November, 2023 – CRF

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11-01-23- If you wish to call this your homework – then so be it. We have already given you the clues of what NOT to look for.
11-01-23- People are so worked up and willing to believe the lies about war.
11-01-23- The Spice must flow as it was spoken of in Dune.
11-01-23-Changing Terran Energies and the reluctancy to want to really change…
11-02-23-Talking-Heads and their Politics. Do YOU actually beLIEve them?
11-03-23- Fae-Human-Traits are starting to show through on Terra
11-03-23-Feebis came with a message from our Divine Creator. Its Van Helsing Time.
11-05-23- Remember YOU are Wearing a Costume
11-05-23- About Avatars and Terrans. What kind and how it affects YOU
11-05-23-Yes… We Need Each Other because communities will need skills and people to help rebuild our society.
11-07-23- Tia Came To Visit – She was just the medicine we needed too.
11-07-23- The Mushroom Cloud Song With Vlad and Stephen.
11-09-23- Apparitions and Other Things Appearing as Timelines Converge.
11-09-23- Melzie Came For A Visit With Current Updates.
11-11-23- What A Mess The Middle East BS is. . . Egypt wont take refugees because many of their leaders support Israel. One of their leaders is half Jewish – so does anything about what you are being told by mouthpieces and media making any sense to you?
11-11-23- A Very Serious Trend Happening Here…

11-11-23- This is called KABAH, or as I refer to this as The black cube of Saturn. The being who communicated with me over 13 years ago about the war in the Middle East was called KABA…until today 11-11-23 I had no idea of the connection between the Cube and the Entity who called himself KABA to me. There is no such thing as a coincidence.
11-11-23- ALLAH or KABA?
11-11-13 – KABA. None of this is random. This being wanted me to know him.
11-11-23- What is happening in Iceland and Who is KABA-KAABA-KABAH really?
11-11-23- Mikes Dreams and Their Connection To Father
11-11-23- The Schumann had a spike at 2 today – in the 3 to 8 MHz level. The speech below by Ebrahim Raisi was given right before this spike occurred. There is no such thing as a coincidence.
Acts 2:17-19: New Living Translation
‘In the last days,’ God says, ‘I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams. 18: In those days I will pour out my Spirit even on my servants—men and women alike— and they will prophesy. 19: And I will cause wonders in the heavens above and signs on the earth below — blood and fire and clouds of smoke.
The Schumann 11-11-23 – Can you see the spike at 2? When you invert the spike on the Schumann – the Image of Jesus on the Cross appears.
11-11-23- Ebrahim Raisi is calling for unity for all Muslims. In old world prophecy this was called a Caliphate… America is also named in this speech as Zionist supporters…its crunch time folks. The time on this speech says 12.34 GMT time. The Jesus on the cross image showed up at 2 on the Schumann… none of this is random.
11-12-23-Impus speaks about Nomadic lifestyles on Terra but as usual our conversation flows into other arena’s of conversation.
11-12-23- We encourage you to watch this video as it explains the Anunnaki – The Children of Anuir and the Terran connection. This video may help you make sense on the Inversion of Reptilian education over what Enki really tried to teach on this matrix. Even now in 2023 the Anunnaki connection to Terra is very real. Our family is real…
11-12-23- Anunnaki acting roles on the School of Terra. Watch the above video to understand why Enki once said “NOW Finally my dream for humanity can be fulfilled. I am pleased.” It also makes sense why his son Marduk opposes his father. Its all related folks on the education of Terrans. The problem is your school matrix was hijacked by the real Reptilians – not the ones they accuse of being evil throughout your history. Think Inversion and you will find the truth.

11-12-23- My back has been itching and burning all week. One image appears and then within 24 hours, a new image is there. If you want to know how this looks on my back…

See in your mind the old black and white negatives you were given from your camera film (they put them in a cool little envelope at the Photo Service). Anyway the negative type of image, is a transfer of energy similar to that…

In the last week: The same type of images have been occurring on my back like 2 Terra’s (Earth). The second is of a mother ship jumping portals toward Earth, with hundreds of smaller ships following along.

Todays Image 11-12-23: Our Original Terra has energy coming out from it and it’s been transferred to Earth 2. This energy has been happening for a couple of days now.

On the other hand there are other images appearing on my back, that may also affect Terra. There is a Mothership headed for Terra which I now believe has arrived close to our Solar System.

The image that appeared on my back this morning showed a Mothership with hundreds of other smaller ships, situated directly underneath Terra. It was as if the mothership was waiting on something, while Terra and Earth 2 continued to transfer energy from one matrix to the other.

11-12-23- Remember this back image that appeared on 03-11-23? I believe the new images appearing have something to do with this previous image.
11-12-23- What are the odds – the images on my back coincide with tales from Sci-Fi series called Earth 2 as well? Why would that be unless this was all planned from the get go? According to my back image… energy is being transferred from Terra and then onto Earth 2?

SO what if these wars and movies happening in politics is all the distraction as THEY – THEM continue to harvest this original matrix, while sending souls from Terra and onto Earth 2? Something to think about isn’t it?
11-15-23- The acceptance of the killing on Terra is a Mental Construct bought to you by the evil that controls this matrix
11-15-23- The Reptilian Undermining of Everything – They even try it on Feymoria
11-15-23- A day in the life of a Gazan citizen, waiting on trucks to bring supplies. . .
11-15-23-The Final Separation of the Paint– is happening right now on Terra.
11-15-23- Remember the very different 2 worlds you are living in between at this time.
11-15-23- It was always right in front of you. They them made it hard to find through religion, politics, false realities and a whole lot of lies.
11-17-23- We asked Aya about the mouthpieces taking their crowd of listeners with them to Earth 2 Matrix. Yes he said… “I believe thats correct,” and why we say be careful who you listen and give your energy away to.
11-17-23-Its finally clicking over in the minds of the Terrans. Yes…You’ve been had.
11-18-23- True Refugees fleeing from Destruction, yet Terrans seem to think its all under control on this matrix, when the actual truth is…it’s only just begun folks.
11-19-23- THEY Control the weather and the Terrans … they always have.

11-20-23- Unless you have battled with a dimensional entity for hours, been torn up physically with scratches, bruises and broken limbs and then live to survive it… THEN NONE OF YOU MOUTHPIECES HAVE A CLUE WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT.

People can say whatever they THINK these dimensional beings want, and the mouthpieces will also tell you, they know how to manipulate these entities, but the truth is they DON’T.

THEY-THEM ARE TOTALLY UNPREDICTABLE, many of these beings are really nasty, they try and cast binding spells upon you – to eventually control you, they are usually vicious to females – they try to rape and molest them as they sleep, they cause all kinds of problems in your life but HEY DONT TAKE MY WORD FOR IT… just invite a few into your home by playing with your Ouija Boards, have another séance and finally, lets play around with Witchcraft and see if we can summon them. Sounds reasonable right? Truth is, in the end it will be the person playing around with these tools that will end up being controlled an not THEY-THEM.

The average IQ on this matrix now is 82, SO WHO ARE YOU TERRANS actually listening to anyway? Mouthpieces with room temperature IQ’s and you think these people have all the answers? MOUTHPIECES ARE ALSO CONTROLLED BY THE MILITARY, ZIONIST AND THE ALLIANCE TOO…

Remember this scripture from the black book of soul sucking because its never been more TRUTHFUL at this time… “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it.” – Matthew 7:13-14

DIMENSIONAL BEINGS WILL BE MORE THAN HAPPY TO OBLIGE someone for awhile until you ask for too much and PISS THEM OFF. Then YOU WILL BE HARRASED BY THESE BEINGS FOR THE REST OF YOUR FLESHLY LIVES. That’s really how it works interacting with dimensional beings on this Matrix.

GROW UP TERRA and smell the coffee, YOU played with fire, YOU listened to their BS, YOU wanted the power, YOU wanted the secret knowledge, YOU wanted the adoration, YOU wanted the sex, YOU wanted the money… so now the rest of Terra and all sentient lifeforms on this Matrix is about to pay the price for interacting with these nasty entities. WE DID IT TO OURSELVES AND THATS THE HARD PILL TO SWALLOW, isn’t it?

You think 2023 was rough? Just wait until 2024, its going to be jammed packed with all kinds of dimensional BS like you have never seen before. Good or Bad get ready for it emotionally, mentally and spiritually because its coming like a freight train out of nowhere.

11-21-23- Terra Receives Max Headroom Education On This Matrix
Max Headroom was an AI program from Mid 1980’s to 2008 which helped, to mould and mind control the Terrans. Here he is on YouTube: Now in 2023 we have life like chat bots with cogs in their chins telling the Terrans how they should act, feel and think. Its the same thing – just in a different era.
11-21-23-Festival of Lights and The Loss of Civility In Our Society
11-21-23- I know a lot of the Ancient Females. I love many of them because Terra has been told so many lies about these beings too. My sisters are not evil -however the beings who educated YOU and the rest of Terra into beLIEving their lies… are.
11-22-23- The Sun is coming through in the Valley as the golden rays spread out . . .
Strange looking cloud above the rays in the twilight image don’t you think?

I suppose I could say it is an Anunnaki Sky Command vessel that’s often seen around here (in cloud form) but you probably wouldn’t believe me anyway. BUT don’t you think its wild how similar these “clouds” look in the Sunlight and Morning Twilight photos. 😏

Gee… wait a minute, these days clouds can be made from technology, you know…the weather warfare kind, so there’s one option. Or could it be actual non-terrestrials that your Reptilian Government Education tells you doesn’t exist? Funny though, these strange looking “cloud” structures seem to have a definite form before the sun rises each morning and then again while its high in the sky too. What are the odds of that?

I put the full size images on Telegram if you want a better look 😉
11-22-23- Here is the absolute truth of these “Handbags” as was told to me by my Anunnaki Family below. The lies just keep on coming THEY will never tell you the truth.

There are different symbols and images on these bags, so whomever receives the bag (usually a God or Goddess), would take this type of DNA with them and help The Divine Creator seed a new matrix and is part of the Divinities Duties.

Each bag contains a dimensional portable lab inside, which enables the user to detect any type of disability-disease in the seed they spread from these bags. Only perfect seeds are grown and the imperfect ones are detected. Sound familiar Terra?

The bags have a spiritual reference in the sense… they carry, different DNA throughout the multiverse… So of Course there are beings who are working on behalf of the Creator of All who help populate with plant life, animal life, non-terrestrial DNA, life supporting bacteria and fungus, etc. This is how the Universe works and not the fairytale this video is trying to manipulate you into beLIEving is correct.

THEY will NEVER tell you the absolute truth because once you come to really understand what is going on…THEY THEM lose total control of YOU and that’s really scary to these entities fighting to keep your soul on this 3D Terra.
11-23-23 – Back in Sept 2023 I had a back image of multiple Green Stars falling from the Heavens. It has begun… as a green star was recently seen falling in France. I put this up Telegram for you to check out.

Because these darker beings are using the BIBLE as their playbook – I see Revelations in an entirely different way now… I see it from a dimensional aspect of how they can make all this prophecy come to life with the help of advanced Technology.

Revelation 9: 1 to 5… The fifth angel sounded his trumpet, and I saw a star that had fallen from the sky to the earth. The star was given the key to the shaft of the Abyss. ( In the movie War of the Worlds Pods fell from the heavens and into the Earth. Also, Divine Key-Codes open up all kinds of dimensional constructs too. )

2  When he opened the Abyss, smoke rose from it like the smoke from a gigantic furnace. The sun and sky were darkened by the smoke from the Abyss.  (Q information tells us that in a few days everything will go dark and its necessary. Dec 1st 2023 I believe…we shall see. However the Sun is popping if you believe that too. )

3 And out of the smoke locusts came down on the earth and were given power like that of scorpions of the earth. (The Calegic Force Harvesting as some of them are Mantids.)

4 They (The Calegic Force) were told not to harm the grass of the earth or any plant or tree, but only those people who did not have the seal of God on their foreheads. (Those children who bar the Divine Creators mark will be spared. As will certain animals and vegetation upon Terra. The Calegic Force have already admitted to us, they are forbidden to take Fathers children and we have recorded their words on 2 different YouTube Video’s.)

5 They were not allowed to kill them but only to torture them for five months. (Would that be like the transfer of souls happening from this matrix to the other – going on now?) And the agony they suffered was like that of the sting of a scorpion when it strikes. (If you are not under The Divine Creator’s protection as one of the children… well you can read the scripture for yourself. Could be a dimensional spiritual pain reference too.)
11-23-23- About This Holiday Season for everyone and for Trisha – how to get through it.
11-23-23- Dutch Found Out Too – from making $10,000 a month to Zero because when you discover the REAL TRUTH – THEY THEM shut you down. Dutch now believes its just a matter of time before something else more sinister, will occur to his family. . . and WE KNOW ALL ABOUT THAT TOO.

In this recording AYA the Anunnaki King explains what those WATCHES (time devices) and HANDBAGS (portable DNA lab) actually do to help the Anunnaki.
11-25-23- Very Interesting Video about the missing plane.
11-25-23-The New Back Image Leads Us To Believe There are 3 Flashes Coming?
11-25-23- New Back Image Description
11-25-23- “Through dance I am able to express my dreams, visions and stories, both historical and contemporary.” ~ Santee Smith- Kaha:wi Dance Theatre.
11-27-23- This Recording is For The Alliance. We have no interest in talking with any of you, until ALL OF YOU fulfill our Divine Creators requests for the Terrans. We no longer beLIEve any of you. Prove us wrong.

11-27-23- An Adjustment to yesterdays back image. This morning there were 4 pulsing streaks on my back – not like the 3 that appeared yesterday. The matrix Terra was still in the same position along with the Divine Creator’s sun remaining over the left shoulder. 4 pulsing streaks now instead of 3.

11-28-23 The A.I Generated Images of AYA which is pretty accurate.
11-28-23 The Blue Flame changes Aya’s eyes sometimes to a brilliant blue.

On 11-27-23- This morning there were 4 pulsing streaks on my back – not like the 3 that appeared yesterday. The matrix Terra, was still in the same position underneath these pulsing streaks, along with the Divine Creator’s sun remaining over the left shoulder. 4 pulsing streaks now instead of 3.

Today on 11-28-23- We have been told today, what the 4 pulsing streaks on my back represented…we were told this morning by my papa Gatheon… he confirmed to us… this is the end of days all souls who are ascending will do so very soon. Whether its back to this 3rd dimension or into the 5th, our Divine Creator will be sorting everyone as he mentioned this morning, he has already decided who will be going where.

Please also understand, not everyone will physically make it to the end and some of you will pass away before reaching that time. Depending on where you live in the world, as long as your relationship with the Divine Creator is strong, then you have nothing to fear.

SO… THERE WILL BE 4 MAJOR EVENTS HAPPENING ON TERRA VERY SOON. THOSE MAJOR EVENTS WILL DETERMINE WHERE YOU WILL BE PLACED depending on which God you really serve, your level of spiritual comprehension and your direct relationship with the Divine Creator.

One of these 4 events will include the arrival of the Anti-Christ. Be careful what you wish for Terra because it looks like we are going to get it very soon…


11-29-23- We may not be able to communicate as well for awhile as Mike’s computer was fried last night and this is our 5th computer gone belly up now. It was NO COINCIDENCE this happened after I spoke with my father Gatheon yesterday. Then around 6.30pm, Mike’s computer was fried as he logged in. Of course this also happened just as we were about to complete something very important online too.

It was Gatheon who broke down the information that was seen on my back earlier. You know, The 4 spiritual-dimensional events coming to Terra. One of which includes big red at the same time.

FYI: Gatheon raised me and it no longer matters if you believe this or not because that time has passed. The being Gatheon my father – has never lied to me or anyone else BUT I also know 100%, Gatheon the Archangel would absolutely never lie to any being. He is a straight a shooter and doesn’t beat around the bush. He unlocked the message on my back and one of these 4 events, would include the arrival of the antichrist. Its up to you whether or not you beLIEve this.

We have a recording coming if you wish to hear more. Wesdoo.

11-29-23-The 4 Pulsing Streaks and Gatheon’s unravelling the mystery.
11-29-23- Talking Heads Information and their connection to the Alliance

11-29-23- Another succesful rescue mission was carried out yesterday on Feymoria. Angie is a Frost Dragon who was being held prisoner, she was chained and tortured on a Reptilian Outpost not too far from Feymoria.

One of the reasons why Dragons have a bad reputation is because they are tortured but at least now, we have proof that crimes against another sentient being are still being carried out by the Reptillian Empire.

So what are you going to do about this little bit of information Galactic Federation? Do you still support the Reptilian Empire knowing they are torturing and abusing beings? ARE YOU MOUTHPIECES PAYING ATTENTION NOW because they-them will do the same to you at some point.

All proof is being documented and put together such as: Angie is one of the 13 Dragons first Created by our Divine Creator. The beings who were torturing her, chained her up against a large rock. They had used devices on her to inflict pain and suffering. They embedded other devices on her to make her sick and keep Angie compliant. If she was hungry she was being forced to eat the prisoners the Reptilians had captured. HOW ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING THESE BEINGS ARE YET THE TERRANS COVER UP FOR THEM ALL THE TIME!

My sister the Empress is furious and has sent all kinds of documentation to the Divine Courts and other agencies. She is now demanding justice for these atrocities against the Dragons.

Today, Angie is traumatized but alive and with time, she will recover. She will need all of Feymoria to help her emotionally because this is something that will take a long time for her to feel safe again.

On top of that, TIA has now been given command over all the dragons from the Divine Creator to go out into the Universe and begin rescuing other dragons who are still being tortured. THE DRAGONS ARE COMING FOR THEIR TORTURERS and we have so many on Feymoria now, who all serve The Fey Mother AND THE DIVINE CREATOR.

11-29-23- In these scriptures…Think in terms of Political figure heads – World Leaders and the Animal Creatures like the Dragon (China) – Leopard (Somalia) – Lion (Britain) – etc. – which animal in the scripture represents these corrupt Kings of the Earth and then link the scripture to this dimensional game happening now on Terra. Revelations 13:
11-29-23- Another Communication-Shutdown. This time it was Mikes computer. More info on the 4 major events coming to Terra.
11-30-23 Today’s image that appeared on my back around 4 am. The Sun still sits on my left shoulder. Now… there are 7 wavy lines that come from the Sun and are directly hitting Terra-Earth.

1. 7 is a Divine Number – actually it is one of the Creators favorite.
2. The wavy lines represent the color rays – flame – light that are now hitting this Matrix. 3. The Egg or SUN is pulsing energy every day now and is about to crack open.
11-30-23 Another image appeared on my back today and this one relates to the Color Spectrum of what we see and the Divine Flame Colorations.
11-30-23- This might help explain the SUN cracking open. Didn’t Q also say there would be a blackout on the 1st Dec? Hamas now say they have the plans to blow up the world. Watch the video.
11-30-23- It makes no difference to us, if you believe these recordings are real or not BUT you can take the wisdom from the information that comes from them. THE WARS IN THE UNIVERSE ARE ONGOING and this recording is from a former Terran who now lives on Feymoria. There is hope Terra and JJ lives it every day now as an Archeologist on Feymoria. By the way Arissa and J.J now have 2 Children and we are so happy for them.
11-30-23- Daphne Blue Fey. We were talking together for 15 minutes before we realized one of the beings had put the recorder on. Anyway, meet one of the beautiful blue fey and the most chatty of them so far is Miss Daphne.
11-30-23- Because some demons just want to blow up the world. This discussion is also about using Logic, common Sense and trying to combine spirituality into all of this type of thinking too.
11-30-3- The Middle Path is the path spoken of in the Christian Bible but they only mention 2 paths. In dimensional spiritual understanding there are always 3 paths – 3 energies – 3 doorways … we have been teaching about the 3 spiritual doorways since I saw them in a vision back in 2011. 😉 The full view of this image can be found on Telegram
11-30-23- In 2010 I had a vision of how the walls of the Temple at Heliopolis looked. The image you see is of the SUN our Divine Creator’s portal which obviously the people of Kemet understood as well. The images would change ike a screensaver, depending on the direction of the sun and the time of day.

The Pyramid in the middle of the room would direct the light around the walls, so the priestesses could see the secrets written on those walls. As the light hit the wall, inscriptions would come to life. Notice also, there are 13 major stars near to the Sun on the wall. They represent the ancient 13 beings who helped our Divine Creator work the balance on this and other matrixes.

Heliopolis was destroyed, so you could never know or even understand these inscriptions, which held the secrets of the Universe. Only 40 fragments remain of the temple today – one of those fragments have a part of Karshdee’s history written into them, with the 3 wives around the feet of Djoser. See Below
This is one of the recovered 40 fragments from the temple of Heliopolis showing Pharoah Djoser with 3 wives – not the 2 history says he had – the 3rd being Karshdee who is depicted hugging Djoser’s ankle.
12-01-23- This song is for all the Inverted mouthpieces pretending to be female, social media wannabe females, Grandma’s who are also born male and any other representative who was born with a penis who now wears a dress. Trannies singing about other trannies. Oh the bloody irony.

This song has now become the female Goddesses battle cry for when they come after the pretenders – the Ancient Goddesses do not like being mocked…
12-01-23- How many of you female inversions can actually do what a REAL GIRL can do? Who birthed your babies because if you still have a NUB it certainly wasn’t YOU. Did you ever have a period where you laid in bed with cramps so bad you thought you were gonna have another baby? NO?

Goddesses of The SUN – The MOON and The STARS who are also here to help Gaia renew are not going to put up with the mockery on Terra for much longer. None of you males, are Ishtar and even that story was a lie too. NEWSFLASH: She was 100% female not Trans – YOUR GODS AND HISTORY LIED TO YOU AS WELL.

Ancient Spirituality, Extraterrestrial Life, Cover Ups, Current Events