March, 2022

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03-01-22- Gatheon- It’s A Movie At The Request of The Aliens Currently Over Terra
03-02-22- I see 3 spheres coming through the Schumann. Today as you can see is going to be a whacky day. Hang on.
03-02-22- Schumann Talk
03-02-22-Just Hang In There With News Updates
03-03-22- No Schumann Today- and yet yesterday was something else.
03-03-22- Cleansing Operations are just polite words for harvesting Terrans. This message came from Elena Danan, so she knows full well what the Arks do. When the first call comes do not go. Watch the below video for more info about the Ark activating in the Ukraine.
03-03-22– Sir Michael of York came to warn and Gareth (Angel of the 3rd Flame) came to speak as a direct voice from our Divine Father. Gareth had a Green Flame Around his being. The Green Flame: Represents healing on all levels; also known as THE FLAME OF HEALING AND MANIFESTATION; energy Center is the Third Eye.
03-03-22- This Is REALLY how we are as a family everyday.
03-03-22- Video for the above conversation with Michael and Gareth
03-04-22- The Conversation with Papa the other day.
03-06-22- Here come the lawsuits and lynching’s. This is the report from Pfizer…
They built this place on top of a tree stump…it’s in the Northern Part of the Iraq.
03-08-22- Gender Bending Conversation. We received an E-Mail about 1 week ago from someone who is Transgender FTM who is with a MTF Transgender. These are the same people who came to us before about the psychology of Transgenderism (being a mental illness per John Hopkins University studies) and was never intentional for Terrans to be. The hormone treatments make many transgenders emotionally unstable over time and it becomes obvious when they go back and forth between genders never quite making their minds up who they want to be.

03-08-22- This Message was delivered to me today…and I believe it was a Female telepathically delivering it.

Not quite female not quite male, is not normal as we (Terrans) are Creator Gods. Originally as ancient souls, we were created for mostly one sex (female for me) for a very good reason from Father.

A Secret THEY Kept From Everyone on Terra…

Something else most will never know why THEY also changed (inverted) the sexes on Terra. As a soul kept on Terra, it was considered a blessing to live most of your past lives as one sex, because your spirit essence connected to Gaia more intensely. Whether your soul was male or female it made no difference.

Coming back as predominantly male in past lifetimes made you more of a warrior for the health of Terra. You wanted to protect Gaia and usually had strong values, opinions and a way to live. The spiritual warrior is usually strong in you.

As for the female Terrans, the sisterhood and the need to be a part of the deeper connection to our planet made you the Creator, the mother, the unifier and the artist. To this day these sensations are strong in those who regularly connect to Gaia and it shows in your family and spirit.

03-08-22- Updates-Backups-Faemoria-Remembering Vlad in a past Life.
03-08-22- Sound recordings because we are going to start YouTube Short clips for the family. These are their recordings.
03-09-22 – Yemen is under siege and no-one says anything because the Ukraine is so much more important…its all a distraction for what’s really coming.
03-10-22- Anything Goes Conversation
03-10-22- The Ark In San Luis Valley – Colorado

03-10-22- This article is from 2017 about the Gulf of Aden and the Portal there. The portal was originally put there by the Anunnaki a long time ago and I believe some of the Military got a hold of the code to open it and the Anunnaki can still use it if they so desire.

CERN LHC Opened Up Interdimensional ‘Stargate Portal’ In The Gulf Of Aden: Mysterious Alien UFO Spacecraft Came Through It, According To Conspiracy Theorists. This
This article is dated 2015. The paid CIA debunkers are also telling you the truth in these articles. Source:
03-10-22- We (The Family) Wanted To Say Hello
03-11-22- The Pumpkin Head Thing At The Tree
03-11-22- The Freaks Come Out At Night
03-11-22 Thank You Everyone From Us
03-12-22- Enki Was Given Permission and Chattel’s Hello

We are going back to using our older When The Ancients Speak on YouTube because we can use video shorts to promote. This is the link to the channel:
03-14-22- I saw a huge pair of what looked like wings in the Schumann back in May of 2021. When I mirrored the energy pulse, it looked like wings encasing Gaia. So I enlarged the image to show others. These amazing ancient beings have the ability to send us messages through energy. They can be seen occasionally in the Schumann just like the beings Susan also sees.
03-14-22- Gaia sits between the Divine Wings of Father and I didn’t see that dimensional aspect of this image and its true meaning until today. There are other dimensional beings above and below Gaia protecting her. It also looks like she is asleep in a bed and her arms are over the blanket that covers her body. There is energy coming off her shoulders, and head as she rests. This image is dated May 2021 and now in 2022, Gaia is awake.
03-16-22- This video is the revisit of this subject matter from 2.5 years ago
03-16-22- The Magic Of Music
03-17-22- Morning Conversation-Mixed Bag
03-17-22- Stephen-Shorts Number 2

03-18-22– So Aya tells me that LUMP doesn’t want to come back as President now. The reason behind this is because the timeline these beings set up for themselves, is not the timeline Father wants. So now they don’t want to come back at all because their timeline is falling apart.

So here we are with a pretend President who is also an actor. So if the military are in charge as everyone says, wouldn’t it just be easier to declare Martial Law and then tell the public what Biden has been doing for years? Tell the world about the stolen election and then let Americans know that until America has an honest election with truthful results, the military will remain in control.

The Terrans are not children we can handle the truth. Half of the anger and frustration across this planet, is related to all the lies we have been fed by corrupt politicians and most people now realize we have been lied for centuries.

So just be honest with Terra and let us live in peace. Mr. M is going to take full advantage of this chaotic situation and was happy to remind us he has something special planned for everyone.

03-20-22- The Ancient Sisterhood Channel Through Victoria. This was a session that was powerfully overwhelming for her. She was left shaken for about 30 mins after they left. These females are very angry.
03-21-22- Cloverfield – New York
03-22-22- Secret-Patch-Of-Urine
03-22-22- The Work On The Schumann
03-22-22- Smooth Sounds of Dentist Office Blues-with-Stephen-A-Jones
03-22-22- Matilda-Does-An-Interview
03-22-22- Aviance and Ariel, the twins as Zoey the cat walks by.
03-23-22- Like I said, they are spheres. This one is pretending to be our Sun. The center opening can change form, create light, fire and lightening. This is the tech, AI, aware tech above us. Not sounding so crazy now am I? This is a great video.
03-24-22- Energy Transmission-Schumann-Sonar-Part-1.mp3
03-24-22- There is some kind of powerful God Like Being Showing up in the Schumann Today. He is wearing armor and holding what looks like a Sphere. He also has energy devices attached to him, along with a Spherical Object near his head. Could be one of the Ancient Anunnaki but we are not sure.
03-24-22- Todays Short Video
03-24-22- Stephen being his usual light side.
03-25-22: The cloud on the left is shaped like a snake, You can see its eyes, mouth and tongue. The cloud shape to the right looks like some kind of alien-dragon type being. The red slit seen in the night sky in Houston is also hiding another being. These are pretty powerful projections these beings are creating.
03-24-22 With Gatheon
03-25-22 Matilda-
03-25-22-A History Lesson You Will Never Hear Anywhere Else With Stephen A Jones.
03-26-22- Big-Long-Exopolitics-Discussion
03-26-22- Aya on the Portals, Arcs, Dimensions and The Future
03-27-22 The Recent Aya Conversation
03-28-22- I found this inverted message on Telegram today. At least they are telling the truth.
03-29-22- Too-Little-Too-Late-Females In The Schumann
Matilda on 03-29-22
03-31-22 Schumann Faces. Ist being is looking at us over his shoulder. 2nd being looks like a Treant Guardian.
03-31-22- This video is from the discussion last week with Gatheon

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