Grandfather Owen

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Grandfather Owen The DNA Connection

Owen was a Master Hatha Yoga Instructor.

We were not sure if we would include Victoria’s Grandfather’s teachings on this website because we didn’t want her love for her Grandfather to be confused with what we teach. BUT the truth is, our deep love for Owen was only a small part of who this amazing man was. He was one of our spiritual teachers and he had a lot to offer. We really loved those phone conversations and the way he taught life lessons from his own spiritual experiences.

Owen’s experiences belong to everyone because learning from our ancestors, helps us to open up our DNA and memories. Maybe Owen’s life experiences and wisdom can help you open up your DNA too… and we truly believe the information given to us, we shouldn’t keep to ourselves anymore. Owen wanted other people to learn some of the things he knew.  We are fulfilling what he wanted YOU to know too. 

We will publish his memoirs because everyone should be able to learn about that part of him now. By publishing Owens story it’s like he is channeling his wisdom and knowledge directly. Maybe something he wrote long ago will resonate with you.  

Unfortunately there is one chapter from the book missing because it was burned by Owen’s daughter after he passed away.  It was a shock to our family because the spiritual value we placed upon Owen’s life work was an irreplaceable loss. The good news is, Owen also sent Victoria a lot of his spiritual scribble notes, so we should be able to piece together that last chapter of what he was trying to say. 

Owen also taught Victoria about her ancient lineage to the Inca people. He had been researching the family line for many years, which included old world connections from when Spain was called Iberia. Owen had written, he believed Victoria to be the reincarnation of an Inca Princess, a daughter to Manco Capac. “By the time of Pizarro’s arrival, the Inca Empire included approximately 12 million people. It extended more than 4,000 kilometers and stretched throughout portions of Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, and Argentina. The Inca capital city was called Cuzco (also spelled Cusco), and was located in the Southern Sierra mountain region of Peru.” Learn more about Mano Capac – Founder of the Inca here:

The strange thing about Owen writing this, Victoria had started having memories of taking care of an elderly father-grandfather in Macchu Picchu. She remembers the high mountains, birds of prey flying around on the peaks and a flourishing city of people.

Then our son came home from grade school with a hand carved tile he made during art class. He told us he saw this design in his head and so he carved it out. The design Hunter carved, turned out to be the star matrix pattern from Nazca, Peru.

To the left is Hunter’s tile in black.  Grandfather  Owen’s Photo is in the Green. This is the Star Matrix found in Nazca.

The day Hunter came home with his tile,  was the exact same day Owen’s package of memoirs arrived from Australia. Inside Owen’s folder was a photograph of the same Star Matrix design Hunter had carved. We were speechless at first and yes these are truthful events that occurred in our family. 

Grandfather Owen’s energy, along with a strong spiritual bond  directed these events to occur. Owen knew his time was running out. He also knew his great grandson and granddaughter were spiritually in tune, so we believe he directed his thoughts and unfolded this series of events to occur. He also left a legacy of a spiritual history with amazing discoveries he made known to Victoria. 

Understand…there are no coincidences, everything happens because it is supposed to and usually at the right time too. If you know how to manipulate and create energy constructs, these messages are just a few little things humanity is capable of sharing with each other. Something to think about isn’t it. 

We have also placed other photos and excerpts from Owens letters. He was quite an amazing beautiful being and we still miss him 15 years later.  Wesdoo  Owen. 

Victoria’s Great Grandmother Adelaide Mary Isabel (Owen’s Mother), Daughter of Jose Miguel Arkansas De La Torre who was born in Santiago, Chile. Adelaide was also a spirit medium. Basically what we are showing you here is there are predominant gifts in your DNA that travel from generation to generation. 

Owen could see events coming to pass when he wrote this letter to Victoria in 2009. He spoke about the rising waters and the drought running through 3rd world countries.  He would often speak to Victoria about the events he could see happening in the near future. 

Theos Bernard was one of  Grandfather Owen’s teachers. I had no idea who this man was until we did some research. Theos was known as the White Lama who was also a Tibetan Arts Master.  He wrote many books on Hatha Yoga and Spirituality.

Learn more About Theos Bernard at the link below:


Owen was there to greet our son Hunter when he passed from this dimension and was thrilled to finally meet his Great Grandson. Between Owen and Gatheon, both Grandfathers helped Hunter adjust to the 4th -5th dimensions. 

These days Owen is a part of the Divine City an has taken up the role as an judge-arbiter there. We are here to say, your family does live on…and soon many of us will be able to reconnect with those beings who meant so much to us.

Our fleshly family have been communicating with our dimensional family since Victoria was really small, so when our sons came along, they also grew up around all of this amazing energy too. This is why we call our unique dimensional beings “The Family” and Owen is a part of this family too. Wesdoo.

The Spirit DNA Connection Continues

Our beautiful son and much loved brother Hunter, passed away on 09-24-19 after he suffered a fatal traumatic brain injury from a car accident that occurred on 09-23-19. Hunter was the passenger in his brothers car, while the person who hit Ryan and Hunter from behind, was a 27 year old distracted driver on her cell phone. She hadn’t even noticed other cars had come to a complete standstill in a construction zone but instead drove right into the back of our sons car. This led to Ryan and Hunter being wedged under the truck in front of them and the distracted driver’s car in the back.  We were told that Hunter didn’t suffer any pain and he is now in the care of our spirit family. 

Our family rejoices everyday over Ryan’s miraculous recovery from his traumatic brain injury. He Was Given A Second Chance. . .

What happened to Ryan was in our eyes nothing short of a miracle. We were told by doctors he may die but they would do everything they could to save him.  We were also told his healing may take up to 2 years recovery time and his brain may never be the same again. 

While in the ER, Ryan had an out of body experience where he remembers watching his fleshly body passing away. He tells us there was no pain, he felt warm and there was an energy pulling him away from his physical body.  However it was decided otherwise, as his spirit was forced back into his body at the same time a needle was plunged into Ryan’s heart to bring him back. 

Ryan was taken into the Neuro ICU Unit in a coma but within 2 days was taken off a respirator and other monitors. Actually one of the ER Trauma guys came up to see Ryan and couldn’t believe his eyes. Ryan was sitting up and signaling a hello response. On day 3 in ICU Ryan took a walk around the unit with the help of the physio staff.  A 20 year trauma nurse in the unit made a comment “she had never seen a recovery like Ryan’s ever before in her career”. 

Ryan spent 10 days in rehabilitation, when doctors released him on 10-11-19 from the hospital. Since he has been home, we have seen many  improvements in his healing such as speech, memory and physical. 

Victoria still lays hands on Ryan everyday and has been doing this since the day of his injury. At one point in the ICU there were nurses watching as we both laid hands on our son to help nourish his body with positive healing energy. 


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