March 2024 Cutting Room Floor

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03-01-24- The Fae Mother image completely done by A.I. Unusual story about this image too – I got a notification there were 2 updated images to my original Fae Mother image. I never created them. When I opened this image up I was taken back by every little detail and Aya was stunned too because the face on this image is a near perfect reflection of her, so don’t tell me that A.I isn’t all grown up now.
03-01-24- Watch this movie. It might help you understand some of the things we have been trying to warn you about. These are dream scenario’s and we recognise this type of torture in dreams. Remember the bear dream Victoria had? These are simulations that feel real and the purpose is to see where you are at in the way of understanding, control and most of all – your fear level.

03-01-24- Plenty of black goo. Dark AI that consumes information. Its all there.
03-01-24- There’s just not enough people no matter what the statistics say.
03-01-24- A Special Thank You from us for the amazing letters we receive from some of you. It helps our morale too because we know we are reaching some wonderful beings.
03-01-24- What is happening on April 8th -2024? 7 matrixes aligning on that day – will this day mark the time for the end and the beginning of this Matrix.

“There are no new beginnings without an ending and you are all here because of it. ” – The Ancients (The Family)
03-03-24- I haven’t been on Facebook since 2018 but only now – today- I get a suspension? I guess THEY-THEM didn’t like me exposing the Obama’s or Tim Osman very much because those are the only 2 images I shared here on this website from Facebook.
03-03-24- If you are trapped between the 3rd and the 5th at some point … remember Homeland in the 4th it was created to heal souls who had been tortured in the 4th. This is a conversation with my papa about Homeland.
03-03-24- Heres one of those 15th century reference points, we talked about 4 years ago.
03-03-24- Red Castle – Green Castle – Tartaria – Giants and Dragons on Terra weird and strange sketches drawn into maps.
03-03-24- The Windfathers and The Norns speak about the Great Harvest of Humanity. They also speak about the number 3 with the combination of Shartisti Spreeah in Spirit.
03-03-24- The New Image on my back was Bat Wings with an eye.
03-03-24- Melzie finally visited. She talks about the Terran Timelines being messed with.
03-04-24- Another Antarctica discussion again with Stephen. Video Source Link Below
03-06-24- From the Above Discussion. What about those water dragons that most Terrans believe are fabricated stories.
03-06-24- You All Have A Wisp of the Divine Creator inside of you, so why would anyone, try and sell out their own kind into evil service, unless they are not like you?
03-06-24-Things are beginning to move. A new image appeared on my back. Mother Gaia is sending green striations throughout Terra but in the meantime, the Luciferians know this and why they are deliberately slowing the Harvest and Ascention process down. They want to they rule over Terra as long as possible before our Divine Creator puts his foot down over them and restore Terra-Gaia to her complete beauty.
03-06-24-Terra is now Living Between Insanity (Satanists) and Delusion (Luciferians). Matilda comes to speak of her recent kidnapping by the Reptilians before we rescued her.
03-06-24- How Many Conservative Social Media Mouthpieces are you currently listening to now? Sorry to bust your bubble but the majority of them are also inversions. We did say the Trannie wars were going to happen.
03-06-24- Why are Medical Transcriptionists seeing Zombie Codes in their workload? Codes like being hit with a leg from a Zombie … Only insane evil ghouls would put that into categories, unless they already are encountering Zombies themselves now.
03-06-24- I mean what is it going to take before the beings living on the surface of Terra realize, they have been duped from all avenues from those who are not like the rest of us?
03-07-24- Soul Image of Maria Del Sol with her Knight Templar husband. In Spanish her name means María del Sol ‘Mary of the Sun’. Maria always served the Divine Creator even if her husband did not. . . she was of the SUN and a good luck charm to have as a wife.
03-07-24- Amazing information… even though Ms.D.Cannon was born male, I have to say this information about body markings, sigils, eye colors, colored aura’s and the differences in Terran DNA, confirms what we have been teaching you about your Genetic makeup – where you came from- who you really are.

These days my eyes are more of a dark gold-copper color now but considering I was born with dark brown eyes, I can see why this is mentioned in this video too – this just explains why your body may be changing at this time during the ascention . Well worth watching.
15th century drawings also show the same type of weather – anomaly storms, volcanoes, which are again appearing in 2024. This scenario is recreated and planned out carefully every 300 to 500 years. Australia is looking pretty dark at the moment from this video too. Want to know something else we have shown you before about the tech above you and this scenario shows up in a child’s movie … Aughra’s Lab from the dark Crystal… Imagine that.

I’ve been observing these spheres for years and I used to wonder how they held together. . . now you can see it too. Pretty incredible isn’t it. 😉 You can watch the Video recording here:
03-08-24- Notice anything about the Lab and the Terran Tech Overlay in the above image? Kinda looks like the same thing doesn’t it… hmmm. Truth in movies maybe?

Always remember it was the Skeksis elites that were deathly afraid of the Gelfling’s – that sounds a lot like Terra to me especially if you invert it back as human and not human.
03-09-24- Both Mike and I are blue Rays. Some of this information is correct and some is not 100%. You might be a blu ray especially if you are between 40 to 60 years old. They were the first starseeds sent to Terra in this cycle. Blue Rays are on point with the Divine beings and the total restoration of the Divine Feminine. Interesting info.
03-09-24- Myth was a word that comes under the heading of transliteration text changes – it was a reference completely made up so you would never beLIEve these beings actually existed. There is more truth in the history of China and the Dragons, than most beings care to admit actually exists.

Transliteration: refers to the method of mapping from one system of writing to another based on phonetic similarity. In this case it was TRUTH about the dragons being portrayed as MYTH. Kind of like the whole transgender lie too. Based on one set of dark instructions and then being inverted – to suit the current system of Dark AI.

See how that’s worked out for humanity too?
03-10-24- Chinese History Concerning Dragons
03-10-24- Another channel I suggest you watch and learn from. We have been subscribed for years to Robert – this above video, supports many of the things we have been teaching you. Gee.
03-10-24- Remember the Squid story the Russians have in their possession that we have spoken of before? Yeh well others are talking about it now too. Imagine that. MP3 chat coming on the above 2 videos.
03-10-24-The Giant Squid Russians have in their possession -Narsies in WW2 Tibet and the original Vril were found in the caves of Tibet as we have explained before. Remember the Indiana Jones movie where the Narsies were looking for artifacts? Watch the above 2 videos for further clarification.

The Anunnaki consider the Vril creatures absolute pests in the Universe and flame throwers are often used to exterminate them. They are easily taken over by darker demonic entities and have been known to help bring down entire civilizations, with the help of other malevolent species … gee imagine that.

The Vril creature itself, are nasty little beings that look like a Gremlins on speed. Once the proboscis Vril release is entered through the human eye, the creature then dies and the new Hybrid-Humanoid begins to emerge over time. The proboscis eventually takes over which now controls the human host’s brain, emotions, feeding habits, thoughts and actions. This process is called Parasitism and the Reptilians use this relationship with the Human HOST and the Vril-demon-Creature more than most Terrans know.

Parasitism is a symbiotic relationship in which one species (the parasite) benefits while the other species (the (human) host) is harmed. Many species of animals are parasites, at least during some stage of their life. Most species are also hosts to one or more parasites. Some parasites live on the surface of their host. Others live inside their host. They may enter the host through a break in the skin or in food or water.
03-13-24- I do not believe in coincidences ever. I used to live in a place called Innes Park before I came to the USA> Innes Park is a sleepy seaside town on the Queensland-Australia coastline, about 45 minutes north of Frasier Island.

Florida Marquis believes he has found the remains of an ancient ship on that island that looks like the ship he found in Antactica too. These are the remains of another ship of smiliar style as the one on Frasier Island… also explains to me why no-one is allowed to live there either. You will see the wreckage on Frasier Island at approx 5 minutes into the video. I was always drawn to the Bundaberg coastline area for some unknown reason and I never understood why. . .until now.
03-13-24- This is a close up map of part of the Queensland Coastline where I once resided, so you can see how far away Frasier Island is to the mainland , so I believe at some point the island was connected to the mainland. Innes Park is located 15 kilometres east of Bundaberg City and close to Elliott Heads (two kilometres away).

Innes Park Website:
03-13-24- I left FM a message that I sincerley hope he sees. The man has a brilliant mind and I find that seriously valuable, for the future of Terra. Personally I’m not into the religious aspect of his nature but I do value the information Florida Marquis puts out. Information and wisdom comes from all areas and right now TERRANS NEED THE DIMENSIONAL TRUTH OF WHAT THIS MATRIX REALLY IS… like what’s really in Antarctica.
03-13-24- We have done a recording on this Book. I will provide the link to download this book as well, that was written in 1993 by a man who was connected to the SEE-EYE-A. We didnt write this book about Resets and Cataclysms that do happen on this matrix.
03-13-24- The Adam and Eve Story. The history of Catacylsms by Chan Thomas. Our opinion as we read the first 6 page of the book…
03-13-24- Anunnaki relationships both sexual and not – which at times does include the Terrans sometimes.
03-13-24- Melzie is back with updates about whats happening on Terra. Seems like there has been a fire lit underneath the backsides of certain beings to deliver the goods to the Terrans or there will be a lot of beings going to a lower dimension.
03-14-24- Why is a sleepy little town in Oklahoma preparing for a possible chemical or nuclear issue in their town on April 8th – 2024?
03-14-24- I overlayed an image of the April 8th eclipse event trajectory and where all the nuclear power plants are in the vicinity of it. TX = 4, AR = 2, OH = 2, MI = 1, PA = 2, NY = 4… that’s a lot of power plants don’t you think? So then, why is Broken Bow in Oklahoma preparing for a possible chemical attack? … they do have a power plant but its supposed to be hydroelectric not nuclear.

Also Broken Bow, OK, is right in the corner of OK_AR_TX on the April 8 2024 eclipse trajectory … so what do you think is going on? People have also been reporting static sounds like the sound of electrical wires buzzing and sparking in their area.
03-15-24- THEY’RE GONNA STREAM STUFF – Prepping ahead for April 8th.
03-15-24- Guard your mind – these are the messaages in this video – slowly they will introduce insanity- they are going to send pulses – do you recall the movie PULSE? – they’re gonna stream stuff. YES darkness it will be instilled into all the walls and machinery
03-15-24-The Multiplicity Of Events Unfolding With Tia
03-15-24- I believe this is part of the dark overlay above us – there are a lot of spheres in this mix too. This was seen in Alabama sky on the 11th of March 2024.
03-15-24- Ryan Halls live streaming yesterday, was about the tornadoes that are happening in the mid-west at this time. The energy build up that others are also experiencing it’s as if these are Geo-Magnetic storms purposely happening on this matrix.

These storms also seem to be in the same as the path of the eclipse of April 8th and there are quite a few nuclear power plants in this path too. So is this the real reason why Broken Bow, OK ( who has a Hydro-Electric power plant) on the border of OK-AL-TX is prepping for a chemical or nuclear attack in their town on April 8th?

We may not have any nuclear weapons left as the talking heads will say but did they also include the other Nucear Power Plants still operating in the US in the rhetoric too? You know, like if there was a huge static charge from say a huge tornado or geo-magnetic electric storm, all of which could spark off intense energy across the US plains? Enough energy to stream control mechanisms in place through our phones, homes and directly into the vaccinated? That kind of energy capability – you know- they’re gonna stream stuff? I know it sounds impossible but truth is, the military have this type of non-terrestrial technology right now, to easily create this type of event.

The great light bringer (AzazEL was the one playing that role and he was very forthright about it too) of the Golden Dawn of humanity, is just another role these beings take on to fool all the Terrans. By the way the “Golden Age” always brings a lot of death and destruction before it’s appearance actually begins. Source on Azazel:

So if we are just acting all crazy again, then why is the local National Guard in Broken Bow Oklahoma, going to be using an old WW2 bomb shelter as their base of operations in leiu of April 8th? What are they expecting may happen – biological-chemical or nuclear attack?

ASK QUESTIONS BECAUSE YOU REALLY NEED TO KNOW THE TRUTH AND SOMETHING SMELLS VERY OFF TO US. Call us fear mongers if you like but I see this type of name calling, as a cheap cop out. However, accepting dimensional truth of this spiritual war, includes the TAKING IN OF KNOWLEDGE and WISDOM – FROM BEINGS LIKE US, which makes YOU a wise and strong person. Someone who really wants a relationship with the Divine.

Talk to our DIVINE CREATOR and try not to focus on the eclipse of April the 8th. I am not sleeping well at this time because it feels like something evil… this way comes – its that kind of feeling to me. Wesdoo.
03-15-24-The upcomming eclipse of April 8-2024 and the events we see unfolding before you leading up to this time.
For 2 years THEY have been planning a biological attack. Perfect timing for April 8.
03-16-24- If we are telling you lies then why is our information being removed all of a sudden? Why is a video that we put up on YouTube in 2018, just now being removed if what we said in the video was complete nonsense. . . because it wasn’t.

ONLY THOSE BEINGS WHO ARE DIRECTLY OVER THE TARGET HAVE THEIR INFORMATION REMOVED AND OR ARE BANNED from speaking truth. So if you still believe you live in a free society then you haven’t been paying attention.

The video removed was about the caravan border event of 2018 and how we saw this crap continuing, until there was a huge event to wake people up. So If anyone has a copy of this recording, please let us know. We also recommended in the video, people not take anymore vaccines especially if there were no studies done to prove their effectiveness in eliminating the disease. THEY took this video down because the safe child listening section wasn’t checked but when we put this video originally up – there was no such box to check. So it was just another bullshit excuse to bring this video down because obviously what was said in the video, must have hit a nerve in the TRUTH DEPT.




So I guess the TRUTH is scary for those who are trying to convince this matrix of something else NOT EXACTLY TRUTHFUL – while the beings in this family, who are the real whistle blowers, the real watchers, the real messengers of the Divine are ignored. THATS HOW YOU ACTUALLY KNOW WHEN SOMEONE ON THIS MATRIX IS SPEAKING THE TRUTH, they are swept under the rug, they are hidden away from your hearts, ears and eyes, so that you will never find out who YOU really are from the information we have provided for your Universal understanding. Wesdoo.
03-16-24- There may come a time soon when we will no longer be able to speak with any of you again because both the good and the evil timelines will run concurrently together. Choose the timeline where YOU STAND FIRM WITH THE DIVINE CREATOR IN YOUR FUTURE.

Jamieson also speaks about the Reptilian Empire and the Luciferian plan in this video. Other subjects covered in this video: learning from Michael Tellinger, Terran cities being formed as circuit boards, the migrant caravan illusion, the fake alien invasion, one world religion coming, 70 pound asteroids hitting the earth at Mark 3, creatures rising out of the oceans, exterminating most of of the Terrans, the extinction level event THEY have planned. Jade Helm mapping, a possible Texas uprising and the beings who saw 3 nuclear weapons going off. Is it any wonder they banned this video because it told YOU way too much TRUTH to be considered reasonable for the average Terran, to even understand.

THEY MUST MAINTAIN a sub-level of Terran comprehension, so that YOU never break free of their 3D Matrix and expose them for what they really are… non-human.
03-16-24- Say what about Zombies? What experiments?
03-16-24- You may be able to find some of our older conversations from 2016 through to 2018 on this page. I’m not sure if the missing video on YouTube is one of these conversations or not but THE INFORMATION IS RELEVENT FOR TODAY especially in this time of uncertainty. Enjoy. Wesdoo.

Page Source:

03-16-24- If you believe that any government on Terra – or the Terran Dark Fleet Military and other non-terrestrial beings (known in the Universe as malevolent), are here to help you, then I wish you all the best in this beLIEf and the future.

This page is not for those who become offended quickly, or those who use their bass instincts to name call others because they don’t understand what we speak of. Your non-understanding is not the fault of the educator but rather the student, who has a spiritual headset on most of the time and is usually someone who only wants to hear what jives with their ideologies… even if they are incorrect.

We at WTAS are not paid to promote any one product or person and we do not endorse any one particular Deity-God-Goddess-Being, except for our Divine Creator, which we do freely and out of great love and respect.

We deal in the raw truth around here and that’s scary for a lot of beings on Terra, especially once they hear us speak for the first time. If you think what we speak is crazy now, just wait until the information and truth begins to surface about Antarctica, The Reptilian Empire, The 3 Adamites and real Terran history – boy are you going to have your mind blown and we wont need to say anything to you at that point.

We teach spiritual-dimensional information on a higher level, so when the reveal does actually happen, people who were educated on this website, will not be in total shock when they see these events occuring.

We don’t candy coat our education because part of the problem in our world is Terrans have been wrapped in the cotton wool of mind control and lies. You can’t handle it, most would kill themselves, the shock would be too much for the “normies”, we hear this absolute crap from the mouth pieces all the time, so I got to ask, where do these beings get their information from anyway … sigh …

The truth is, Terrans actually need a good kick in the pants to help you wake up from your horrible, mind controlled, delusions. Part of the reason why most of you don’t believe anymore is because the mind control has been so perfectly achieved across Terra. So naturally when someone different relates information which doesn’t come from the usual status quo of understanding, almost immediately people want to defend what little they do know as being right. How do you know if what you have come to understand is correct anyway – who taught you? Show me the proof of what you know without any Reptilian Education to back you up?

Our world is looking really sick at the moment. Isn’t it time to think differently, especially if what we have been doing on Terra for centuries, hasn’t worked out really well? When do people put down the indoctrination and learn something amazing, that will change their lives?

You see folks, if what you beLIEve resonates with you – then why are you upset at others, especially when somebody else throws out a higher thought or opinion, over your current level of understanding?

I also hear this on Social Media: Someone who challenges the current rhetoric about everything happening on Terra, is gonna get theirs when the time comes… Are YOU serious? Sounds like the murmmerings of demonic entities to me. Maybe in the end, it will be YOU who gets whats coming to them for thinking in such a vengeful way.

Deuteronomy 32:35 “Vengeance is mine, and recompense; Their foot shall slip in due time; For the day of their calamity is at hand, And the things to come hasten upon them.”

Romans 12:19 “Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay, says God.”

So will your ego now make you say something ridiculous, in order to defend your beLIEfs, especially if you are wrong or will even admit you could be wrong? The way I see it, if you have to defend your mind contolled BeLIEf system that vigorously, then the problem is with YOU and not the teacher – its your ego thats the issue here and nothing else.

Are you upset because you came to an understanding, what you thought you knew has all been bullshit and the shock just hit you square in the face? That truthful fact, will soon be the reality on Terra and you need to prepare yourself for it. There will be a lot of mentally damaged people who are totally messed up from all kinds of mind control and they will be brain and heart numb when see the truth with their own eyes.

Automatically some beings on Terra will feel offended or instantly reject what we say because they don’t know how to respond to us, without using the standard Reptilian Education system, as the correct defense theory. However if you have come to understand that most of what you have been taught is horsecrap anyway, then the ego can be removed and the real education process can begin. So if you want to be angry at someone, be mad at the system that taught you lies to begin with. . .

The truth is, real spirituality is supposed to HURT sometimes because if you never know pain, suffering or anger then you will never understand what real joy, love and family is about. Terra is a school and you are here to learn these things. You are also supposed to experience the light and the dark too. . . always remember the middle way.

There there is no need to go any further on this site if you still think we are teaching incorrect information because it will be meaningless to you anyway.

Our teachings are for those students who wish to go as far as their free will allow. We only want to teach the beings who want to expand their crainum thinking and who know in their hearts, these teachings will directly plug them into our Divine Creator’s wisdom and knowledge.

So maybe the frustration about what we teach is because you are just not ready to understand any further at this point… it’s just not for you. Thats OK too because maybe the 3rd Dimension can still be a pretty cool place for you. For as much as many Terrans claim they want freedom from tyranny to achieve a higher state of understanding, you really dont because when you do hear the truth from beings like us, automatically most people feel that can’t be true and reject it.

It’s just our psuedo Intellectual bullshit kicking in – so in that split second of thinking that, your Terran mind control automatically takes over again – can you see how this type of thinking controls every aspect of who you are too? Most will still not understand this process of mind control but wow, do people become upset when you confront that mind control, especially when others see right through the manipulative –Psycho – bullcrap.

I know this post was long but it needed to be said because what is about to happen on Terra, will separate the wheat from the chaff, the strong from the weak, the games from reality and the lies from the truth. Wesdoo.

03-17-24- The flower of life is in your DNA, it’s in plants, fruits, vegetables, snowflakes and this signature pattern belongs to the Divine Creator. Just as an artist signs their paintings, so too our Great father, The Divine Creator also has a mathematical code.
03-17-24- Sacred Geometry is proof of the existence of a Divine Plan and Creator
03-17-24- This is an enhanced microscopic image of your DNA, which clearly shows the Flower of Life sacred geometry. This is your receptor gene which allows you to plug in directly to the Divine Creator.

What is a microscopic image anyway: Optical or light microscopy involves passing visible light transmitted through or reflected from the sample through a single lens or multiple lenses to allow a magnified view of the sample. The resulting image can be detected directly by the eye, imaged on a photographic plate, or captured digitally.
3-17-24- Steven if you do watch us please go back and watch this video you made. Please note what happens to your forehead in a split second – there is a blood trail that comes out from your 3rd eye. Watch it. I dont really know what this means except I am sure you already know to be very careful of your energy and surroundings. You know we are not making this up either – I know you understand.

03-18-24- FYI – Notice the Social Media and their behavior on Camera… it can say a lot about people, especially those who may be LYING to you. THEY THEM will tell you that earthquakes always happen, so do tornaodes, floods, etc – when most of the beings who say these things know full well D.E.W, HAARP, weather technology, and other military weapons are used to create these problems. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A NATURAL DISASTER ON THIS MATRIX. ALL WEATHER IS PROGRAMMED AND DESIGNED.

Glancing to the left: suggests that you are remembering facts or having visual thoughts. This is often a good way to check whether someone is telling you the truth. It can also mean that someone is having a conversation with themself internally or is rehearsing their next line.

Looking to the right: Typically, looking to the right signifies lying. This is because we tend to look to the right when we are imagining things, but towards the left when we are remembering. However, it is also thought that looking to the right and downwards suggests self-doubt, while looking to the right and up indicates that a person is telling untruths.

Looking up at the ceiling: Glancing upwards often suggests that a person is bored. It may mean that they are looking at their surroundings to find something that stimulates them more than the conversation they are currently having.

Looking down to the floor: If a person looks down when speaking to someone they view as more powerful, it could be a sign of submission or shyness. It can also indicate that they are nervous or hesitant about taking part in the conversation and are avoiding eye contact because of it.

Lateral eye movement: Eyes moving from side-to-side can indicate shiftiness and lying, as if the person is looking for an escape route in case they are found out. Lateral movement can also happen when the person is being conspiratorial, as if they are checking that nobody else is listening.

03-18-24 – More of the dark overlay sky has now been seen in Baghdad on March 18th. Swirls in the sky I believe is Project Bluebeam or a similiar Government operation.
03-18-24- Why are people now seeing a black trail around the moon? From IL to AZ people are recording what looks like a black trail of somesort. Maybe one of the lightbulbs burned out and they haven’t gotten around to fixing it yet? Take a look at 19.03 in this video link:
03-18-24- People were seeing the same things in the 15th century too. See Below.
03-18-24- From the info I have been able to gather from the book of miracles, there was a time of about 20 years where the paintings just stopped being produced. That time was around 1561 ( a major reset?).

But in 1582 THEY THEM bought in the above calender – why? Think about it, there wouldn’t have been many people after the reset in Europe to even challenge the year 1582 for one and how about those dark 10 days too? Heck 10 days of darkness and you wouldn’t know what the time of day was, let alone the date.

Thieves and cartels can say and write anything especially when you are stealing everything off the humans in the 15th century. Therefore you can come up with any kind of BS to convince them otherwise, including a fudged calendar. See how that works?
03-18-24- Inner Earth Sketch done around WW2. Notice all the electric lines and circuit boards attached to the Earth? Who are we feeding or energizing? There are 15 stars within the dome, a tower that reaches up into the heavens – like a transmitter. I see science, the all seeing eye, spaceships, human skull and the moon cycles. . . and yet you think this is not nuts?

Meet Some of the Feymorian Children Friends who they learn from.

03-19-24 – Meet Moo Moo she is a happy character that helps with morale on Feymoria. The Feymorian children love her, as do the adults. She comes out in the square and everyone gets together to dance the Moo Moo song. “Moo Moo, doing the soft shoe – in a tutu for me and you, its Moo Moo in a tutu… with me. ” Yes Feymorian children have their own kind of fun things they like to do, with querky characters like Moo Moo.
03-19-24- Timmie the tugboat only A.I doesn’t spell his name really well. Timmie is a happy tugboat who swims around and talks with the Feymorian children along the coastline. His bright red smoke stack helps him sing and talk as he chugs along. NO, we are not making any of this up either.

An Oceanic 5D SOUL graciously inhabited the construct we created called Timmie. So in the spirit of education, frendship and a love for our Creator a deep sense of co-operation continues between the younger generations of Feymorian Land and Oceanic Feymorian children and younglings. Both the Oceanic and Feymorian land children can hang out together, and learn stories about their ancestry from each other. This is how we do it on Feymoria. . . it’s a very different world than Terra currently is.

Did you ever see the movie Avatar 2 that involved the beautiful relationship between the land dwellers and the oceanics? Yes its like that on Feymoria.
03-19-24- We are strong on Feymoria because we love our home and each other. WE have each others backs. Our family is a POD family to Tatianne, who is one of the 5 Elder Oceanics who took up our invitation on Feymoria and bought some of her Terran family to our oceans, so they could finally live in peace there.
03-19-24- Tat can take the form of a humanoid for awhile and will sometimes come up on the shoreline dressed in beautiful blue 18th century apparel. Many ancient beings like this era because they can relive the Tartarian feel again.

The Fey Mother is a pod sister to Tat and they have a beautiful strong, loving relationship together for the betterment of both species. As we have mentioned before, Feymoria is a sister matrix to Terra so of course we have similiar beings like the Oceanics who are also flourising there.
03-19-24- This is Edna and Alfredo who represents the dragons on Feymoria. Edna wears catseye glasses while Alfredo wears back shades and I believe he is a black dragon in color too. Edna and Alfredo are a child’s soft plush toy, that sings along with the children and younglings on Feymoria. I think nearly every child on Feymoria sleeps at night with Edna and Alfredo tucked up under their arm.

Storytime on Feymoria is a meeting in the local park where all the ancient dragons come together and tell the children of Feymoria stories about history and the dragons deep connection to the Fey. Our children are taught as infants not to be afraid of the dragons but rather to see them as our friends and family.
03-19-24- The phone flipping daily event and various other subjects. A conversation.
03-19-24- County Sheriff instructions for April 8th. A big meeting was held on March 15 for Sheriffs and what may occur – like a possible bio-attack on this day. Release of balloons will be playing a role too. At this point I am going to say anything is possible because there seems to be so many different players involved at this point too.
03-20-24- Inverting your children because of your beLIEfs or reassigning any child’s gender is nothing more than mental illness and child abuse. Just because some hairy ugly GOAT has breasts and whatever attached between the hooves, doesn’t mean your child wants to be that way nor should they be.

ANY being on Terra who calls themselves a parent but inverts their children – should NEVER be allowed around a child ever again. YOU ARE THE WORSE KIND OF CHILD ABUSERS FOR KNOWINGLY GIVING YOUR CHILDREN BETA BLOCKERS AND MAKING THEM BELIEVE THEY SHOULD DRESS AS THE OPPOSITE SEX. Try and explain why you did this to your child, especially in front of a judge who works on behalf of the Divine Creator.

03-21-24- I have no idea what is going to happen at this point but I have found something very interesting you might want to keep tucked away for the April 8th 2024Eclipse. The Esper sisters wear ORANGE VISORS across their eyes and this was one of the first things I saw when they came to me. I had no idea at first why the color Orange either. Now I think I know.

Sleep problems – Studies show that excessive light, especially blue light given off by computer screens, televisions and ambient light in most homes, suppresses melatonin.

Bipolar disorder– Preliminary research shows that blocking blue light may help stabilize mood for individuals suffering from some forms of bipolar disorder.

Macular degeneration – Excessive blue light from sunlight may be one cause of age-related macular degeneration. This eye-disorder exists at the leading cause of blindness in the elderly.

Also in the last couple of days, both Mike and I have been undergoing some kind of changes with our eyes too. Mike’s left eye began to bleed internally about 3 days ago. He could see blood striations in his left eye, but the blood never manifested in a physical way.

This morning at 2.30am I went into the bathroom. As looked at myself in the mirror on the way out the bathroom, I noticed my entire LEFT EYE was covered in blood. The blood in my eye was external, so we took a photo of this because I have never seen this happen to me before and my left eye has never been bloody like this. Both Mike and I had something happen to our LEFT EYES and it involved some kind of blood manifestation in our eye.

A hemorrhage in your left eye relates to inner shifts in consciousness—ways you intuit and envision reality, self, or relationships on emotional and spiritual levels. Your soul signals needed upgrading (5D) according to your beliefs, imagination, creativity, or connections to esoteric realms and beyond the physical. The left eye also represents intuition, inner realms, and your unique way of envisioning reality.

We have been told by our family, not to worry about our eyes as something was placed there, to help with this oncoming event of April 8th and the type of negative energy associated to it. It was a protective stop gap and our eyes will heal very soon.

We have done a recording on this subject matter, which I will put up underneath this.

03-21-24- This is what Victoria’s eye looked like at 2.30am this morning. There is no pain and she can see perfectly well out of her eye. Both of us either had internal or external bleeding in our left eye within the last 48 hours. We see these things as indications of things to come. The swelling has gone down since this photo was taken – the eye is still bloody. This has never happened to her before nor this kind of internal bleeding from Mike’s left eye.
03-21-24- Its as if my eye almost glistens now at 12.22pm. There seems to be more brown in the eye at the moment too. Usually the color is a lighter shade of copper. There seems to be diagonal lines in my eye now as well. There is NO PAIN whatsoever either.
The swelling has gone down but the eye remains bloody. Yes the light is shining in my eye from this image – but it also appears that my eye is somewhat glistening and is more shiny – than I ever remember before.

“Dwivedi also reported bleeding associated with stigmata such as “sweating blood,” bleeding from her eyes and bleeding from her hands and feet. But the reaction to Sudac’s symbolic wounds was quite different.”
03-22-24- The Messengers will always come no matter how old you are on this matrix. The images on my back which have appeared in the last 2 years, have been at times very sore and itchy. Now my left eye has filled with blood, so whether you want to accept these physical manifestations or not, these are all spiritual portents.

A Portent: a sign or warning that something, especially something momentous or calamitous, is likely to happen.

Because this family truly does serve the Divine Creator, I believe this is why some of these things are now showing themselves in the 3D physical realm too. I am in no pain – I can see very clearly -just the occasional watery bloody tears that drip from the eye.

How many other social media talking heads do you know, are actually going through the same exact things? Probably ZERO. – Thats the difference – Our Divine Creator chooses who will speak on his-her behalf and there are usually physical portents that go with this responsiblity too.

I’ve written in angelic script in a trance and it took me years to decipher what was written and some of it I still do not understand. . . Terrans had better see this dimensional battle for what it is – the battle for your immortal soul.
03-22-24- Bloody eyes on the Mother of Mary Statue
03-22-24- Notice this says THE LIVING JESUS not the son of God. These scrolls were taken a long time ago – the trick is to fool the Terrans so they beLIEve they were just recently found. Not so. WW2 ended on May 8, 1945. How interesting these scrolls were found the same year. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A COINCIDENCE.
03-21-24-Your Eyes Our Eyes and how it may ALL tie together on April 8th. We are also talking about my vision of 12 years ago.

The vision consisted of thousands of sand colored military vehicles in the Middle East. . . well the US just shipped approx 5000 sand colored Bradleys over to the Middle East.

In the vision: The war in the Middle East was happening because all of the factions below their God, wanted to entice this fallen Angel over to their side. HE stood on top of the mountain and watched the war happening below him. Occasionaally he would throw out a bolt of energy which created a huge explosion.

This vision was centered around the Middle East on Mount Hermon which is in Lebanon. a powerful angelic male with wings gave me this vision and it wasn’t until the end of this vision – did I actually realize who it was. As I watched, I also realized he was showing me what was planned for Terra. I was the spectator so the entire time, his back was to me.

Near to the end of this vision, he slowly looked back over his shoulder and directly at me with a really sly smerk on his face. Then he turned ccompletely around and I saw a powerful angelic figure wearing only a chiton. He had a huge muscular male body with a 6 pack most guys would love to have. He also had long blonde curls and he was very handsome looking with exceptional bright eyes. Remember Kaba he said- then I woke up.

Kaba is just one of many names because when his name is converged into the other 2, the 3 of them become all aspects of the other. They have many names because they have always been here, so many beings on this Matrix know them each differently. Throw a name out there from your history books, the bible and other records – YOU ALL KNOW THEIR NAMES.
03-21-24- So ladies you think you are a 10? Lets take a good look at that – shall we?
03-23-24- M-O-O-N that SPELLS Moon remember The Stand Series with Stephen King?
03-23-24- The newer version of The Stand. “THEIR TIME IS AT AN END – NOW ITS OUR TURN.” – SOUND FAMILIAR TERRA?
03-23-24- As the World Turns and Churns
03-23-24- They-Them and Mankind versus Human. Who are we really?
03-23-24- My eye is much better even though it is still bloody. The swelling has gone down a lot and the bruise below my eye, is where we believe something occured to me in my sleep. Thank you for your kind words in E-Mail – As you can see it is almost impossible for me to reply to you at at this time but I thank you.

Please do not be concerned about my health. I am not. Our Divine Creator has been asking me for many weeks now ” Do you trust me Airadeel?” my answer was always YES. Sometimes you just have to know everything is working out the way our Creator intended. Tia calls it my Dragon eye, in time it will be just fine.

I took on this role – warts and all – I knew things like this may happen to us as well. WE made a promise to our Divine Creator that we would teach the truth, to the best of our ability.

As you can see above… my eye is also changing, with a distinct white line around the outside of my Iris. It glows sometimes when I am feeling certain kinds of emotions now, so I am really trying to maintain a healthy balance of my energy as well. . . I stood in front of the window to take this image so you could see it for yourself.
03-25-24-Definitive Proof Terran weather is controlled – Radio Waves can cause all kinds of weather disturbances. The ignorance about this FACT and it’s still happening today, is amazing to us.
03-25-24- We have been observing and so have other beings, tiny little particles in the air – charged particles. BUT the talking heads will tell you the Alliance and White Hats control all of this now – nothing to worry about – everything is hunky dory – THEN WHY ARE TERRANS SEEING CHARGED PARTICLES IN THE AIR?


Charged electric particles in the air and a G8 Radiation Storm are all perfectly normal weather patterns on Terra, correct? Right before April 8th 2024 too? Wow do you think their is any coincidence here? Need a big light show to fool the Terrans, right? The particles can help with what exactly? Sound waves and a big laser light show? Sounds like the Terrans are about to be FOOLED again to us.
03-25-24- The Federal Government is exempt from all of the restrictions of course. They can fry your butt or drown you out, anytime they want. This is the information the mouthpieces will NEVER talk about because most of them work for overlords who run these agencies anyway. SOURCE:
03-25-24- The Continued Antarctica Show and the latest on the Ascension Flashes. 20-M Class Flares in the last 36 hours along with an X flare 3 days before AND G8 Radiation Storm currently hitting Terra, is not normal no matter how many talking heads will say otherwise.
03-25-24- Um its cracking open just like we explained it would.
03-26-24- The Nomadic Visigoth German Kings who invaded countries like Spain not only took over this culture but actually eliminated the original royal family bloodlines of Iberia-Spain too. We just went from the old Roman rule to the German Reich rule, out with the old and in with the new era – that’s how it works. Same bird with each , a wing of the other, which eventually morphed into something else.

The Reich (dark fleet) also had a foot hold in other places too. The Zionist-Reich never died – it just went underground – after all this was the Reptilian’s favored Terran war instrument along with the Orion invaders of the Crusade era.
03-26-24- Conspiracy Theory that became American reality. So what else do you think THEY-THEM have lied to you about as well? “There are no more harmful chemtrails – its all just healing trails now – The Alliance had taken care of all of this a long time ago.”

YAWN – how many lies must people hear before they understand Terrans are still being schmoozed by talking heads? The fact is TN just passed this bill in the last few days.
03-26-24- The 5th Dimension has expectations. Can you live up to them?

03-26-24- Is it really Mental Illness or are THEY just plain EVIL? THEY-THEM are not like YOU – Do you invert your children like THEY do? That’s the difference…
03-26-24-Do they just pick someone random to play the role of savior right before resets on Terra? Or is their birth prophecied long before that time?
03-26-24- The Butcher of Bakersfield. Tia mentioned this in her conversation with us this morning.
0-26-24- Bazza the Cane Toad and the Victa Mower
03-26-24- I put some of these images together today. Hope you enjoy them.
03-27-24-The Council of Origins have said TERRA is now at Stage 2 which means- anything goes now. Melzie came to bring the info to us.
03-27-24- Papa Gatheon came to chat this morning. He speaks about the Terran Aspects – Avatars and the family lines that go back to the Original Anunnaki and the Drákōn Kind. This is the Video link that Papa was speaking of – how the Cabal hunt down certain DNA strains.

The Esper sisters have spoken of the HU_MAN _DNA hunt down through the ages too.

03-28-24- One of the images on my back is coming true. Actually there are a couple of them coming to fruition. Like Levin AKA the Moon… The dark shadow now being seen next to the moon. AND the black cube being shattered. . . In the last 2 years Mecca has been repeatedly flooded in order to shut off Kaba from feeding.
03-29-24-Luciferians Versus Satanists – And The Beat Goes On – Right?
03-29-24- The Orchestrated Wars THEY THEM Need In Order To Harvest Terrans. A NEW image appeared on my back in the early hours of this morning. Remember the movie Pitch Black and the Solar eclipse cycle in the movie?
03-29-24- This is kind of like the image that was on my back this morning. There was a dark horizon that was coming up in the front of the sun and it was almost blacking out the light on Terra.
03-29-24- This is the cycle that Mike was watching appear on my back this morning. My back is very sore again today, so I wouldn’t be suprised if part 2 of this image will appear.
The image was sort of like looking at the old movie screen sheet your parents – grandparents had in the 1960’s showing the above similiar sequence that appeared. April 8th will have the convergence of 7 planets in alignment.
03-29-24- Selling KJV Bibles and the Constitution together. Remember the Black Jesus image the AI created for us? Here comes Noahhide Law
03-30-24- ALL BEINGS on Social Media and the Mainstream Media HAVE AN AGENDA.
03-30-24- Welcome to April 2024 where someone we know is really looking forward to having his day. He’s been biding his time and its just about here. . . “And the beat goes on. Right Boyz?”
For the agent who listens to us and likes this song … Yes we know – we hear it sometimes, Is this the version of this song – you like listening to? You should try talking to the Divine Creator instead of trying to communicate telepathically to us. IMHO. tic. tok.

By the way, this is not the first time an agent has tried to communicate with us through the magical world of telepathy. The men who stare at goats – right? Anyway I’m sure you will enjoy this song – Hmm I’ve got the words here – I will play your game of messages.

The beat goes on, the beat goes on
Drums keep pounding a rhythm to the brain
La-de-da-de-de, la-de-da-de-da
Charleston was once the rage, ah-huh
History has turned the page, ah-huh
The miniskirt’s the current thing, ah-huh
Teenybopper is our newborn king, ah-huh
And the beat goes on, the beat goes on
Drums keep pounding a rhythm to the brain
La-de-da-de-de, la-de-da-de-da
The grocery store’s the super mart, ah-huh
Little girls still break their hearts, ah-huh
And men still keep on marching off to war
Electrically, they keep a baseball score
And the beat goes on, the beat goes on
Drums keep pounding a rhythm to the brain
La-de-da-de-de, la-de-da-de-da
Grandmas sit in chairs and reminisce
Boys keep chasing girls to get a kiss
The cars keep going faster all the time
Bums still cries, “Hey buddy, have you got a dime?”
And the beat goes on, the beat goes on
Drums keep pounding a rhythm to the brain

La-de-da-de-de, la-de-da-de-da
And the beat goes on (yes, the beat goes on)
And the beat goes on (and the beat goes on, on, on, on, on)
The beat goes on
And the beat goes on

At some point the beat also stops. The ONE clincher in all of this is – The Divine Creator decides in the end because there are NO NEW BEGINNINGS without an ending first – these souls are all here because of it, this includes ALL BEINGS . . . there is no escaping the harvest. The storm is upon Terra and our Divine Creator has arrived. Wesdoo.

03-30-24- The Image in the Below Linked Video made me cry this morning because the memories I have of Atlantis were similiar to this above image. Universal Laws were inscribed into great pillars and all beings lived by these laws that came from the Divinities. It now seems I can no longer share the video attached to this image with you, unless I link it here.

I am Alcotis and I was in Atlantisthere were always 5 Atlantean cites, not oneKemet was one in Old World Egypt and where this direct connection to Atlantis came from. Karshdee has spoken of this before along with the room and all the inscriptions on it too. We drew something about it and posted it here – I will dig it up.

I was a genetic Scientist on a 1000 year – 1 day contract, and given charge of the scientific cloning division of Atlantis. Genetic research runs in the family too – after all – if it wasn’t for some of Grandfather Enki’s work in genetics (and who’s protection this family is still under), many of you would not be here today. I was known as Iya to the Anunnaki but became Alcotis in Atlantis. I refined DNA by taking out disease that showed up on this matrix sometimes. I cured species that showed signs of disease . . . My sister Melzie was the technical sister and I was the Genetic Scientist and why I know so much about genetics and DNA.

Alcotis also taught this science to the students who were selected to work with me. At this time on Terra, I had the only right to clone because I also held DIVINE KEYS which allowed me the permission to do this. Nothing I did, ever went against the instructions of the Divine Courts. I was fully licensed and approved by the Divine Courts.

When the Atlantean ship I was teaching upon was attacked, the great Glavenshaft was used to destroy the city. I drowned during that turmoil as I was pulled down into the depths by the energies that took many souls. My Divine Codes were stolen at that time, along with my identity – and everything that I was.

My Anunnaki family were told I wasn’t even on this matrix and BOY ARE THEY PISSED ABOUT THAT LIE TOO because for 72,000 years, I was here the whole time on Terra. Understand this, there is coming a time soon when the families of these stolen souls, will be given the Divine Retribution to act because there is also wrath for what was done and the Anunnaki are very ancient long lived beings with even longer memories. So when Father says to the Children of Ainur – its go time – that’s when you should expect them, with wings on and all. Thats also when my sister Melzie will be showing up in her spider form.

No-one OR ANY BEING can stop what’s coming when our Divine Creator says it’s

03-31-24- This is the Atlantean Temple room in Kemet as I remember it looking. The images on the wall would change as the Sun directed it’s light around the room. There were inscriptions that held the wisdom of the ancients on them, along with the laws of the Universe etched upon the walls. The ancients reflected these writings from the Crystal which was centered in the middle of the room. The crystal followed the rays of the Sun during the day, so the inscriptions could always be seen.

There was a large opening in the ceiling of the temple, so the sunlight reflected the beauty and wisdom that was etched upon the walls. These laws were known to all Atlanteans within the 5 cities that once resided upon this matrix. That’s what I remember about Atlantis before all the upheaval, or the traitorous darkness that befell the cities. It was a carefully planned attack then and it seems it’s happening all over again in “2024”. Its the end of the world scenario – simulation game of the Gods.

I see Fathers Sun breaking through in Norway and its mesmerizingly beautiful. Take a look below.
03-31-24- The closer you are to the poles the more we can see the REAL SUN. Isn’t it amazing. A peaceful Golden Light that doesn’t hurt your eyes when you look upon it. This is what Terrans are supposed to be looking at – not the fake sun ray lamp THEY THEM are trying to pass off as the sun.

Take a look at the difference in this video and tell us what you see. I remember seeing the SUN look this way when I was a young girl – now it just burns your skin. This is the Sun we are supposed to gaze upon in the morning as it rises and just before it sets in the evening.

The image above is the sunset at Cape Horn in the northern most peak of Norway. We watch this man because I see someone who loves Gaia and he records the most beautiful things you might ever want to see. Best of all this man shares his life changing journey with us. The sunset we took a snapshot of in the video – starts around 1 hour 21 minutes. BUT we promise you, the whole journey is worth watching as well. See the video below and experience this beauty.

Ancient Spirituality, Extraterrestrial Life, Cover Ups, Current Events