November 2021

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Because our Cutting Room Floor Page was hacked we will be uploading ALL PAST RECORDINGS IN A BIG DUMP of MP3 Downloads ON THE ANCIENTS PAGE. We will send you a link to listen to these conversations. We apologize for any inconvenience but we figure this is the easiest way for everyone to hear the information as needed.

11-20-21: Pandemic Babies and Future Expectations. How the Terran leaders are still lying to people.
11-20-21 Keep Father The Creator close to you heart.
11-22-21: The Fire God shows himself in this video of 10-26-21
Here he is. The lava has now reached the West Coast of the island of La Palma

Here is this month’s ASC Trade Publication, FREE to cutting room floor members. This is a giood issue because it discusses many important survival tips you might need.

ASC Survival issue 26/(93 total),
November 2021:


11-23-21 Updates
11-24-21- Current Updates-Non Terrestrial Games still being played on Terra-4th-dimension happenings – a warning of walking through the Maw.
This could easily happen as the Anunnaki have the power to direct asteroid attacks from space.
11-24-21 The X-Box is back to talking again and this time it wasn’t even on.
11-25-21: The fight between Cabals now begins over Your Spirituality, Emotions and Soul
11-27-21: Trump has been the President of the Republic of America since Jan 24, 2021. That means everyone who has died from the jab under his watch didn’t have to. Gas prices didn’t need to soar, food shortages didn’t need to happen, Gesara should have happened, businesses didn’t need to fail and all the rest of the nonsense we are currently witnessing. Limbarsha’s games are killing people. Red Guard Versus White Guard Bolshevik Games.
11-29-21-Updates on Terra-Happenings and illusionary political games.
Terra is Toroidal not flat and not round. It matches the energy that comes from your body and why we agree that …we are all one. Your energy connects to Gaia and vice versa.
Why its so important to protect your DNA and the facts about giving blood.
11-30-21 The Deception Continues

“The covenant allowed the Draco’s to install their general, Anu, as ‘the Lord’ (yes, you know, the ‘Lord’ from the Bible), on this planet and harvest everything, tangible and intangible, upon it. Anu, his sons, Enlil and Enki, (who are covered extensively in the Sumerian texts, but whose roles are presented in reverse), and his grandson, Marduk, successfully and covertly co-opted the free will of humanity.”

My understanding is a bit different from this information above and considering I have spoken to Anu, Enki and Marduk some of Kim’s information clashes with the information I was given. As we have said many times before the Anunnaki were asked to play specific roles on this planet because Terra is a school of learning. That also included doctrine and it was done for the Terrans to see through the illusions and deception. Part of the final play and reset of this planet involved knowledge and understanding of a play being acted out.

Does this mean all Anunnaki are goodly beings? No, because just as we have evil humans, so does the Anunnaki have darker ones who have done wrong too. BUT I do know that Enki never created any species without permission to use genetic materials because before any new species is created, there is a council of beings who approve all new species while The creator watches over the Process. So Enki had father’s permission to create the Terrans and he was really proud of what he created too. He said to me “Finally my creation can now be realized throughout the Universe.” That doesn’t sound like someone who wanted to keep the Terrans as a slave race but rather someone who could see them reach their potential. Enki is a genetic scientist and he is a very good one too, although these days he doesn’t create new species like he once did. At the time when the Terrans were created he was considered one of the best in the Universe and his knowledge of creating new species was unique. The Reptilians were originally a slave race, who were in servitude but as you can see, like all species they evolved to become what they are now… Marduk likes power for sure and he is not to be trusted but Enki and Anu have moved on to other parts of the Universe where they live mostly peaceful lives these days. Most of the Anunnaki don’t even really talk about them much anymore because they too evolved.

It was The Draco’s who invaded Terra after they destroyed Mars. The Lyrans once lived on Mars and it was the Draco’s who wiped out their cities which forced many of the Lyrans to escape Mars and live on their ships. Nuclear war happened on Mars which also forced the Dracos off the planet and they came to Terra. These beings were the fallen angels spoken of in the Bible and over time they implanted their DNA into the Terrans in order to control them. They couldn’t stand the fact, their genetics were not a part of the original seeded species, so they created their own. The Terrans had a 3rd eye which was a gift from The Creator which also allowed them to create and see far. The Draco’s couldn’t create without hijacking other species knowledge and memories which is what they did with the Terrans through memory wipes each and every life.

When Marduk came to speak with me, he wanted to get off the Moon and he told me as much. So he came to make a deal with The Creator of All because he knew I was communicating with him. Marduk was placed on the Moon as a punishment for the role he played in facilitating this problem with the Draco’s on Terra and he was placed there by the Anunnaki. He was held prisoner on the Moon until about 5 years ago when a large explosion was captured on video coming from the Moon. At that time Marduk was released by the cabal where he has been monitoring the situation here on Terra ever since.

When I spoke to Anu I never had any feeling from him that he was evil. As a matter of fact he spoke directly to me but in a kind manner. When Enki came to speak with me he told me a different story than what was inscribed in the Sumerian tablets which most Terrans still go by over a million years later. It seems the Terrans version of understanding is, everyone in the Universe evolved except the Anunnaki who are still evil. Does that make sense to you? The Creator doesn’t operate that way nor has he ever, as he gives every one of his children the opportunity to redeem themselves and many of the Anunnaki have. They now sit on councils which includes the Council of Light, they trade with other species, they give lower developed species, supplies and things they need to prosper. Currently The Creator is monitoring Marduk because of the deal he made and why he said to me “Wait until they get a load of me.” (He was referencing the Terrans). He no longer has the control he once did but he is under close scrutiny at this time.

Please also remember The Reptilians also had control of the timelines and The Looking Glass on Terra, which meant they could easily go back in time and change anything in our history they wanted. This included some of the history about the Anunnaki on this planet. The Reptilians made the Anunnaki out to be monsters which they are not – and they did this so the Terrans could have a boogeyman to be afraid of…hence why history has only ever recorded these beings as being diabolical.

The Current Anunnaki Emperor of this part of the Galaxy is Frederick the 7th and he is in servitude to The Creator. Last year he gifted The Fae (yes as real species) a planet, which has now been recorded in the hall of records as Faemoria. Frederick is Aya’s father and together they have helped initiate a Council on Faemoria, set up trade negotiations to help them prosper, sent an Armada of ships around the planet to protect the Fae and has also given these beings materials for building and development. All of this has been done under the guidance of The Creator.

The one thing I have noticed with information that others speak of concerning the Anunnaki history, they have never had a conversation with any of the Anunnaki and secondly, The Creator is never mentioned anywhere in their knowledge base. So that’s the information I personally know about The Anunnaki and Terra…

Ancient Spirituality, Extraterrestrial Life, Cover Ups, Current Events