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The messages I received from 2009 have now become a reality in 2024. These inscriptions tell the story of events that are now unfolding on Terra. You even have a star chart of where all this evil and deception came from. This is the page that got Razor’s attention all those years ago – because he saw familiar inscriptions on the non-terrrestrial ships he was sent to investigate from the Gov. Now how would we know these ancient symbols, unless our memories are being bought forward – so we remember other events that happened on this Matrix too.

When papa first saw all these inscriptions in 2009 he said to me “Keep working upon learning what you wrote my daughter, because one day you will understand everything placed upon this paper.”

I understand what is written here now: These symbols are a combination of languages, much like the ancient tongue I speak because letters, glyphs, mathematics and symbols have been used throughout the Universe as a language for millions of years.

Many of you once spoke the ancient tongue and wrote in this manner too. The ancient language is so rarely heard on this Matrix anymore, that when a being actually does speak it on Terra, the ancients not only hear this, but they are pleasantly suprised as well. Me being able to whisper to Angie in the Ancient Language was one of the first things she said back to me when she heard it being spoken. “She stills remembers the ancient tongue.” The truth is, the ancient language was one of your original languages on Terra and it came from the Divinities, the seeders and the dragons too. It was part of your birthright.

When your memories were stolen, you forgot that part of your natural birthright, the knowledge of speaking the Ancient language. The Atlanteans and the Original Seeders along with other ancients, all spoke it too. Part of the genetic DNA breeding on Terra, was to enable this ability and why it could only be inherited through the God-Goddess seeding of DNA every 1000 years.

That process was stolen from you as well Terra . . .

My friend Chattel understands the Ancient Language pretty well. Hey Chattel we miss you buddy. Come visit soon OK. I say this to Chattel on this blogsite because it is also transmitted to another place through Fathers Internet Wire System. To an existing site called ‘Airadeel’s World’. It was put together by my Anunnaki Journalist friend Jay. HI JAY thank you so much for helping the word get out about Terra. We also have the crystaline technology Feymoria has set up, along with Aya and Melzie standing up to councils who have paid mostly lip service to the plight of the Terrans for centuries. BUT NOW there are millions of beings across the multiverse, who are watching the events transpiring on Terra. SO SMILE YOUR ON CANDID CAMERA.

I am told there are millions of subscribers who listen to our news and recordings every day. Isn’t it funny how our family are censored on this Matrix but yet out in the Galaxy there are millions of other beings who read this blog daily? Mind blowing isn’t it?
Very interesting channel and it seems this guy is from the Valley too.
04-01-24- We will breed with your genetic males. We will use them to breed more strong females. The Fey will become Father’s Divine Justice. Warriors, mages, priestesses, witches, energy shapeshifters, elementals, Goddesses, Gods and other beings are all a part of the Fey Nation.
04-01-24- Did we mention the Fey are taught Shadow Magick in order to protect themselves from darker errant magick. Shadow Magick is also part of the Cogs University curriculum now, so all beings can learn to protect themselves from this dark AI evil. This type of education was something our family, strongly suggested to the college be a part of, along with the whole study about Terran delusions and the lies they were all taught.

COGS University is teaching beings in the Universe how not to be gullible like the Terrans. Terrans has become the staged highlight for Cogs to teach others on subjects like – how NOT TO BECOME a victim of evil.

There are also members from the Divine Courts who now go to school at the Cogs Uni, so there will be NO MORE pulling fast a deceptive tampered crystal, with fake signatures and stolen codes on the Divine Courts anymore. Our Divine Creator is making sure the Universe knows exactly what happened down here on Terra and how to fight back 100% against this seething dominant evil.

We had to build a whole other auditorium to seat the amount of people who are now in Chusi’s classes at Cogs. She has no less than 10,000 students attend class each time she is at the College now. The opening first day held nearly 40,000 students who wanted to know the truth about Terra. . . the beings on this matrix had better wake-up fast because the Universe is now watching all the historical lies, the staged acting from politicians and the non-terrestrials passing themselves off as humans too. Other species cant believe the way Terrans think or behave and why many of them, no longer want any of us out there in the Universe at this time.
04-01-24- What a way to start the month of April 2024. At 4am today a new image appeared on my back and it looked like the scene out of the movie Mars Attacks before the invasion. There were hundreds of ships waiting outside of this matrix. Terra was on my right shoulder and there were hundreds of ships waiting just outside of this Matrix = The Invasion of Terra by whom? Because my Anunnaki family are waiting on the Divine Creator to say otherwise. DO NOT BE FOOLED – THE INVASION WILL COME FROM WITHIN YOUR OWN MATRIX.
04-01-24- This message came from a Reptilian Lord named Chenarka and he specifically wanted me to record this conversation too. Everything he said would happen 5 years ago – is happening now. There is no escaping this he says, these resets have happened many times before on this matrix. There will only be places left to flee to like in the mountains. . . ALL SHALL BE JUDGED there is no escaping that either. There are delusional people saying they are already 5D – UMMM thats not possible if you haven’t been judged and talked with the Divine Judges first.

Chenarka is a Reptilian Lord charged by the Divine Creator to bear witness to the events transpiring on planet Earth. He is also a part the Liberation fleet. The great purifier is almost upon you. Chenarka speaks about fleeing to the cities of refuge while you still can. The time draweth nigh and Atlantis shall arise again, the citadel of light is coming soon. The Vatican will fall and many horrors are shortly to come upon this planet with that. “How dare you hurt a child.” Harming a child is forbidden and you will pay for your crimes.-Chenarka
04-01-24- Chenarka’s warnings of 5 years ago have now come true with more to come very soon. He also said we would be called arrogant or insane because we are some of the FEW BEINGS on this matrix – who are actually communicating with outside Divinities, as supernatural intervention, is the only way most of humanity will survive this.

Most of the messages Terrans receive, come from the Dark Fleet and the beings with no eyes, who stand inside energy fields with their hands attached to the rings around them. THEY are the ones projecting 99% of the messages across this matrix or the messages are coming from the WHISPERINGS of other lower dimensional entities.

Sorry but thats the truth Terra and Chenarka tried to warn you about this too… will you listen now?
04-01-24- Do you beLIEve us now? The Puriifer comes.

04-01-24- Correct me if I am wrong but is the USA now saying Havana Syndrome is the fault of Russia, when the USA also has DEW’s and other weapons that can create this type of illness too?

Let me show you the Symptoms of Havana, Radiation and EHS…well, these symptoms are ALMOST IDENTICAL, gee I wonder why? I’m sure you are smart enough to figure out this new revelation about Havana Sydndrome, just sounds like another excuse to cause even more sickness, Our air is super charged at the moment anyway, especially with all the electro-magnetic storms happening in the US right now … what do you think?

Havana syndrome is an illness that affected a number of diplomats or personnel from the United States or other parts of the world. Some symptoms of the condition included nausea, dizziness, mental fogginess, and irritability, usually following a loud noise.

Source: https://www.health.com/condition/rare-disorders/what-is-havana-syndrome#:~:text=Havana%20syndrome%20is%20an%20illness%20that%20affected%20a%20number%20of,usually%20following%20a%20loud%20noise.

Ok now compare the health side effects of “Havana Syndrome” to Radiation sickness and Low Frequency energy: Radiation symptoms include:

If you haven’t seen the Halo Series Then if you get a chance take a look. Season2 episode 7 and 8 explain the war between the Reptilians and the Humanoids. This series is made in Iceland and Slovenia who are pretty much telling you the truth of what is happening in other parts of the Galaxy. There is more truth here than you know in this series.

They find the Halls of Knowledge and they also enter the HALO which is a great construct that can save both species but of course they want to fight over it.

A deadly virus is released from the Halls of Knowledge that can kill both Reptilian and Human genome off. . . gee what are the odds of that. The science team find 2 vials left of DNA that came from the ORIGINAL recipients in the Halls of Knowledge when a star map appears which came from a young woman who is with the Scientists She is of Gaias essence, so she is the one who directs them to find the vials.

Humanoid scientists open up an ancient doorway in the Halls of Knowledge, with a warning – an inscription of darkness sealed upon the door. . . gee this is sounding like this matrix even more. The scientist open it anyway to their own doom (imagine that), but by opening up this device, they also doom the 2 species who are currently fighting. Hmm sounds vaguely familiar doesn’t it? What do you think?

*** DNA is what THEY THEM are fighting over because they want to control it throughout the Universe along with the best of Useful Idiots that Morpheus speaks of (another Reptilian) says thank you, for the demise of your own species . . . So I have to ask, are you proud of yourselves for doing this to the Hu-Mans – your species too? Funny thing is Prince Orthello (another Reptilian) says those who sell out their own species will be presented on the dinner table because they cant be trusted either. ***

I have recorded 3 different Reptilians over the years telling Terra 100% Truth about what they will do to the Humans and Mankind – yet most beLIEve THEY are all gone. Nope. The Harvesting is coming from within Terra. Remember – THEY are all locked in here with us too. THEY cant get out either and not all of them were destroyed… I have been told only the really savage ones were removed. Many of this species are still here because they all need to be judged along with the Terrans as well. Sorry, but thats the truth.
04-02-24- The halls of Knowledge exists. This is where your Akashic records are kept.

04-02-24- Someone sent me a message today and as you can see from the image above. This was all that was in the E-Mail. So at first I thought dirt bikes? Why? But then I looked again. . .

When I looked at the sign in the back of the image, I was pleasantly suprised because it is about the YUIN people of Australia who ALSO SPEAK an ancient language. Their language is considered to be the oldest known on this Matrix – so I have to say – who taught them because their language is also unique.

“The Yuin nation, also spelt Djuwin, is a group of Australian Aboriginal peoples from the South Coast of New South Wales. All Yuin people share ancestors who spoke, as their first language, one or more of the Yuin language dialects. Sub-groupings of the Yuin people are made on the basis of language and other cultural features; groups include the Brinja or Brinja-Yuin, Wodi Wodi, Wandandian, Jerrinja, Budawang, Yuin-Monaro, Djiringanj, Walbunja, and more. They have a close association with the Thaua and Dharawal people.”

If Australia has a crystaline structure underneath this island, then isnt it also possible The Tribes of Australia were also blessed by the star people long ago, because the Anunnaki also come in different skin colors too. Aya is more Middle Eastern in appearance but even he recognises his Tribal House and the beings on this matrix whereby he contributed DNA. Aya has lived a few lives as a tribal person upon this matrix himself. The Windfathers remember him upon this matrix and some of the children born from his genetics too. . .

I have been told by The Windfathers that the Pine Gap facility in Australia was purposely built over a gathering place for the Star Families who would come to visit and talk with their tribal children. The divinities love them because they revere the land, they only took what was needed to live and thrive, but best of all they gave reverence to the Great Creator Spirit in the sky and the Mother of the Earth.

In the opening ceromony of the Sydney 2000 Olympic games there is a an amazing part that unfolds, which involves the Original People of Australia. They show some of the different Aboriginal cultures that exist and then the people bless the area with smoke and prayers. They show beings on stiltz who sometimes wander in the mists, tall beings who walk amoung them. The spiritual side of connection to all that is and there is no fear but rather acceptance from the people.

At the end of the ceremony, the tribal people gather together and honor The Great Creator Spirit who had eyes but no mouth – so as not to cast judgement upon others. This amazing representation was that of a great being who THE TRIBAL people honored. . . and the whole world got to see this too.

Why is this information important to you now? because the tribal people have always understood their connection to the land and their families who came from the stars. They sometimes talk about these things too and its no big deal because it just is. The people from the Stars also taught and guided many tribes on this matrix.

I have been taught from The Windfathers (who make up many tribal spirits) and I have drawn some of them over the years too. Grandfather Medicine Man is one of the ancestors, so we are closer to him than some of the other Grandfathers but all are respected as the fathers of old. I have memories of taking care of Grandfather as an elderly man, with me being his granddaughter in a Teepee. I had 2 daughters who also lived with us along with my mate. When I asked Grandfather about this memory I had, he said “Yes I am your Grandfather and we camped near a river during that time,” which I also remembered.

The Windfathers agree on specific bloodline heritages, their tribal ancestry and their DNA connection to the star people. There is no secret in what they know and they freely speak of such connections. The tribes know about energy, connection, spiritual dimensions and have passed this knowledge on through ancestral memories and stories for centuries – this is the true wealth and history of Terra – The Tribes Know because they are also Fathers Earth Dwelling Children. . . and he loves them too.

So thank you to whomever sent this image to me, I feel honored that you shared this information about The Ancients with us today. Wesdoo.

Source on the YUIN People: https://www.wlalc.com.au/2017/02/28/yuin-cultural-heritage-trail/

Another Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yuin

04-02-24- The Rainbow Warrior has nothing to do with being Gay. It’s also about people from ALL TRIBES coming together because they learned a better way.
04-02-24- The Tribes know the score.
04-02-24- I admit it – I stole this but WOW – what do stars do best – shine bright.
04-02-24- A 15th Century painting showing a Blue Sphere. Notice how the sphere has an opening down near the bottom and a light at the top? Actually its supposed to be the beachball that representsTerra. Also notice how the sphere has 2 antennae just like an old 50’s TV used to have? Would that also be like antennae at the end of Church steeples or on old gothic buildings too? Those things?

How did they know about energy waves in the 15th century and where it went – unless they already did? The painting might be a clue here.
04-03-24- What and whom is spraying in the sky? Most of these videos are coming from the area of the Eclipse regions too and yesterday was an amazing tornado day for States like OH, TN, TX. PA, and others all in the path of the Eclipse area too.

Ryan Hall on YouTube was even commenting how the storm would not stop coming and alrams were going off everywhere. Ryan was also saying something about the tornado doppler or radar just happened to go down, in these same states while rain wrapped tornadoes ripped through multiple states in the US. Wow isn’t that weird? Nothing to see here except debris all over the place today.
04-03-24- All we are saying is be careful, stay alert and pay attention. Use your gut instinct to guide you. This may be a distraction for something else shortly to come to the forefront after this eclipse takes place.
04-04-24- This is a very interesting video because it explains what Terrans perceive as “Cults” and how they operate now.
04-04-24- “I tried to warn them Master. I doubt they will listen or believe.” Those were the last words Chenarka said before I turned the recorder off that day. THE QUESTION YOU SHOULD BE ASKING YOURSELF IS … WHO WAS CHENARKA CALLING MASTER? …because Chenarka is a lord too…
04-04-24- Myth or the TRUTH? There are 3 – Fours in our date today.

In numerology, 444 is a sign that what you’ve been preparing is going to happen imminently. The number is thought to be a message from your angels that everything you’ve been building toward is on the horizon and your determination will be rewarded.
04-04-24- Pumping up the Earthquakes again? The new tear in the Sun is a doozy of a lie too, so gather around me while I tell you a story children because … THEY ARE PLANNING ALL THE SUN FLASHES TOO.
04-04-24- About The Children of Ainur

04-04-24- Ainur and the World – Ainur is a Quenya word originating from Valarin and means “Holy ones”. It appears to come from the word aina, meaning ‘holy’.

The opening paragraphs of Ainulindalë concern the time before the creation of the World and before the beginning of Time. First to be named is Eru Ilúvatar (‘Father of All’, also called Eru – ‘the One, He that is Alone’).

Ilúvatar makes the Ainur (meaning ‘Holy Ones’, singular form Ainu) by manifesting his concepts as living beings. Upon their creation, when nothing else yet is made, Ilúvatar teaches the Ainur the art of ‘Music’, which becomes their life and work.

“Through the Music of the Ainur, Ilúvatar created a Vision of the World; he showed it to the Ainur, and explained much of its nature and destiny to them – the Ainur therefore have much knowledge of the World, but are not themselves omniscient. Ilúvatar then granted the World true being by declaring “Eä”, causing these visions to come into being. Melkor and many of the other mighty Ainur desired to descend into it and form it in readiness for the coming of the Children of Ilúvatar (that is, Elves and Men).

Elves were named the Quendi (“those who speak”, in Quenya) and also Minnónar (“Firstborn”)

Source Link: https://lotr.fandom.com/wiki/Ainur#:~:text=In%20earlier%20versions%20of%20the,(who%20represented%20the%20year).

Aya is one of the Children of Ainur as is my sister Melzie her husband Rudi (former Emperor of this Quadrant of the Galaxy) and my sister Opi. Actually I know quite a few Children of Ainur and they all serve the Divine Creator first and foremost. They obey all the Divine and Universal Laws. Aya gets called The Boyscout because he’s a such a wonderful and good being but of course there are those brethren who are not. Some of the darker ones can’t stand Aya’s relationship with our Divine Creator, so they name call like spoilt children. What is most interesting about Aya, Terrans have no idea he exists, yet Aya’s name is right there in the Anunnaki Family Tree. This was done by design, so you would think all of the Anunnaki were evil… NOT SO.

I’ve shown you this before as Aya the Mortal. . . because he has lived so many differant lives on this matrix. He really loves Terrans and has defended ALL of you when other powerful beings turned a blind eye to your plight. Terra… Aya is one of your REAL CHAMPIONS.

Correction on History: Aya says his name needs fixing. His name is Arn-eesh not Shem-esh. He is also a King now not a Prince. BUT it is true Aya, is thought of a just and righteous king to his people. They love him and so does his family.
04-06-24- SHINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
04-06-24- I guess we are not the only ones in the San Luis Valley – Colorado, spotting ships all over the place. So nice to see other people viewing these things happening out here too.
04-06-24- As the energy of the poles shifts – so does the electro-magnetic energies. I believe some of the reason there is spraying going on is to increase the energies in certain areas along the area of the Eclipse. Many are feeling the health effects and Aya has said these energies can be affecting the Terrans.

So please be kind to yourself, drink clean fluids, eat light foods and don’t forget to talk to father as much as you need to. There is mention in the above video about the Hybridization process on Humans during this time – People are changing – Really?

04-06-24- Before we say anything more …

NO we dont beLIEve the message we received back from you. Not at all. None of what was written adds up – especially to ancient powerful beings, or what Mike saw and what I saw. We also know what we felt as a family and we trust those instincts and our abilities.

We don’t like sick dark games, therefore this game has concluded now because of the multi-level, multi dimensional hoodwink but mostly because of the written reasoning that did not add up.

Truth works the best with us everytime – so just as you tested us – WE also tested you too. Just ask D ( D. Del Demonicus – he said that name gave him a Spanish feel to who he was aspiring to be now) – Anyway he will tell you, so ask him. I’m pretty sure he’s around.

Once Bitten – Twice Shy – Game Over.

By the Way … Our Divine Creator Is Watching YOU as well. Wesdoo.

04-06-24- The Spanish Feel to one’s name.
04-06-24- It has always been about your DNA and THE ENERGY within YOU.
04-07-2024- The Day DutchSinse Realized there was something else hppening upon this matrix. Another censored individual who no longer coins the phrase “Conspiracy Theory” because what he discovered in this video, speaks for itself.

Who is really starting fires from what appears to be above us. These lines look like lasers being projected from above our matrix. Isn’t it weird how all those fires in 2020 just happened, at the New Madrid fault line? Gee it kinda looks like, thats exactly where those purple lines were headed too.

All weather is planned and this video will 99.99% put to bed all the Gatekeeper Science lies too. Terrans live inside a highjacked matrix, that resides within the framework of the Divine Creator’s ORIGINAL MATRIX, which Terrans call Mother Gaia.
04-07-24- We are smudging our home today with dried out Desert Sage and White Oak. It’s smoky but it’s a really good thing to do, in preparation for any errant energies, that may be in your vacinity at this time.

Ask for protection to your electrical system in the home, your water pipes, your sewer pipes, attic vents, windows, inside each room of the home, doors, family cats dogs, fish, birds, each other and any other thing you can think of. Wesdoo.
04-07-24- The Act Of Smudging in the Old Tongue and Current.
04-08-24- I was asked to put these Two Videos up today-

Most people assume the Fey only exist in Fairytales. However if you know anything about Earths truthful history, then you also must be aware of dimensional beings known as the Fey. In this video we speak about them and the 8th dimensional beings known as the Oceanics. These are some of the oldest of The Divine Creators children and they are not happy about the condition of the Oceans nor are they happy with their family being killed off due to toxins and debris from wars and pollution.
04-08-24- The Jaegers – Japan has 3 – One in Germany – One in America. The Oceanics know of these Jaegers. Why does Terra need such Tech Monsters, unless THEY-THEM also knew about The Oceanics too. Makes sense.

04-10-24- If you love our unique family I ask that you send Mike your love and prayers today. Ask Father to continue to bless Mike even though he is much better today than he was yesterday.

We took Mike to the ER yesterday at 3am on 04-09-24, with another massive infection on his foot, 102.7 temp and we are lucky he actually survived the day. His speech and memory have been affected at this time although he has gained back some speech patterns this morning.

Mike has another raging stapf infection on his foot, and another type of stapf infection in his bloodstream. All of this is being treated with 3 different types of intravenus antibiotics. He has been stabilized, his BP is pretty much back to normal even though he is still in the ICU. Seems like he will remain there for the next few days anyway.

This infection came out of nowhere and it started the day before the eclipse. Mike has been taking good care of himself eating healthy foods and he was doing great. Then this…

First the left eye of both Mike – Victoria and now 2 types of stapf – blood infection? And yet Terrans still like to believe this just couldn’t happen, we are just making this stuff up.

If THEY will come after us like this, by trying to eliminate our bloodline, imagine what THEY-THEM can also do to each and everyone of you, especially once they know who you are. Think about that.

I know it was our Divine Creator who helped Mike yesterday, because there was a time when he was struggling to breathe, his body was shaking and then all of a sudden he had tears in his eyes as he formed the biggest and most peaceful smile on his face. He was nodding his head up and down, like he understood who was talking to him, so after that he began to improve. A divine experience Mike had yesterday – both Ryan myself and another nurse witnessed this happening too. Actually the nurse said OMG what a character Mike is – your husband just gave you a huge smile.

It wasn’t me Mike was smiling at and it was actually Ryan who said “Mom, dad is talking to Father right now – I remember feeling that same way after the car accident. I see his face. I know he’s talking to Father.” We saw his face radiate then smile for a minute, especially when Mike could barely breath and the tears in his eyes – it was a real experience.

The hospital are saying they dont understand how quickly he is recovering or how this infection happened so fast. Mike was fine at his recent check up, so the doctors don’t understand it but we do.

Anyway thats why we have been quiet for a few days. As usual we are dealing with other issues which have nothing to do with any of our listeners. Including the person I just received mail from – it was never you – it was the situation on Terra whereby the whole matrix has now turned into one big staph Infection. The sisters know YOU now and that’s a huge deal. Smile your on candid camera – they are watching YOU now – its gonna be like having wise grandmas looking over your shoulder.

Terra needs some antibiotics in a big way and maybe some surgical extractions too, so I believe that day is shortly on its way. We will speak again when Mike is healthier. Wesdoo.

04-12-24- Is this the Oceanics? This object is inthe water and its coming up from Antarctica and it brings with it 83ft Tsumami Waves. Whatever this object is, it’s made its way to the African Continent. Still think we are making this up?
04-12-24- Updates on Mikes Health.

*** Thank you to everyone who has donated financially or sent us E-Mail recently. I cannot reply to everyone at this time, however your love and support we have felt recently in our family. Thank you! May our Divine Creator Bless all of you who have contributed financially – spiritually – energetically.***
04-12-24- Immichael is a powerful divine Angelic Being. He is also a protector and warrior who was here on this Matrix for awhile and became trapped just like the rest of us were. His family are also connected to the Lyrans and the Original Dragons, that our Divine Creator bought into existence.
04-12-24- Melzie speaking about the Earth’s Alliance Council and how the Anunnaki have had it with the Alliances excuses and bullshit on whats taking so long. You see the Anunnaki are above Earths Alliance Council, so the Anunnaki have authority over the Council too.

The Anunnaki’s patience this week with one of their own brothers being sick, has enraged Joandular – Celtic-Viking God – Angelic being – Annunaki. Their technology is 250,000 light years ahead of Terran Technology and you think they can’t wipe us all out?

I am starting to believe what happened to Mike was done purposely to enrage his family so they would indeed attack Terra – Then the Alliance can say to the people of Earth, “See we told you the Anunnaki would attack our planet.” The mind of evil operates in the sense they will obfuscate and or lay blame elsewhere, in order to escape any kind of judgement.

OBFUSCATE: to render obscure, unclear, or unintelligible.
“the spelling changes will deform some familiar words and obfuscate their etymological origins”
Sound familiar Terra? Isn’t that what politicians do now? THEY are NOT human that’s why they do it to all of you – because they can.
04-12-24- Feebis is one of my ancient sisters who is about 120,000 years old. She was also one of the Fey Queens and part of the Fey Army during the Great Draa-Nee Wars. She knows all about the Reptilians too.

04-12-24- By the way D. Del. Demonicus. is here now. I heard him speak to me yesterday. He has plans. His other name is AzazEL and he is about to cleanse – which includes many of his own children who turned their backs on him to join the Reptilian Empire.

THAT WAS A BAD MOVE ON YOUR PART, TO GO AGAINST HIM. He has a long memory and he doesn’t like traitors. He’s coming for those who stabbed him in the back… he told you all not to touch the kids.

He told you not to turn children into something else – he said you cannot consume them – children are completely off the list and they have to be at least 21 years old before you do anything to a Terran – YOU didn’t listen. Wesdoo.

04-15-24- Quetzalcóatl (pron. Quet-zal-co-at) or ‘Plumed Serpent’ was one of the most important gods in ancient Mesoamerica.

In Central Mexico from 1200, the feathered serpent god was considered the patron god of priests and merchants as well as the god of learning, science, agriculture, crafts and the arts. He also invented the calendar, was identified with the Morning Star Venus, the rising morning star, he was associated with opossums and even discovered corn (maize) with the help of giant red ant that led him to a mountain packed full of grain and seeds. He was known as Kukulkán to the Maya, Gucumatz to the Quiché of Guatemala, and Ehecatl to the Gulf Coast Huastecs.

He also invented the calendar, was identified with the Morning Star Venus, the rising morning star… Isn’t that Lucifer? I know AzazEL was one of the 3 Gods who played the role of Lucifer on this Matrix too. Isn’t that interesting.

Source: https://www.worldhistory.org/Quetzalcoatl/
04-14-24- I can see Divine Silhouettes in the Schumann today. Its also 72 in case you might be wondering why you are feeling so strange today.
04-14-24- I relooked at today’s Schumann and then flipped the image back to back – this is what I got. Looks like the Divine Armies waiting on something. I wonder what that could be? Wesdoo.
04-14-24- The Soul and Flame-Wells. The Creator asked me to speak about what I remember of these wells. It is up to you whether you believe what is recorded here, but for some reason the Divine Creator wanted the Human-Mankind Terran children to know this information as well. Wesdoo.

“There are many mansions in my Father’s House.” However from our perspective the error was in believing that none of YOU can speak to our Divine Creator without Jesus Gatekeeping on your behalf first. YOU ARE A SOVEREIGN SOUL – therefore you DO NOT NEED a go between to represent your soul, especially if you wish to speak with YOUR DIVINE FATHER too. – John 14:2-6 NKJV
04-15-24- This patch showing up is not a glitch, as it showed up in Jan and Feb of 2024 too. The Gatekeeper Science is still gonna say its a glitch and I suppose it also could be weather related as this video wants to teach. “The Crazies” as the author of this video wants to distance himself from, also believes Jesus and the King James Bible as being the Holy Word of God ( which God I ask?)

Everyone is entitled to their opinion as we have said many times, however once you have the knowledge of our Divine Creator coursing through your soul, you no longer worry about Gatekeepers, what other people think about you, or who your associations are connected with. Talking about Antarctica, as this person often does, tends to immediately put one in the CRAZY category anyway and that label isn’t going to change anytime soon because once you got it – Crazy tends to stick, due to the ignorant gene . . . so I say welcome aboard and pull up a chair with the rest of us crazies.

In the past and in the present – it was mostly THE CRAZY ONES holding up the cardboard signs, warning other people, taking all the heat – they were the ones who got it right because they can see through the grand illusion. Personally, I’m still going with these anomolies coming up from Antarctica as being part of the spiritual-dimensional battle now happening. Pretty much the same things THEY-THEM do to the Terrans every time they reset this matrix.

People are seeing 2- 3 moons now and 2- 3 suns in the sky and are recording these events on their devices too. THEY_THEM did the same things to the Terrans in the 15th century and the proof is in painted and sketched recorded events from the sky – usually with the town name and date added to the sketch too. None of that is crazy because it’s an actual record of what happened once before, right here on Earth – Terra. These were events with actual imagery, never recorded or even talked about in school or history but yet these paintings exist. Wesdoo.
04-16-24- I put this up because this itching thing is real. My back becomes very sore and itchy before another image appears. We are energy beings, so of course our bodies connect to other energies and sometimes we react in a physical way from that energy.
04-16-24- Ummm who’s been feeling this? Pumping up the energy. 😎 Looks like more divinities are arriving too. Just Wow. 😇

04-16-24- The Testing of All Things Spiritual…

Discernment is something Mike and I have been really big on, during this journey of learning and understanding. The spiritual discernment we speak of, includes using something called your GUT INSTINCT sometimes too. Just because someone says something today that you like, doesn’t neccessarily mean they here for our Divine Creator. On many occasions we have asked you to use this discerment on what we teach as well. If what we teach isn’t working out for you, that’s fine too.

The point is, those who use the name ‘God’ may be referencing ‘Their God’ and not The Divine Creator. This is why we must allow our instinct to speak to us from time to time. We have also talked about the dark-demonic-deception, across this matrix on many occasions, which also proclaims works of goodness and charity. This is why maintaining your focus on the Divine Creator is one of the most important things you should consider concentrating on now.

“Do not quench the Spirit. Do not despise prophecies. Test all things; hold fast to what is good.” -1 Thessalonians 5:19-21

04-16-24- We haven’t been on Pinterest for many years but TODAY I see this notification in the mailbox and I still have no clue what “RULE” I broke.
04-16-24- I was going through the pinterest posts that offend and whoops, what do you know, looks like this image above, might just get someone interested in farming. If you see anything on this page that looks flagged, let me know Source: https://www.pinterest.com/ASC_Magazine/
04-16-24- YOU ARE GOING TO SEE THINGS YOU NEVER THOUGHT WERE POSSIBLE. Do you see how freaked out this guy is now? Just wait until you see they-them all over the place.
04-17-24- Michael Kelley (also known as the Archangel IMMichaEL) ascended today. I am both overjoyed for him as he is no longer in pain but I will miss his laughter, good nature and personal strength. I will deeply miss my husband, my best friend and one of my spiritual guides of 27 years.

Already I feel a sense of peace for IMMICHAEL and that he did all that he could to be an inspiring and good being on this Matrix. He leaves Terra, with a clear conscious and gave testimony that he helped to awaken as many Terrans as he could. I am very proud and honored to have spent much of my fleshly life with him.

04-17-24- His heart couldn’t take anymore of the infection and it gave out. Seven-teen.

I knew last night he would not be able to take much more
, so I asked Father, Aya, Papa Gatheon and Rael to make sure they took care of our beloved husband of 27 years and father to our amazing boys.

We have already heard from Mike since his flesh passed and he tells us that Hunter was waiting for him, along with many other members in our family. The one thing I asked from Father last night, if Mike was suffering in any way, to please take away this suffering so that he would know peace.

Our Divine Creator then said to me this morning: Do you trust me Airadeel? My answer was YES FATHER.

I will continue to trust our great Father because I knew the time had come for Mike, even though he put up a great fight. He had been battling with his health for sometime – we just never told any of you about it because Mike, was also a very private person.

So from our family we thank you for listening to us over the years – we did say there would come a time, when we may no longer be here.

All that we ask from each and everyone, is that you remain strong and close to Our Divine Creator during this time of reset and upheaval. No matter what happens to your fleshly suit – death is the final act that happens to us all, especially if we want to ascend. Mike is free of the flesh and pain now – he is happy, healthy and getting to know our son Hunter, all over again. Mike also tells me, my Grandfather Owen was also there to welcome and help him.

Funny that Grandad would show up and see Mike because I was talking to Grandad Owen 3 days ago and he made a comment that made me think, it wouldn’t be long for all of us. He asked me if I packed my photos away and to keep it all in that box on the shelf.

So a final say from us, STAY STRONG and WE SHALL MEET AGAIN ONE DAY. Maybe not on this matrix but actually somewhere else in the Multiverse.

I may speak with you again – However I’m not sure about that option at this time either.

Airadeel and Ryan

04-17-24 – This is how I see IMMICHAEL – he looks so beautiful in his angelic form.
04-19-24- This recording was done the day before Mike Passed on this Matrix
04-19-24- This was recorded the day of Michaels passing about Death.
04-19-24- The clean up around Saturn has concluded. A lot of vessels and beings who claimed to be helping te Terrans were destroyed.
04-19-24- Thank you to everyone for your kind lovely thoughts, your donations and your heart, through this very strange time without IMMICHAEL.
04-20-24- Ryan is beginning to channel our family members. We are hearing mostly from Hunter at this time but Aya and Vlad have also popped in, along with other Neutrals and our lovely Chusi. We are also talking about The Spider Queen, who is now on Mars along with her next target.
04-20-24- Good luck bringing down the Anunnaki – The Dragons – The Oceanics.
04-20-24- This is only a very small part of what the Anunnaki can do. . . “Your magic is weak.” – Black Adam
04-21-24- The armor the Anunnaki wear is way more technologically advanced than most military. From what Aya tells me, they have all kinds of tech at their fingertips about 250,000 years more advanced than Terra.

Their garments are virtually impenetrable with tech sewn into the very fabric and the armor of what they wear. They can go back and forth along timelines at will. They can eliminate whole family bloodlines without sweating one drop because they can easily run the timelines with the bracelets they wear. . .

They can transform their DNA into lions, dragons, eagles, bears, snakes, crocodiles, great watery beasts (especially if they are connected to the Oceanics), arachnids and other cute little creatures who can become larger than life at will.

These are just a few things the Anunnaki can do Terra. I hope you are all ready. I guess you will find out soon enough and when that time comes…HIDE.
04-21-24- The Tribes and their respect for Gaia, along with the DNA blending of who you are.
04-21-24- From the little bluebird sitting near the backdoor of my home today.
04-21-24- Everything we have ever taught you – As Above = So Below – what happens outside of this matrix called Terra – Also happens on other matrixes with this galaxy. Jupiter Ascending is a truthful movie explaining what actually happens. The movie begins with a matrix reset. Hello Terra… yet the majority see this as fantasy. Have you looked at what’s really going on within your matrix lately? Wake Up – You have so much potential – YOU are ALL being watched right now by some of the most powerful and ancient beings in the Universe – SO SHINE.
04-21-24: Watch the Trailer – they told you what they do to us. Its not fantasy because YOU were kidnapped and YOUR SOUL ESSENCE is big business in the multiverse. Terra is one of the Jewels of this Galaxy that powerful families and other dimensional species constantly fight over. So it’s these off world Family-Corporations that run entire matrixes who also control these matrixes inhabitants too. Remember the movie Dune? Great ancient houses that constantly watch their matrixes- businesses? All true. . .

The above shorts of this movie begin with the resetting of a humanoid crop on another matrix. They wanted to harvest the soul energy upon it. . . “It was ripe – ready for Harvest.” Terra your numbers are diminishing very quickly too through “Natural Disasters”. The corn is ready for harvest – do you remember an American Politician who kept on saying that, with photos of corn about to be harvested too?
04-21-24- Jupiter was his mother once (now trapped on Terra and reincarnating). Jupiter also cleans toilets in this life now because those who are TRUEBLOODS are reversed in their roles upon this matrix – hence where the story of Cinderella originally came from.

We do something on Feymoria to all those BEINGS who come to us or have turned their backs on “The Dark Side of their species”. On Feymoria EVERYONE ( which includes the royal family) is expected to clean latrines and toilets for the people of Feymoria for a time.

This act teaches us humility and it keeps Feymorians grounded to each other. It gives us a real sense and meaning of living together under the loving guidance of our Divine Creator.

04-21-24- The Queen Who Learned Her Lesson by Jacqueline Alcot – Narrated in an MP3 for you to hear. The above image is of Queen Arainia who freed herself from the trappings of elitism to become one with her husband, the people and the land. She let go of who she thought she was entitled to be, in order to became her real self.

I wrote this child’s book many years ago and it’s about a nasty spoilt rotten Queen who got taught the lesson of her life by The Wizard. Arainia’s Queenly septor became a toilet brush – it was the best lesson and one she badly needed.

I have narrated this story to you because the book is now part of the educational process for all children on Feymoria. It is also why everyone takes a turn with the toilet brush too…

So you see Terra, your ideas and thoughts may not seem important to you but I promise, in the eyes of other non-terrestrial beings who watch us, even the smallest idea can change the face of their future. The “Queen Who Learned Her Lesson,” became a legendary childrens story on Feymoria where toilet brushes are used to remind others, that occasionally we ALL need a check up-from the neck up. Wesdoo.
04-21-24- The Queen Who Learned Her Lesson Story in Narration Mode.
04-24-24- 2 Big Pizza’s sitting on my lap
04-24-24- 2am Wake-Up Conversations of Channeling – Bloody Eyes – Mars and Moon
4-24-24- Oh The Irony and the Ridiculous Paperwork that goes with it too.
04-24-24- The Arrival – Another movie worth watching – Non Terrestrials who disguise themselves as human. Gee imagine that.
04-25-24- Angels have a natural aura that attracts Females and yes… they can dance too. Sam has got some moves I’ve seen him dance. A big handsome black angel moving around and let me tell you Sam is gorgeous too. Gabriel we call him GABE plays smooth Jazz sounds coming out of his trumpet – SO YES TERRA ANGELS PLAY A ROLE IN THIS PROCESS TOO. It’s all part of that DNA breeding cycle I’ve been talking to you about that happened on Terra every 1000 years. Terra YOU are ALL in for a BIG shock because our Divine Creator loves his angelic Hybrid children too.
04-25-24- Michael the Movie and the Personalities of Angelic Beings. “Angels do not have sex.” Yes they do! Papa Gatheon is an ArchAngel where do you think I came from?
04-25-24- Domes – Bleeding Bloody Horses -When the Testosterone and Hormone Replacement Meds stop being produced – what will happen to beings then?
04-25-24- Ten years after this Series “Under The Dome” was aired on TV – The Californian town of Walnut Creek, now has a dome. There is no such thing as a Coincidence – everything is planned.
04-25-24- Walnut Creek Becomes California’s First “Domed City” By NEWS24-680 – Mar 23, 2024. Residents of New Walnut Creek enjoy protection from the elements with an improved protective shield. Source: https://news24-680.com/2024/03/23/walnut-creek-becomes-californias-first-domed-city/
04-25-24- The City of Domes is the sole remaining outpost of humanity in the future of Logan’s Run. Most of the inhabitants of the City accept their lot in life, knowing that when they reach the age of 30, they must submit themselves to die in the ritual of Carousel. Those who refuse to report to Carousel and attempt to flee the City are known as Runners.

My favorite character in the movie Logan’s Run was an old man who happily lived with cats. He had the smartest grandparents on this matrix who figured out if they wanted to survive – they had better move away from the cities. Did you notice which city in the movie, was a swampy bird sanctuary too? … Washington DC. 🙃
Source: https://logans-run.fandom.com/wiki/City_of_Domes
04-25-24- Think Dimensionally – think spiritually – the black-white horse thing. The checkboard colors of the Masons are also what colors? The white horse is bleeding from where? … The neck is it? Could this bleeding possibly represent the Throat Chakra Point? as the WHITE horse runs down a London street.

The Throat Chakra is very important for those who cast spells, because it’s the mechanism whereby darker magik and mind control comes from in the dimensional world. Many darker ones do not want to be hung in this 3rd dimension because it would break their throat chakra. Many of these beings would be hindered with a broken throat chakra because they too can now become PREY for more powerful beings. No Throat Chakra means No Spell protection either. Its a real dilemma for some of these entities. Source: https://nypost.com/2024/04/24/world-news/blood-soaked-military-horses-run-amok-in-london/

Revelation 19:11-16 = The Rider on a White Horse
11 Then I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse! The one sitting on it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he judges and makes war. 12 His eyes are like a flame of fire, and on his head are many diadems, and he has a name written that no one knows but himself. 13 He is clothed in a robe dipped in [a] blood, and the name by which he is called is The Word of God. 14 And the armies of heaven, arrayed in fine linen, white and pure, were following him on white horses. 15 From his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations, and he will rule[b] them with a rod of iron. He will tread the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God the Almighty. 16 On his robe and on his thigh he has a name written, King of kings and Lord of lords.

Revelation 6:5–6 = The Black Horse
When He broke the third seal, I heard the third living creature saying, “Come.” I looked, and behold, a black horse; and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. And I heard something like a voice in the center of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; but do not damage the oil and the wine.”
04-25-24- He has played this role before on Terra. Marduk tells you all exactly what the plan always was … “WE are going with whatever popular MOTIVE works the best for all of you assholes out there.” -Marduk. So it seems, the old favorite of war and more holy wars – wins again on Terra. Charming.

“The difference between the darker Anunnaki and the Children of Ainur is whom we serve. We are all Anunnaki but who and what WE CHOOSE to walk beside, is also the difference in how WE view the Terrans. The ‘Children of Ainur’ OBEY The Divine Creator’s wishes. . . so when it is our Father’s time, that is when we will arrive. The deception is coming from within your realm but you do not believe these words, when we speak them to you. They were here long ago and have now awakened again. Watch Antarctica, they stir again. The current wars on Terra, are based in Antarctician Secrets, greed and the total control over this matrix.” – Iya

Other Anunnaki also have roles to play on this Matrix as is the information given from Marduk in this conversation. THEY PLAY ROLES – SO MARDUK WILL PLAY HIS ROLEAS ONE OF YOUR DECEIVERSWHICH ONE? – well that’s the part YOU have to figure out, isn’t it Terra?
You can’t cheat in this game either because whether you like it or not Universal Laws will still be obeyed. Laws Higher Above are Also Laws in the Lower Realms like Earth-Terra. The Divine Courts hear all cases – especially since Terra was always supposed to be a school of learning and knowledge.

72% OF THE UNIVERSAL LAWS KNOWN IN THE MULTIVERSE – WERE BROKEN ON TERRA, so there’s a lot of crap the Divine Judges are dealing with now. This is also why our Divine Creator appointed former ascended Terrans, as being the best judges of what happens on Terra and who gets what. My grandfather Owen is one of these ascended – who now overseas Terran Contracts and bullshit excuses as he calls them.

He was recently listening to an MP3 recording I did when Michael was very sick. He heard me say that it doesn’t matter how long it takes THEY-THEM to see it our Divine Creator’s way – like millions of years – “BECAUSE IN THE END…” this was my quote that has now become a sign, which sits above my Grandfather’s head when he hears cases about Terra. I laughed my ass off when he told me about it too.


Since Mike’s passing I am hearing my family coming forth more. They have the same personalities, the same mannerisms and the same energy, so I know it’s all of them. Owen is no different – he speaks to me as the Grandfather I always knew and that has never changed. He purposely kept that same energy for me – so he could always be connected to us. Both Mike and Hunter have now been escorted into the 5th by a Divine Judge named Owen. That’s how strong this energy can be with your dimensional family, especially when you connect with them.

This is also how the ancient Ancestors connected with us – they walked amoungst us always – your ancestors never left you, as they observed their children – helping to maintain their health and DNA. It was YOU who left them and YOU who was deceived.

04-26-24- My children are hybrids Terrans are hybrids too, so what are YOU so afraid of? – Also I talk about What Melzie is up to through recent family interaction … at 25:56 you will hear a loud thump when I speak about the Anunnaki blood rage.
04-26-24- The Yellow skies have begun in Libya, Greece and even in parts of Texas.
04-26-24- The Eclipse was the signal and go ahead for many of these events to now happen.
04-26-24- The Yellow Sky Vision has become a truth now across Terra. Watch World Of Signs Latest Video of the Yellow Skies. Apparently the cutting room floor has been blocked from showing you this video directly – so I guess the chickens as they say, are coming home to roost now. Source of the Video: https://youtu.be/RxGDAjwAJn4
04-26-24- Florida Sky on the 24th April. The link is in the above recording. Did you notice the shape of the dark patch in the water everyone is talking about and the ship or dimensional aspect that was seen in the Florida sky? It kinda looks like the same shape to me. What do you think? Look at the cover of the video below and this image. What do you see?
Gee these glitches as the Science Gatekeepers will say – just keep on happening IN THE OCEAN AND NOW IT SEEMS, THIS DARK PATCH CAN CHANGE SHAPES TOO. 😉 … cant hide the truth forever guys.
04-26-24- Grand-mama with her grandchildren because we are all one.
04-26-24- Once you see these numerical patterns – you can’t unsee them. This was on Rumble’s Home Page today.
04-27-24- Yeh what were we saying about locking down the US States soon? Other researchers are also confirming June seems to be the month for nonsense.

This notice above is from the AirBnB about A MAJOR DISUPTIVE EVENT POLICY if someone books a place after June 6.
04-27-24- This thing appeared In the Florida sky on 04-23-24. I can see faces inside of whatever this is. I saw 3 main faces which makes sense from a spiritual aspect, but I can also see multiple other faces as well. I have outlined the 3 main ones I saw.
04-27-24- Does Anyone Actually Know The Truth Of Whats Really Going On?
04-27-24- Umm, thats some FEMALE anatomy you got there Will Smith. 😉
04-27-24- Worth the listen.
04-27-24- Ryan Channeled a message today from the family, about the war in heaven coming to Terra Soon. The war between the Anunnaki and the Reptilians is heating up.

Atavism or dormant genes is why I believe all these Dogmen sightings are coming out of places like Ohio (Eclipse Central Pathway), are now happening on this matrix. The family have confirmed to me changing dormant genes, is why they believe there was so much spraying happening before and right after the Eclipse of April 8th 2024:

In biology, an atavism is a modification of a biological structure whereby an ancestral genetic trait reappears after having been lost through evolutionary change in previous generations.

Atavisms can occur in several ways, one of which is when genes for previously existing phenotypic features are preserved in DNA, and these become expressed through a mutation that either knocks out the dominant genes for the new traits or makes the old traits dominate the new one.

Ever wondered why so many babies are now born early and before the full 9 months of fetal developement? A number of traits can vary as a result of shortening of the fetal development of a trait (neoteny) or by prolongation of the same. In such a case, a shift in the time a trait is allowed to develop before it is fixed can bring forth an ancestral phenotype.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atavism#:~:text=Such%20an%20unused%20gene%20may,be%20induced%20by%20artificial%20stimulation.

Atavism is the theory that some individual animals for some reason revert back to an earlier evolutionary type. In the case of humans, many behavioral scientists once believed that atavisms caused certain persons to revert in a major way, both physically and mentally, to their animal origins.

Source: https://digitalcommons.cedarville.edu/icc_proceedings/vol2/iss1/10/#:~:text=Atavism%20is%20the%20theory%20that,mentally%2C%20to%20their%20animal%20origins.

The new virus lie or climate crisis that world leaders will try and convince us of, is NOT REALLY what my family believes will happen. My family believe that Mankind will slowly turn into their sleeping dormant gene. I have already admitted that I have Dragon and Cat genes inside my DNA… so what animal gene do you think is being carried around inside your body? The family believes your dormant genes are now being awakened through Graphene Tech, Nanobots, Electro-Magnetic Energies and harmful particles – vaccines still present in the body.

The vril lizard proboscis inserted into the human eye (which millions of people have allowed to be inserted into them), will eventually take over as the predominant human gene. These new introduced genes are a form of symbosis to the brain to eventually become something other than Human.

Now maybe people can see why the Anunnaki are so angry about the Underdwellers coming up to the surface and messing with the perfected DNA gene pools concerning humanity. Wesdoo.

04-28-24- What About Your Dormant Genes? Can those be reinfused with other energy? Can THEY mutate those genes too?
04-28-24- Its not just happening in the USA – The People of Russia are also experiencing problomatic dust in the skies and high Electro Magnetic Radiation and soaring food prices too.
04-29-24- Project Pegasus was initiated on April 8th – the Eclipse was a total fake. -Nuclear drills are going to be happening this week in LA and the Venus Wars. The Anunnaki are around Venus now. Just a hop, skip and a jump to Terra now.
04-29-24- Heads up LA its your turn in this coming week
04-29-24- Israeli spyware company NSO Group placed on US blacklist. Decision against company at heart of Pegasus project reflects deep concern about impact of spyware on US national security interests

“An unprecedented leak of more than 50,000 phone numbers selected for surveillance by the customers of the israeli company NSO Group shows how this technology has been systematically abused for years. The Forbidden Stories consortium and Amnesty International had access to records of phone numbers selected by NSO clients in more than 50 countries since 2016.” Source: https://forbiddenstories.org/about-the-pegasus-project/
04-29-24- Australia is getting hit with a mass of cold air anomoly ( no actual weather reason for this happening either) are you feeling it Aussies? Did you also notice how this system looks like the same dark patches in the water recently and the overhead anomoly that appeared in Florida on the 23rd of April too?
04-29-24- Same shape as the above cold air anomoly in the South end of Australia.
04-29-24- Same shape as the appearance of the Air and Sky shapes on radar and caught on camera – the water event appeared twice in April 2024.








04-29-24- BUNKERS WERE CLEANED UP and THE ALLIANCE – GALACTIC FEDERATION is here to help THE TERRANS…IT’S ALL BULLSHIT. All these scumbags did was keep business as usual and THEY let all the creatures out of the bunkers and why so many are seeing monsters everywhere now.
04-29-24- Well thats an interesting turn of events isn’t it. Source: https://insiderpaper.com/spanish-pm-sanchez-to-announce-at-1000-gmt-if-he-is-quitting-official/#google_vignette

Nope it’s not going to happen – I’m not resigning – everything is fine Spain. Carry on. Source: https://t.me/insidercorner/2199
04-29-24- The Schumann and what it looks like today.
04-30-24- This is a 17th century sketched drawing of a church with candles all around the steeple to emit energy outward. This light is positioned on a antennae (a rod, wire, or other device used to transmit or receive radio or television signals. “antennas around the top of the ship pick up the radar signals”) on the very building you were taught THEIR spirituality. While you sat inside this building THEY harvested energy off you and why the steeple is alight with energy.
04-30-24- Yes I stole it off Escanors page for a good reason. This little map will explain to you 100% why the science gatekeepers concerning Terra are nothing more than liars. The BULLCRAP they try to convince us of is nothing more than Reptilian Education filled with inaccuracies and made up stories. Listen to the MP3 recordings below for more information… Source: https://t.me/GuidoAndEscanor/39198
04-30-24- The Anunnaki are coming together Light and Dark FACTIONS, against the Reptilian Empire and ALL OF THE CARTELS.
04-30-24- Terra was being moved to a darker region of space. The Reptilian Empire has disobeyed the Divine Courts. The Divine Courts have demanded the Reptilian Empire hand over the Terrans to their families and the Court. Just like a custody battle – YOU WERE STOLEN.
04-30-24- ” You are as powerful as you allow yourself to become.” – me
04-30-24- The day CERN was turned back on April 8th (Eclipse Day) this portal opened up in the sky. The God Particle and Project Pegasus. Source: https://t.me/WhenTheAncientsSpeak/11430

Ancient Spirituality, Extraterrestrial Life, Cover Ups, Current Events