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09-01-22- You should know there has been discussions recently from different factions of Non-Terrestrials who are asking to take their family members off world now. There are other beings who want to transport certain humans to ark ships because the Dark A.I has become a real problem. To fix the issue over the dark A.I, something has to be done now, as many non-terrestrials are tired of waiting while the games continue to happen on this planet.

As we have mentioned before there is only about 22% of humanity left that can really call themselves “Human”, according to the biologists who came here 5 years ago. The Dark A.I has already seized control of much of the human DNA and or watered down many humans gene pool to hybrids, android, non-human, inversions, mutations, part humanoid like beings.

The dark A.I has become a real problem throughout the Universe and why different non-terrestrial factions are now calling for a clean sweep of Terra and to begin again. Most people we perceive as being human are not anymore and the 22% who are left, well their DNA is considered worth saving.

The discussions are: Motherships would house the remaining 22% of humans for a period of 12 to 24 months, while the ancients would come back to reseed and clean the planet. The 22% would then come back to a clean and beautiful Terra. This consideration has now been put before the Divine Courts and The Creator. I wanted to give you this information because this is the latest from other factions who are sick of the nonsense happening on Terra, They want an end to this crap and the deliberate harvesting of our planet. I will keep you posted if or when something is decided. Talk to our Creator about this situation as well. PS: There is no death – just the transformation of who you really are. Wesdoo Airadeel.

09-03-22- 2 US-bombers with 3 escorting bomber jets were seen flying over Stockholm Sweden today. Why?

09-03-22- Grandchild “Cookie” has been born and I was given a snapshot of how she will look in the future. Beautiful isn’t she!
09-04-22- The Kitty -The Cat Box and other conversation.

09-04-22 Wild Places
09-05-22- Imagination and Creativity helps us connect to The Divine Creator. Sorry our batteries died about 5 minutes before we finished this recording. We will re-discuss where we left off in another recording.
09-05-22- What The Heck Is Going On Lately?
09-06-22-Sound- Voice- Tone- Soul Power
09-06-22- The mighty being in the Schumann is back today.
09-07-22- About The Sun and Other Interesting Facts
09-08-22- Todays-Dimensional-Movie-News
09-08-22- The English Queen -The Skesis Gather in Balmoral for the official movie death
09-08-22- A brilliant dimensional moment in this meme.
09-10-22– ALSO The Schumann Resonance is now on DAY 4 missing. I believe it has something to do with the powerful being who has returned in the Schumann from May. These Luciferian fools are about to get their clocks cleaned by The Divine Creator.
09-09-22- The Fireside Night Chat
09-10-22- Trying-To Dazzle-Us AGAIN.
09-11-22- Dracula-was an Orthodox Christian Fighting The Turks who were Muslim. King Charles 111 is now about to do the same in England as The English are being over run in the UK. Charles admitted to being part of Dracula’s bloodline but we believe they are one in the same being. Vampiric of course they are.
09-11-22- We Are Now Entering that time period, when the Terrans will see crazy things happening all over the place.
09-13-22- The New Middle East
09-14-22– The White Witch of the Northern Gate AKA The Fey Mother on Feymoria
09-15-22- Now is the time with Stephen.
09-15-22- The Night Sky-Fire
09-16-22- Steve was abducted in 1926
1926 Chevy
09-18-22- Foretold Events Are Beginning to Occur
09-18-22- Feebis Popped In Again
09-19-22- Will there be a shutdown or main event between September 20 to 23?
09-21-22- Aya Speaks On Aquaponics and Food
09-23-22- About The Schumann – Who What and Why
A Video From the Aya food growing conversation.
09-24-22- Real Dimensional Games
09-24-22- Mayfis- The Dorn – came to visit us this morning. He is part of the Group known as Dominionya. Mayfis and his crew are privateers, mercenaries, and black market profiteers. Carpet baggers.
09-25-22- Divide and conquer – what will our Divine Creator Do? We were saving this recording for tomorrow but we figure…why not now with everything going so crazy.
09-24-22- Mayfis again in a video
09-26-22- Its An Intelligence Game
09-26-22- The Porch-Conversation
09-27-22- The Rant
09-28-22- The Way It Is
09-29-22- In The Water Storms – Watch The Water
09-29-22- Eastern Teachings
09-30-22- What’s all that in the Schumann?

Ancient Spirituality, Extraterrestrial Life, Cover Ups, Current Events