October, 2022

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10-03-22- Continual Sun Flares and Hurricane Ian disaster updates.
10-04-22- A Clockwork Universe.
10-05-22- Swirling-death-or-something-else?
10-05-22- A video created from the conversation we had on 10-04-22
10-08-22- The Bubble Universe That Connects Us To The Sun
10-09-22- About Lump With Steven Conversation
10-09-22- We can read your mind
10-10-22- IsRaEL is last and why Elon Musk an Kayne West are coming forward now.
10-12-22- Ukraine- The Ark – Why all the fighting over who controls Ukraine?
10-12-22- Starlink and changes coming to the Internet
10-14-22- Human statues becoming the many faceless Gods
Real Terrans turned into statues as per our MP3 conversation above.
10-16-22- How we survive the nightmare

10-17-22- So Aya was talking to some of the Earth Alliance Council members yesterday. His suggestion was to offer Med-bed technology and replicators to all the humans, as this would immediately eliminate any problems they may have with food, health and shelter. He was told THEY would consider his words, to which Aya said…

“Any being on this council who will not help their own people or those non-terrestrials who are now sitting on this council, I want to remind you of the contract you signed with the Jupiter Accords. You’ve all had years to complete your agreement, yet the Terrans are still suffering. What happened in Antarctica and why are there so many continual delays?

Any being who will not allow the most basic of technology to be given to it’s people for health, food and shelter is an evil establishment and our creator has given you many months to complete your tasks, yet the Terrans suffering continues? Our Great Father has grown weary of these delays and is about to open the portals on Terra, which will allow the Divine Armies to enter onto this planet and correct this evil.

In that day, will also come the family members who have been waiting for the return of their loved ones for decades. These families will also have claims against this council for loss and recompense for the suffering. Then their anger will turn toward the evil ones who deliberately locked away their loved ones for centuries. The flood gates are about to be opened and it will be our Creator who will be opening them. You cannot stop what is coming, Aya said with a smirk on his face.” 😇

The Earth Alliance Council is about to be spanked hard, if they don’t pull their heads out and follow The Creators instructions.

10-18-22- Reptilians return with contracts in their hands to collect their quota.
10-18-22- https://whentheancientsspeak.com/archives-of-feymoria/
10-19-22- White Prismatic Dragon Bree on Feymoria Introduces Herself to Everyone
10-19-22- Black Dragon Ebon Introduces Himself From Feymoria
10-20-22- DutchSinse Reports and becoming more Dimensionally Aware
10-21-22- The Sky In The Last 24 Hours around our Home
10-22-22- Creatures on Terra
10-23-22- The Original Recording is on The Feymorians Archives Page. Here is that Interview with JJ an Arissa
10-24-22- That’s a bad kitty
10-25-22- mRNA in the vaccine is BORG technology that belongs to the reptilians
10-25-22– Dragons Mia and Tia chat with everyone.
10-26-22- Our Decision
10-28-22- Gematria Watch and Coding -November 11- Flooding
10-18-22- You need to watch this video

10-29-22- Earth Alliance Council and the Council of Light are not helping us even though they claim they are. Yesterday in a meeting with the Anunnaki Empress, they were accused of having wicked beings on their councils because things are not improving on Terra… but quite the opposite. My sister the Anunnaki Empress of this Galaxy was fuming at the end of the meeting, and lets just say all of her questions about what these Councils are actually doing to help the Terrans remain unanswered.

She wanted to know why Lump was looshing from state to state, instead of helping the Terrans as promised? Where is Nesara -Gesara as it’s the Terrans birthright and THEY have no right to hold that back because the funds do not belong to them? Where are the healing beds? Why was the Earth Alliance Council attending the meeting with masks on, because they look like they have something to hide?

There were a couple of other written questions my sister asked about and all she got back from the Councils was “We will look into it.” At which my sister said… “I am the Empress of this Galaxy and I am sick of your delays and your poor excuses. So how about I bring an Armada of Anunnaki ships and claim our right to take back Terra or I can level the planet? Either way all of you will have nothing to say about it because none of you will be around for much longer, how about that? At that point you could have heard a pin drop on the call…

The Empress proceeded with “You haven’t done what our Creator asked you to do either, and I have run out of patience. We want our family members back…SO GET IT DONE NOW…or the Anunnaki are stepping in.

The Council responded with “you can’t do that, Terra is on lockdown”…The Empress replied back with “watch me, you are not doing what you promised either” and then proceeded to get up and leave the Council meeting. ITS OFFICIAL MY SISTER IS PISSED and she is about to clean house and I actually feel sorry for any of those beings at the meeting too. The Anunnaki use Vindicare Assassins and they are the best trained in the Galaxy. If you find a White Rose in your presence, home, work or anywhere near you, it’s 24 hours to escape before they strike, this way they give the being a fighting chance of survival.

So now I guess the Council realizes, they had just messed around with the Anunnaki for the last time. The clock is ticking all right…and its looking right back at the Council of Light and the Earth Alliance Council.

THE Earth Alliance told my sister they have something BIG planned very soon…Prepare.

10-29-22- Did I mention before I have 2 Anunnaki-Fey daughters who are also Vindicare Assassins? That makes the Empress their Aunt and they would do anything for her if asked. 2 of my daughters also used to sit on the Council of Light, until they realized the Council had been infiltrated by beings who were not exactly light beings themselves. So you see the obfuscation is everywhere on the Councils too and so too, is the information the Terrans are given from the mouthpieces on this planet. The difference between what the mouthpieces on Terra will tell you and me is, I am telling the truth and not reading off a B.S script like the rest of them. Anyway this is a conversation I had with my eldest daughter Clemmie a couple of years back.
10-29-22- Sandunes conversation
10-30-22 – Good Morning
10-31-22- Updates

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