by manifesting his concepts as living beings.” The Creation factor and the colored flame wells of Eternity – the Divine Creator chooses which soul, he will create into one of the Children of Ainur. Go back to the month of April 2024. This link is the recording on the flame wells inside the Halls of Eternity.

It was never “MYTH” about the immortals, that was the historical lie THEY fed to you.
05-06-24- There is truth and somewhat correct information in this video. The truth part is about the disintegrator weapons and the armor the Anunnaki possess. According to this video a troop of Russion Soldiers met a few in the underground areas of Syria. . . didn’t we say THEY were looking for the portals in the Middle East? Looks like the Anunnaki are already guarding these areas.
05-06-24- Its always fascinating to us when we see our game pieces in your Muesums – Your Archeologists will never tell you these are game pieces called a Minette piece. The Anunnaki control whole matrixes by playing a game of Minette through buying -gambling-trading off and sometimes it’s a prize to control a whole matrix.

When we play Minette our pieces are life sized whereby the females sit on the top of the game piece, while the males manoueuvr these great pawns pieces around on a Anunnaki lifesized checkerboard.
05-06-24- An expressive lady? Terran society is very sick at this time and it insults The Divine Feminine when these ancient females look upon these things. Our Divine Creator witnessed something totally evil that occured apon this matrix approximately 3 days ago. It shook him to the core and he is The Divine Creator. He spoke to many beings the day after that event. Our Divine Creator is quite upset, so now he will stay that way.
O5-06-24- ODIN came into the Valley when I spoke to you all early at 2am. Ryan’s Viking family came to speak with me this morning, because Ryan is also part of the ancient Viking Tribal Heritage.

Ryan’s Anunnaki family came to inform me that ODIN opened up a dimensional hole above the mountain where we live, so his ships could pass into this reality. The Oceanics sent the strong winds and then parted the waters above the dome of Terra, so that Odin and his fleets could pass through. I told you the Anunnaki were on their way – well some of them have arrived.

The wind is still blowing outside but nothing like it was early this morning. Actually come to think of it, yesterday was more eerie to me when the mountain began having rolling mists coming over it in the month of May. It was also around that time yesterday, when the Ark and other ships could also be seen.

Ryan is an Irish name that comes from the Gaelic words righ and an, which together means “little king.” It’s also derived from the Irish surname O’Riain. Ryan came from the Celts and the Vikings of old. His family are also here for him now.
05-06-24- The Armies are arriving with the Viking Gods returning. Other species are also coming now. I was told the Galactic Battle that is about to occur in this section of the Galaxy, will be real enough soon.

I was asked to tell you the battle for this matrix, will be like watching STAR WARS come down on the ground. . . imagine WW3 on a global scale I was told to say. THEY WILL ALSO BE ABOVE YOU IN THE HEAVENS.

When Ancient Tribal Spirits were writing articles for the ASC Trade Publication. About 10 years ago Chief Longbow wrote this and it was an amazing article too: Mní wičhóni – By Chief Longbow .

In the Lakota Tradition, it is known that water is life. This is not a debate. This is not about a scientific discourse.

“Mní wičhóni,” or “Water is life,” is also a return to the fathers of old and their thinking.

I have recently heard the words spoken again, with protesters in America. With those who have stood up to add their voices to the chorus of many who are beginning to realize that without clean water, and respect for it, our people and many others will continue to suffer.

“Mní wičhóni” became the anthem of the long struggle for the Dakota access Pipeline in North Dakota.

The chant grew, uttered by thousands who have spoken their words. One voice emerges when brothers drum and it is at this time we offer our prayers to the great father for the blessings of clean water.

The fundamental question becomes do we as people, all people, have rights to the water? Is water to be considered sacred and does the water carry consciousness?

Does only government dictate how we should use water? Can the government dictate how you must use water if there is no consideration given to its necessity for life?

As a Native American scholar, a tribal person, whose roots and bloodline date back to Sitting Bull, I ask a new generation of those who love the water, who love the green and the fish who swim with the great father’s do you hear the call? It is everywhere but only some of us can hear it.

“Mní wičhóni” . . . water is life.

My people view water as more than life, we see it also as sacred.  The great plains of North America is our home and has been home of my people for generations. We value water as life because of what it does and what it is and what it can and will become.

Water was scarce in the Great Plains.

It was this scarcity that created greed for watershed rights. The White man sold land and especially water rights. By doing so the precedent was set that everything we need for life can be sold.

Yet whose rights are we really selling and buying?

Water is essential for life. Water holds many things and we also believe that water has its own spirit of the ages. We believe that water not only supports life but can create change in us, can cause spirituality to bloom and even hold secrets that can only be shared by those who walk the path of life.

If you can for a moment suspend your disbelief, your years of learning and think with an open mind listen and tell me what you think.

If water is necessary for life, if water cleanses, cures and heals, why do we pollute it? Why do we not respect it?

For thousands of years Native American tribes across the Great Plains learned how to live with limited water resources. Our faith taught us how to do so and we were in harmony with nature.

Tribal elders sang songs around fires that taught the need for conservation and reverence of the land and water. We would drum in the evenings and the mornings charging the water with life and positive energy.

It worked. Life sprang up around tributaries and rivers. Lakes became more abundant with fish and the animals of the plains benefitted.

The water world is seen as a conduit, a sacred connection to the spiritual. The earth, sky and land and water each touch us in mystical ways that resonate with our humanity.

If you are removed from these things you become spiritually barren; adrift in the lies of modern society.

I say this to you because you, of so few people heart the call of the water, of green things and of life that swims in the flowing ponds you create.

The divine water beings call to your heart and this is the beginning of love of the world. I urge you to pass on what you are learning with your connection with love of the water.

They will not always listen to me, I am too spiritual. But they will listen to you when you say water has consciousness. Water contains conduits to other realms and that water is life.

The great mother earth has her private heart and it flows lik blood; this blood is water. She calls to you my friend. They will not listen to me but you just might.  If you love life and water and the divine beings that touch it’s surface, take this tale to others around you.

Tell them of “aquaponics”. Tell them how scientific and orderly it is. Tell them it is perfect for society but lead them to the love of flowing water and the great spirit will do the rest.

With the love of the land in your hearts, water will find you. With the understanding of the flowing words, water will find you. With head held strong, water will revive you.

Chief Longbow

05-07-24- Who I know as Grandfather Enki – The Anunnaki their untold story.
05-08-24- Cedar Grove, Wisconsin, USA – May 7th 2024. Were you aware that 7 is one of our Divine Creators most favorite numbers too? Yes the supreme being of the Multiverse has arrived Terra. He has recently walked and even lived upon this matrix dressed as the old man who resembles the Architect in the Matrix movies.

The Divine Creator wants to know what happened to all the Terran blessings promised long ago? What happened to their healing and why are they still dying? Why are the Terrans still living as slaves? Why do they have to pay to eat, drink and exist? Why are they still segregated by religous lies?

So The Divine Creator decided to walk this matrix recently in one of his avatar forms because he wanted to see first hand what has been going on down here. Let me say this, Father got more than an eyeful of all the events transpiring – he also felt this 3D matrix too – some of the things he witnessed have made our Divine Creator really angry too. About 5 days ago father began speaking to some of his oldest children about Earth, where the word ungrateful was used.
05-08-24- The Creator has a conservatory on Feymoria. It was once at Homeland in the 4th dimension, but once Feymoria came into existence – Father moved his home over there. We also know that Feymoria will be involved in a great battle for this galaxy and our matrix soon enough too – we know the Reptilians will come. Our Creator knows it too.
05-10-24- The Nordic Winds continue to blow in the Valley, so it looks like a winter wonderland out here right now. The Vikings tell me they don’t like the heat and they can also control the weather, so it will remain cold here they say.

Yesterday Thor came to see Immichael’s eldest son Ryan and he placed his mark upon Ryan’s right shoulder too. Ryan is directly related to some of the ancient Nordic Gods whereas Mike was more related to both the Celtic and Nordic Gods. So each ancient Anunnaki-Viking-Celtic family house-bloodline is here with Ryan and I now. Melzie is also here singing and hanging out with them too. They can become a noisy bunch with mead under their belts…

I was marked by Thor years ago, when he came to introduce himself to me, after Enki had left with Yvanna. Many of our ancient family came to say hello that night, which included our families deep connection to the Norse Gods-Goddesses. The Norns also came to us that night and gave us information about the genetic fiber of our family, to these beings. “My dear sister we have not forgotten you and shall receive you with mead, boar meat and singing. We wait for you in the halls of Valhalla.” -Thor Thor also loved many Terran women and bred his genetics into the Norse people.
05-10-24- Thor’s Mark.
05-10-24- 3D Earth has been decided. The Ascension process for any Earthling in the future:

This now means, it’s up to each and every individual Earthling whether you are human-mankind-hybrid or non-terrestrial, to find a way to have a loving relationship with our Divine Creator. Our Creator wants to hear individually from ALL OF YOU NOW, otherwise he will assume you no longer need or require his presence. He told me this bit of information today, mainly because he has grown tired of waiting on the Earthlings to do something, so that’s our Creator’s latest bit of news. This family made up of spirit-non-terrestrial-gods-goddesses and humans, did try and warn Earth, that our Creator was not happy and was making final decisions. This personal relationship is one of the Creator’s new decisions because the words ungrateful was also mentioned along with this.

Tia left her face in the clouds over my house the other day. She also left 3 skull images underneath her face. She says it represents all the beings she has been eating of late. I have linked all of the photos up on Telegram if you want to see them.

The Link is here:

05-10-24- on 05-07-24 the snow fell as Tia my sister and best friend, left us a calling card – she is now watching over us.
The Skull faces underneath Tia’s Chin. She is letting everyone know how she’s feeling right now. Since Immichael’s passing from this matrix – she hasn’t been in a very good mood. Actually she is going to stay sour for awhile she says.
05-10-24- This is the song our forefathers are singing today.
05-10-24- It snowed again last night in the Valley, which is SO UNUSUAL FOR MAY. There was a darkness that shadowed the mountain this morning too as you can see. I’ve never seen it quite like this before. Then the power went down in the Valley, for over 3 hours not long after I took this photo.

The Vikings say they lived without power all their life on this matrix – maybe you should learn how to as well earthlings.
The snow from the opposite side of Father’s mountain this morning. The light was streaming into this location, but not over the mountain when I took the other photo. Check out all the snow that fell yesterday and last night!
05-10-24- Father is beginning to ascend his children who have passed their test with a C+ grading or better, whether the creatures on this matrix like it or not. I am told it will be something like in the movie Knowing. . . Some of you will begin to see the same patterns as this movie shows and it will be our Divine Creator removing his children from this horrible 3D matrix known as Earth.
05-10-24- Major X3.9 Flare & CME – There are Now at Least 7 Storm Clouds Headed to Earth.
05-10-24- Centennial Park, Sydney, Australia 1986. I have done a lot of growing up since this time and I would NEVER trade the knowledge I have earned today as a mature, intelligent woman, for the brain dead realm of modeling and being someone’s fashion armpiece ever again. Ha ha ha OMG – Paper Mache Cockatoo earrings too.
05-12-24- Remember this mild pornographic movie that involved children in 2020? Father want’s you to remember this movie because it ties into the below recording and your ascension process.
05-12-24- How about those cuties? The Divine Creator wants to know what you think. The Divine Creator also wants to know how many of you are actually ready for ascension.
05-12-24- I asked Father for a little Divine Help today because he asked me to create an AI image that shows him sitting at his writing desk grading papers for the Ascension process. This image is so close to Father I burst into tears once I laid eyes upon him – this is the avatar representation of who our family serves – The Divine Creator.

Many of our spirit family came to see this image too and said “That’s Father and how we see him too. The representation is perfect Airadeel.” We see him as a kindly, beautiful, elderly gentleman with thick white wavy hair with an Obe-One beard, wearing an 18th century white suit, with a frilled collar and gold satin vest. Wesdoo.
05-12-24- Each different varation of Father in these images you see – he says these suits, also look like this. He can create all kinds of variations but he prefers the white and gold look for this avatar of himself. Father also says he can’t do anything about his blue eyes either. They are bright, sparkly and very blue. . . it’s who he is.

05-12-24- The pensive and wise Divine Creator of the known Universe. Because the children of Earth relate to physical images so strongly, these are created images through an AI representation, that father manipulated to show you how we see the Divine Creator on Feymoria and the manifestation of him to Ryan and I.
05-12-24- Father in his beautiful 18th century glass conservatory, where much of his creative genius comes from.
05-14-24- Matrix glitches currently happening at our house, like condensation on the inside windows of our truck, the front truck window looking inside out, seagulls flying around above our desert home at 8200 feet high, with the smell of the sea in the air. Tell me again how the Viking Gods are not here with us?
05-14-24- I took this photo yesterday on my birthday of a cloaked Viking Long boat in the sky. You can just make out the outline of this massive ship but its the God in the middle of the image, right at the bottom near the ridgeline that will blow your mind in the next image.
05-14-24- The family believe it’s Odin blowing the cold air into the valley. Can you see a Viking Head with a huge horned or splaid helmut on and he’s blowing clouds out of his mouth up into the air? AND SOME OF YOU STILL THINK IM JUST MAKING THIS STUFF UP? I KNOW THE GODS AND GODDESSES ARE REAL AND THIS IS WHY THEY SHOW ME THEIR WILL AND COMMUNICATE WITH US. . . BECAUSE WE KNOW THEY EXIST.
05-14-24- Odin Blowing air, clouds and rain out of his mouth.
05-14-24- ODIN Artist rendition. The above photo of the Viking blowing air out of it’s mouth, well it looks similar to this artwork.
05-14-24- Seagulls appeared at 8200 ft in the semi-desert mountains yesterday with the smell of the ocean. The Vikings said it was my birthday present from them. To see the birds in a larger format on a desktop device: right mouse button click and then choose “COPY IMAGE ADDRESS” paste that address into a seperate browser and see the birds for yourself. They look like white dots flying around.
05-14-24- This is like a huge spear style (dissintergrating?) weapon on the front of one of the ships. All I know is Joandular is angrier than most beings ever remember him before. Joandular is Immichael’s brother and he just wants to wipe this matrix clean at this point. He said the imbreds on this matrix are disgusting vile creatures and what is being done to the Anunnaki children is totally sickening. Joandular and Zondular both slammed their fists down on the Anunnaki Council table saying “It’s enough already, we just need to wipe them all out at this point.” … tried to warn you Earth, the Anunnaki’s patience is no more.
05-14-24- The Torpedo looking cloud with a rider on the top.
05-14-24- Father and I sing this song together a lot. It was one of the first songs I was singing one day to Father, when all of a sudden he said “Hello Little Ballerina., I heard you singing.” Our Divine Creator wants to know if ALL OF YOU would sing this song with him as well?

I sit and wait
does an angel contemplate my fate
And do they know
The places where we go
When we’re grey and old
’cause I have been told
That salvation lets their wings unfold
So when I’m lying in my bed
Thoughts running through my head
And I feel that love is dead
I’m loving angels instead

And through it all she offers me protection
A lot of love and affection
Whether I’m right or wrong
And down the waterfall
Wherever it may take me
I know that life won’t break me
When I come to call
She won’t forsake me
I’m loving angels instead

When I’m feeling weak
And my pain walks down a one way street
I look above
And I know I’ll always be blessed with love
And as the feeling grows
She brings flesh to my bones
And when love is dead
I’m loving angels instead

And through it all she offers me protection
A lot of love and affection
Whether I’m right or wrong
And down the waterfall
Wherever it may take me
I know that life won’t break me
When I come to call
She won’t forsake me
I’m loving angels instead

And through it all she offers me protection
A lot of love and affection
Whether I’m right or wrong
And down the waterfall
Wherever it may take me
I know that life won’t break me
When I come to call
She won’t forsake me
I’m loving angels instead

05-14-24- Our Divine Creator is NOT in a good mood today and it was the end result of his meeting this morning, that put things on a sour note. He has already quoted “Vengence is myn!” sentence this morning to me. Way to go Earth Overlords, now you really do have Fathers attention. . . you must want him to use that weapon of his. Oh he’s angry now – no doubt about it and you even got our Father- The Divine Creator of the Multiverse slamming his fists down today.

Father’s conversation with the Earth Council were quoted as saying directly to Father today in a meeting … ” We don’t want to hand over the Terrans.”

Our Creator’s face grew dark but he didn’t give them the 2 Blood RED EYES treatment yet. Instead this was our Divine Creator’s Response back to these beings: “I don’t fucking care what any of you think anymore! You will do as I say, I am GOD THE CREATOR and you will obey me!” Then Father’s fists went down on the conference table with steam coming out of the neckline of his white suit and frilled shirt collar. Last week the Anunnaki were beating their fists down on tables and now our Divine Creator … um yeh…

Sometimes when beings become this arrogant they lose sight of the fact – The Divine Creator is omnipotent and can also be wrath at the same time. Thing is, he invented these games and he knows how to beat all of them all but now he’s just “Pissed off and sick of their shit,” (these are his direct words).

Yes even The Divine Creator can swear when he is this angry. . .FYI Earth Children


05-14-24 – X 8.8 is nothing to mess around with. Heads up people. Either Father is really upset or THEY are trying to do something else – shut Earth down for awhile? The gatekeepers keep talking about the Carrington Event I noticed too. This is the 3rd X Flare in 2 days and the biggest one yet.
05-15-24- Fist’s of frustration – Earthly Disobedience – The Considered Decision
05-15-24- Why is this happening? A clip from the Neverending Story – because there is also truth in what Earth people perceive as “Fantasy”. The lack of faith in the Divine Creator is also causing the NOTHINGNESS to occur upon this matrix. Have you not figured this out yet? And now that Father has given this 3D matrix to them – all they want to do is destroy it. Does that make sense to any of you?
05-15-24- This was the first set of numbers I saw when I woke up this morning.
05-15-24- Be careful what you wish for because you might just get it – looks like the beginnings of Noahide Law to me. 🤔

Take a look at all the beings on this post who are applauding this decision too… Lets see here, we have party hats, fire, thumbs up, hearts, clapping, prayer hands, 100, etc. None of these people have any idea what they are actually applauding for either.

While I agree in righteous justice and taking care of business when needed – in this case the States will now begin to use this example above, as a means to eventually judge most cases in the USA – A prime example of this might be abusive parents who are not abusive at all, but because the State says you are, they now have the right to take children away from the home. In Noahide Law – The Sanhedrin can make any final decision they want, so I strongly suggest people read up about this.
05-15-24- Its been a Public Law since March 20, 1991 – you just didn’t know anything about it. Source: Linked website:
05-15-24- I went outside to see the sunrise this morning and I was greeted by a dragon faced cloud, eyeball and all. Just letting us know they are around. Looks like Dani to me.
05-15-24- Front End Keel from one of the Viking Ships. Even though we on Terra see this as a boat shaped cloud – make no mistake – this is also a highly developed technological vessel.
05-15-24- Mushroom shaped ship in the background and its positioned on the other side of the mountain ridgeline
05-15-24- A ship above our house. Notice how we have to look up and it always seems like we are looking at the bottom of a ship resting upon the water?

The sky looks this way because your soul is birthed through the conduit of water upon this Matrix – the sky is like the blue screen on a computer that projects images to you all day long like a fake sun, moon and clouds.

Water is also how you grew in your mother’s womb and you were birthed from your mothers vagina. It is the same way your soul exists inside this matrix too – you are birthed into this matrix through water and you leave through water again and then onto another matrix if Father so deems.

There is a water barrier around Earth and why you see these weird looking shapes in the sky sometimes. You are literally a fish inside of water looking up. How about that…

05-16-24- Peru classifies trans people as ‘mentally ill’ after government decree. The decree, signed by Peruvian president Dina Boluarte, defines “transsexualism” and “gender identity disorder in children” as mental illnesses. It also categorises “dual-role transvestitism,” “fetishistic transvestism,” and “other gender identity disorders” under the same bracket of mental illness.

Believe me when I say the Trannie wars have begun. If someone calls you out as a Trannie in the future – there is going to be some proof needed (like stripping down) on your part, to show people you are not Trans. You think I’m making this up, when countries like Peru now want the public to know who is mentally ill and who is not? They are doing this on purpose, so the conservative factions, will know who to go after now. Oh its coming folks …

05-16-24- This may be the last entry onto this Blogsite. Yesterday Ryan and I were actively hunted by those who run this matrix. We went down to our local Dollar General Store to get some milk and we were followed by a late model black Cadillac SUV with dark tinted windows and Texas plates. These 2 beings actually got out of their SUV and followed us into the store.

When Ryan and I left Dollar General the SUV then followed us to the next street, then a white Suburu SUV with dark Green Tinted Windows and Colorado plates, then took over following us. The white SUV was flashing its lights behind our truck trying to intimidate us or get us to stop.

Father put a 1 mile protective hedge around our home, so as soon Ryan and I reached the mile protection, the White SUV was forced to stop following us. I called out to Father that we were being followed and hunted. The vehicle then took a quick turn onto a left side street, instead of being able to completely follow us home.

The message was clear, stop talking about the Anunnaki or they would kill Ryan. They have already threatened us with Ryan’s death, when their demons came to attack us earlier tis week. We also know THEY were listening to us speak to our Anunnaki family in the truck as we were escaping the White SUV because the Anunnaki and Fey were responding through a conversation back to whomever was driving.

The Anunnaki are now saying they are going to level this matrix because of what the Divine Courts witnessed happening to their children yesterday. Ryan and I were physically threatened and now the Anunnaki have all the ammunition they need for stage 2.

Enough of the disrespect Joandular said, so the Anunnaki took proof to the Divine Courts that 2 of their children were being hunted down. Joandular also went and rallied other Anunnaki families together, which has become a battleforce of over 500,000 Anunnaki ships who are going to wipe this matrix out.

I spoke to a female Anunnaki family member who said “We are very sorry for what was done to your family, so now we a going to wipe them all out.” The Anunnaki are fully aware of everything now, which includes the actual bruising, scars, tears and deep marks that are now showing up on Ryans and my Anunnaki bodies, which are still kept in stasis.

The Anunnaki literally went and checked on our stasis Pods where our Anunnaki bodies are kept. Our families could see Ryan with gashes and scars all over his Anunnaki body, especially down his neck and spine. I have bruises and welts all over my Anunnaki body, from where both of us were repeatedly attacked over the years. The Divine Courts were then shown evidence directly from our stasis pods, to prove what we were going through just to live on this matrix.

I have a message from the Divine Creator to those who would hunt and kill his children. . .

For every dark spell you cast upon my children, I shall now send those spells back directly upon you. I shall make your world crumble around you as I expose the truth of who you are and it will become like a nightmare of pain and madness you cannot escape.

TO ANY BEING who actively hunts my children down, I shall now send those who move inside the wind, to hunt you down. When they come for you – you shall know fear like you have never known before for I am also WRATH. I am GOD THE CREATOR and I decide who lives and who does not. You shall know what fear really means now. I have seen and witnessed enough upon Earth to make a final decision.

So if our family is just making all this shit up – then why are we being threatened and hunted by those in control of this matrix?
You had better wake up and smell the coffee Earth because the Anunnaki are not playing around with any being on this matrix, instead they just want to wipe you all out and they will do it with a smile on their faces now…

05-16-24- This is not a cloud. It is my sister’s ship watching over us. Melzie says “You hunt my family down – I will hunt you down – I am the arachnid queen, there is no escaping my venom sweethearts and I love the way you taste too.”
05-16-24- More X Flares going on.
05-16-24- THEY wouldn’t need to come after us or threaten to kill us if we were wrong either. So all of you mouthpieces who come here to glean our information – if you are not being hunted by the Overlords, then you can just bet your information is not as truthful as it should be.

THEY THEM only hunt and kill the real truth tellers so as long as you spin their bullshit stories for them, you should stay safe and alive for now, that is until the Anunnaki show up.
05-17-24- The Divine Creator asked me to talk about the conversations of late and his thoughts in the last week. Some of you may not like hearing what the Creator has observed or some of the decisions he has come to, concerning Earth either.

05-18-24- Does this female look human to you? The dormant DNA genes look like they are taking this female over. Demonic entities are now roaming this earthly plain. Become very aware of your surroundings. Some beings are beginning to turn, better learn quickly how to fight back Earth.
Do your teeth look like hers? Looks like something out of a horror movie because this is what THEY are doing to you Earth. YOUR DNA IS CHANGING INTO WHAT?
05-18-24- Can you see her teeth? Look at her eyes too. She looks like she wants to take a chunk out of the officer holding her down. Demonic possession or an up and coming Zombie?
05-18-24- This person looks almost vampiric to me. See the size of the pointed ears- The white glassy appearance where the pupils in the eyes should be, and the 2nd set of teeth have appeared. This happened in L.A, so I’m pretty sure there are many more beings out there like this too.
05-18-24-More war on the way? US Troops going into Ukraine?
Interesting Video: from JW TV regarding the above image: The Vatican is now going to decide if or when something is divine or supernatural – not you and your 3rd eye awareness but the Vatcican. Like we have been trying to educate you on – The Vatican will now become darker than it ever was before. Here it comes people.

“To go against God is to go against the Church” – Priest the Movie.
05-18-24-Coming attractions for Earth. The release date for this movie was May 13, 2011 – you think that number was random? The numerlogical number comes down to 8 which is infinity (which is an ever repeating inverted loop) and a very important number for those with slits for eyes and 2 sets of teeth.
They Them tried to tell you in this movie what they were going to do in the future.
05-18-24- Orchestrated all the events within the church. “Gives a Spanish feel to ones name.” Remember him? Actually come to think of it Karl Urban actually looks like the dark humanoid version of the Spaniard. Believe me when I say, HE can also appear as a drop dead georgeous male form too.
Links are below: and You might feel sick after watching this idiot lick toilets. Its all part of the shaming ritual thing too.
05-18-24- The way humanity should be living.


05-22-24- After World War II, Niemöller openly spoke about his own early complicity in Nazism and his eventual change of heart. His powerful words about guilt and responsibility still resonate today.

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me. —Martin Niemöller

The below recording today applies to this quote from Martin. Source:

05-22-24- THEY CAME for our neighbor in the late 1960’s and took Peter against his will to war. “In Australia, 15,300 men were conscripted into the Australian Army during the Vietnam conflict. More than 200 died and at least 1,200 were wounded on active duty. Most 20-year-old Australian men had to register for national service between 1965 and 1972.” Source:,service%20between%201965%20and%201972.

05-22-24- On April 28, 1945, Mussolini and his mistress Clara Petacci, were arrested again by Italian partisans by Lake Como. They were hung upside down from a metal girder above a service station on the square. Initially, Mussolini, realizing he was going to killed, opened up his shirt and asked to be shot in the chest.

Audisio complied and attempted to shoot the pair with an Italian submachine gun, but it would not fire. He then pulled out an Italian pistol and again it would not fire. In desperation he grabbed a French weapon, a MAS 7.65, from a fellow partisan and killed them both. Their bodies were strung upside down the next day for all to see.     This will be sent via 1st class signed for and dispatched within two working days. Source:
05-22-24- I didnt say anything because… I didn’t acknowledge The Divine Creator because… I hid away while my world was burning around me because…
05-22-24- As insane as this seems, we have also been saying fire is coming. I just listened to this.

05-22-24- The family were explaining to me the heavy feeling I began to have last night, may be attributed to the above craziness. Your overlords figure if this matrix is going to be cleansed with fire by the Divine Armies anyway, they may as well get ahead of the curve ball and get the fire-destruction production going now.

So will the USA be the recipient of a Nuclear attack too? Its very possible because I have been told there will be multiple bombs flying and some of them could very well be on American soil. The family are seeing multiple timelines running into the other. FYI.

By the way my left eye is again swollen, even though there is no blood this time, there is quite a lot of fluid around the eye. It looks like I was hit in the face, so the swelling was there this morning when I woke up. There is also another incision point under my eye almost in the same place as the last one. A definite red mark with what seems like a hole in the middle.

So is the eye a portent of something coming? Maybe because the bloody eye thing happened to me 2 weeks before Mike passed away and now the left eye is swollen again. Father has mentioned to me recently that he has seen a lot of fire – huge explosions – and a weapon being detonated.

So whatever happens to any of us whether its here in the USA, Europe or Russia – DO NOT BE AFRAIDWESDOO

05-23-24- Theosophy of the Rosicrucians
05-23-24-Drop A Satan Bomb in the Valley? My family heard the conversation

05-23-24- The RS-28 Sarmat (Russian: РС-28 Сармат, named after the Sarmatians; NATO reporting name: SS-X-29 or SS-X-30), often colloquially referred to as Satan II by media outlets, is a three-stage Russian silo-based, liquid-fueled, HGV-capable and FOBS-capable super-heavy intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) produced by the Makeyev Rocket Design Bureau.  It is intended to replace the Soviet R-36M ICBM in Russia’s arsenal.

The Sarmat is one of six new Russian strategic weapons unveiled by Russian president Vladimir Putin on 1 March 2018. The RS-28 Sarmat made its first test flight on 20 April 2022. On 16 August 2022, a state contract was signed for the manufacture and supply of the Sarmat strategic missile system. The missile officially entered combat service in September 2023, as the world’s longest range and most powerful extant ICBM system. Source:

Our Divine Creator also wants YOU to know…
There may come a time very soon when leaders in the US, may ask ALL of you to vote on whether the United States will drop a nuclear bomb on Russia or not. Conscription is also on the agenda too.

Ryan and I may not be here when the bombs start flying, so we wanted you to know what possibilites may be coming soon…

05-23-24- The Law of One – Teachings from the Universe for all Beings to Understand. “We greet you in the infinite love of our Creator,” are some of the first written and spoken words from these recordings.

THE RA MATERIAL By Ra, A Humble Messenger Of The Law Of One.
“I am Ra. I greet you in the love and the light of our infinite Creator. I am with this mind/body/spirit complex which has offered itself for a channel. I communicate with you. We communicate now. We are those who are of the Law of One. In our vibration the polarities are harmonized; the complexities are simplified; the paradoxes have a solution. We are one. That is our nature and our purpose.

Consider, if you will, that the universe is infinite. This has yet to be proven or disproven, but we can assure you that there is no end to your selves, your understanding, what you would call your journey of seeking, or your perceptions of the creation. Thus, we are speaking to you and accepting both our distortions and your own in order to enunciate the laws of creation, more especially the Law of One.

However, our very being is hopefully a poignant example of both the necessity and the near-hopelessness of attempting to teach. We are not available to many of your peoples, for this is not an easily understood way of communication or type of philosophy.”

The Law of ONE are the Universal Laws that were laid out by the Divine Creator and the Courts. RA was an 8th dimensional being who helped to distribute these laws throughout the Universe. These laws were once written on the walls in Atlantis and in many other temples that once existed on this matrix you call Earth. These Laws are considered average learning for most beings that live inside of this Multiverse. To read more download the PDF version here:

Mr. Snake Face is no more. . .

05-23-24- So I have been told in the truck today, this is my last warning to shut my mouth or Ryan is going to be run over by a vehicle. . .

As I explained to Mr. Snake Face, I do exactly what the Divine Creator asks of me. THEY HATE THAT I give you Father’s direct words and feelings. So here is what I was told by Mr Snake Face…

Instead of them using a 10,000 pound Nuclear Satan Bomb on the San Luis Valley, Colorado they will now up the capacity to 17,000 pounds and make sure THEY completely wipe the Valley out. After all there is a military base of operations for the National Guard here, so that will be the excuse to wipe everyone and everything out in the Valley. The Russians are currently considering that option now… isn’t that right Mr. Snake Face?

Apparently the ancient Female Tree Roots underneath the ground in the valley, has too many crystaline structures attached to her and its causing all kinds of issues to the Reptiles who live underneath. They told me this morning they are just going to wipe the whole valley out, to make sure they get everything and everyone. Like I said they can bully and intimidate me and Ryan but if the Divine Creator tells them >NO WAY – ITS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN< THEY cant do anything about it and they know it too.

So yes, they can keep trying to bring up Ryan’s death to me
just like they did with Hunter and Mike (trying to blame me for their deaths because I have a big mouth) but I know where both of their souls are today, and Feymoria is ready for the attack from the Reptilians, when it comes too.

WE HAVE ALREADY TRAINED THE WASPS YOU SENT TO FEYMORIA. They killed off their queen to follow the orders of the current reigning monarch on Feymoria – we also know about the Mustard gas honey they make too. The wasps make excellent hunters and have already stung and poisoned many Reptiles for us. Come on guys, you have to know that Joandular, has begun promoting Anunnaki war bonds by selling Reptile shoes and purses back to the Anunnaki. Apparently he has so many orders coming in too – I guess he will be needing a lot more skins.

So while you tell me to shut my mouth and keep threatening the lives of my family, ultimately I work for Father, so if he tells me to speak – I speak. DON’T TELL ME I CAN’T TALK ABOUT WHAT IS HAPPENING TO MY FAMILY IN THIS WAR – I AM ANUNNAKI – this species is my family and you want me to shut my mouth, while you take us out one by one? The Anunnaki do not agree, so the below image is one Joandular picked out for all of you.

This image comes from Joandular to the Reptilians

OH… by the way. . . The Vikings took out Mr. Snake Face after his little visit in my truck today, so I guess he wont be chowing down on that kid he had in storage for tonight, the big ritual he was bragging about.

So if any of you Reptiles have a problem with me speaking Father’s words, take it up with him. Somehow I don’t think you will because you also know that Father is pissed off enough for now and YOUR species doesn’t need anymore of the Divine Creator’s fury upon you. Wesdoo.

05-23-24- If Father says TELL THEM WHAT IS GOING ON – I do it.
05-23-24- A direct message To ALL Anunnaki Hybrids and Those ANUNNAKI Living Upon This Matrix. To THESE CHILDREN, this is a DIRECT message from the Divine Father – our Creator, and he wants you to become very aware of the atrocities, happening to the Anunnaki children upon the Matrix known as Earth – Terra.

Our Divine Father-Creator also wants all Anunnaki to see the evidence of some of these atrocities, through the Divine Courts. It will be listed as public information for all Anunnaki to see, with many ancient families already viewing. You can also read more information about Earth-Terra on AiradeEL’s World through THE WIRE. Everything about the atrocities happening on Earth-Terra that Father says every Anunnaki needs to know about – can be found through these venues, just to name a couple.

Anunnaki can also contact Professor Chusi at COGS UNIVERSITY on FEYMORIA for more updated information related to the currentTerran history and what is happening to certain Anunnaki families upon this realm.

Oh and by the way – Father says the Anunnaki are very welcome
because he didn’t like it, when his children are directly threatened with a nuclear weapon, upon the Valley they live upon. Nor does he like it when his children are threatened with a vehicle running them over – or seeing their heads placed upon a pike one day. Father says he didn’t appreciate that one little bit.
05-24-24- One of the people I like to listen to on YouTube now. I said to Father last Sunday, this man has got to have a C+ or better on his report card…
05-24-24-At The End of the day – when its all said and done upon Earth.
05-24-24- A very wise man who trained himself to speak Engish just so he could converse with all of his American Brothers and Sisters. He wants you to know the truth too from Russia.
05-24-24- The spheres with an opening in the center that I have been going on forever about. These spheres can project light, cause laser beams to come out of them, expand the bottom center section out to open up even further, it can bring forth lightening and weapons from it too. THIS IS one of YOUR SUN SIMULATORS that can perform all these actions. There are approximately 12 of these simulators placed around this matrix, whereby mirrored reflectors are also placed around this matrix to reflect the light and is sometimes seen as a “Sun Dog” in the sky. DO YOU BELIEVE US NOW EARTH? Source of info:
05-24-24- Explains why I am aching today. Can you feel it? The family say something BIG is about to happen – they are all feeing it too.
05-24-24- I just see rows and rows of Divine Armies marching. The being at the front of this image and the being to their left side, both have staffs of Power in their hands too. It seems to me the one in the front is Male and the being to his left is Female. Thre are others who also carry Staffs of Power but the 2 most predominant are the beings in the front.

A staff of power has a number of potent abilities, which can include casting magic missiles, making enemies fearful, create a continual flame, levitation and be protected by a wall of fire and energy. The staff can contain monsters to do the biddng of the owner, and can also be used as an offensive weapon, such as producing lightning bolts and fireballs to repel shadow magic and other forms of negative energy.
This is the type of Vehicle that came over from the opposite lane on HWY 160 today to directly smash into our truck. Kamikaze driver for their God no doubt.

05-24-24- Nice Try! Today on the way home from Alamosa, a small silver late model vehicle came over from the opposite side of the road on Hwy 160, directly into the line of traffic where I was driving. The vehicle came across the road and starting driving right toward us. The aim was to hit the passenger side of the truck where Ryan was sitting. If the vehicle had hit us I doubt I would be here telling you the story.

Thank goodness The Divine Creator was in the truck with me talking about some of the events taking place on this matrix, when he witnessed the silver vehicle, coming over from the other side of the road. The being who was driving that car, was immediately bannished to the 1st dimension. The beings who tried to take money from my finances today, are now in the 2nd dimension. So if you send more beings after us, they will disappear too. FATHER IS PISSED OFF AND SICK OF HIS ANUNNAKI CHILDREN ON EARTH BEING ATTACKED by other nasty children who live here too.

Father is now placing beings who physically come after us, into the 1st and 2nd dimension, depending on the crime. We also know of your plan to take my son out in front of our driveway too, so Father is ready for that plan as well.

I also fed Oggledorf and his pack fresh meat yesterday, so they are now watching the forests around my home. Isn’t this how the ancient tribal people kept you away from their children and communities? Seems they also understood the value in making friends with the Cryptids that lived around them too. We accept the pack around here- I really do have to thank Grandfather Medicine Man’s teachings impressed upon me growing up, for this type of understanding.

For we are all monsters in some form or the other, it’s just that some of us have learned how to quell the beast inside by listening to our Divine Creator’s instruction and guidance.

05-24-24- 5 years ago I left Michael Lee Hill who is also an Anunnaki Hybrid a message about Aya and The General. Today I was given a reply by someone else who goes by the name “Reptilian Humanoids” … explaining I was correct from my comment of 5 years ago. Gee do you think the Earthlings are beginning to see this now?

I personally believe whomever commented on this post, heard the message to the Anunnaki Children on this matrix yesterday and then responded today. I believe there are many Anunnaki ancestors now walking this matrix (cloaked) watching the events, taking names and they have plenty of bubblegum to chew as they go.
05-27-24- Oska Turned on the recorder.
05-27-24-Monday Updates – Yes we are still around.
05-27-24- Right in front of your face THEY describe The Divine Creator to you but its done in a way that Terrans will only believe this is Fantasy, shown in a movie. So does the old man in this image, with thick white hair remind you of anyone? Who do you think this might look like? Above is an image of the old prospector, from the movie “The Ballad of Buster Scruggs?”

You see THEY must tell you TRUTH as its part of the schooling and education process upon this matrix, because the Divine Courts need to know if or when The Divine Creator is actually menoned to the Terrans. This way a reference to this movie would be considered part of the learning process, shown across Earth. Always remember that, evil may do good that it does not intend.
05-27-24 – Remember the Movie “KNOWING” – every last one of the people on this train agreed to be taken off this Matrix – Father took them – he told me this 2 days ago, to prove to me that he is taking his children off this matrix in small amounts at a time. Knowing movie source:
05-28-24- The Oceanic Mark placed upon my Right Temple last week
05-28-24- The Blue Flame Dragons with the Blue Fey in Feymoria. Our children are born to ride dragons, study and learn, grow strong, learn to fight in every form and anything else Feymoria needs…
05-28-24- Serena our Green Dragon with her beautiful ancient Mother Yvanna who has recently renewed.
05-28-24- The Lyran Hybrids on Feymoria who have given us some of the most beautiful offspring you have ever seen. The mothers of this new breed are Fey. These children have the attributes of wild courage and strength from their fathers and the lightwing speed and magic of their mothers. These are just some of the beings from Feymoria…
05-28-24- Understand this YOU are the VOICE

05-28-24- Papua New Guinea says Friday’s landslide buried more than 2,000 on 05-24-24 . . . many tribal people who live away from most of society, still have relatively good DNA … KnowingIts Happening
Papua New Guinea government official has told the United Nations that more than 2,000 people are believed to have been buried alive by last Friday’s landslide and has formally asked for international help.

05-28-24- Father wants you all to you know that Cartman represents most species ( non-terrestrial, mankind and human) living on Earth today … Our Divine Creator represents the teacher at the chalkboard. This is how the Divine Creator feels at this time and he asked me to play this, so you would know what it’s like to be crapped upon by those you created. He’s not happy at all. . .
05-28-24- The White Tree, I have placed in much of my artwork. This image appears at the end of the movie Knowing too. Isn’t that interesting. At 3:44 in this link, I suggest you watch the children and where they go.

The Great Feymorian White Tree, is a Lord of the Forest – Eternal, and he lives there.
Another white tree – Galathilion, was a tree made by Yvanna for the Elves of the city of Tirion. The Great Norse World Tree is called Yggdrasil and so on about powerful trees and lord of the forests. Down through your myth, the tale of the White Tree has been told. Some of the very early Earthen history ( Middle Earth Battles – designed to drive the monsters back down into the Earth) can be found in Legend and Myth – Good link:
05-28-24- Eternal is really big now. This image is already about 5 Earth years old. He is the Lord of the Forest now.
05-28-24- Not clouds but dimensional ships. This is the prow (front) of a Viking ship with the dragon head sticking out the front … I saw this yesterday in the sky. Looks like there is a smaller vessel docked next to the ship too.
Draken Harald Hårfagre is a Dragonship. The Viking longships owned by kings and chieftains often had a head from a mythological animal in the bow, it offered protection from sea monsters and men, bad weather and raids along the voyages. The head was, besides having the magical function of protection, a sign of wealth and strength, and the more decorated and spectacular the head, the more powerful the owner. Traditionally it was not mounted until just before departure and was not supposed to be mounted in waters near home in fear of scaring of the friendly magical creatures on land. Source:
05-28-24- I noticed this huge face in the sky over our home last night, so I traced the outline of the face. Take a look below. Tell me again how nothing is happening in sky, above in the area I live in.
05-29-24- Almost 6 years ago The Liberation Fleet tried to let you know what the truth was. This conversation came from The General who is one of the Children of Ainur of the Anunnaki.

05-30-24- In Malachi 3: 1 to 5 there is a reference to the Purifer coming to cleanse the way: (You see truth was also written into the bible because past resets on this matrix have always happened, so much of these verses were given during other resets too.

Our Divine Creator always sent messengers, BUT it was YOUR Free Will upon this matrix, that enabled you to see through the deception and truth too. Whether you will still choose the middleman for spiritual education in the future or whether you will you allow The Divine Creator to teach you, is always your choice and part of your education process on Earth-Terra too.

Malachi 3:1:“I will send my messenger, who will prepare the way before me. Then suddenly the Lord you are seeking will come to his temple; the messenger of the covenant, whom you desire, will come,” says the Lord Almighty.

2: But who can endure the day of his coming? Who can stand when he appears? For he will be like a refiner’s fire or a launderer’s soap. 3: He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver; he will purify the Levites and refine them like gold and silver. Then the Lord will have men who will bring offerings in righteousness, 4 and the offerings of Judah and Jerusalem will be acceptable to the Lord, as in days gone by, as in former years.

5:So I will come to put you on trial. I will be quick to testify against sorcerers, adulterers and perjurers, against those who defraud laborers of their wages, who oppress the widows and the fatherless, and deprive the foreigners among you of justice, but do not fear me,” says the Lord Almighty.

The Hopi also understood this prophecy about the Purifier too:

“Those who return to the ways given to us in the original teachings and live in a natural way of life will not be touched by the coming of the Purifier. They will survive and build a new world. Only in the ancient teaching will the ability to understand the messages to be found.” – Hopi Prophecy.

05-30-24- The First Harbinger came with a message. This being calls himself many names but some Terrans or Non-Terrestrials may know are, Lucus but he prefers to be called RE. He moves through the Earth he says…
05-30-24- The 2nd Harbinger came not long after the first. The second being who came to clean up the energy after the Harbinger, she will say that she once served Telashe and Telasha. She is the Goddess – the one who walks among the Rice Paddies.

05-30-24- The way our Divine Creator will do this. A conversation about ascension and passing away from the flesh. I also discuss bacteria and chemicals on the skin and why make-up and certain bath products – may not be the answer for looking and feeling healthier either.
05-31-24- The Movie Signs – Taking A Dimensional Look

This is the link below to the movie SIGNS.

It’s free to watch this month on YOUTUBE FREE MOVIES:

How many dimensional clues can you see happening in this movie?

Ancient Spirituality, Extraterrestrial Life, Cover Ups, Current Events