October 2020 MP3’s

October 2020 MP3’s

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October is a great month. Vlad thinks so.
Did-You-Ever-Consider-Nature-This-Way Before?
The Government You Know Is A Corporation
Upcoming Events – Family Discussion 10-05-20
About Q and All Those Fans- We Say Where Are The Arrests? Where are all the rescued children? What Happened to Them? Do You Know What Almost Happened This Past Monday?
The Soul- DisbeLIEf- Going from the 3rd and passing into the 4th Dimension
About Depression- Some Helpful Advice From Mike
Aya Talks About Food- Clothing- Health and Credits In The Universe
Since Trump-Limbarsha Got Back-Mr. Cati-The Black Eye-What’s Wrong With Ryan?
The Oceanics Are Getting Ready To Speak To Humanity
Bum Bleachers-Negative Energy-Stay At Home and Protection
Tea With Aya Conversation 1
Delusion – Illusion – Deception
Dreaming Versus Reality – 3D Programmed Thinking
Tea With Aya – So You Think It Would Be Fun To Live With Us?
Are You A Racist Toward Other Species?
Is Plan B Yellowstone? And About Those Dogmen
A Message From The Liberation Fleet 10-19-2020
George Introduces When The Ancients Speak Today
Plan A -B -C -D -E
So Do We Want Another Cat?
Gods Role Play To Teach Us Lessons
Who Do We Trust?
Things Are About To Change On Planet Earth 10-23-20
We Love This Video. Enjoy.
Its All About Division And Taking What They Want
Yes Our Family Are Totally Crazy
We Got Slammed With Snow

Blog Post 10-11-20

TOTALLY DISGUSTING: Is it any wonder The Great Creator is angry. ABORTIONS ARE BIG BUSINESS on this planet. The covenant of not touching children in any way, shape or form has been definitely broken…

“Rudolf Steiner on vaccination… I have told you that the spirits of darkness are going to inspire their human hosts, in whom they will be dwelling, to find a vaccine that will drive all inclination towards spirituality out of people’s souls when they are still very young, and this will happen in a roundabout way through the living body. Today, bodies are vaccinated against one thing and another; in future, children will be vaccinated with a substance which it will certainly be possible to produce, and this will make them immune, so that they do not develop foolish inclinations connected with spiritual life — ‘foolish’ here, of course, in the eyes of materialists.” -Dornach, 27 October 1917. Download The Lecture Here: https://wn.rsarchive.org/Lectures/GA177/English/RSP1993/19171027p01.html

Hidden Ingredients in Children’s Vaccines…

RA273: Taken from the lung of a 3 month gestation aborted baby.
R=Rubella, A=Abortus, 27=27th baby, 3=3rd tissue explant. (Then cultivated on the WI-38 aborted fetal cell line to get the MMR viruses. Stanley Plotkin, vaccine developer, would later reveal that 40 more babies were aborted after RA273 was successfully isolated, with virus strains taken from 34 of them. A total of over 80 separate abortions were involved in the research and final production of the present day rubella vaccine- 21 abortions from the original WI-1 through WI-26 fetal cell lines that failed, plus WI-38 itself, plus 67 from the attempts to isolate the rubella virus.)

MRC-5: Developed in 1970 from the lung tissue of a 14 week gestation male baby. Introduced in Great Britain by the Medical Research Council.

HEK-293: Developed in 1973 from aborted baby kidney cells genetically engineered combined with adenovirus. 293 is the number of the experiment.

Per C6: Developed in 2001 from an isolated retina of a baby about 18 weeks gestation. This cell line was made to be ‘immortal’ but failed. It caused cancerous tumors in mice. Was used in the HIV vaccine trial but caused cancer so it was pulled. Crucell-advent of their PER C6 fetal cell line took off. PER C6 is a normal cell that has been modified to resist cell senescence. In doing so, it introduces the potential for cancer to form in the vaccine recipient.

WI-26 VA4: An SV40 transformed derivative of WI-26, a human diploid cell line derived from embryonic lung tissue of a male Caucasian. The cells have SV40 T-Ag but infectious virus has not been rescued.

WALVAX2 (there were 9 abortions for the development of this fetal cell line). Recently developed from the lung tissue of a 3 month gestation baby girl. To replace the current MRC-5 and WI-38 which are depleting. To obtain all these, the scientists had to be present at the time of the abortion because “In order to sustain 96% of the cells, the live tissue would need to be preserved within 5 minutes of the abortion”-Dr. C. Ward Kischer.

About WALVAX2. This is a brand new line in which 9 babies died in the making and the baby ultimately used was intentionally delivered alive in the sac for best harvesting. This is going to be the New MMR.

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