February 2022

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02-01-22- The Stephen and Chattel Again and Again Humor.
02-02-22- A Conversation With Chattel The Gray and Other Family.
02-02-22 The video from our early morning conversation about Chattel
02-03-22 – Simon Opens The Conversation – He Is Healing At Homeland
02-04-22-Smoke In NY Sewers? Is It Time For The Alien Invasion? In The Universe This Is How Things Work and My Artwork Tells You Part Of The Story.
02-05-22- This is the video with Simon and the Conversation on Soul Avatars.
02-05-22- The above image is Russian. Verhana There was a mini reset in the 1800’s and this video shows there were vessels harvesting at this time too. See the trails at the back of the ships? https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/933822804349812736

Our Current “world” is literally Built on the Bones of the Billions who died In the Mud Floods , a wall of Mud 200ft high swept the entire world… in 1840…https://steemit.com/mudflood/@vaerospace/the-vaerospace-mud-flood-star-cities-tartaria-beginners-guide
02-06-22- The Harvest of the Jabbed has begun.
02-07-22- 13 is also a Feminine Number and why it was inverted into something evil on Terra. Source on the Blue Flame: https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Keepers_of_the_Blue_Flame
02-07-22- Its been a project in the creation for awhile but today I finally finished it.
We live in the San Luis Valley, Colorado.
02-09-22- A must listen because everything we have been trying to teach, is spoken in these 2 videos.
The new human species will include the Grays genetics.
02-07-22- Did Lizzie Pop In Again?
02-10-22- The 7 Kingdoms – And The Divine Creator
Part 1 02-11-22
Part 2 02-11-22
02-11-22- The Word Source over Divine Creator-Father-Grandfather-Divine Mother
02-11-22 Trust your instincts
02-13-22 Melvin- Mr.M (Marduk) Came To Visit and Well you can listen to how it went.
I was supposed to be one of the Breeders for the Elite darker ones, but I woke up with lifetimes of memories instead. I know who I am and why this nonsense continues but as long as Father is watching over me, I have nothing to fear from these beings.

Once M is done here on Terra, he will be going to the other 3D world created for the asleep crowd. That recording we did with M shows you how these beings can hold grudges for centuries and how nasty they can get when you say “I want nothing from you, I have risen above that now.” As long as you have father, he will keep these beings away. I doubt he will be back anyway. He came to tell me “Its Showtime.”
02-14-22- The 6.0 Mariana Trench Earthquake. We were right again.
02-15-22- The Fae Conversation, Most will never know these things about this species.
The video of our difficult conversation the other day with M.
02-18-22 Staying Upbeat and Happy Even It Seems Impossible.
02-19-22- Its Beginning To Happen
02-19-22- The Triangle Ship Over Turkey. They are looking for Anunnaki Stargates.
02-19-21-Rods of God Being Used
At The Fey Library

02-20-22 Go Canada Sihk’s.

02-22-22- Karshdee Speaks Today- We are proud of you. Stay Strong. Talk to Our Divine Creator.
02-20-22- The Video of Karshdee Speaking Today
02-21-22- This conversation is about The Arks firing up on Terra. Our Leaders have no choice but to bring us prosperity because Father Has Awakened The Arks. NONE of our leaders can stop it anymore because father is taking over. I’m pretty sure Karshdee knew about the arks because she mentioned something as a clue in her conversation. I believe this is why she spoke to everyone yesterday.
By the way…We really hope we are wrong about this.
02-23-21 I know there are still a lot of people claiming Nibiru is here but their understanding will only allow them a certain amount of understanding because the scenario about what is about to go down, will not be based in our planet already moved out of the way of destruction.
02-25-22- All The Craziness on Terra – Something That May Help You Connect Through The Tunnel of Dimensions

Colors of the 5th dimension.
02-26-22-A Conversation To Inspire you All- Everything We Are About To Say To You Is Real. The Fae are Real And Our Family Works With Them In The Universe.
02-27-22- Morning Updates and The Magic Connection To Gaia And Father
Todays video from our above recording.
02-27-22- Sitting Outside Talking In The Sun
02-28-22- What Each One Of Us is very capable of achieving.

Ancient Spirituality, Extraterrestrial Life, Cover Ups, Current Events