About Children

We Are ALL Born With Gifts

“Remember that your children are not your own, but are lent to you by the Creator”. – Mohawk Proverb

Children are the most precious gift we have and most of them already know the secrets of the Universe. Children will naturally accept what adults are skeptical to admit even exists, yet as children themselves, many adults also were feeling sensing and knowing something else was with them. As we grow into adulthood,  the world and it’s false education redirects our thoughts and this is when we usually start disbelieving ourselves. 

Dimensional beings do exist and your children can see them more than you know.  

Many dimensional beings want to be around children because they can talk to them, play with them and even help them through the dark days. Not all dimensional energies are bad and some of these entities can be beautiful, loving and compassionate. Some entities will stay with your child, to protect them from more darkened beings who only want to steal their energy and innocence. 

Unfortunately there are other beings who want to terrify your child and that’s where Mike and I can help. We were connecting with dimensional beings at ages 3 and 12, so we completely understand what’s going on with your child.

It’s also the biggest reason why we raised our sons to accept their gifts and never show any fear towards this kind of energy. We have seen our children do amazing things over the years and our family can teach your child positive ways of connecting and interacting too. We can teach children how to embrace their gifts and overcome fear because once that’s gone, other entities no longer have any power over your child.

Other side effects your child may be experiencing:

Headaches, earaches, ringing in the ears and irritability are a few symptoms sensitive people are feeling coming from the negative energy.  The Schumann Resonance frequency across the planet have been off the charts in the past few months. This also will affect the way we think, feel and respond to dimensional beings. Learn more about the Schumann Resonance here: https://www.disclosurenews.it/en/schumann-resonance-today-update/

CERN are also doing experimentation on dark matter and portals and this should be concerning to anyone. The beings we converse with say, these experiments have the capacity to crack our planet apart. Portals also allow darkened beings a way to enter the planet.

Sensitive children may be feeling some of this negative energy moving into our planet. I have also become aware through dreaming and remote viewing, the incidence of spirit-dimensional attacks on children has greatly increased.  This is one of the reasons why we made this video below.  We can help. 

Have You Noticed Any Of These Things Happening With Your Child?

  • Does your child have past life memories?
  • Are they drawing strange beings on paper?
  • Do you hear your child talking to someone in their room?
  • Are they telling you they can see and hear other entities?
  • Does your child say, write or draw unusual things like ancient words?
  • Are your children afraid to sleep alone at night or having horrible nightmares?

Ask your child if they are currently experiencing any psychic events in their life now. Listen to them when they describe energy, a presence, personal contact and or having nightmares. Keep a diary of these psychic events with your child as it will help when describing to other people. 

If you are a parent not knowing how to help your child contact Victoria and Mike. Not only has Victoria experienced the same things your child may be going through but Mike also has a background in Child Psychology so he has the mental tools to help your child cope and grow out of the fear. 

Children are little beacons of light and many beings want to feed off their energy because it tastes so good. Darkened beings want to terrify children because they feed off FEAR and it’s the biggest weapon they use on the innocent. 

I really encourage everyone to watch some of the events that occur to children, in the A&E Documentary-Psychic Kids. This series will also help parents understand what their son or daughter may be going through everyday of their lives.

Its not easy for your child to speak with other people about what is happening to them. How does a child tell their parent they see spirits? Most parents will naturally assume their child has an imaginary friend, when in actual fact, your son-daughter is actually telling you they are communicating.

Our son Hunter was speaking with his friend John when he was 3 years old. When we asked him to draw us a picture of John, he drew a being with wings in a white robe with all kinds of things attached to him. John wears a headdress, holds a staff, wears jewelry arm-guards and a breastplate. That’s a lot of information for a 6 year old to draw. So don’t be afraid to ask your child questions about their special friend. Listen intently, watch their body language and tone of voice especially if they are afraid to say much about who/what is harassing them. 

One of the images Hunter drew when he was just 6 years old. He would often speak with other beings and he remembered all of their names. Hunter told us “This is Imbellah, the Guardian of Dreams.”

Your child was born with a gift that oneday may save a life or many lives and why they should learn how to use their gifts the right way, especially while they are still young.

Being sensitive to dimensional energies has been happening to human beings since the beginning of our existence on this planet.  Your child is the next generation, your child is the future, your child is enlightenment. 

Your sensitive child is unique and beautiful, help them to learn how much. 


Mike and Victoria Kelley


Please contact us via E-Mail if you are overwhelmed or need our help.  




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